doc - Academy @ Palumbo

The Academy at Palumbo
Dr. Adrienne Chew, Principal
215-351-7685 (fax)
School Reform Commission
Pedro Ramos, Chairman
James A. Dworetzky
Feather Houston
Wendell E. Pritchett
Sylvia P. Sims
School District of Philadelphia
Dr. William R. Hite Jr., Superintendent
Paul Kihn, Deputy Superintendent
Matthew E. Stanski, Chief Financial Officer
September 2013
Dear Students, Parents and Staff:
We welcome all students to The Academy at Palumbo and to the beginning of a
wonderful high school year. Whether a senior or a freshman, matriculation represents a
substantial portion of preparation for further educational endeavors and will pass far more quickly
than any of us can imagine. This handbook has been created to help students, parents and staff
understand the policies and procedures that will make these years productive and enjoyable for
all. The handbook is also intended to help the user understand the daily functioning of the school.
We assume that each student who has been selected to attend The Academy @ Palumbo
is a sensible and responsible young adult and that as such will value a safe, healthy, academic
environment. We expect that everyone will progress well academically and will demonstrate
appropriate citizenship at all times. It is upon these tenets that all else is based.
It is our stated goal to become the finest high school in the city of Philadelphia. To
achieve this goal all parties must commit themselves to its attainment: students, parents, teachers,
and administration. For parents it means providing a home atmosphere that encourages
scholarship and provides emotional and academic support; for teachers and administration it
means the reaffirmation of the ideals and expectations that drew us to this rewarding profession in
order to help each and every student reach their highest possible potential; and for students it
means commitment to self and education by coming to school every day on time prepared to learn
and behave in a responsible manner. The Academy expects the best from all who pass through its
In order to reach the quality of education to which we all aspire, everyone must make a
personal commitment to obtain that goal. This process of responsible scholarship will translate
into future successes, goals met, and a future shining with possibilities. Welcome back classes of
2014, 2015, 2016 and a special welcome to The Academy at Palumbo class of 2017.
Dr. Adrienne W. Chew
Adrienne W. Chew, Ed.D.
Teachers and Staff
Christopher Aichele: Science, School Based Teacher Leader
Chris Alvarez: English
Latoyia Bailey Ph. D.: English, School Based Teacher Leader
Eileen Duffy Bernt: School Nurse
ChiaSui Chen: Chinese Language
Collen Lawson-Thornton: Special Education
Harvey Schwartz: Special Education
Tammi Forbes: Special Education
Bridget Mason: Mathematics
Christine Donnelly: Counselor, TBD
Meghan Donnelly: English
James Dyke: Science
Theresa Eck: English/Social Studies
Sania Mirzanschall: Math/Social Studies
Erik Goldstein: Health and Physical Education, Athletic Director
James Jordan: Music
Mamadou Kane: Mathematics
Klint Kanopka: Science
Maria Koutroulis: Spanish Language
Stuart Krzywonos: Mathematics, School Based Teacher Leader
Vanessa Lai: Mandarin Chinese, Music, School Based Teacher Leader
Susan Lee: Mathematics
Allison Marzolli: Art 3d
Meghan McCabe: Social Studies
Caitlin Miner: English
Ed Myers: Spanish Language
Nancy Nayowith: Health and Physical Education, Dean of Students
Christian Pedone: Social Studies
Jeff Rosenberg: Health and Physical Education
Diana Shortall: Spanish Language
Steven Shust: Social Studies
Kathryn Sundeen: English/Social Studies
Kiana Thompson: Art, Roster Chairperson/Administrative Assistant
Tami Jackson-Tillman: Counselor, TBD
Ron B. Paulus: English
Jade Tuff: Social Studies
Jamie Weaver: Counselor, TBD
Mary Wang: Science
Erik Wiessmann: Mathematics
Rose Gallagher: Secretary
Jessie Cain: Noon Time Aide
Anthony Pastore: School Police Officer
Joann Tupper: SSA
Georgeanne Hellings: SSA
September 2
September 3-4
September 5-6
September 9
September 9-13
September 26
October 14
November 5
November 11
November 28-29
December 24-31
Labor Day
Staff Only –Professional (Ninth grade orientation)
Rosh Hashanah
First Day of Grades 9-12 Pupil Attendance
First Day of Kindergarten Pre-K Head Start and Bright Futures Conferences
Back to School Night at Palumbo
Columbus Day-Administrative Offices and Schools Closed
Staff Only- Election Day and Professional Development
Veterans Day Observed
Thanksgiving Holiday-Administrative and Schools Closed
Winter Recess- Schools Closed
January 1
January 20
February 5
February 17
April 14-18
April 18
May 6
May 26
June 19
June 20
New Year’s Day – Administrative Offices and Schools Closed
Martin Luther King’s Birthday – Administrative Offices and Schools Closed
Staff Only PD
President’s Day – Administrative Offices and Schools Closed
Spring Recess – Schools Closed
Spring Recess- Administrative Offices
Staff Only PD
Memorial Day – Administrative Offices and Schools Closed
Last Day for Pupils
Last Day for Staff
Back to School Night is scheduled this year for Thursday September 26th, 2012 6-8PM.
During Back to School night parents are invited to come to school and follow their children’s
rosters. Periods will be fifteen minutes long for each teacher to discuss curricular expectations,
marking systems, homework policies, and classroom rules and regulations. Back to School Night
affords parents an opportunity to determine what will be taught, how it will be taught, and how
they can assist in maximizing achievement. Parents of seniors will have a special informational
session at 5PM in the auditorium.
All parents and staff are encouraged to join The Academy’s Home and School Association.
The Home and School acts as a liaison between the school community and the families of our
students. An office has been set up on the first floor hallway to house the Home and School
Association with access to a kitchenette area. Family members who are interested in joining this
necessary and rewarding organization are encouraged to contact the school principal, Dr.
Adrienne Chew or leave a message for the current Home and School President, or Vice President.
The membership fee is $10.00, Home and School has a mailbox in the main office. Elections will
be held for any new officers in October 2013.
As members of a diverse community in a democratic society, we are obligated to provide a safe
and secure learning environment for all of our students. Our entire school community must
embrace this responsibility in order to create a school and classrooms where students can learn
and grow in an environment free from intimidation. Regardless of our personal feelings or
individual biases, our actions should be socially appropriate and reflect tolerance for each
member of our Palumbo School Community.
In accordance with the School District of Philadelphia’s Policies 102 and 103, we have
established a zero tolerance policy towards the language and behavior of intolerance. This
includes verbal as well as physical harassment. Unacceptable conduct, for example, could include
inappropriate comments regarding ethnicity or sexual orientation, off-handed discriminatory
remarks, offensive jokes, and overt harassment of any kind. No student or staff member should be
demeaned on the basis of race, language, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or
ability. Any infractions of this non-discrimination policy will result in immediate disciplinary
action for students and/or staff.
Our commitment extends further through our support of the following programs: Peer Mediation/
Conflict Resolution, and the Response to Intervention process (RTI). If you are interested in
learning more about these programs, you may contact your counselor, the nurse, or principal.
Thank you for helping us create and maintain a safe and secure learning environment for all. If
you have any questions or require clarification of this policy, please contact Academy at Palumbo
High School (215-351- 7618).
All courses, interscholastic sports, and extracurricular activities at The Academy are available to
all students as required by Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI. If there are prerequisites, they are
based on ability and aptitude, not on gender, race, religion, national origin or any handicapping
conditions. Any student who is mentally or physically challenged may qualify for special
services, instruction, or equipment modifications necessary to enable that student to successfully
participate in that activity.
REPORTING TO SCHOOL Students should report to school at 7:30 AM. All students must enter the building via the main
entrance at 11th and Catharine Streets and scan their student ID card upon entering, before 7:55
AM. It is mandatory that each student in the building swipe his/her ID or has it manually entered
into the ScholarChip computer system. Students with no ID will be charged $1.00 at the kiosk
station. Students should remember that they must be in the building by 7:45 and in advisory
by 8:00 AM when the official school day begins or they risk being late. Students are expected
to report to school sufficiently early to pass through the security/scanning process. Students who
fail to report to advisory by 8 A.M. will be marked late and face disciplinary action.
*All students are eligible to have breakfast. Students should pick up breakfast directly after
passing through security/scanning process. Breakfast is distributed on the 1st floor starting as
early as 7:15. Breakfast service ends at 7:55.
Absence Notes- Regular attendance is vitally important to all aspects of school life, especially
student achievement. It has been well documented that a student’s scholastic achievement is
directly related to his/her pattern of attendance. Students with good attendance perform better.
Therefore, the administration and staff when dealing with student absence will consistently apply
the following procedures:
Students who are absent from school must bring a verifiable excuse note on the day of
their return to school, which is signed by their parent stating the reason for and the date(s)
of the absence. The note is to be given to main office that will make a copy for their
advisor. Failure to produce a proper note will result in a coding of “unexcused absence” in
the roll book and on the school computer network.
Cumulative unexcused absences will restrict a student's ability to participate in extracurricular activities as well as having a good academic performance.
Ten consecutive unexcused absences will cause a student to automatically be placed in
“Active Office Roll” (AOR) status. Students placed in AOR status must go through the
entire admission’s process to return to regular status. There is no guarantee that a student,
who is placed in AOR status, will be placed in the same program or receive the same
roster upon his/her re-admittance to school.
Upon returning to school, students are responsible for making arrangements with their
teachers to make up the work that they missed as a result of their absence. Teachers also
share in this responsibility for determining a reasonable and specific time period for the
completion of the missed work.
Unless an emergency arises, all medical and dental appointments must be scheduled for
non-school hours; Parents or designee must pick-up students for early dismissals and
Excused absences for events such as approved religious holidays and official school
activities will not count against a student’s attendance record. The student, however,
must contact the teacher to obtain missing assignments.
