9.0 Upgrade Project Student Information Systems HRMS/SIS Joint Exec Committee Report SIS Update on 9.0 Upgrade September 14, 2007 Executive Summary 9.0 Upgrade UITS HRMS/SIS teams released full sized upgraded 9.0 TEST environment on June 1 for functional analysis. Fit/gap analysis activities were completed in the June through August 2007 for all module areas. o Major gaps and enhancements were identified by early August. Functional specifications to address gaps and new work requests were prepared and completed by end of August. Design Review and 9.0 Update meetings o Academic Advising – Hold monthly council meetings where new features are discussed, 9.0 issues are shared, etc. Computer lab sessions are scheduled to share with AA extended team (5 staff from campus / schools) 1 - 2 per month. Focus groups of interested University Advising Services Council attendees will be held in October for specific applications (old and new). A meeting is scheduled with the Bloomington Advising Council to discuss AA Sharepoint and the involvement of front line advisors in the upgrade process. o Admissions Monthly Admissions council meetings will continue October meeting to review 9.0 changes and various admissions topics o Financial Aid – Current proposal under discussion is that SES FA team members will schedule onsite visits for 1-2 days with interested FA campus offices starting in late October to review 9.0 navigation, functionality changes, and new self-service. o Student Records – Registrar Council attendees continue to meet weekly to review changes to 9.0, designs, and new self-service. o Student Financials – Design review meetings scheduled for October and November to review 9.0 navigation, functionality changes, and new self-service. Consulting resources o Full-time consultants for Academic Advising, Admissions/Campus Community, and Student Records o Part-time consultants for Financial Aid and Student Financials Page 1 9.0 Upgrade Project Student Information Systems HRMS/SIS Joint Exec Committee Report SIS Update on 9.0 Upgrade September 14, 2007 Majority of changes are in self-service o Student Center > General Application Student Center > Enrollment o Administrative Center >View My Advisees o Faculty Center & Rosters Current list of Enhancement Requests 9.0 Work Requests by Module by Tier Tier 3 Tier 3 Tier 1 Tier 2 (9.0) (8.0) Total Academic Advising 2 3 6 0 11 Admissions 5 0 0 0 5 8 3 2 12 5 37 2 1 1 3 0 10 0 1 0 4 0 11 0 0 0 21 1 22 10 5 3 40 6 80 Campus Community Financial Aid Student Financials Student Records Self-Service * Sub-total Communications February 2007 – 9.0 Joint Executive Update to VP’s May 2007 – 9.0 Upgrade early notification (for target audience below) June 2007 Joint Executive Update to VP’s September 2007 - Memo is currently in progress for communication to broad audience regarding the upgrade data and downtime (for target audience below) Monthly status reports are posted for IU community at http://ses.indiana.edu/studentInfoSystems/sisinfo/ Target audiences for communications o We have created a communication tree to forward communications to the following IU constituencies: VP’s, Deans, Directors and Chairs Student Service Council members Enrollment Officers Campus Student Service Offices Faculty Lists University Administration DSS Departmental & IUIE Users SIS Upgrade Project Team Page 2 9.0 Upgrade Project Student Information Systems HRMS/SIS Joint Exec Committee Report SIS Update on 9.0 Upgrade September 14, 2007 Support needs during 9.0 Upgrade downtime In order to support various SIS business processes during the upgrade downtime window (2/16/08-2/19/08), staff across all IU-campuses will need the ability to view student data using a copy of SIS. A “Read Only” copy of the production SIS 8.0 environment is being planned to serve as an inquiry and emergency credential environment. This environment will not be intended to support “update” activity. The IUIE DSS and the ODS will be available for query access. Approximate count of users that need read only access = 190 o Admissions (38) o Advising (4) o Student Records (79) o Financial Aid (32) o Student Financial (32) o SIS Help Desk (5) Each regional campus can anticipate access for 5 users in the registrar office; 2 staff in other offices. SES and Registrar staff agreed to provide support for the academic units. SIS Training Strategy A series of Online Demonstration/Tutorials for 9.0 navigation changes have been created. These demos provide an overview of navigational impacts/changes only. The tutorials along with printable job aids for 9.0 navigation are available now at the following site: http://ses.indiana.edu/studentInfoSystems/upgradeProj/training/upgrade/sisNavigati on o Some of the modules have expressed an interest in adding to the navigation tutorial with specific navigation paths for their module area. The Training Team will work with these areas to complete these demos. o The Training Team will also plan to provide instructor-led/classroom