19/10/11 - Chiddingstone Parish Council

Cllr I. Durrant (Chairman), Cllr P. Benton, Cllr M. Cottrell, Cllr Mrs P. Harris,
Cllr Mrs D. James and Cllr P. Vicary
Cllr P. Cooke, Cllr J. Glendinning, Cllr H. Williams and District Cllr Mrs Cook
In attendance: Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk), County Cllr Lake and public
Open Session
Report by County Cllr Peter Lake
C.Cllr Lake reported that KCC has to save £75 million next year and new services are going to face savage cuts, and
there is little light at the end of the tunnel. It is increasingly hard to see where the next cuts will come from without
affecting essential services. There is pressure from central Government, and already 1,500 people have lost their jobs
and more is possible. There are hard decisions for this Government to make, and these decisions will affect local
councils. KCC will not raise council tax next year, but it is likely that there will be cuts to some services. C.Cllr Lake
has made enquiries with the new head of local highways, Julian Cook, about verge cutting and whether the parishes
could take on the function next year. The number of cuts has been reduced this year countywide due to the financial
climate. It would appear that the verge cutting contract is with KHS so they might be reluctant to let it go. However,
C.Cllr Lake promised to press forward and see what he can do. Regarding salt bins, C.Cllr Lake reported that it may
be possible to have a new salt bin but there are many requests and limited resources. If KHS refuse an application,
Parish Councils can purchase their own salt bins and put them on non-KHS land but the bins will have to be a different
colour than yellow, and the Parish Councils will be responsible for filling them. If the bin is to go on KHS land, they
will have to assess the site. Free salt bags will be offered again this year. C.Cllr Lake is compiling a list of requests for
salt bins and the Parish Council should let him know as soon as possible if they want one. Primary and secondary
routes will be gritted but it is still unsure as to whether rural bus routes will be. Regarding the permissive path from
Knotley Hall to Chiddingstone Causeway, C.Cllr Lake has now heard that the draft agreement has been sent to the
landowner, so hopefully this will continue to move forward. C.Cllr Lake has made a request to Julian Cook for a
reduction in speed in Chiddingstone Causeway to 30mph. C.Cllr Lake reported that he attended a meeting at Gatwick
with Sir John Stanley. There is an idea to try and get aircraft to join the flight path nearer to Gatwick, which will take
planes over the Ashdown Forest rather than over Hever and the surrounding villages. There is going to be a meeting in
December with the Chief Executive of Gatwick to which Parish Council representatives will be invited. Finally, C.Cllr
Lake reported that he has complained about the number of roadside signs advertising local events, such as the Hever
Triathlon and the Tonbridge half marathon – many signs for which remain on the roadside after the event has passed.
Questions from members of the public
Mr and Mrs Andrew Brown attended the meeting to discuss the planning application at the Former Dukes Factory,
Chiddingstone Causeway.
County Cllr Lake and the members of the public left the meeting at 8.30pm
Closed Session
Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Cooke, Cllr Glendinning and Cllr Williams and their reasons for
absence were accepted by members. Apologies for absence were also received from District Cllr Mrs Cook who
is attending a Council of Europe meeting in Strasbourg.
Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of matters to be discussed
Cllr Vicary declared a prejudicial interest in item 63 Planning as he has submitted an application for a new
bungalow at Hilders Farm, and a personal interest in item 63 Planning as he has made a submission in support of
the application at Winkhurst Farmhouse. Cllr Mrs James declared a personal interest in item 63 Planning as she
lives in a neighbouring property to the former Dukes Factory.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st September, 2011 were approved and duly signed.
Proposed by Cllr Mrs James, seconded by Cllr Benton and all were in favour.
To report on Matters Arising from the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st September, 2011
Item 57(iii) – the Clerk reported that she attended the KALC Finance Conference in Lenham on 7th October.
Planning - to consider planning applications received
i. SE/11/02493/LDCEX: Winkhurst Farmhouse, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill TN14 6LB - Tennis Court.
