OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY ME 453 – STRUCTURE AND MECHANICS LABORATORY Lab Experiment Guidelines – Project #1– Winter 2010 The following illustration (Figure 1) shows the fixed end of the beam for the rosette strain gauge experiment we are conducting. Please use the labeling scheme for the gauges and the coordinate system as shown. y a b c x z Figure 1. Coordinate system and rosette strain gauge orientation and labeling. LABVIEW PROGRAM Write a State Machine style LabVIEW program that does the following: 1. Collect “continuous” readings from each strain gauge. 2. Filter signals to eliminate high-frequency noise and produce steady output. 3. Allow zeroing (nulling) of all the channels. 4. Provide both graphical and numerical indicators of the strain levels. Clearly label the signals from each of the individual gauges (ma =, mb =, mc =). 5. From the individual strain gauge readings calculate and display the strain tensor components with respect to the coordinate system shown above (xx = , yy = , xy = ). 6. Calculate the principal strain values, the maximum shear strain, and the angle from the xaxis to the maximum principal strain axis. Also display these, clearly labeled, on the front panel (1 = , 2 = , /2max = , = ). Provide a graphical illustration of these values. 7. Create on the front panel a control where the beam end displacement value can be entered manually (as read from the micrometer). 8. Allow the user to save at any point a set of values to a file: the strain gauge readings, the beam end displacement, and the calculated strain tensor components, principal values, maximum shear, and angle to the principal axes. PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION 1. Layout the program, both front panel and block diagram, so that its function could be understood by one of your classmates. 2. Include comments that describe what the program is doing and how to use it. 1 STRAIN TENSOR MANIPULATION 1. The first calculation you need to perform is creating the strain tensor from the strain gauge readings. The following matrix equation (Eq. 1) will do this for the coordinate system and gauge orientation we are using. I will derive this in lecture; for now just implement in your program to execute step 5 above. xx 1 1 1 ma xy 0.5 0 0.5mb 0 1 0 mc yy Eq. 1 2. Next include a functional program block that allows you to set a coordinate rotation angle ( in Eq. 2) and observe how the strain tensor components change (Eq. 3). I will ask you to vary the angle in order to confirm your principal value and axis calculations. cos x' x l cos y' x Eq. 2 ll ' cos x' y cos y' y T Eq. 3 3. Next extract invariant information from the strain tensor. There are several ways to do this. LabVIEW has functions for eigen analysis; give these a try (Lvf. 1). You can also get started by using the following equation (Eq. 2) to find the principal. The roots of this quadratic are the principal values of strain. I will cover this in an upcoming lecture. Lvf. 1 2 xx yy xxyy xy2 0 Eq. 4 4. Finally, perform a calculation that allows you to determine if you have eliminated lateral loading or not. I am leaving the details up to you, but here are some suggestions. You need to understand the strain state at the gauge location for both vertical and lateral loading. This is best done by finding the stress state using basic beam formulae, then finding the corresponding strain state using the biaxial Hooke’s Law. Mohr’s Circle is also a great tool for evaluating these strain states, and I will ask you to append this to your report anyway, so you might as well do it! 2 LABVIEW PROGRAM STRUCTURE The following example front panel should help you organize your program (Figure 2). The values shown are illustrative; you should not expect the same numerical values. It shows the general information processing flow from raw strain gauge readings to evaluation of the strain tensor invariants. Your program does not have to look identical, but should include the same basic steps. It should also extend beyond what is shown here, as indicated at the bottom of the figure. 3 Figure 2. A sample LabVIEW front panel (partially complete) for the beam bending experiment. LABVIEW PROGRAMMING DETAILS Never forget about the context help system (actually an on-line documentation system) or the function search button in LabVIEW; these are your main guides to making LabVIEW work. However, there are a few things that are somewhat obscure. I have listed here a few helpful functions and suggestions on implementation. From the Array functions palette: Build Array Index Array Array Constant From the Linear Algebra functions palette: AxB Transpose Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors THE EXPERIMENT It will seem like a bit of a let-down after all the programming, but here is what I want you to do. Take the beam through a series of 5 fixed displacements, starting at zero and going to a reasonable maximum displacement value. At each displacement attempt to adjust the beam alignment to eliminate lateral loading. With this done, record the displacement value and the raw strain gauge readings. Also record the strain tensor components, and the principal values and principal axis orientation calculated from the strain tensor. All of these values will be compared with your analysis of the beam shear strain. Make sure that you have your analysis results compiled before you do final data collection so that you can spot potential problems. Also remember that your independent variable is beam end deflection. All plots and tables of data will show how the dependent variables (gauge readings, strain tensor components, etc.) vary with respect to the independent variable. 4