demos of the navigation changes in January and February 2008 for the staff who would rather participate in a classroom training session as opposed to an online demonstration. The SES Training Team plans to update and continue providing the instructor-led basic classes such as: PeopleSoft Basics, IUIE Reporting Basics, SF Customer Services for Departmental Staff, Academic Advising Tools, etc, after the 9.0 Upgrade. PS 8.0 classes will be discontinued on 9/30/07 through the end of the year in order to prepare training materials/documentation for the 9.0 Upgrade. Page 3 9.0 Upgrade Project Student Information Systems HRMS/SIS Joint Exec Committee Report SIS Update on 9.0 Upgrade September 14, 2007 9.0 Training Expectations from Module Areas Academic Advising The Training Team will work with AA team to update the current AA documentation for 9.0 with the strategy of converting any online help procedures to job aids. If campuses would like to customize this documentation to specifically fit their individual campus business processes, it will be available for them to do that. The Training Team will also work with AA team to deliver classes related to functionality changes/updates (an example of this is Degree Audit Coding changes). Admissions The Training Team will work with AD team to create/update job aids/training documentation. If campuses would like to customize this documentation to specifically fit their individual campus business processes, it will be available for them to do that. The Training Team will also work with AD team to deliver a Prospects class. Financial Aid The FA team will update/create the FA documentation. The FA team will provide training to the FA community (during FAD meetings, hands-on workshops or through documentation/jobs aids). The FA team does not anticipate that any “formal” training will be needed for the 9.0 upgrade. Student Financials The SF team will update/create the SF documentation and post it to the Bursar SharePoint site. The SF IUPUI team (SAInTs) will share their process guides with the other campuses so they can customize them for their own campus business processes. The SES Training team will add a link on our SIS Online Help website to the Bursar SharePoint site. We will also add a contact email address (adsv@iupui.edu) for those who would need access to the site. The SF Team does not anticipate that any “formal” training will be needed for the 9.0 upgrade unless they decide to use the new Collections functionality. If requests come through the SES Training Team for SF related training materials/topics, we will refer them to the campus Bursar. Student Records The Training Team will work with the SR team to update the current SR documentation for 9.0 with the strategy of converting any online help procedures to job aids. If campuses would like to customize this documentation to specifically fit their individual campus business processes, it will be available for them to do that. The Training Team will work with the SR team to create job aids and/or tutorials for the new Administrative Center/Student Center, as well as job aids for other functionality changes in 9.0 (for example Class Permissions, Service Indicators, Name changes, Address Changes, etc). Page 4 9.0 Upgrade Project Student Information Systems HRMS/SIS Joint Exec Committee Report SIS Update on 9.0 Upgrade September 14, 2007 SIS Decision Support 9.0 Planning Objective: keep report objects the same as 8.0! Detailed plans communicated to module areas Non-IUIE report objects - responsibility of module areas/offices, i.e., Aqua Data Studio, Shadow Systems, etc. DSS 9.0 Testing Phases Phase 1: (Completed) Testing report objects with changes - Jul 1 – Aug 21 o 8.0 to 9.0 DSS changes documented (DB compare) o Targeted list of affected reports Phase 2: (underway) Regression Testing - Aug 28 – Dec 10 o Test all report objects/business processes Phase 3: Acceptance/Final Testing - Dec 10 - Go-live Update on 9.0 DSS Upgrade Migrated 9.0 to IUIE test environment provide ability to fully test all report objects – data sourced from PeopleSoft regression environment Distributed DSS 9.0 Upgrade FAQ document 9.0 requests already submitted o AAD: 0 requests o ADM: 4 PDQ requests o FA: 2 PDQ requests o IR: 1 DG request o PSE: 1 DG request o SF: 3 PDQ requests o SR: 3 DG requests, 1 PDQ request Testing Strategy Implemented new 9.0 DSS testing tool – provides a web interface to complete inventory of all SIS reports. Plans are to use the tool to ensure each SIS report has been tested Upcoming next steps o Contact SIS/DSS leads for each module area this week SR= Clark Sorensen, SF= Susie Sullivan, FA= Steve Martino, ADM= Megan Gleber, AA= Jim Murray Deadline for requests: October 1 Upcoming communication plans regarding SIS DSS Impact of 9.0 o SIS DSS IUIE meeting in October. This would include all SIS IUIE users including the regional campuses. o Contact all SIS ODBC users (users who connect directly to reporting environment in October Page 5