Members supported this retrospective application.
ii. SE/11/02474/FUL: Hoath Corner Wood, Ryewell Hill, Chiddingstone Hoath - repair work to existing
gateway into woodland to resurface with stone to allow stacking and loading of logs for transport from
hardstanding. Members objected to this application as they felt it was misleading as there has never been a
gate in this location, or a gateway, and there is just a gap in the fence with a telegraph pole to one side. The
proposed access would be dangerous on this blind stretch of road, opposite the Rock Inn access and the
junction for Truggers Lane.
iii. SE/11/02549/FUL: Hilders Farm, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech. TN8 7PW - the erection of a new bungalow
for staff. Having declared a prejudicial interest at the start of the meeting, Cllr Vicary left the room for this
item and took no part in the discussion or vote. The Clerk advised that she has contacted Mr and Mrs
Dennis, as neighbours to the farm, and they advised that they would not be submitting an objection to this
proposal. Members supported this application providing that there is an agricultural tie to the property.
iv. SE/11/02613/FUL: Former Duke's Factory, Chiddingstone Causeway - demolition of existing two storey
office building and change of use to residential development of four two storey terraced cottages. Members
had no objection to the application in principle, but wished to object to two aspects of the scheme: (a)
Members objected to the position of the access as it is too close to the sharp bend on this de-restricted road,
and asked that it be moved further down Camp Hill towards the B2027. (b) Members objected to the
proposed planting of large trees as it will cause loss of light to neighbouring properties in Dukes Meadow,
and asked that this be changed to smaller trees or shrubs. Members were, however, pleased to see the
inclusion of the pavement to the front of the properties.
v. SE/11/02579/FUL: Bough Beech Treatment Works TN8 7PL - erection of plant room. Members supported
this application.
The Clerk reported the following notification of planning approval:
SE/11/02015/FUL – Kilnwood, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill. TN14 6LB: demolition of existing conservatory and
veranda, and erection of roof extension and front porch.
SE/11/01871/FUL – Kilnwood, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill. TN14 6LB: demolition of existing store building and
erection of new garage.
The Clerk reported the following notification of appeal decision:
SE/10/03135/LDCEX - Land south of Puckden Wood: agricultural feed and farm equipment store. Appeal has
been dismissed.
To report on correspondence received
i. Item 1: SDC – LDF Open Space Allocations for Consultation. Deadline for comments 3rd November 2011.
Clerk to respond.
ii. Item 13: Copy correspondence from Mike North, Jean Judge, Sir John Stanley and Paul Carter at KCC. KCC
made a full bid of £42million to the Government, which if successful would enable the whole county to be
included in the improved broadband specifications. The bid was deferred as further clarification was required
on two points. The bid was re-submitted as part of the second wave, and KCC was awarded £9.87 million for
broadband roll-out. A map shows the current broadband speeds in Sevenoaks South, and the Chiddingstone
parish is ‘particularly badly off’. The Clerk reported that Hever Parish Council has made a bid to KCC for
part of the funding, and is investigating further.
iii. Item 15: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – more information about beacons to celebrate the event. Members agreed
that they did not want to be included in the beacon scheme.
iv. Item 32: Letter from Christine Nuttall, Monitoring Officer at SDC re: Code of Conduct: ‘Under the Localism
Bill, the Standards framework that we have known since 2000 will disappear. The Bill makes it clear that if a
member or co-opted member fails to disclose an interest, or takes part in the business of the authority to
which an interest relates, this could amount to a criminal offence which could bring a fine and
disqualification for a period of up to 5 years. The latest indication from Ministers is that they are still likely
to require principal councils to have a Code of Conduct for Members although the position for Parish
Councils is less clear.
However, it is important to emphasise that there will still be a duty on all councils including Parish and Town
councils to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members and co-opted members of the
authority. It is difficult to see how an authority could demonstrate compliance with this duty if they did not
adopt a code of conduct and NALC are working on producing a model which Parish and Town Councils will
be able to adopt. If a written allegation is made to your council that a member has failed or may have failed
to comply with the code of conduct the authority must consider whether it is appropriate to investigate the
allegation and, if it decides that an investigation is appropriate, investigate the allegation in such a manner as
it thinks fit. On the basis that SDC decides to retain a Standards Committee please let us know whether your
Council would be interested in our Standards Committee providing a complaints handling service as well as
training and conciliation. Unfortunately, the District Council would have to make a charge for such service
but this is likely to be cheaper than market prices.’ Members did not wish to be included and pay SDC a fee
for providing this service. It was agreed that a Complaints Procedure is drawn up instead.
v. Item 33: Email from Simon Davies, SDC re: London 2012 Olympics & Paralympics Dressing Options for the
Sevenoaks District. Any materials required to dress a venue for the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics
will need to be bought from LOCOG. Only local District and Borough Councils can order materials, so if
Parish Councils require any materials for an event, SDC can order on our behalf. Members did not wish to
purchase any materials.