Unauthorized “vacations” and/or organized “private trips” are unexcused absences and
may be subject to disciplinary actions.
Since the primary mission of the school is academic achievement, it is necessary for the student
to concentrate solely on academics. The intent of this policy is to maximize the time in the
classroom so as to receive the greatest possible quantity and quality of instruction. Performance
is the key ingredient in a student’s progress, and the student cannot perform if he/she is not
NOTE: Students who expect to be out for more than three consecutive days should contact their
counselor to get missed work. Students who expect to be absent more than four consecutive
weeks should contact the nurse for homebound services.
The school recognizes that there are times when it becomes necessary for a parent or guardian to
request that his/her children be absent from school for a short period of time for reasons other
than illness. When this becomes necessary the following procedure is to be followed:
At least one week prior to the requested dates of absence, the parent/guardian is to write a
note explaining the reason for the absence and the anticipated dates of the absence. The note
must be signed by the parent/guardian and contain a phone number where the parent/guardian
can be reached for verification of the note.
The student is to bring the note to the principal for approval. If approved, the absences will
be marked as excused and the student will be given a letter from the principal granting
The student is to present the letter to each of his/her teachers for their signature and to make
arrangements for any work that will be missed during the period of absence.
When completely signed, the letter is to be returned to the principal who will keep it on file.
 Early dismissals are granted for certain types of medical and personal emergencies. Medical
and dental appointments should be scheduled after school hours. However, for those that
must be made during school hours, permission can be obtained from the counselor and nurse.
Prior to the start of 1st period, the student must bring in a written request from his/her
parent, with a parental signature, stating the name of the student, time of dismissal and a
phone number where the parent can be reached to verify the note. At the designated time, the
student is to go to the main office and sign out. Parents do not need to come in to sign the
student out. The student is to retain the early dismissal form to show each of his/her
teachers upon the student’s return to school.
No early dismissals will be given without a note from the parent or guardian, which can be
verified by a phone call. Without a verifiable note, no student will be permitted to leave
unless the parent comes to the main office.
For medical emergencies, see the nurse. The counselors handle emergencies, regarding job
interviews and college matters. Administrative approval is required for any other emergency
situation that should arise during the course of the school day necessitating that a student leave
early. Students may not leave without first securing administrative approval. Students who are
under 18 years of age and are being dismissed early due to illness must have a parent or guardian
pick them up.
Advisories meet at 8 A.M., prior to 1st period. Advisory is an assigned period, designated by
the principal as “seminar”. It is a period to be quiet, reflect on the upcoming day, listen to
announcements, give or receive information from your advisor and review class work or quietly
tutor another classmate. All students are required to attend advisory seminar. Students are to
remain in their respective advisory until the first period bell.
Situations involving inclement weather, emergencies, or special schedules will adjust the time of
lateness. A parent conference with the Principal or her designee is required if there are any long
term extenuating circumstances that would prevent a student from arriving to school on time.
Students who show a pattern of excessive lateness should expect consequences.
Lateness to Advisory: Students are considered late to school after the late bell rings at 8:04. The
start of advisory seminar will be 8:00. Students are admitted to the advisory room but are marked
late on the roll sheet. After the third cumulative lateness the advisor will have a conference with
the student and notify the parents. If the problem persists, appropriate disciplinary measures will
be taken.
Lateness to Class: Lateness to class will be recorded in the classroom teacher’s roll book and
online and have a direct impact on the student’s behavior grade and academic performance. If a
student reports late to class it will be considered a serious disruption of the continuity of
instruction and the teacher will contact the home before further disciplinary action is required
from the dean’s office. There are 3 minutes of travel time between classes.
Arriving to school after First period: The student must scan in and wait for a ScholarChip late
pass to be generated. This is their pass into class. The student then reports to the main office to
sign in the late book. The student must present their late slip to the teacher the same or following
day so that the class roll book may be adjusted. Additionally classroom attendance is taken via
scholar chip on-line.
Since we are a small school we will be sharing a nurse with other schools. Our nurse
will be in the building four days a week and will be located in the infirmary on the
first floor. All necessary medications should be given to the nurse, Principal or her
designee for distribution as prescribed by the doctor. Long term or regularly taken
medications can be stored for the student in the nurse’s office.
Only students with early dismissals or special rosters are permitted to leave the building prior to
the end of the school day. Students, who leave school without permission, will be subject to
disciplinary actions, up to and including suspension.
*Students with special rosters- must sign out in the early dismissal log prior to leaving the
building. This requires a legible signature, date and time of exit. This book is located in the Main
Cutting of classes is detrimental to a student’s academic performance and often contributes to
behavior that is disruptive to the entire educational program. Students are considered to have cut
if they are marked present in school but do not attend class. Students who cut class will receive
a zero for that class and will not be permitted to make up missed work. Missing class due to
a late arrival to school without an acceptable excuse is considered as a “late cut.” Chronic cutting
often leads to subject failure and will result in disciplinary action.
Students who need to leave class during class time must obtain a hall pass. Permanent hall
passes, belonging to the teacher, are to be kept in good condition and returned to the teacher who
issued it. Students who are in the hall without a hall pass during class time or possess an
unauthorized hall pass are subject to disciplinary action.
ACT 29 of 1995 (TRUANCY)
Students who report to school and cut classes are considered to be truant by the courts. Students
cutting school are truant. Truancy petitions will be prepared and turned over to the proper
authorities for legal action(s), including fines, etc. to students and parents/guardians. Act 29
provides for a $300 fine and allows the court to impose parent education classes and community
service sentences for parents of a truant child, who do not show that they took reasonable steps to
ensure their child’s school attendance. It provides that the parent and child must appear at a
hearing before the district magistrate. Act 29 also provides that truant students lose their driver’s
license for 90 days for a first offense, 6 months for a second offense.
The Lost and Found is located in the DEAN’S suite on the third floor (329) or the box in the
noon-time aides suite (101) 1st floor. Students finding an item should take it to these locations as
soon as possible. See Officer Pastore or Ms. Nayowith to retrieve your belongings.
Details of the School District of Philadelphia student insurance program will be distributed to
students in the Fall of the school year. You do not need this insurance if you have personal
insurance coverage. Students may not participate in The Academy’s sports programs or go on
sponsored trips without proper insurance coverage.
Students are ranked in class starting with ninth grade course work. Our regular courses have an
equivalent weighting power of 1.1, the equivalent of an Advanced Course in a comprehensive
high school. More difficult courses are labeled as Honor classes with a weighting factor of 1.15,
while Advanced Placement courses under the auspices of the College Board are given a 1.2
weight. A perfect GPA (grade point average) in a comprehensive high school would be 4.0…all
A’s. At The Academy it is possible, and given the caliber of our student, likely that many students
will have GPA’s above 4.0. Successful achievement in progressively more difficult courses is the
typical path for a student to achieve high-class rank by 12th grade.
Because of the high academic standards of The Academy, and the selective nature of our
student population, every student is expected to perform at his/her academic best. Therefore,
according to the regulations of the School District of Philadelphia:
1. A student in any and all grades who does not pass at least three academic major
subjects at the end of the school year may be recommended for transfer to his/her
neighborhood school for the following September.
2. Any student who fails two major subjects for a second year MUST be transferred to
the neighborhood school. Subjects need not be in consecutive years.
Graduation/Promotion Requirements
At the high school level, students are promoted or graduated only by passing subjects for whom
they receive credit.
Graduation Requirements: Each student is required to earn a minimum of 23.5 credits in order to
graduate. The following coursework is mandatedEnglish
4 credits
World Languages 2 credits
Mathematics 3 credits
Health/Physical Ed. 1.5 credits
3 credits
Arts & Humanities 2 credits
Social Studies 3 credits
5 credits*
*One of the completed electives must come from one of the following subject areas:
mathematics, science, or advanced placement courses.
Promotion Requirements
GRADE 9 to 10 requires a minimum of 5 credits
GRADE 10 to 11 requires a minimum of 11 credits
GRADE 11 to12 requires a minimum of 17.5 credits
Graduation – requires a minimum of 23.5 credits
Senior Project
As a requirement for graduation Palumbo students must complete a project, which consists of the
following components: a research paper, interview, power point or video presentation and an oral
presentation. This project is to be completed by the third and fourth marking period of their
senior year. Students will receive information packets in Fall of their senior year or upon request,
which contain the details for completion of this requirement.
Grade Values
64 & Below
Report card conferences will be held during 1st, 2nd and 3rd report card period
All other report card conferences will be scheduled, as possible or appropriate.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the school to make an appointment with the
teacher, counselor or administrator whom they wish to see. However, to minimize
classroom disruptions, conferences are not permitted when a teacher is scheduled to teach
a class.
Honor Roll at The Academy @ Palumbo High School consists of two categories: distinguished
and meritorious. To be eligible for distinguished honors, a student must have all “A’s” on his/her
report card and no “3’s” in behavior. To be eligible for meritorious honors a student must have a
combination of all “A’s” and “B’s” or all “B’s” on his/her report card and no “3’s” in behavior.
The Academy @ Palumbo High School National Honor Society was established to create
enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to
develop character in the students attending Palumbo High School. Membership is granted only
to those students selected by the faculty council on the basis of scholastic
achievement, leadership, service and character. To be considered for membership in the NHS, a
student must be in 10th, 11th or 12th grade, have a GPA of 3.7, and have been a student at
Palumbo for at least two consecutive report periods prior to consideration for eligibility. For
further information, contact the sponsor of the National Honor Society.
