International Seminar on Learning Regions and Cities promoting Active Citizenship At the invitation of The City of Pécs and The Committee of the Regions 11 September 2006 BMÖ Assembly Hall Papnövelde u. 5. Pécs, Hungary DRAFT PROGRAMME CdR 230/2006 EN/vh -1Introductions I am delighted to welcome you all to the city of Pécs in Baranya County in Hungary for the seminar of the Commission for Education, Culture and Research of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union. Pécs is the ideal place to host a seminar for the Members of the EDUC Commission as it has been, for over a millennia, at the heart of education and culture in the region. It is home to the oldest university in Hungary, established in 1367 and is home to many cultural events and festivals, as well as a future European Capital of Culture for 2010. Yet Pécs is also a centre of innovation and hosts exceptional modern day facilities, like the assembly hall of Pécs where the seminar itself will be taking place. The seminar will discuss the policy issues surrounding education and its connection to active citizenship. It will also highlight best practice from the region and elsewhere in Europe. I hope that you will find it interesting and take home information that can be usefully used in your own regions and cities. I look forward to seeing you in Pécs. Balázs Németh Alternate Member of the Committee of the Regions Member of Pécs City Council ******************************************************************************** It is my pleasure, as President of the Commission for Culture, Education and Research of the Committee of the Regions to welcome you to the city of Pécs. This conference, Learning Regions and Cities Promoting Active Citizenship is an excellent opportunity for the CoR and the City of Pécs to collaborate on these important policy areas. The CoR has maintained that access to a knowledge society is a fundamental aspect of a citizens Europe. This concerns not only the integration of people into the labour market but also into social, cultural and civic life. Education in active citizenship can help impart basic values of private, social and civic life such as solidarity; tolerance and understanding of cultural diversity and thereby contribute towards combating racism and xenophobia. It can also help promote the ability of people to participate in the democratic decision-making process and participation in civil society. A common thread running through the CoR's Opinions has been a focus on using education and training actions as a key to promoting active citizenship. It is at local and regional level that people, in particular young people, express active citizenship in practice. Young people’s active citizenship, their sense of European belonging, and their growing sense of solidarity and mutual understanding are essential for the social cohesion of the Union and for peace. The seminar aims to address these issues and promote the exchange of best practice of educational initiatives and strategies for active citizenship at local and regional level. It aims also to promote cooperation between local and regional authorities to create Learning regions and cities. CdR 230/2006 EN/vh .../... -2I hope this conference will prove to be stimulating and effective in making a real contribution to the development of future education and active citizenship policies. Jyrki Myllyvirta Chairman of the EDUC Commission of the Committee of the Regions Mayor of Mikkeli, Finland * * CdR 230/2006 EN/vh * .../... -3- Sunday 10 September 2006 8 p.m. Reception and official dinner for Members Pezsgőház Restaurant Szent István Square, Pécs Monday 11 September 2006 9.30-10 a.m. Registration of Delegates and coffee Press Conference 10 a.m. Opening address Dr László Toller (to be confirmed) Mayor of the City of Pécs Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary (to be confirmed) Dr Ferenc Kékes (to be confirmed) President of the General Assembly of Baranya County Dr Imre László Komlósi Vice-President of the University of Pécs Mr Jyrki Myllyvirta Mayor of Mikkeli, Finland Chairman of the Commission for Education, Culture and Research of the Committee of the Regions 10.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. Session I: Education as key to promoting active citizenship Introduction: Mr Balázs Németh, Member of Pécs City Council Access to a knowledge society is a fundamental aspect of a citizens Europe. This concerns not only the integration of people into the labour market but also into social, cultural and civic life. Education CdR 230/2006 EN/vh .../... -4in active citizenship can help impart basic values such as solidarity, tolerance and understanding of cultural diversity and thereby contribute towards combating racism and xenophobia. It can also help promote the ability of people to participate in the democratic decision-making process and participation in civil society. This session will look at how the European Union can promote active citizenship in particular at local and regional level. Chair: Mr Jyrki Myllyvirta, Chairman of the EDUC Commission Youth and active citizenship – the involvement of young people Mr Pierre Mairesse (to be confirmed) Director Youth, Sport and relations with the Citizen DG Education and Culture, European Commission Title Member of the European Parliament (to be confirmed) Active citizenship from a local and regional perspective Mr Roberto Pella Member of Biella Municipal Council Member of the EDUC Commission and Rapporteur of the CoR’s opinion on Addressing the concerns of young people in Europe - implementing the European Youth Pact and promoting active citizenship The Policy approach of Central Eastern Europe Mr János Sz. Tóth President of the Hungarian Folk High School Society 