To consider the provision of the freighter service for residents
The Clerk reported that SDC will provide the freighter on Saturday 10 th December with 45 minute stops at each
of the following sites. The cost for Chiddingstone will be will be £189.00 + VAT for the three stops:
1. 07.45 to 08.30 Penshurst
2. 08.45 to 09.30 Fordcombe
3. 09.45 to 10.30 Chiddingstone Village by Cemetery.
4. 10.45 to 11.30 Bough Beech Wheatsheaf Pub (car park).
5. 11.45 to 12.30 Chiddingstone Causeway by Richards Close.
6. 12.45 to 13.30 Leigh by The Green
Cllr Durrant proposed that the Parish Council proceed on this basis and share costs with the other parishes. This
was seconded by Cllr Mrs Harris and all were in favour. Clerk to advertise in the parish magazine, website, the
Courier and noticeboards. Members requested that there is feedback on the number of people using the service at
each stop and the weight of the refuse collected.
To hear update regarding the refurbishment of the War Memorial in Chiddingstone
The Clerk reported that quotes have still not been received from Burslems or the Wells Cathedral Stone Mason,
despite chasing. It was agreed to consider next month.
To hear update regarding the minibus service, and to consider whether to give a grant(s)
The Clerk reported that she still hasn’t heard back from Age UK and VAWK. It was agreed that, unless a
response is received before the next meeting, the item will be taken off the agenda in future.
To consider various highway matters, including replacement bollards in Chiddingstone Hoath
i. The Clerk reported that she has received an email from Kate Thurman, who said that residents at Knotley Hall
are having trouble with cars driving very fast past their driveway making it scary to come out in a car. Asks
whether it would be possible to extend the 40mph limit from Penshurst Station towards Leigh, past Knotley
Hall and all the way to the cottages on the north side of B2027. Leigh Parish Council has agreed to support
this request and the Clerk has lodged a request on the KHS portal.
ii. The Clerk reported that the works manager at the water treatment works at Bough Beech has, following the
Clerk’s request, cut back the boundary hedge on the bend on Ide Hill Road. Chris at The Castle Inn has also
arranged for the hedge to be cut at Vexour, and the Clerk reported that she has asked Rupert Fleming to cut the
hedge near Stonewall Park Cricket Ground, particularly at the entrance. Mark Collier has still not cut his
hedge in Chiddingstone Hoath.
iii. The Clerk reported that she has asked whether Sutton and East Surrey Water would be prepared to request a
temporary speed limit on Ide Hill Road while work is undertaken at the water treatment works.
Peter Isherwood has responded to say that whilst he is happy to make such a request, the works will probably
be finished before the temporary speed limit can be agreed and implemented. Members agreed not to pursue
iv. The Clerk reported that Allan Gibbons at KHS has expressed concern about wooden bollards in Chiddingstone
Hoath on safety grounds, and he would definitely not agree to hardwood bollards. If the Parish Council wish
to erect softwood bollards, formal permission would be required. The Clerk reported that Chase Fencing has
quoted £8.70 + VAT per softwood bollard, and the reflectors can be purchased for 95p + VAT each. Allan
Gibbons has said that he will need to check first as to whether the wooden bollards can be erected but, if
approved, he will install them for the Parish Council. Members agreed to proceed with a request to erect 4
softwood bollards with reflectors.
To consider refurbishment of phonebox in Chiddingstone Hoath
The Clerk reported that she spoke to Hever Residents Association who paid to have the phonebox at Parsons
Croft refurbished. This involved replacing glass and painting the box. The Clerk has contacted the person who
carried out this work – Matt Wheeler - and is waiting for a quote which can be considered next month.
To consider insurance and liability regarding winter maintenance
The Clerk reported that one of the speakers at the Finance Conference she attended was a representative from the
insurance company, Came & Co. Currently, there does not appear to be any liability to an individual, or the
Parish Council, if an individual takes it upon himself to spread grit, even if the grit is provided by the Parish
Council. However, if the Parish Council undertakes gritting, there could be a liability. If the Parish Council
takes the decision not to grit a path or road, then individuals take the risk themselves and the Parish Council is
not liable. In this instance, the Parish Council should tell the community on noticeboards, parish magazine and
website that they will not be gritting. However, if the Parish Council does undertake gritting, they must do it
thoroughly for the whole period as if they start and do not do the job properly they could be liable and be deemed
negligent. Winter maintenance should be added to our risk assessment.