Homework is an important part of every student’s instructional program. Through homework,
classroom instruction is reinforced, high expectations are supported, students are encouraged to
be self-directed, and the relationship between the school and the home is strengthened. The
completion of all assignments is very important, not only in terms of its effect on a student's
grade, but also as a reflection of a student's work habits and self-discipline. As such, it is the
responsibility of a student to complete all assignments within the specified time allotted and in a
manner, which represents the student's best effort. Additionally, it is a student's responsibility to
notify his/her teacher, as soon as possible, when he/she is unable to complete a required
assignment and the reason(s) for not being able to do so.
While students are to assume the major responsibility for completing all homework assignments,
parents are encouraged to take an active interest in their child's homework by:
Asking about homework every day
Providing a definite time and suitable place for the completion of homework assignments
Helping to secure resource materials and computer technology for their child
Checking homework for accuracy, neatness and completeness
Meeting with the teacher to discuss issues or concerns with respect to homework and/or class
work assignments and returning calls to the home.
The importance of developing good study skills cannot be over emphasized. Each student should
establish a daily study schedule that reflects a commitment to learning. Being prepared for
instruction also includes bringing the necessary materials to school each day.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey
Be proactive – take responsibility for your life.
Begin with the end in mind – define your mission and goals in life.
Put first things first – prioritize the most important things in your life.
Think win-win – don’t think in terms of competition with others.
Seek first to understand, then be understood – listen with sincerity to people and don’t be
 Synergize – be cooperative; work with others; compromise.
 Sharpen the saw – renew yourself on a regular basis (mentally, emotionally, physically and
Any student experiencing academic difficulties will be offered academic support in the form of
tutoring, mentoring, and/or additional remedial sessions as needed. Additionally, parents will
receive notification should their child appear to be having academic difficulties. It is, however,
the responsibility of the student to utilize these support services.
Each department is assigned specific days for major tests. Quizzes may be given on any day.
Test Day
Alternate Day
Social Studies
All Others
Any Day
Any Day
*Mid-term and final examinations will be given on days assigned for those examinations.
Courses for the following school year are selected in April and May of the current year in
accordance with the procedures listed in the Student Subject Selection Handbook, which
is published each school year. Students are advised to review their selections with their
parents and make a commitment to stand by their decisions.
The school has the need to collect and maintain certain information related to the heath, education
and welfare of its students. This information is vital to the continuity of the school’s educational
program. Federal and state laws provide safeguards to the privacy of such records and guarantee
access to these records by parents or guardians and students. A parent or guardian who wishes to
review the records of a student for whom he/she is responsible should contact the student’s
counselor for an appointment or present a written request to the counselor for such an inspection.
Such requests will be granted as soon as possible, but not later than 14 days from the date of the
request. Students under eighteen (18) years of age must have written permission from their
parent or guardian prior to viewing their educational records.
Athletics, Extra-Curricular and After School Activities: (Lists will be provided)
Students are encouraged to participate in after school activities. The school offers a full range of
interscholastic sports for young men and young women on the varsity and junior varsity levels.
In addition, many other extra-curricular activities in fields such as debating, music, dance, drama,
student government, publications and academic competitions are also offered. Students must
understand that any school sponsored extra-curricular activity is a privilege that can be revoked at
any time. As such, it is imperative that students meet all criteria for eligibility. The Pennsylvania
Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) governs participation in any athletic activity.
Students should see the coach of the sport in which they are interested or the athletic director for
PIAA guidelines. Eligibility for participation in all other extracurricular activities is dependent
upon maintaining satisfactory academic progress, a good attendance record and a good
disciplinary record. Failure to meet or maintain academic requirements, attendance requirements
or Code of Student Conduct requirements will result in a student being denied permission to
participate in extracurricular activities.
NOTE: No pupil is to remain in the building beyond dismissal time, unless under the direct
supervision of an authorized staff member. NO EXCEPTIONS! Further, absence from school on
the day of a sports event or extracurricular activity, regardless of the reason, will result in the
student's ineligibility to participate in that event or activity. Cuts are deemed to be absences from
school for the purposes of athletic and extracurricular eligibility.
In order to participate in extra curricular activities, a student must maintain a grade point average
of 1.75. This applies to ALL extra curricular activities. Individual activities or athletic
participation may require a higher GPA.
During your four-year enrollment at The Academy @ Palumbo High school, the total amount of
class dues for which you will be responsible is $200.
To reduce the impact of financial
obligations during the senior year, it is suggested that dues be paid according to the following
schedule. This is only a payment schedule to alleviate the financial burden incurred in senior
9th Grade $50*
10th Grade $50*
11th Grade $50*
12th Grade $50* (may be paid in junior year)
*Tentative - Subject to Change
A receipt will be given to the student for all payments received. These receipts must be kept
until after graduation. These receipts are proof of payment and are invaluable in settling any
discrepancies that may occur. Class dues do not cover other class-sponsored activities during the
year (proms, trips, special guest assemblies).
Special assemblies in the auditorium are scheduled during advisory. Announcements will be
made as to which class is scheduled for an assembly program. Students are to report, promptly,
and be seated, quietly, in their assigned seats. Students are expected to maintain appropriate
behavior during the program. They are not permitted to eat or drink, or leave the auditorium
without authorization. They are to remain in their assigned seats until dismissed by the assembly
All Academy students are required to perform 30 hours of community/ school service each year
of enrollment. We feel strongly that Academy students have good minds and have an obligation
to give back to the community and such service offers an opportunity to establish future
internship possibilities in upper class years. Credits will be given for Community/School service
and a grade of Pass or Incomplete.
Each student will be issued a locker in which to deposit outer clothing and school related
items. We strongly recommend that each student invest in a strong, high quality Master
lock to keep personal items safe.
We do not have locks for purchase.
Do not share lockers.
You must utilize your own lock and you must lock your locker before class.
Neither The Academy nor the School District of Philadelphia is responsible for
restitution as a result of theft.
Students are not to give their combination to anyone!
Sharing of lockers is not permitted.
The school cannot be responsible for theft. If theft does occur, it will be turned over to
the school police for investigation.
Lockers, locks, and/or storage compartments, which are provided for student use remain
the property of the School District. As such, students shall have no expectation of
privacy and must understand that.
Students should also be aware that the use of all School District equipment and/or
facilities is extended to students for legitimate school purposes only. Therefore, lockers
are only to be used for the storage of the following items: books, school supplies,
clothing, items of personal hygiene, pocket books/purses, and/or any other personal
items, which are not in violation of Board policy, school regulations and/or any local,
state or federal statute.
Coats and hats are to be kept in your street locker. They are not permitted to be worn in
the classroom.
None of the following items are to be stored in a locker, temporarily or otherwise: illegal
narcotics; drug paraphernalia; prescription drugs; alcohol; firearms; any knife or other
dangerous weapon as defined by state law; any records, papers or documents used or
intended for use in the trafficking, use or possession of any illegal substance; and any
other item for which the possession of such item is illegal.
The student to whom a locker is assigned is responsible for any and all items found in the locker,
regardless of whether the student claims or admits to be the owner or custodian, thereof. If any
illegal materials are found, these materials may be used against the student in disciplinary
proceedings and/or may be turned over to law enforcement agencies. The locker and lock are the
property of the School District of Philadelphia. As such, to protect the health, safety and general
welfare of everyone in the school community, school district personnel have the right to
randomly or periodically inspect lockers, desks and other storage areas at any time. Students do
not have the right to be present during such searches.
Locker Clean Out
It is mandatory that students clean out their lockers and return all school property and books at
the end of the school year by a designated date. Notices will be posted. Students will be given
plenty of notice to comply. After the designated date, all lockers will be opened and inspected.
All items left in the locker will be discarded.
*Neither the school nor the School District of Philadelphia is responsible for any losses or for
items left in lockers at the end of the school year.
It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teachers to be excused from their
classes for a school related trip. Students are to notify proper staff members the day prior to the
trip. Students are also responsible for bringing in a signed form from parents or legal guardians
granting permission for the trip. Any student who is suspended from school may not participate
in a school trip since trips are a privilege rather than a right. No private trips are permissible.
This term includes all who are not employees, volunteers or students at The Academy. All
visitors must sign in at the main entrance and proceed to the main office. Following safety
precautions scanning of items is required. Parents are always welcome in the building however,
relatives and guests are not permitted to visit the school without special prior permission from the
school administrator or her designee. Permission must be obtained in advance and no visitor may
remain without the permission of the school administrator or designee. Persons found in the
building without permission are considered TRESPASSERS and are subject to arrest. This
applies to students from other schools as well as trespassing family members.
The Academy is not a baby-sitting service. No permission will ever be given for younger
children or siblings to accompany the Academy student to school.
Midterm and Final examinations will be administered to all Academy students in all subjects
other than Health and Physical Education via a special schedule. Separate communications will
occur pertaining to both examination schedules. No student will have more than two
examinations on a given day and their subject teachers will administer these examinations.
Students MUST attend their scheduled examination unless a totally unavoidable situation arises.
In the case of an emergency, make-up examinations will be scheduled through the individual
classroom teacher with the permission of the principal. All textbooks issued to a student must be
returned at the time of the final exams.
Counseling is an integral part of a student’s life at The Academy. Three counselors are available
for help and guidance, to answer questions, and offer support in academics, college application
process, personal-emotional issues, and post-high school areas of concern.
In order to see the counselor a student must fill out an appointment request slip in the office and
the counselor will call for the student through the advisory roll book or designated method. In the
academic domain, students are requested to see their teacher before asking for an appointment
with the counselor.
The library is the academic hub of the school and research possibilities should be thoroughly
investigated and used. Library hours will be determined based on teacher request and daily
school schedules. The library is a place for reading, quiet study, accessing the Internet and doing
research. It is NOT a recreation area or a lunchroom; consequently eating and loud talking are
forbidden in the library.
