ECE 201 CIRCUIT THEORY I (Required course for CPE and ELE) DEPARTMENT: Electrical and Computer Engineering COORDINATOR: Robert C. Helgeland, Professor CATALOG DESCRIPTION: The first course covering basic theory of circuit analysis. The goals of this course include developing an ability to solve engineering problems and to design, implement and test circuits to meet design specifications. Topics include network theorems, review of techniques to solve simultaneous equations, nodal and mesh circuit analysis, dependent sources, Thevenin's and Norton's equivalent circuits, solution of first and second order networks to switched DC inputs, natural responses, AC circuit steady-state response analysis, review of complex numbers, phasors, coupled inductors, rms voltage and current, the maximum power transfer theorem, and power and energy computations. Group laboratory activities require design, simulation, implementation and measurement of practical circuits. Written reports of laboratory results are required. PREREQUISITES BY TOPIC: 1. Some ability to work in teams (EGR 101). 2. Some knowledge of circuit elements and the equations that describe their behavior (EGR 101). 3. Differential and integral calculus (MTH 113 and MTH 114). CO-REQUISITES BY TOPIC: None COURSE STRUCTURE: 3 – 1.5 – 3.5 (class hours per week - laboratory hours per week - credits) TEXTBOOK: James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, Eighth Edition. Prentice Hall, 2008. CONTRIBUTION OF COURSE TO MEETING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPONENT: (a) College-level mathematics and basic sciences: 0 credits (b) Engineering topics (science and/or design): 3.5 credits (c) General education: 0 credits __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAM OUTCOMES Students who successfully complete this course meet the following ABET program outcomes: [CPE program outcomes] (a) (b) (d) (g) [1a, 1b, 1c; 3a] [6b, 6c, 6d] [9] [10b] [ELE program outcomes] (a) (b) (d) (g) [1a, 1b, 1c; 3a] [6b, 6c, 6d] [9] [10b] ECE 201 – Circuit Theory I (Required course for CPE and ELE) COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES AND RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAM OUTCOMES: This sophomore-level course is required of all ELE and CPE majors. The objectives of the course are for the students to be able to demonstrate reasonable passive circuit analysis and design strategies, using the tools they have learned; and to understand the basics of circuit troubleshooting. By the end of this course, students should be able to: 1. Determine the voltage-current relationships and combination values for resistors, capacitors and inductors. (1a, b; 3a) 2. Use Ohms and Kirchhoff’s Laws to analyze simple passive and op amp circuits. (3a) 3. Use Nodal and/or Mesh analysis to determine an unknown voltage or current in a simple passive or op amp circuit. (1a; 3a) 4. Use superposition to find a voltage or current in a circuit with multiple sources. (3a) 5. Use source transformations and other tools to determine Thevenin and Norton equivalents and be able to determine maximum power transfer requirements. (3a) 6. Analyze first and second order RLC circuits using classical solution techniques and be able to determine the step and natural responses. (1c) 7. Determine impedances of combinations of resistors, capacitors and inductors. (3a) 8. Analyze first and second order RLC circuits using phasors to determine the steady-state AC response. (3a) 9. Determine unknown voltages, currents and impedances in a circuit with mutual inductance. (3a) 10. Determine power values (instantaneous, RMS, complex, power factor, etc) for an element in a single phase circuit. (3a) 11. Work collaboratively in and out of the classroom to meet group objectives. (9) 12. Design, build, troubleshoot and test basic circuits that meet specifications. (6b, c, d) 13. Write coherent reports to document and evaluate designed system performance. (10b) TOPICS COVERED: 1. Review: Simple Resistive Circuits (2/3 LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS PERFORMED: 1. 3 and 4-Way Lamp Controller week) 2. Nodal and Mesh Analysis (1 week) 2. Multi-Range Ammeter 3. Thevenin and Norton Equivalent 3. Delta-to-Y Equivalent Circuits Circuits; Maximum Power Transfer and 4. Thevenin’s Theorem and Superposition; Op Amp Circuits (2 Superposition 5. Basic OP AMP weeks) 4. Capacitance and Inductance; Mutual 6. OP AMP Relaxation Oscillator Inductance; First and Second Order 7. Single-Pole Double-Throw Relay Transient Circuits (4 weeks) 8. Reversing the Direction of a DC 5. Circuit Analysis Using Phasors; (3 1/3 Motor 9. Time Delay using a 555 Timer weeks) 6. Single Phase Power (2 weeks) 10. RLC Series-Resonant Circuit PREPARED BY: UPDATED BY: Karen L. Payton Robert C. Helgeland DATE: DATE: January 2003 May 2009