The Clerk reported that she has requested a bag of salt/grit again this year, and has also requested a new salt bin
on Lockskinners Lane, about which she hasn’t heard back yet from KHS. (Please see further details under
County Cllr Lake’s report in the Open Session). If the Parish Council wish to purchase a salt bin, they cost
£136.94 + VAT each for a bin with a capacity of 208kg (8x25g rock salt) with free delivery. KHS will fill the
Parish Council owned bins whilst filling in their own bins at a cost of about £20-£25 per filling.
Members agreed that the Parish Council will not arrange for the roads and pavements to be gritted but will make
the salt/grit available to members of the public so that they can use it when needed.
To consider how the following Parish Projects are progressing:
i. Chiddingstone Car Park
Cllr Durrant reported that there is no movement on the proposed car park site at Chiddingstone Castle. The
Trustees have made it clear that they would not agree to using the proposed site, but would be in agreement
to the Parish Council contributing towards improving the existing Castle car park. Members agreed that they
were not prepared to do this. It was agreed that this project is deferred unless another site become available
close to the centre of Chiddingstone village.
a. to consider coppicing woodland
The Clerk reported that Brodie Hall is keen to coppice the wood, which is essential to allow enough light
into the allotments. The Clerk has completed an application for a coppicing licence from the Forestry
Commission, which she has sent to Richard Streatfeild as he has to sign an agent authority form. The
Clerk has also asked Rachel Streatfeild whether they are happy for Anne-Marie’s ponies to be grazed on
the field to get the grass down, and she has yet to hear back. Members agreed last month to allow Brodie
to remove the two small oak saplings, which he will do free of charge if he can keep the wood.
b. to consider quotes for hedge cutting
The Clerk reported that she has obtained three quotes for cutting the large hedge/trees.
c. to consider quote for carpark area
The Clerk reported that she has obtained a quote to prepare a 50m2 hard standing area for car parking.
This would involve removing a depth of 20cm of soil, which would be spread over the allotment area.
This excavated area would then be filled with a depth of 20cm of road planings. It was agreed to get a
price for a deeper footing as recommended.
Members agreed that the Clerk should now send the agreement to Richard Streatfeild for signing, and then
decisions will be made as to who will cut the hedge and create the hardstanding area.
Community Garden:
a. to consider quote for wooden community garden sign
The Clerk reported that she has obtained a quote for an hard-carved sign in oak, approx. size 25"
(wide) x 16" or 17" high. There would be an arched top with an oak leaf motif. With the letters
unpainted, in a natural finish, the price is £220 + £10 post and package. If the lettering and motif are
to be painted-in (after carving), there will be an additional cost of £35. Oak with a natural finish will
not rot but, with a year or two's exposure to the weather, will turn grey or silver-grey. Members
agreed to proceed on this basis with black painted letters, and to include an arrow under the words.
with access to
The Chiding Stone
b. The Clerk reported that she has spoken to Rob McCoy and has delivered the three quotes for the new
doorway to him. She has also sent an email to Gary Churchill to advise him of projects at the
Community Garden and has not heard back.
Cllr Mrs Harris reported that Mrs Vivian Rusbridge is a new member of the Village Hall Management
Committee and the committee is working closely with the school regarding the cleaning and security of
the hall.
Play Area
a. to view four comparative schemes and associated quotes
Cllr Mrs James reported that she and the Clerk have now met representatives from four play equipment
providers: Kompan, Wicksteed, Sovereign and Lappset.
Cllr Mrs James has contacted Lambert & Foster and is awaiting to hear back regarding confirmation of the
agreement to use the land.
b. to consider next steps
It was agreed that a public consultation will be held as soon as possible.
c. to approve application for grant to SDC Big Community Fund
It was agreed to proceed with this application at the appropriate time.
Finance: to approve payment of cheques
The Clerk reported that the recommended amount for mileage has changed from 40p to 45p per mile. This is the
allowable amount before the requirement for tax declarations. Members agreed.
Cllr Mrs James proposed that the list of cheques be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Mrs Harris and all were
in favour.
Items for reporting or inclusion in future agenda
The Clerk reported that she is attending a Clerks’ meeting in Westerham tomorrow to discuss next year’s Family
Fun Play Scheme. Members agreed that they would be happy to run the scheme again next year, depending upon
costs and details.
The meeting closed at 10.05pm.