Tutoring is available from teachers or fellow students. Students can earn community service
hour’s tutoring/mentoring a classmate. NHS will also be sponsors of a mentoring/tutoring
program. Your individual teacher is your first resource when there is difficulty and it is important
that you seek help immediately. Academic problems grow quickly when the first problems are
not addressed. For assistance from a peer tutor/mentor or to volunteer as a peer tutor/mentor,
information is available in the counseling suite and from the NHS sponsor.
Since it is difficult to get phone messages to students, we urge parents to limit their calls to the
main office to extreme emergencies. Parents are not to contact students on cell phones or text
messages. If students answer their phones during the school day they will be confiscated, please
understand this. Students are urged to pay close attention to all daily bulletin announcements
pertaining to competitive essays, contests and scholarship award opportunities. Many of these
contests offer monetary awards that can be used for a variety of expenses. Other
scholarship/competition opportunities will be posted in the counselor’s office and it is wise to
check the bulletin board there on a weekly basis.
The Academy at Palumbo will have an active web page with an e-mail link facilitating contact.
Our web site is found by going to and then clicking on schools, and then
Academy at Palumbo.
There will be radio and television announcements of school closings in the event of inclement
weather. The weather “code” for all Philadelphia Public and Parochial Schools is 100. If all
schools are open, The Academy will be open, so please do not call the school. As in the past, the
SDP will attempt to get the information on the air by 6:00 AM, or as soon as possible thereafter.
In the event of late-developing storms it is unlikely that there will be a delayed opening. The
snow hot line number is 215-400-7669 (snow).
If schools are forced to close early because of a storm developing during the day, radio and TV
stations will use the same procedure as they do during the mornings to announce the closing.
Please allow extra time for travel in inclement weather, as roads and public transportation may be
difficult or hazardous.
If days are missed for inclement weather they will either be added to the calendar taking the place
of previously scheduled holidays or added to the end of the year.
Lunch will be scheduled during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th periods for 45 minutes each and can
be purchased each day. Students who are eligible for the federal reduced lunch program will
obtain reduced lunch forms either from their advisor during homeroom or from the main office,
counselor, or lunchroom manager, however other beverages and snacks must be purchased.
After finishing lunch and cleaning up, students may leave the lunchroom to attend tutoring with a
teacher or another student, study in the library or remain in the lunchroom. Use of the roof may
be permitted after the student body demonstrates a high level of maturity and responsibility.
These privileges may be revoked at any time should student behavior indicate a need for closer
There are often concerns about traveling to and from school. It is important that parents and
students report any unacceptable incidents, which occur to the principal and to the Philadelphia
Police Department immediately. Any Academy student who commits an offense is subject to
disciplinary intervention, which may include dismissal from The Academy.
The School District of Philadelphia has mandated that all schools have a dress code in place and
that students abide by that code. While the administration and staff realize that students like to
exhibit their individuality, school is not a place for extreme fashion statements. We have
therefore agreed that dress code is in order and all students are required to wear:
 solid colored pants (or skirts) that close at the waist and solid colored shirts or blouses
with both collars and sleeves.
All clothing must cover the students’ bodies from the collarbone to the knees. Students
may wear school spirited colors (teal, black and silver) and logo (the Griffin).
Bare midriffs, tank tops, crop tops, fish net tops, tube tops, halter tops, mini skirts, mini dresses,
short shorts and clothing/accessories with obscene or profane language/symbols are not
permitted. Coats and other outer clothing may not be worn in class. Hats, caps, head wraps or
head coverings of any kind are not to be worn in school at any time anywhere in the building,
unless administrative approval has been granted for religious or medical reasons. Students
wearing hats to school must put them in their locker or their book bag. Students who refuse to
comply will have their hat confiscated. Violations of the Dress Code are a Level I Offense.
Students who consistently violate the Dress Code will be subject to stronger disciplinary
measures. The school will reserve the right to institute a formal uniform policy if deemed
necessary during the school year.
Students at The Academy are to understand that The Academy is a totally heterogeneous
multicultural environment. There is zero tolerance for any words or actions which, are degrading
to anyone else’s age, race, gender, culture, religion, or sexual orientation. This follows the
School District of Philadelphia’s Multiracial -Multicultural -Gender Education policy. The
healthy exchange of thoughts and opinions leads to learning. Students who function without the
sensitivity and civility necessary and proper at The Academy will be subject to immediate and
significant disciplinary intervention. The Academy will enforce the School District of
Philadelphia’s mandated Zero Tolerance policy in all cases.
Students are expected to exhibit honesty and integrity in all of their actions. Academically it
assumes no cheating, plagiarizing, or inappropriate use of the Internet. It means that each student
is responsible to do his/her own work at all times. Morally it means that all people at The
Academy will treat each other with civility and courtesy in every interaction whether it be in
school or at an out of school activity. Discrimination, prejudicial behavior, or bullying is not part
of the expected behavior of an Academy student. Foul or obscene language is not to be used in
any place or in any interaction. Simply put, Academy students treat themselves and others with
dignity and respect.
Students and teachers have a common goal—the education of students. It is important to keep the
following guidelines in mind:
Both students and staff are to exhibit mutual respect as individuals and as members of the
school community.
Neither group should use language or gestures that are offensive, demeaning,
discourteous, abusive, or racially or sexually discriminating.
Staff members assume parental roles in the discharge of their responsibilities for the
educational progress of the students, and for their health, welfare and safety.
When students or staff refuse to maintain acceptable behavior, appropriate corrective
measure will be instituted.
Parents are advised to notify the school should any improper incident occur. The only
way the school can improve is with appropriate, immediate feedback and open
Everyone at The Academy has the right to work and learn in a clean, safe, and scholarly
environment. Students must understand, therefore, the need to adhere to the following rules that
are for the benefit of all.
School laws are those restrictions that mirror the legal constraints of the School District of
Philadelphia, the City of Philadelphia and state and/or federal laws. Violation of these laws,
called generally ACT 26, will result in arrest and recommendation for expulsion. Paramount
in Act 26 is the possession of a weapon of any kind on school premises, or the use of any tool as a
Consumption or possession of any controlled substance, alcohol or narcotic,
either in school or at any school event is prohibited. Any violation of this will
result in school discipline and Philadelphia Police intervention and could result in
dismissal from The Academy.
Fighting and inappropriate physical contact will not be tolerated. Not only is it a
violation of the law but also it is direct opposition to the founding principles of
the school.
The City of Philadelphia has passed a law against smoking in public places. This
includes The Academy. No smoking is permitted on school grounds.
The same is true for graffiti. There will zero tolerance for anyone putting graffiti
on school property and violation of this law is subject to action by The Academy,
The School District, and The Philadelphia Police Department. Potential sanctions
include arrest, restitution, cleaning the building, and/or dismissal from The
School regulations are designed to help assure the smooth and efficient running of the school.
They are based on the principle of “good for all” and assist in maintaining a pleasant, cooperative,
and academic atmosphere and make it possible for staff and students to prepare both academically
and psychologically to perform as well as possible.
Maintain order and quiet in the corridors by not loitering, congregating anywhere, or
roaming aimlessly. Loud conversations are insensitive to others and disruptive to classes
that are in session.
Go to lockers only before school, between classes, and after school.
Report to homeroom/advisory and classes on time and leave only with the written
permission of the teacher.
Observe all fire and safety regulations.
Do not wear hats or sunglasses in the building.
Adhere to the school dress code in order to maintain an academic atmosphere.
Maintain all parts of the building in a sanitary and clean condition.
Maintain appropriate courteous interaction with all staff, students, and parents.
Common sense behavior is appropriate whereas “street behavior” is inappropriate.
Return all schoolbooks and school property promptly when required to do so. Other
students may be waiting for their use.
Keep your locker clean and orderly. This helps you keep track of your possessions and
homework gets “lost” less frequently.
Headphones, iPods, MP3, Cell/Smart phones are not to be seen or used within the
building unless they are part of the instructional unit. If you bring one to school, put it in
your locker or backpack/bag and leave it there if not being used instructionally in the
classroom. Inappropriate use will result in confiscation.
The Academy has made a substantial investment of time and financial resources to provide
students and staff access to the technology that has become a fundamental component of the 21st
century workplace. Although the potential of this technology as an information resource is
exciting we all need to understand the dangers of unacceptable use that exist.
Use of technology at The Academy is a privilege, not a right. Unacceptable use will result in
restriction or cancellation of all access privileges and may even result in serious disciplinary or
legal action. Use and application of technology must be consistent with all present and future
policies, rules and guidelines of the School District of Philadelphia. Unacceptable uses includes:
Illegal activity: It is unacceptable to use, promote, or engage in any activities deemed
criminal under federal, state, and local laws. This includes, but is not limited to, copyright laws.
Vandalism: It is unacceptable use to alter, harm, or destroy the hardware, software, or
data of another user or belonging to The Academy, the School District, or its staff, whether from
The Academy or a remote location. This includes, but is not limited to, the creation of or
spreading of computer viruses.
Unauthorized access: It is unacceptable to use or attempt to access another’s account,
including the System Administrator’s, without authorization.
Offensive or Obscene Material: It is unacceptable use to send or receive any data
which is offensive and/or obscene as defined by The Academy or The School District of
Immoral or unethical activity: It is improper and unacceptable to engage in any
immoral or unethical behavior whether it be defamatory, plagiarism/or harmful to other.
Private gain: It is unacceptable to use any facility or data belonging to The Academy or
the School District for private or financial gain.
It is important for all parents and students to understand that while The Academy staff
will make its best efforts to supervise the use of this technology, it is impossible to guarantee that
abuses will not occur. Using the school’s facilities and capabilities requires students and parents
to be responsible for acceptable use and accountable for violations.
