SILABUS Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Mata Kuliah & Kode : Language Testing & PEN 205 Jumlah sks :2 Semester :5 Mata Kuliah Prasyarat & Kode : Dosen : A.Ghani Johan, M.Ed I. DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH Mata kuliah ini berbobot 2 sks dengan tatap muka 1 kali seminggu dalam waktu 100 menit setiap pertemuan. Mata kuliah ini terdiri dari teori dan praktek dalam bentuk penyampaian materi tentang konsep-konsep dan prinsip-prinsip dasar dalam penyusunan tes bahasa, penyekoran, dan pengolahan terhadap hasil tes. Mahasiswa ditugaskan untuk menilais suatu tes (butir-butir soal), menganalisis suatu tes disertai dengan perhitungan statistik yang diperlukan, dan mengolah skor tes. Penilaian terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa didasarkan pada tugas individual/kelompok, ujian tengah semester, ujian semester, dan presensi perkuliahan. II. STANDAR KOMPETENSI MATA KULIAH Memahami dan menerapkan konsep-konsep dan prinsip dalam penyusunan tes, penyekoran tes, dan pengolahan hasil tes; serta membangun sikap kritis dan apresiatif terhadap tes bahasa. III. STRATEGI PERKULIAHAN 1. Perkuliahan tatap muka 2. Diskusi/tanya-jawab 3. Tugas individual/kelompok IV. REFERENSI/SUMBER BAHAN A. Wajib: Language Assessment. Principles and Classroom Practice. H. Douglas Brown. Pearson Longman, New York, 2004. B. Anjuran : Buku-buku atau artikel tentang Language Testing V. SKENARIO PERKULIAHAN Tatap Muka Kompetensi Dasar 1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi, manfaat, dan tujuan language testing 2 Mengidentifikasi teknik-teknik utama dalam pengetesan bahasa dan keterampilan bahasa dengan komponen-komponennya Materi Pokok 1. a. The Significance of Language Testing b. The Purpose of Language Testing 2. a. Some Principal Language Testing Techniques Strategi PerKuliahan Kuliah, diskusi Kuliah, diskusi b. Language Skills and Their Components 3 Mengidentifikasi prosedur pembuatan cloze tests dan mencoba pengerjaannya 4 Mengidentifikasi syarat-syarat untuk suatu butir soal pilihan-ganda yang baik. 5- 6 7 8 Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri/syarat-syarat tes yang baik dan Bloom’s Taxonomy dalam pengetesan bahasa Mengidentifikasi apa yang dites dalam testing grammatical structures, tipe-tipe soal, dan penerapan Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy Mengidentifikasi apa yang dites dalam testing reading comprehension, tema dan bentuk reading texts, tipe-tipe soal, dan penerapan Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy 3. Cloze tests 4. Some Requirements for a Multiple Choice Item 5. a. Characteristics of A Good Test b. Content, Construct, and Face Validity c. Bloom’s Taxonomy Kuliah, diskusi Kuliah, Diskusi Kuliah, diskusi 6. Testing Grammatical Structures a. What to test b. Item Types c. Cognitive Levels in Testing Grammatical Structures Kuliah, diskusi, tugas 7. Testing Reading Comp a. What to test b. Item Types Kuliah, diskusi, tugas Referensi c. Cognitive Levels in Testing Reading Comp 9 10 11 12 -------------------------- Mengidentifikasi apa yang dites dalam testing Vocabulary, tipe-tipe soal, dan penerapan Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy 8. Testing Vocabulary a. What to test b. Item Types c. Cognitive Levels in Testing Vocabulary Mengidentifikasi apa yang dites dan dinilai dalam testing Speaking serta bentuk kegiatan tes 9. Testing Speaking a. What to test b. Activities Mengidentifikasi apa yang dites dan dinilai dalam testing Listening. Mengidentifikasi apa yang dites dan dinilai dalam testing Writing. 13 Menyekor tes objektif dan tes esei. Menerapkan rumus-rumus statistik tertentu untuk menghitung validitas butir-butir suatu tes 14 15 16 ---- Ujian Tengah Semester --- Menerapkan rumus-rumus statistik tertentu untuk menghitung reliabilitas suatu tes Menganalisis butir soal Menerapkan kurva normal dalam distribusi nilai 10. Testing Listening a. What to test b. Item Types/Activities Kuliah, diskusi, tugas Kuliah, diskusi Kuliah, diskusi 11. Testing Writing a. What to test b. Test types 12. Scoring objective and essays tests Kuliah, diskusi, Latihan 13. Calculating the item validity a. Mean and SD b. Objective tests c. Essay tests 14. Calculating the reliability of a test a. Objective tests b. Essay tests Kuliah, diskusi, latihan 15. Item analysis a. Item Difficulty/Facility b. Item Discrimination Index c. Distracter’s effectiveness Kuliah, diskusi, latihan 16. Normal Curve a. Normal Distribution b. Converting raw scores into final marks c. Standardized scores Kuliah, diskusi, latihan VI. Evaluasi No. Komponen Evaluasi Bobot (%) 1 Partisipasi kuliah 10 % 2 Tugas-tugas 15% 3 Ujian Tengah Semester 30% 4 Ujian Semester 45 % Jumlah 100% TYPES OF LANGUAGE TESTS (based on their functions) 1. Aptitude Tests -------------- Aptitude Tests 2. General Proficiency Test --Screening Tests Placement Tests 3. Achievement Tests --------- Achievement