Why do I need to use the AUSTRAC business profile form (ABPF)?

Guide for cash dealers
and solicitors on
completing the AUSTRAC
Business Profile Form
Table of contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2
What is a ‘cash dealer’? .................................................................................................... 2
Obligations on solicitors ..................................................................................................... 2
The AUSTRAC business profile form ................................................................................ 3
Why do I need to use the AUSTRAC business profile form (ABPF)? ................................. 3
What is AUSTRAC Online? ............................................................................................... 3
Where can I access the AUSTRAC business profile form? ................................................ 3
7 steps to download and complete the ABPF .................................................................... 4
Step 1: Download the AUSTRAC business profile form................................................... 5
If your business has not previously reported to AUSTRAC ................................................ 5
If your business has previously reported to AUSTRAC ...................................................... 6
Step 2: Complete/update the ‘Business information’ section of the form ...................... 7
Step 3: Complete/update the ‘Designated services information’ section of the form .... 8
Step 4: Complete/update the ‘Other details’ section ........................................................ 9
Step 5: Complete the AUSTRAC ‘Online access’ section .............................................. 10
Step 6: Complete the ‘Declaration and submit’ section ................................................. 11
Step 7: Your AUSTRAC Online business account has been created/ updated ............ 12
Who can help me with AUSTRAC Online? ...................................................................... 12
Guide for cash dealers and solicitors on completing the AUSTRAC Business Profile Form
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This guide is designed to assist cash dealers and solicitors with obligations under the
Financial Transaction and Reports Act 1988 (FTR Act) to access, complete and submit the
AUSTRAC business profile form (ABPF).
The ABPF is an online form used to create and maintain an AUSTRAC Online business
This guide provides details on how cash dealers and solicitors can complete the ABPF. It
where to download the form
how to complete the form
how to use the form to maintain your business profile.
What is a ‘cash dealer’?
Cash dealers as defined in the FTR Act include:
banks, building societies and credit unions, referred to as 'financial institutions'
financial corporations
insurance companies and insurance intermediaries
securities dealers and futures brokers
cash carriers
managers and trustees of unit trusts
firms that deal in travellers cheques, money orders and the like, and persons who
collect, hold, exchange or remit currency on behalf of other persons
currency and bullion dealers
casinos and gambling houses
Totalisator Agency Board.
The FTR Act requires cash dealers to report to the AUSTRAC CEO:
suspicious transactions
significant cash transactions – that is, transactions of AUD10,000 or more (or the
foreign currency equivalent)
international funds transfer instructions (IFTIs).
Note: The FTR Act reporting obligations do not apply if your business is required to submit a
report about the transaction under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism
Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act).
Obligations on solicitors
The FTR Act also requires solicitors to report significant cash transactions (AUD10,000 or
more, or the foreign currency equivalent) to the AUSTRAC CEO.
Note: The FTR Act reporting obligations do not apply if your business is required to submit a
report about the transaction under the AML/CTF Act.
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The AUSTRAC business profile form
Why do I need to use the AUSTRAC business profile
form (ABPF)?
To facilitate electronic submission of cash transaction reports of AUD10,000 or more and
suspicious transactions, you need an AUSTRAC Online business account. The account can
only be created by completing an ABPF.
What is AUSTRAC Online?
AUSTRAC Online is an internet-based system designed to assist you with your regulatory
obligations under the AML/CTF Act and the FTR Act.
An AUSTRAC Online business account:
allows you to submit transaction reports to AUSTRAC electronically
enables you to view and maintain your own information as held by AUSTRAC
is a secure system which enables the protection of confidential information
assists AUSTRAC to better understand and support the regulated population.
Where can I access the AUSTRAC business profile
If your business has never reported to AUSTRAC, you will need to download a blank ABPF
via the AUSTRAC website. See page 5 of this guide for more information.
If your business has previously reported to AUSTRAC, your business will have an existing
AUSTRAC Online profile. A pre-filled ABPF can be accessed by logging into your existing
AUSTRAC Online account. See page 6 of this guide for more information.
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7 steps to download and complete the ABPF
Follow the steps below to download, complete or update the ABPF.
Download the AUSTRAC business profile form
A writable Adobe SmartForm
is open on your desktop and
ready to complete
Complete the ‘Business information’ section of
the form
This section of the form
relates to your business’s
general identification and
contact information
Complete the ‘Designated services information’
section of the form
This section of the form
relates to businesses that
provide designated services
under the AML/CTF Act and
not relevant to cash dealers
or solicitors. Simply answer
‘No’ to the questions on this
Complete the ‘Other details’ section of the form
This section relates to your
business’s obligations under
the FTR Act
Complete the ‘AUSTRAC online access’ section
of the form
This section relates to new
entities which require an
AUSTRAC Online business
account to access
Complete the ‘Declaration and submit’ section of
the form
Read and complete the
declaration and submit the
Your AUSTRAC Online business account is
Once you have successfully
completed and submitted the
form, your AUSTRAC Online
business account will be
Guide for cash dealers and solicitors on completing the AUSTRAC Business Profile Form
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Step 1: Download the AUSTRAC
business profile form
There are two ways to download the ABPF, depending on whether your business has
previously reported to AUSTRAC.
If your business has not previously reported to
If your business has not previously reported to AUSTRAC, follow the steps below to
download a blank ABPF from the Enrolment and registration page of the AUSTRAC website.
From the Enrolment and registration page:
Scroll down to the section titled How do I enrol and/or register my business?