A suspension is a temporary cancellation of roster privileges and extra-curricular activities
pending a conference with parents or guardians. Its purpose is to make parents aware of the
cause(s) for concern and to elicit the cooperation of the home in rectifying the situation. In-house
suspension and over night suspensions are an alternative to out of school suspension and will be
used appropriately. Students are in school and do not attend regularly scheduled classes but
follow a program assigned to them during the day. All suspensions are instituted when there is
repeated violation of school rules and regulations or there is a serious incident requiring the
immediate exclusion of a student until a parental conference can be held.
Normally, suspension becomes effective at the end of the school day, with the written request for
parental interview given to the student for the following school day. It is not the school’s intent
to have the student lose valuable instructional time but to bring about a rapid and favorable
change in unacceptable behavior.
If a parent or guardian fails to respond to the written suspension notice, an attempt will be made
to contact the parent by telephone, but after three days a letter will be sent home indicating the
lack of parental response and added to the student’s permanent record. Therefore, if suspended,
the student will be reinstated only after his/her parent or legal guardian sees the appropriate dean
or administrator. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and other relatives or friends of the family are
NOT permitted to reinstate suspended students. Further, phone calls are not acceptable for
Students are not permitted to be in school while on suspension. After the readmission conference
is held, paper work must occur including office involvement and teacher notification.
No student will be kept on suspension beyond five days without proper referral to the appropriate
Administrative Office. Repeated violations of school rules that result in multiple suspensions will
result in a request for disciplinary transfer (EH-21) to the appropriate Administrative Office of the
School District.
Detentions may be assigned for minor discipline infractions or late arrival to school. Detentions
are served as assigned on Monday and Wednesday (3:15-4:00pm) or Thursday (7:10-7:55am). If
unable to serve a scheduled detention, make arrangements with Ms. Nayowith prior to missing
that appointment. Students are required to report to detention on time, bring appropriate ID, and
materials that can be used for study, etc. Students are to remain silent, but sleeping is not
permitted. Students must observe the code of conduct while serving a detention. Students who
fail to serve assigned detentions or who accumulate an excessive number of detentions are subject
to further disciplinary action (revoked privileges).
ACT 33 of 1995 (Delinquent vs. Criminal Acts)
Act 33 provides that any person age 15 or older, who commits a violent crime and either (a)
committed the crime with a deadly weapon or (b) has previously been adjudicated delinquent for
a violent crime, will automatically be tried as an adult in the criminal justice system.
ACT 93 of 1995 (Blood Alcohol Content of Minors)
Act 93 creates a summary offense with a fine of $100 for any person under the age of 21 who
operates a motor vehicle with any alcohol in his/her blood stream. The new summary offense is in
addition to the loss of driving privileges and other sanctions allowable under current drunk
driving laws.
Students in possession of, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, will be subject to
prosecution under the law and disciplinary action as defined by the School District of
Philadelphia’s Code of Student Conduct. Violators will also be referred to the Comprehensive
Student Assistance Program and to an appropriate counseling program within the school, the
District or the community. Students, who must take a prescription drug during school hours, are
to take the drug to the nurse, who will supervise the administration of said medication at the
appropriate time.
Federal court decisions and federal law aim to promote inclusion and a reduction of harassment
and violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students. Further, in Board Policy
#102, the School District of Philadelphia affirms its commitment to Multiracial-MulticulturalGender Education. This policy is designed to foster knowledge about and respect for those of all
races, ethnic groups, social classes, genders, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientation. Its
purpose is to ensure equity and justice for all Members of the School Community and society as a
whole, and to give those members the skills and knowledge they need to understand and
overcome individual biases and institutional barriers to full equality.
In keeping with the above, Palumbo is committed to maintaining a positive learning and working
environment that is free from any form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex
discrimination, and is a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination
on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. Sexual harassment shall consist of
unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, inappropriate verbal or physical conduct
of a sexual nature, or display of materials, which evoke responses not in keeping with the
atmosphere intended for the classroom or the work place. Such conduct includes, but is not
limited to:
Sexual flirtation, touching, advances or propositions
Verbal or written comments of a sexual nature, including sexually suggestive or
degrading language.
Such conduct may not be used to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school/work
environment. Students found in violation of this regulation and federal law will be subject to
severe discipline, including referral to the appropriate authorities for legal action.
Guidelines for Student Expression
Students have the right to express themselves verbally and in writing, unless the expression
interferes with the educational program, threatens immediate harm to the welfare of the school or
community, encourages unlawful activity, takes away another individual's lawful rights or
undermines the school's basic educational mission. The wearing of buttons, badges or arm bands
bearing slogans or sayings shall be permitted as another form of expression, unless the message
contains obscene, defamatory or offensive language, encourages illegal actions, contains any
signs/symbols of gang affiliation, undermines the basic educational mission of the school, or
results in interference with the educational program.
NOTE: The distribution of any materials must be approved by the administration and the
information contained on any such material must be in conformance with the provisions
applicable to those for student expression.
A learning environment is based on trust, honesty, and integrity. Any form of academic
dishonesty that violates or devalues the educational process is unacceptable and will not be
Violations against academic honesty include, but are not limited to, copying and submitting
another’s homework as one’s own, as well as cheating on an essay, paper, quiz or test. Cheating
is defined as obtaining or giving information that assists one’s own or another’s performance.
This includes activities that take place both in and out of the classroom. At Academy at Palumbo
High School, the use of aids, whether by writing, verbal, or coded means, is strictly forbidden.
The writing of a paper is an important aspect of the educational experience. To avoid plagiarism
in any work, all ideas gained from research and sources must be cited. Plagiarism may be as
blatant as direct copying of quotations or whole papers, or as subtle as the failure to cite an
author’s ideas or interpretations – whether in print, electronic, verbal, audio and/or visual form.
These actions are strictly forbidden and represent contempt, both for the original author and for
the audience to whom the stolen ideas are presented.
 Prior to doing any research project, be sure that you are perfectly clear as to the method
that the teacher wants you to use when citing the sources you use, the number of sources
to be used, and the types of sources to be used.
If you are not sure about the use of a particular source or the need to cite the source, ask
the teacher.
Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for plagiarism.
 You will receive an automatic zero for the research project/paper on which you
 Repeated incidents of plagiarism will result in other disciplinary actions.
It is the policy of the School District of Philadelphia that students may not possess or use beepers,
cell phones or other telephonic devices in school. Further, two-way radios, scanners, video
cameras and electronic games are not permitted in school. Students found to be in the possession
of any such devices will have said item(s) confiscated and will be subject to disciplinary action. A
Serious Incident Report will not be filed unless the item was discovered during, or in relation to,
another offense. However, an EH-20 form (Pink Slip) is to be prepared for the disciplinary
infraction. The confiscated item will be turned over to the principal or his/her designee. The
principal or designee shall maintain a record identifying the item confiscated and the student from
whom it was taken. All confiscated items will be maintained in a secure (locked) manner.
Exceptions to the above may be made under special circumstances, but only with the approval of
the principal. It is the policy of the School District to return confiscated beepers, cell phones or
other telephonic devices to the parent, guardian, or a employer (where appropriate) on a first
offense. Beepers, cell phones, or other telephonic devices will not be returned to underage
students. It is the responsibility of the parent or employer to make arrangements with the
principal or dean to pick up the confiscated item within one month.
Items, which are not claimed within stated time, are confiscated and will not be returned. The
principal may donate such items to charity, sell them with the proceeds going for school use, or
destroy the items.
Mace, pepper spray and laser pointers are not permitted. They will be confiscated, and not
returned. A student will also be subject to Level 1 discipline for possession of any of these
items. A student discharging or using any such item(s) in a building or proximate to other people
will be deemed as having committed an aggravated offense under Rule 24.
Students who are caught opening or leaving via “off limit” doors are subject to severe
disciplinary actions, the loss of various extra curricular activity privileges, etc. Students under
any circumstances without adult staff supervision may not use areas such as the school stage,
sixth floor, boiler room, storage room, etc. Also, students may not be present in the SEAMAAC
hallway during the regular school day.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building, on school grounds or at any school-sponsored
activity. Students found in violation of this rule will be severely disciplined.
Vandalism and graffiti constitute destruction of school property. Students found damaging or
writing on any school property are subject to suspension, arrest and prosecution, and/or financial
restitution. Students in possession of any graffiti paraphernalia will have said items confiscated
and will be subject to disciplinary action, including prosecution under the law. Permanent/magic
markers, spray paint, paint sticks, white-out, etc. are not permitted on school grounds.
Students, who participate in water fights or food fights, or otherwise engage in such similarly
disruptive activities during lunch or at any other time during the school day, are subject to severe
disciplinary action and the loss of student privileges.
Disciplinary action(s), normally taken for an act occurring on school grounds, may also be taken
for acts occurring on a bus that is owned, borrowed, rented or leased by the School District, at
any place at which a school-sponsored or school-related function is taking place, at any other
school within the District, or at any time or place on the way to school or the way home from
The school reserves the right to discipline for any other activity, regardless of whether school is
in session, whenever such an activity occurs and wherever it occurs, if such an off-school activity
may reasonably be interpreted to threaten the ability of the school to maintain a safe, orderly and
disciplined educational environment. When it is brought to the attention of the school that a
student has engaged in such conduct off school grounds, the administration shall conduct an
investigation, as deemed necessary and appropriate, and may initiate disciplinary action in the
same manner as if the action had occurred on school grounds. In conducting such an
investigation, the administration may cooperate with law enforcement authorities.