12-12.30 p.m. Questions and Answers 12.30-2 p.m. Lunch 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Session II: Best practices to promote active citizenship through education and training at local and regional level This session will look at how cities and regions cooperate in promoting active citizenship in their education and training programmes. The session will also look at how regions can use opportunities to set up networks in this area. CdR 230/2006 EN/vh .../... -5Chair: Dr Imre László Komlósi, Vice-President of the University of Pécs Re-examining Education and Training for Governance and Active Citizenship in Europe Mrs Teréz Kleisz Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development University of Pécs Active citizenship - bringing young people closer to Europe. Best practices in Germany Mrs Kerstin Kiessler Member of the EDUC Commission of the Committee of the Regions Best practice example on active citizenship from Ireland Mr Seamus Murray Member of the EDUC Commission of the Committee of the Regions The promotion of active citizenship in adult learning Representative of the European Association for Education of Adults (EAEA) Active citizenship best practice Mr. Svein Kr. Waale Head of Youth Subcommittee of the Association of European Regions (AER) 3.30-4 p.m. 4 p.m. Questions and Answers Closing Remarks Jyrki Myllyvirta Chairman of the EDUC Commission of the Committee of the Regions INTERPRETATION: FR/DE/EN/IT/HU * * CdR 230/2006 EN/vh * .../... -6EUROPEAN UNION Committee of the Regions ATTENDANCE FORM Meeting of the Commission for Culture, Education and Research I, the undersigned ..................................................................................................................................... being a member of the Committee of the Regions will attend the EDUC seminar will not attend the EDUC seminar on 11 September 2006. My alternate: Mr/Ms: .................................................................................................................................................... will stand in for me at the meeting. Names of experts who will attend as observers: ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. Date: ..................................................................................... Signature: ............................................................................. Please note that this form should only be submitted to the EDUC secretariat once you have received confirmation of your participation (see attached letter) (+ 32-2-282 2071). CdR 230/2006 EN/vh .../... -7Hotel reservation form Please book directly with the hotel. Addresses can also be found at Surname: Forename: Address: Email address: Telephone (+ country code): Fax (+ country code): HOTELS PROPOSED BY THE CO-ORGANISER Please tick the boxes corresponding to your choice of hotel and hotel room: Hotel Palatinus*** 7621 Pécs, Király utca 5. Tel: +36 72 889 400 standard single room €58 standard double room €64 superior single room €68 superior double room €74 superior plus single room €74 superior plus double room €80 book by 15 August Hotel Central*** 7621 Pécs, Bajcsy Zsilinszky u. 7. Tel.: +36 72 525 602 Fax: +36 72 525 603 Quote “CoR conference” €40 single room €55 double room book by 1 September Please tick the boxes corresponding to your choice of night in the chosen hotel Sunday 10 September 2006 Monday 11 September 2006 Total number of nights: ………………………… DATE........................................................... SIGNATURE............................................................. -8EUROPEAN UNION Committee of the Regions Seminar of the Commission for Culture, Education and Research Pécs, 11 September 2006 REGISTRATION FORM FOR EVENTS IN CONNECTION WITH MEETING Please register also on the website of the conference Please complete in type Surname: Member of the Committee of the Regions Forename: Other (assistant, observer, expert, interpreter, etc.) Organisation Address: Post code: Town/city: Country: Email: Telephone (including country code): Fax (including country code): Will be accompanied by: ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PARTICIPANTS Important: Two coach transfers will be provided for Members at peak times from Pécs Airport to the hotels for participants arriving on 10 September. There will be a coach transfer to Budapest for participants leaving from Budapest Ferihegy Airport on 11 September and another one for participants leaving from Pécs Airport on 12 September. If you require transfers, please fill in your arrival/departure dates and times below. -9Arrival date Flight arrival time Airline and flight number Departure date Flight departure time Airline and flight number REGISTRATION FOR DINNER AND LUNCH (please tick as applicable) I will attend the official dinner on Sunday 10 September 2006 I will attend the lunch on Monday 11 September 2006 I will be accompanied by ……………………………. (name of spouse/partner/etc) REGISTRATION FOR THE CULTURAL PROGRAMME ON 10 and 11 SEPTEMBER I will participate in the cultural programme on Sunday 10 September: Visiting the sites of world cultural heritage of Pécs (afternoon) I will participate in the cultural programme on Monday 11 September: Visiting the University of Pécs and its library from 5 p.m.) I will be accompanied by ……………………………. (name of spouse/partner/etc) VENUES Sunday 10 September 2006: Monday 11 September 2006: Reception and official dinner for members at 8 p.m.: Pezsgőház restaurant Pécs, Szent István square Seminar of the EDUC Commission from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. BMÖ Assembly Hall Pécs, Papnövelde u. 5. Lunch at 12.30 p.m. Bagolyvár restaurant Visit of the University of Pécs and its library at 5 p.m. - 10 - _____________