Under Businesses new to AUSTRAC click the Download and submit the
AUSTRAC Business profile form link.
A pop-up box will appear. Select Open.
The ABPF will open in Adobe Acrobat.
Note: You may be prompted to download the latest version of Adobe Reader if the version
installed on your computer is not current or Adobe is not installed on your computer.
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If your business has previously reported to AUSTRAC
If your business has previously reported to AUSTRAC and you already have an AUSTRAC
Online business account, a pre-filled ABPF can be downloaded from your existing
AUSTRAC Online business account.
To access the ABPF through AUSTRAC Online:
Go to the AUSTRAC Online login zone.
Enter your existing user account details (user name and password).
Click Login.
Once you are logged in, expand the My business menu by clicking the + icon next to
My Business.
Select Business Profile from the menu.
You will be directed to the Business Profile page. Click the link titled AUSTRAC
Business Profile Form.
A pop-up box screen will appear. Select Open.
Complete steps 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 to update your AUSTRAC Online profile.
Forgotten your user name/password?
Tip: Your user name is usually your email address.
Tip: If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot your password? link on the
AUSTRAC Online login zone. Enter your user name on the Reset Password page and click
Don’t have an existing user name/password?
If your business has previously reported to AUSTRAC but you do not have an existing user
name and/or password, please contact the AUSTRAC Help Desk on 1300 021 037 or
help_desk@austrac.gov.au for assistance.
Tip: Navigating the ABPF
You can navigate through the various pages of the form by clicking on the tabs along the
top. You will find these tabs on every page of the ABPF.
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Step 2: Complete/update the ‘Business
information’ section of the form
At the top of the ABPF, click the Business information tab, which will take you to
the Business information page of the form.
Once you have completed all relevant sections of the page, click ‘Validate section’.
If there are any errors on the page, they will be shown in red at the end of the page.
Correct and validate each error separately.
Repeat the process until there are no errors on the page. Click OK
Step 2 is now complete.
To answer the question about the category that best describes the primary
purpose of your business, choose the option which most accurately applies.
Only choose ‘Other’ if none of the provided categories apply.
Instructions provided on this form advise that the information is used for the
Reporting Entities Roll. Entities that are regulated by the FTR Act only do not need to
enrol on the Reporting Entities Roll.
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Step 3: Complete/update the ‘Designated
services information’ section of the form
Click on the Designated services information tab.
Answer ‘No’ to both questions that appear on the page:
Once you have completed all relevant sections of the page, click ‘Validate section’.
If there are any errors on the page, they will be shown in red at the end of the page.
Correct and validate each error separately.
Repeat the process until there are no errors on the page. Click OK.
Step 3 is now complete.
Note: If you answer Yes to any questions in the ‘Designated services information’ page your
business provides a ‘designated service’ under the AML/CTF Act and is a reporting entity.
Reporting entities are required to enrol with AUSTRAC.’ For information on how to complete
and submit the ABPF as a reporting entity, please refer to the AUSTRAC business profile
form explanatory guide located on the Enrolment and registration page of the AUSTRAC
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Step 4: Complete/update the ‘Other
details’ section
Click on the Other details tab.
Once you have completed all relevant sections of the page, click ‘Validate section’.
If there are any errors on the page, they will be shown in red at the end of the page.
Correct and validate each error separately.
Repeat the process until there are no errors on the page. Click OK.
Step 4 is now complete.
Note: Cash dealers and solicitors must answer Yes to the question ‘Does the business have
any ongoing obligations under the Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988?’
Note: The primary contact for your business will receive a user ID and temporary password
soon after submitting the ABPF to enable access to AUSTRAC Online.
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Step 5: Complete the AUSTRAC ‘Online
access’ section
Click on the AUSTRAC Online access tab.
Answer Yes to the question Do you require access to AUSTRAC Online? (this will
create a user account to allow you to access AUSTRAC Online).
Once you have completed all relevant sections of the page, click ‘Validate section’.
If there are any errors on the page, they will be shown in red at the end of the page.
Correct and validate each error separately.
Repeat the process until there are no errors on the page. Click OK.
Step 5 is now complete.
Note: If you accessed the ABPF via your AUSTRAC Online business account, you will not
be required to answer any questions on this page.
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Step 6: Complete the ‘Declaration and
submit’ section
Click on the Declaration and submit tab.
Complete the Declaration section of the page (ensure that you read the
Once you have completed all relevant sections of the form, click Submit.
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Step 7: Your AUSTRAC Online business
account has been created/ updated
Once you have submitted the ABPF you will receive a confirmation email and receipt. Save
the receipt to your computer as directed.
If you have not previously reported to AUSTRAC and do not have an existing AUSTRAC
Online business account, an account will automatically be created for you.
A temporary user ID and password will be emailed to the primary contact person for your
business, as listed/nominated in the ‘Other details’ section of the form.
Who can help me with AUSTRAC Online?
The AUSTRAC Help Desk can assist you with further information about AUSTRAC Online or
your obligations under the AML/CTF Act or FTR Act.
The AUSTRAC Help Desk can be contacted on:
phone: (local call within Australia) 1300 021 037
phone: (international) +61 2 9950 0055
email: help_desk@austrac.gov.au
National Relay Service (within Australia): TTY or computer with modem users phone
133 677 and ask for 1300 021 037. Speak and listen (speech to speech relay) users phone
1300 555 727 and ask for 1300 021 037.
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