5th Grade Week of: Dec. 8-12, 2014 ______________________ (L71) Monday (L72) Tuesday (L73) Wednesday (L74) Thursday (L75) Friday Devotions Language Pledges Songs: We Three Kings, Minute by Minute Prayers: Teacher Verses: Luke 2:8-14 Doctrinal Drill: Teach: Test 2 – Tabernacle and Life of Moses, Series 1-3 Recite Ex.14.1, p.38, OLE Pledges Songs: We Three Kings, Joy to the World Prayers: 3 Students Verses: Ten Commandments, Ex. 20:35, 7-8, 12-17 Doctrinal Drill: God, Heave, Salvation Teach: The Promise of a Savior Pledges Songs: Joy to the World, O Come, All Ye Faithful! Prayers: 3 Students Verses: Ten Commandments, Ex. 20:35, 7-8, 12-17 Doctrinal Drill: The Bible, God, Heaven Teach: The Birth of Jesus Recite Ex.14.2, p.39, OLE Pledges Songs: My Lord Knows the Way, We Three Kings Prayers: 3 Students Verses: Ten Commandments, Ex. 20:35, 7-8, 12-17 Doctrinal Drill: Salvation, God, Satan Teach: Angels Bring News to the Shepherds Pledges Songs: My Lord Knows the Way, Joy to the World! Prayers: Teacher Verses: Ten Commandments, Ex. 20:35, 7-8, 12-17 Doctrinal Drill: God, Heaven Teach: Wise Men Worship the King Recite Ex.14.4, p.39, OLE Thinking Skills – Think Think, 1-14 and diagram Introduce new concept – Conjunctions Are Joiners Thinking Skills – Think A, B, Remember C Introduce new concept – Interjections Show Feeling Thinking Skills – Think Thinking Skills – Think A, B Thinking Skills – Think C Homework: Thinking Skills – Think p.125, numbers 15-25 and diagram Spelling, Vocabulary, Poetry Practice List 14 Play Tic-Tac-Toe Write dictated sentence Introduce Dawn Hmwk: Copy List 14 twice w/defin; Do Test Your Spelling mastery p.29 TRIAL TEST 14 Hmwk: Copy List 14 once w/defin; write incorrect words on trial test additional 10x each; Study for Test 14 Recite Ex.14.3, p.39, OLE Thinking skills – Think D, Go Back – Diagrams Thinking Skills – Verbs, Pronouns TEST 14 Reading Arithmetic CKBD: Vocab – monotony, intrigued, dauntless, moored, swatch, tussocks, pack ice, perseverance, tomcod, chastisement Practice vocab words/defin Read: Voyage of Discovery pp.116-123 Read/discuss vocab words from the reading Introduce greater than/less than Ex.1-2 Review measures Ex.3 Discuss story problems Ex.4 Review/Board work Ex.58 Practice vocab words/defin Do: Skill Sheet 23 Discuss: How did wrong information about the Vikings begin & spread? How are rumors & wrong information spread today? Read: Voyage of Discovery pp.124-129 (Begin taking oral reading grade) Read/discuss vocab words from the reading Test 7 Practice vocab words/defin Read: Voyage of Discovery pp.130-140 Read/discuss vocab words from the reading Test 6 Using Modifiers Correctly Identifying Prepositional Phrases Identifying Parts of Speech Identifying Grammar Errors Diagraming Sentences Handwriting Recite First Amendment Rev states w/NFF & GRM 10; Rev MM 10 w/GRM 4; Rev CH 7 & GRM 4 locations w/Side against Side Hmwk: Study CH 7 for test; Do CCU 7 Sec C #6, D #s5-8, F #s7-8 & I #13; Study MM 10 Story Problems Divisible Numbers Reduce to Lowest Terms Multiply Find the Answers Convert the measures Introduce solving equations Ex.1 Review adding and subtracting fractions Ex.2 Discuss story problems Ex.3 Review/Board work Ex.4 TEST 6 CH 7 Recite First Amendment Introduce NFF 35 A –B & point out locations w/GRM 9; Rev MM 10 w/GRM 4 OR/D pp.124-127 OCC 7E p.127 Geography Application Hmwk: Do CCU 8 Sec E #1 & F #s1-3 Introduce List 15 Practice List 15 once Read/briefly discuss Job 6:25 Rev: Spelling Rule 2 Practice vocab words/defin Write dictated sentence Read/recite Dawn Hmwk: Copy List 125 twice w/defin; Do Test Your Understanding p.31 Speed/Comp: QUIZ 12 – A in G pp.23-24 Discuss: Why did Wallace begin studying the Bible? Practice vocab words/defin Read: Voyage of Discovery pp.141-144 Read/discuss vocab words from the reading Review equations Ex.1 Discuss story problems Ex.2 Review greater than/less than Ex.3; CC 90-92 Review/Board work Ex.48 Read First Amendment Practice List 15 twice Write dictated sentence Practice vocab words Recite Dawn QUIZ 15 Introduce three-digit divisors Ex.1-3; Arith Chart 4 Review Equations Ex.4 Review/Board work Ex.57 Read First Amendment Read: Luke 24:13-53 Discuss: How did Jesus prove to His disciples that He was not a ghost? Science/Health Rev: Sec 4.1-4.3 OR/D pp.194-198 Science Concepts p.199 Further Review Demonstrate warm-up procedure Complete p.51 Check writing position Homework: p.363, Lesson 71 Homework: p.363, Lesson 73 Thinking Skills – Modifiers Thinking Skills – Think A Thinking Skills – Think p.132 Homework – Think B, C Study for test History Homework: p.363, Lesson 75 Rev: pp.178-199 QUIZ 14 OR/D pp.199-203 OCC 4.4 p.204 Further Review Hmwk: Do CCU 4A Sec A #s12-21, all of B & E Rev: Sec 4.1-4.4 (Play Star to Star) JOURNAL ENTRY DAY: Copy Spelling List 16 Demonstrate warm-up procedure Complete p.52 Hmwk: Study Sec 4.1-4.4 for Test Check writing position Introduce NFF 35 A –B & point out locations w/GRM 9; Rev: MM 10 w/GRM 4; Rev states covered w/NFF & GRM 10 Rev: Sec 8.1 facts OR/D pp.128-131 OCC 8 B p.131 Hmwk: Do CCU 8 Sec CB #s12; Current Events due L75 CURRENT EVENTS Hmwk: Complete SS 26; Do CCU 8 Sec B #s1-5, E #2 & F #s4-5 TEST 7 CH 4 (4.1-4.4) TEST 15 (p.125) Demonstrate warm-up procedure Science Concepts p.204 OR/D pp.205-208 Student Observer p.208 Complete p.53 Dictated Sentence: The quitter never wins the race. Check writing position