The DAILY BULLETIN and announcements will be read each day during advisory. This
publication is the major vehicle by which information is shared and, therefore, should be viewed
accordingly. It is the responsibility of each student to read the daily bulletin. (See our website
The purpose of the Guidance Department is to help students maximize their abilities and achieve
their full potential. This includes helping each student to derive the maximum benefit from their
high school studies and experiences, to make intelligent educational and career choices, and to
develop the personal qualities needed for active participation in the life of the school and the
community. As such, students are encouraged to visit their respective counselors for help with
personal and/or social problems, as well as academic concerns, such as subject selection, roster
changes, and college applications. Counselors are available to assist students during advisory,
during lunch and by appointment.
When a fire drill/shelter in place/lockdown/evacuation is conducted, students are to follow the
directions given to them by their teachers, go to designated areas or evacuate the building
according to the directions/given posted in each room. Students may not leave school grounds
during a fire drill. Smoking, during a fire drill or any emergency is NOT permitted.
In order to provide security for all Palumbo students, photo ID cards must be on your person at all
times. ID cards must be presented for morning scan, hall passes, transpasses, library privileges,
activity tickets, “outside privileges”, etc. Lost ID cards can be replaced by Ms. Nayowith during
advisory, at a charge of $5.00.
If a student forgets his or her ID card a temporary ID will be printed and a daily charge of $1.00
is assessed on his/her account. A student will not receive their diploma until all charges are
*DO NOT punch holes or alter the ID card in any way. Physical damage to the card with render it
Students are responsible for the purchase of gym locks for their gym locker. Personal belongings
should always be secured in a closed, locked gym locker. Never leave a gym locker unlocked.
The lock and contents must be emptied after each gym period. School District policies and
procedures that apply to street lockers also apply to gym lockers.
Any person entering the high school and disrupting the normal educational process of the school
is subject to arrest for disorderly conduct, etc. Parents are expected to be a role model for their
son/daughter and other students by conducting their behavior in a professional and appropriate
Any student who acts disorderly and interrupts the educational process at Palumbo High School is
subject to arrest for disorderly conduct and other disciplinary actions. Students who engage in a
fight, or encourage others to fight, are subject to arrest for disorderly conduct, simple to
aggravated assault, including terroristic threats, etc. Other disciplinary actions may include
moving the student to a more appropriate/restrictive educational setting and/or scheduling a
hearing before the appropriate authorities for an expulsion.
The Academy @ Palumbo High School Roster is a supplement to a student’s ID card and helps in
the identification of a student as a current member of Academy @ Palumbo High School family.
It distinguishes Palumbo students from outsiders and aids in maintaining a safe environment.
Once rosters are assigned, no changes will be made unless approved by administration and the
roster chair. While in school, all students must have their current roster and current ID card in
their possession. Upon request, these must be presented to any member of the professional staff,
support staff or security staff. Replacement roster cards are $1.00.
Textbooks, workbooks, reading material, lockers, team uniforms, etc. that are issued to students
by the school are to be properly maintained and returned to the appropriate staff member at the
end of the term/year/semester. Students are reminded that they are responsible for any school
property issued to them. Items that are not returned or are returned in damaged condition will
result in a charge being assessed against the student to whom the property was issued. Every
effort should be made to maintain school property in good condition. Students not meeting this
obligation are subject to severe discipline, and no student will be issued their diploma until all
accounts are paid and material returned.
For security purposes, students and visitors must pass through a scanning process as they enter
the school. The scans will detect weapons, drugs, electronic devices, etc. All other persons
coming into Palumbo to visit or conduct business must go through the scan process in the lobby
before proceeding to the main office.
*On occasion a student may be directed to comply with additional requirements by a School
Police Officer or designee. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
All visitors must report to the main lobby, proceed through scanning, sign in, and state their
purpose for visiting, and then report to the main office. Parents are always welcome to visit, but
it is recommended that an appointment be scheduled in advance when requesting to meet with an
administrator, teacher or counselor to ensure that he/she will be available. Visitors who fail to
report to the main office upon entering the building may be considered trespassing. Visitation
privileges must be approved by administration for the following:
non-students wishing to attend class with a friend or relative,
non-students who wish to “shadow” Palumbo School students,
non-students who wish to see a former teacher/staff member without appointment
Each school in its School-wide Parental Involvement Policy must establish the
school’s expectations for parental involvement. [Section 1118(a)(2), ESEA.]
to implement the following statutory requirements:
The school district will put into operation programs, activities and procedures
for the involvement of parents in all of its schools with Title I, Part A
programs, consistent with section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA). Those programs, activities and procedures will be
planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents of
participating children.
Consistent with section 1118, the school district will work with its schools to
ensure that the required school-level parental involvement policies meet the
requirements of section 1118(b) of the ESEA, and each include, as a
component, a school-parent compact consistent with section 1118(d) of the
The school district will incorporate this district wide parental involvement
policy into its School District of Philadelphia plan developed under section
1112 of the ESEA.
In carrying out the Title I, Part A parental involvement requirements, to the
extent practicable, the school district and its schools will provide full
opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English
proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children,
including providing information and school reports required under section
1111 of the ESEA in an understandable and uniform format and, including
alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language
parents understand.
If the School District of Philadelphia’s plan for Title I, Part A, developed
under section 1112 of the ESEA, is not satisfactory to the parents of
participating children, the school district will submit any parent comments
with the plan when the school district submits the plan to the State
Department of Education.
The school district will involve the parents of children served in Title I, Part
A schools in decisions about how the 1 percent of Title I, Part A funds
reserved for parental involvement is spent, and will ensure that not less than
95 percent of the one percent reserved goes directly to the schools.
The school district will be governed by the following statutory definition of
parental involvement, and expects that its Title I schools will carry out
programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition:
ental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication
involving student academic learning and other school activities,
including ensuring—
(A) that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
(B) that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education
at school;
(C) that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included,
as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in
the education of their child;
(D) the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118
of the ESEA.
The school district will inform parents and parental organizations of the
purpose and existence of the Parental Information and Resource Center in the
[NOTE: The School- wide Parental Involvement Policy must include a description of
how the school will implement or accomplish each of the following components.
[Section 1118(a)(2), ESEA.] Regardless of the format the school chooses to use, a
description of each of the following components below must be included in order to
satisfy statutory requirements.]
1. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will take the following actions to involve parents
in the joint development of its school-wide parental involvement plan under
section 1112 of the ESEA:
Administration will meet with the Home and School Executive Board to
develop procedures and activities to involve parents in pertinent school wide
2. Administration and Executive Board will work in partnership to develop with
the School
Planning Team, the School improvement Plan for the School and update as
needed. Parents will be notified and invited to discuss and develop the
Improvement Plan and Federal Requirements addendum.
3. The School will inform all parents of all school activities so they have
opportunities to participate. Parents are informed through mailings, the school
website, the School Messenger telephone messaging system, emails and flyers.
4. The Administration will meet with community partner SEAMAAC, Moonstone
Day Care and CityLife Church, to develop our partnerships along with
following the School Council mission in developing more partnerships.
2. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will take the following actions to involve parents
in the process of school review and improvement under section 1116 of the
1. A meeting will be held September 26th and October 17th at 6:00 PM during
which the Parent Compact/Involvement Policy, AYP, Keystone Data, Core
Curriculum and Parents Rights To Know will be shared with all in attendance.
2. Additionally letters have been sent to the home so parents also have the above
information in writing. The School Messenger telephone messaging system
consistently leaves messages to inform parents of meetings and planning times
as well as conference calls.
3. The School District of Philadelphia will provide the following necessary
coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A
schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities
to improve student academic achievement and school performance:
In collaboration with the Grants Compliance Monitor, School-based School
Improvement Support Liaison, School-Community Liaisons, Philadelphia
Home and School Council (PHSC), Title I Parent Advisory Committee, The
Philadelphia Right to Know Educational Task Force, PARENT POWER, and
other parent groups, provide workshops to schools on parent engagement.
Provide professional development by parents/caregivers for new and
existing principals and other administrators on how to develop promising
partnerships with parents/caregivers.
Train new and existing staff with parental engagement duties (e.g., School
Improvement Support Liaisons, School-Community Liaisons, School
Community Coordinators, and Bilingual Counselor Assistants) to assist
school sites in implementing parental engagement.
Make available the staff of the Office of Educational Equity, Office of
Specialized Instructional Support, and Office of Parent, Family, Community
Engagement and Faith-based Partnerships, and staff of the Assistant
Superintendents for technical assistance.
The Grants Compliance/Title I Office will provide technical assistance to
schools and parent organizations, such as the Title I Parent Advisory
Committee (PAC), Home and School Associations, The Philadelphia Right to
Education Task Force, PARENT POWER, and other organized parent groups.
Provide coordination of professional development efforts through the Office
of Instruction and Leadership Support.
Provide workshops to parents on supporting student achievement and
parent engagement.
Provide training and other information to School Advisory Councils (SACs).
By November 2013, each SAC will outline how they plan to work with Title I
PREP parents to schedule turn-around trainings for parents within their
Regional PREP parents will serve as advisors to principals and SAC members
on how to address the needs of students and parents in their School
Improvement Plan and Title I Budget.
1. In partnership with the SDP, the school will provide a safe environment where
there is a Home and School office with a telephone, copier, and computer to
support the school in effective parental involvement activities and to improve
student achievement and school performance.
2. The school will also provide a Parent Welcome Desk.
3. Administration will meet with the Home and School Executive Board to develop
procedures and activities to involve parents in pertinent school-wide action.
4. Administration and Executive Board will work in partnership to develop with
the School
Planning Team the partnership with SEAMAAC and Moonstone Day Care.
4. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will coordinate and integrate parental
involvement strategies in Part A with parental involvement strategies under
the following other programs: [Insert programs, such as: Head Start,
Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Parents As Teachers, Home
Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, and State-operated
preschool programs], by:
5. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will take the following actions to conduct, with
the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and
effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its
Title I, Part A programs. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to
greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities (with
particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are
disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any
racial or ethnic minority background). The school will use the findings of the
evaluation about its parental involvement policy and activities to design
strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise, if necessary
(and with the involvement of parents) its parental involvement policies.
Parental involvement will be evaluated by the performance of the student
through attendance, lateness, academic achievement, community service
activities, and school based activities.
Home and School will survey its membership to determine needs, perceptions,
and suggestions for school based programs.
Bilingual counselor and counseling assistants will translate school
communication in the target language(s) for parents.
School communication will occur through written form, School Messenger
telephone messaging system, posted on the Palumbo website, assemblies and
advisory and will be shared with parents and students.
School improvement Plan will include parental involvement, and all
evaluative criteria will be shared with parents. AYP will eventually determine
and be the main criteria through which expectations will be evaluated. The
School has made AYP every year since it opened.
Data will be assessed from Parent surveys distributed in the spring. All parents
will have an opportunity to address concerns identified on that survey.
The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will build the school’s and parents' capacity for
strong parental involvement, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents
and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to
improve student academic achievement, through the following activities
specifically described below:
A. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will, with the assistance of the School
District, provide assistance to parents, as appropriate, in understanding
topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this
paragraph -
the State’s academic content standards,
the State’s student academic achievement standards,
the State and local academic assessments including alternate
the requirements of Title I-Part A,
how to monitor their child’s progress, and
how to work with educators.
1. All Home and School Association meetings will include agenda items
pertaining to all of the goals listed above. Invited guests along with
the administration will help to deliver the information to parents.
Specific targeted meetings will include staff sharing strategies for
with all parents. Meetings will also explain PSAT, Title I, SAT,
Benchmark, PSSA, Keystone Exams, AP and classroom assessments in
relationship to the State Standards and Common Core. Meetings will
also include feedback from the ninth through twelfth grade class
sponsors with suggestions on how to work with teachers to support
3. Specific parent meetings will occur through grade level groups,
advanced placement program class opportunities, report card
conferences, special assemblies and workshops with educational and
community partners.
4. Specific targeted parent meetings will occur to assist parents with
developing skills and knowledge to assist their child.
B. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will, with the assistance of the School
District, provide materials and training to help parents work with their
children to improve their children’s academic achievement, such as literacy
training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental
involvement, by:
1. Obtaining equipment such as copiers, computers, TV, projectors, DVD
player, periodicals and newspapers will be necessary to deliver the on
site home and school support program; Partnerships with National
Liberty Museum, Jewish History Museum, African American Museum,
U. of Penn Law School, Fleisher School of Art, City Life Church
SEAMAAC, Moonstone Day Care will provide materials and
information to work successfully with parents.
2. Sharing skill development on parenting with each other on a monthly
basis (parents mentoring parents). Materials and training on
Intervention Programs, handbooks and informational brochures are
available throughout the building.
3. Focusing on the “wellness” of children, sharing curricular goals and
4. Parents have the opportunity to utilize computers. Seminars are
periodically scheduled to provide parents with support for
completing college applications and grant applications for college
C. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will, with the assistance of the School
District, educate its teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and
other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with
parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of
parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and
build ties between parents and schools, by:
1. Attendance at all professional development opportunities both school
wide and
district wide. Non-instructional staff are provided with an
opportunity to learn
and improve customer service.
2. Sharing of out-of-district opportunities will occur when appropriate.
3. Parents and teachers as presenters sharing their expertise with the
home and
D. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will, to the extent feasible and appropriate,
coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with
Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Home Instruction
Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program, and
public preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as
parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully
participating in the education of their children, by:
1. Using the partnership of Home and School Association as a resource
that will
encourage and support parents in the education of their children by
creating activities whereby parents and students collaborate effectively.
2. Using the partnership of National Liberty Museum as a resource
center that will encourage and support parents in the education of their
children during trips as chaperones.
3. Using the partnership of National American Historical Jewish
Museum as a resource center that will encourage and support parents
in the education of their children learning historical facts.
4. Using the partnership of Fleisher Art Memorial as a resource center
that will encourage and support parents in the education of their
children in the arts and producing artistic outcomes.
5. Using the partnership of the African American Historical Museum as a
resource center that will encourage and support parents in the
education of their children learning historical facts.
6. Using the partnership of SEAMAAC and Moonstone as a resource
center that will encourage and support parents in the education of their
children in an afterschool setting.
7. Using the partnership of Jefferson Awards as a resource center that
will encourage and support parents in the education of their children
offering community service and service learning.
8. Using the partnership of City Life Church as a resource center that
will encourage and support parents in the education of their children in
a nondenominational faith based partnership.
9. The Parent Resource Center located in the first floor office suite will
provide a
space and opportunities to communicate with each other on their child’
academic and social progress. The space will have school based
information and data a
telephone and technology. Parents and the H& S executive board can plan
activities and agendas specific to their child and view/read information to
support their success with parents, teachers and administration.
E. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will take the following actions to ensure
that information related to the school and parent- programs, meetings,
and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an
understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon
request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can
1. Bilingual counselor and counseling assistants will translate school
communication in the target language(s) for parents.
2. School communication will occur through written form, School
Messenger telephone messaging system, postings on the Palumbo
Website, school newsletter and newspaper, assemblies and advisory
and shared with parents and students at various meetings.
3. The use of Palumbo teachers who speak second languages (Spanish,
Greek, Chinese, Italian, and French) will also be used to
communicate effectively on an immediate basis.
NOTE: The School’s Parental Involvement Policy may include additional paragraphs
listing and describing other discretionary activities that the school, in consultation
with its parents, chooses to undertake to build parents’ capacity for involvement in
the school and school system to support their children’s academic achievement,
such as the following discretionary activities listed under section 1118(e) of the
involving parents in the development of training for teachers,
principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of that
providing necessary literacy training for parents from Title I, Part A
funds, if the school district has exhausted all other reasonably
available sources of funding for that training;
paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental
involvement activities, including transportation to enable parents to
participate in school-related meetings and training sessions;
training parents to enhance the involvement of other parents;
arranging school meetings at a variety of times, or conducting inhome conferences between teachers or other educators, who work
directly with participating children, with parents who are unable to
attend those conferences at school, in order to maximize parental
involvement and participation in their children’s education;
adopting and implementing model approaches to improving parental
establishing a district wide parent advisory council to provide advice
on all matters related to parental involvement in Title I, Part A
developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and
businesses, including faith-based organizations, in parental
involvement activities; and
providing other reasonable support for parental involvement
activities under section 1118 as parents may request.]
This ACADEMY AT PALUMBO School Parental Involvement Policy has been
developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents as evidenced by
The school will distribute this policy to all parents on or before - September 26th,
(Signature of Principal)
Each school in its School-wide Parental Involvement Policy must establish the
school’s expectations for parental involvement. [Section 1118(a)(2), ESEA.]
to implement the following statutory requirements:
The school district will put into operation programs, activities and procedures
for the involvement of parents in all of its schools with Title I, Part A
programs, consistent with section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA). Those programs, activities and procedures will be
planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents of
participating children.
Consistent with section 1118, the school district will work with its schools to
ensure that the required school-level parental involvement policies meet the
requirements of section 1118(b) of the ESEA, and each include, as a
component, a school-parent compact consistent with section 1118(d) of the
The school district will incorporate this district wide parental involvement
policy into its School District of Philadelphia plan developed under section
1112 of the ESEA.
In carrying out the Title I, Part A parental involvement requirements, to the
extent practicable, the school district and its schools will provide full
opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English
proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children,
including providing information and school reports required under section
1111 of the ESEA in an understandable and uniform format and, including
alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language
parents understand.
If the School District of Philadelphia’s plan for Title I, Part A, developed
under section 1112 of the ESEA, is not satisfactory to the parents of
participating children, the school district will submit any parent comments
with the plan when the school district submits the plan to the State
Department of Education.
The school district will involve the parents of children served in Title I, Part
A schools in decisions about how the 1 percent of Title I, Part A funds
reserved for parental involvement is spent, and will ensure that not less than
95 percent of the one percent reserved goes directly to the schools.
The school district will be governed by the following statutory definition of
parental involvement, and expects that its Title I schools will carry out
programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition:
ental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication
involving student academic learning and other school activities,
including ensuring—
(A) that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
(B) that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education
at school;
(C) that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included,
as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in
the education of their child;
(D) the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118
of the ESEA.
The school district will inform parents and parental organizations of the
purpose and existence of the Parental Information and Resource Center in the
[NOTE: The School- wide Parental Involvement Policy must include a description of
how the school will implement or accomplish each of the following components.
[Section 1118(a)(2), ESEA.] Regardless of the format the school chooses to use, a
description of each of the following components below must be included in order to
satisfy statutory requirements.]
1. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will take the following actions to involve parents
in the joint development of its school-wide parental involvement plan under
section 1112 of the ESEA:
Administration will meet with the Home and School Executive Board to
develop procedures and activities to involve parents in pertinent school wide
4. Administration and Executive Board will work in partnership to develop with
the School
Planning Team, the School improvement Plan for the School and update as
needed. Parents will be notified and invited to discuss and develop the
Improvement Plan and Federal Requirements addendum.
5. The School will inform all parents of all school activities so they have
opportunities to participate. Parents are informed through mailings, the school
website, the School Messenger telephone messaging system, emails and flyers.
4. The Administration will meet with community partner SEAMAAC, Moonstone
Day Care and CityLife Church, to develop our partnerships along with
following the School Council mission in developing more partnerships.
2. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will take the following actions to involve parents
in the process of school review and improvement under section 1116 of the
2. A meeting will be held September 26th and October 17th at 6:00 PM during
which the Parent Compact/Involvement Policy, AYP, Keystone Data, Core
Curriculum and Parents Rights To Know will be shared with all in attendance.
2. Additionally letters have been sent to the home so parents also have the above
information in writing. The School Messenger telephone messaging system
consistently leaves messages to inform parents of meetings and planning times
as well as conference calls.
3. The School District of Philadelphia will provide the following necessary
coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A
schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities
to improve student academic achievement and school performance:
In collaboration with the Grants Compliance Monitor, School-based School
Improvement Support Liaison, School-Community Liaisons, Philadelphia
Home and School Council (PHSC), Title I Parent Advisory Committee, The
Philadelphia Right to Know Educational Task Force, PARENT POWER, and
other parent groups, provide workshops to schools on parent engagement.
Provide professional development by parents/caregivers for new and
existing principals and other administrators on how to develop promising
partnerships with parents/caregivers.
Train new and existing staff with parental engagement duties (e.g., School
Improvement Support Liaisons, School-Community Liaisons, School
Community Coordinators, and Bilingual Counselor Assistants) to assist
school sites in implementing parental engagement.
Make available the staff of the Office of Educational Equity, Office of
Specialized Instructional Support, and Office of Parent, Family, Community
Engagement and Faith-based Partnerships, and staff of the Assistant
Superintendents for technical assistance.
The Grants Compliance/Title I Office will provide technical assistance to
schools and parent organizations, such as the Title I Parent Advisory
Committee (PAC), Home and School Associations, The Philadelphia Right to
Education Task Force, PARENT POWER, and other organized parent groups.
Provide coordination of professional development efforts through the Office
of Instruction and Leadership Support.
Provide workshops to parents on supporting student achievement and
parent engagement.
Provide training and other information to School Advisory Councils (SACs).
By November 2013, each SAC will outline how they plan to work with Title I
PREP parents to schedule turn-around trainings for parents within their
Regional PREP parents will serve as advisors to principals and SAC members
on how to address the needs of students and parents in their School
Improvement Plan and Title I Budget.
4. In partnership with the SDP, the school will provide a safe environment where
there is a Home and School office with a telephone, copier, and computer to
support the school in effective parental involvement activities and to improve
student achievement and school performance.
5. The school will also provide a Parent Welcome Desk.
6. Administration will meet with the Home and School Executive Board to develop
procedures and activities to involve parents in pertinent school-wide action.
4. Administration and Executive Board will work in partnership to develop with
the School
Planning Team the partnership with SEAMAAC and Moonstone Day Care.
4. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will coordinate and integrate parental
involvement strategies in Part A with parental involvement strategies under
the following other programs: [Insert programs, such as: Head Start,
Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Parents As Teachers, Home
Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, and State-operated
preschool programs], by:
5. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will take the following actions to conduct, with
the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and
effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its
Title I, Part A programs. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to
greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities (with
particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are
disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any
racial or ethnic minority background). The school will use the findings of the
evaluation about its parental involvement policy and activities to design
strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise, if necessary
(and with the involvement of parents) its parental involvement policies.
Parental involvement will be evaluated by the performance of the student
through attendance, lateness, academic achievement, community service
activities, and school based activities.
Home and School will survey its membership to determine needs, perceptions,
and suggestions for school based programs.
Bilingual counselor and counseling assistants will translate school
communication in the target language(s) for parents.
School communication will occur through written form, School Messenger
telephone messaging system, posted on the Palumbo website, assemblies and
advisory and will be shared with parents and students.
School improvement Plan will include parental involvement, and all
evaluative criteria will be shared with parents. AYP will eventually determine
and be the main criteria through which expectations will be evaluated. The
School has made AYP every year since it opened.
Data will be assessed from Parent surveys distributed in the spring. All parents
will have an opportunity to address concerns identified on that survey.
The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will build the school’s and parents' capacity for
strong parental involvement, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents
and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to
improve student academic achievement, through the following activities
specifically described below:
A. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will, with the assistance of the School
District, provide assistance to parents, as appropriate, in understanding
topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this
paragraph -
the State’s academic content standards,
the State’s student academic achievement standards,
the State and local academic assessments including alternate
the requirements of Title I-Part A,
how to monitor their child’s progress, and
how to work with educators.
2. All Home and School Association meetings will include agenda items
pertaining to all of the goals listed above. Invited guests along with
the administration will help to deliver the information to parents.
Specific targeted meetings will include staff sharing strategies for
with all parents. Meetings will also explain PSAT, Title I, SAT,
Benchmark, PSSA, Keystone Exams, AP and classroom assessments in
relationship to the State Standards and Common Core. Meetings will
also include feedback from the ninth through twelfth grade class
sponsors with suggestions on how to work with teachers to support
3. Specific parent meetings will occur through grade level groups,
advanced placement program class opportunities, report card
conferences, special assemblies and workshops with educational and
community partners.
4. Specific targeted parent meetings will occur to assist parents with
developing skills and knowledge to assist their child.
B. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will, with the assistance of the School
District, provide materials and training to help parents work with their
children to improve their children’s academic achievement, such as literacy
training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental
involvement, by:
5. Obtaining equipment such as copiers, computers, TV, projectors, DVD
player, periodicals and newspapers will be necessary to deliver the on
site home and school support program; Partnerships with National
Liberty Museum, Jewish History Museum, African American Museum,
U. of Penn Law School, Fleisher School of Art, City Life Church
SEAMAAC, Moonstone Day Care will provide materials and
information to work successfully with parents.
6. Sharing skill development on parenting with each other on a monthly
basis (parents mentoring parents). Materials and training on
Intervention Programs, handbooks and informational brochures are
available throughout the building.
7. Focusing on the “wellness” of children, sharing curricular goals and
8. Parents have the opportunity to utilize computers. Seminars are
periodically scheduled to provide parents with support for
completing college applications and grant applications for college
C. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will, with the assistance of the School
District, educate its teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and
other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with
parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of
parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and
build ties between parents and schools, by:
1. Attendance at all professional development opportunities both school
wide and
district wide. Non-instructional staff are provided with an
opportunity to learn
and improve customer service.
2. Sharing of out-of-district opportunities will occur when appropriate.
3. Parents and teachers as presenters sharing their expertise with the
home and
D. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will, to the extent feasible and appropriate,
coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with
Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Home Instruction
Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program, and
public preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as
parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully
participating in the education of their children, by:
1. Using the partnership of Home and School Association as a resource
that will
encourage and support parents in the education of their children by
creating activities whereby parents and students collaborate effectively.
2. Using the partnership of National Liberty Museum as a resource
center that will encourage and support parents in the education of their
children during trips as chaperones.
3. Using the partnership of National American Historical Jewish
Museum as a resource center that will encourage and support parents
in the education of their children learning historical facts.
4. Using the partnership of Fleisher Art Memorial as a resource center
that will encourage and support parents in the education of their
children in the arts and producing artistic outcomes.
5. Using the partnership of the African American Historical Museum as a
resource center that will encourage and support parents in the
education of their children learning historical facts.
6. Using the partnership of SEAMAAC and Moonstone as a resource
center that will encourage and support parents in the education of their
children in an afterschool setting.
7. Using the partnership of Jefferson Awards as a resource center that
will encourage and support parents in the education of their children
offering community service and service learning.
8. Using the partnership of City Life Church as a resource center that
will encourage and support parents in the education of their children in
a nondenominational faith based partnership.
9. The Parent Resource Center located in the first floor office suite will
provide a space and opportunities to communicate with each other on
their child’ academic and social progress. The space will have school
based information and data a telephone and technology. Parents and
the H& S executive board can plan activities and agendas specific to
their child and view/read information to support their success with
parents, teachers and administration.
E. The ACADEMY AT PALUMBO will take the following actions to ensure
that information related to the school and parent- programs, meetings,
and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an
understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon
request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can
4. Bilingual counselor and counseling assistants will translate school
communication in the target language(s) for parents.
5. School communication will occur through written form, School
Messenger telephone messaging system, postings on the Palumbo
Website, school newsletter and newspaper, assemblies and advisory
and shared with parents and students at various meetings.
6. The use of Palumbo teachers who speak second languages (Spanish,
Greek, Chinese, Italian, and French) will also be used to
communicate effectively on an immediate basis.
NOTE: The School’s Parental Involvement Policy may include additional paragraphs
listing and describing other discretionary activities that the school, in consultation
with its parents, chooses to undertake to build parents’ capacity for involvement in
the school and school system to support their children’s academic achievement,
such as the following discretionary activities listed under section 1118(e) of the
involving parents in the development of training for teachers,
principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of that
providing necessary literacy training for parents from Title I, Part A
funds, if the school district has exhausted all other reasonably
available sources of funding for that training;
paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental
involvement activities, including transportation to enable parents to
participate in school-related meetings and training sessions;
training parents to enhance the involvement of other parents;
arranging school meetings at a variety of times, or conducting inhome conferences between teachers or other educators, who work
directly with participating children, with parents who are unable to
attend those conferences at school, in order to maximize parental
involvement and participation in their children’s education;
adopting and implementing model approaches to improving parental
establishing a district wide parent advisory council to provide advice
on all matters related to parental involvement in Title I, Part A
developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and
businesses, including faith-based organizations, in parental
involvement activities; and
providing other reasonable support for parental involvement
activities under section 1118 as parents may request.]
This ACADEMY AT PALUMBO School Parental Involvement Policy has been
developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents as evidenced by
The school will distribute this policy to all parents on or before - September 26th,
(Signature of Principal)