Tests Diagnostic Tests Program Evaluation Tests SOME PRINCIPAL LANGUAGE TESTING TECHNIQUES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Translation 2. Dictation 3. Writing 4. Scored Interviews/Speaking 5. Short-answer Items 6. Multiple-choice Items 7. Cloze Tests/Procedure fixed-ratio method rational method 8. A Cloze Test The Problem of the World’s Food Supply Although science and technological developments have made progress in the last 100 years, millions of people are hungry and unable to improve their condition without help. The problem seems to be of scarcity, especially in __________ (1) like Ethiopia, Sudan, and ___________(2) of Southern and Southeast Asia. ______ (3) appears that there is not enough food to support the ________ (4) people of the countries. But if we examine the situation more ___________ (5), we find that it is not the _________ (6). If we calculate the ________ (7) which is thrown away in big cities like Jakarta, Singapore, Tokyo, and New York, in restaurants and in __________ (8) all over the world everyday, we find that the food thrown away _______ (9) enough to feed the _________ (10) people of the world. The richer countries of the world enjoy ___________ (11) standard of living than their _________ (12) neighbours. The rich people consume more than they _________(13). They spend too much money on the food they _____(14) in restaurants, although they eat only ______ (15). BASIC READING SKILLS 1. Deducing the meanings of unfamiliar lexical items 2. Understanding references 3. Understanding forms and meanings of non-idiomatic phrases 4. Understanding sentence meanings through syntactical structures 6. Reading graphics, charts, tables, etc. 7. Recognizing and understanding rhetorical structures a. At Sentence level: meanings of sentence connectors, discourse markers, figures of speech, elliptic and inversion b. At Paragraph level or Inter-sentences : meanings of sentence connectors, the topic and main idea of paragraphs, relationship between the main idea and details c. At the whole Passage level: theme and central thought, function of the paragraphs, parts and their functions 8. Critical Reading Skills a. Understanding the writer’s purpose, view-point, and tone b. Making inferences, generalization, and conclusion c. Evaluating the writer’s references d. Evaluating the writer’s language and writing procedures. Test Matrix Cognitive Level Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ………. Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation T ..% ..% ..% ..% ..% Some Requirements for a Multiple-Choice Item 1. There should be only one correct answer. 2. The options should be of relatively the same length. 3. It tests a specific feature of the language. 4. It uses simple and grammatically correct language. Testing Vocabulary 1. We need __________ to make a cake. a. a few egg ..% 1 b. two ounce of sugar c. many margarine d. some flour The ship __________ tomorrow morning. a. is leaving b. may leave c. will leave The rain caused the grass ___________ fast. a. b. c. d. growing to grow grow grew (testing one feature of the language) Last-week’s rain _________ the grass ________ fast. a. b. c. d. causes – to grow made – to grow caused – grow makes – grow (testing two features of the language) The ship hit the iceberg because ____________ . a. the weather was bad b. too many people on board c. the crew were not well-trained d. the weather was bad and there were too many people on board. ( not a very good item of testing reading comprehension) To know a word is to know its 1) 2) 3) 4) boat a. board b. go c. book d. gaol spelling pronunciation meaning(s) usage/WORD TYPE thorough a. although b. both c. then d. within Characteristics of A Good Test 1. Valid (= sahih) 2. Reliable (= handal) 3. Practical (= praktis) Validity Logical Validity 1) Content Validity 2) Construct Validity 3) Face Validity Empirical Validity 1) Item Validity 2) Concurrent Validity 3) Predictive Validity DATA (Skor suatu tes m-c dikotomus) Item Number Testees 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Total Score 1. Ika 1 47 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 43 41 38 37 34 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 15 16 17 18 19 20 p q pq 0 1 1 0 0 0 … … … 20 20 19 17 17 16 X … SD … 1. Hitunglah Item Facility dari butir soal no.1. 2. Hitunglah Item Descrimination index butir soal no 1. 3. Hitunglah Item Validity butir soal no. 1. 4. Dengan menggunakan formula K-R 21, hitunglah Reliabilitas dari tes di atas. DATA (Skor dari suatu tes esei) Item No. Total Testees 1 2 . . . . . . . . 10 1. Anita 5 45 2. 4 40 3. 5 37 4. 3 34 5. 4 31 6. 3 29 7. 2 27 8. 2 26 Score 9. 1 24 10. 1 23 11. 1 18 Hitunglah validitas butir (item validity) soal no. 1. NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS Prepositions Articles Conjunctions Indefinite Numerals We visited the house where we used to live.