Literacy As readers and writers we will be learning about: Yr 1 Year 1 Long Term Plan- 2014-2015 Autumn Spring Autumn 1 (7wks) Autumn 2 (6wks) Spring 1 (6wks) Spring 2 (5 wks) All About me Florence House and An Island Home Nightingale Lady Homes Making an information of the Lamp Katie Morag Stories book with Traditional Tales Lists, labels, captions and Instruction texts Recount about our a glossary and story writing Play Scripts trip to Thornton Hall Farm We will read and write Recount about Non-chronological Reports our trip to about Florence Towneley Hall Nightingale Lady of the Lamp Summer Summer 1 (6wks) Summer 2 (7wks) All Creatures Great Whose Home? and Small The author Poetry Mink Inkpen Commotion in the ocean Poetry Jelly on a plate Story writing about Our Beautiful World Fairy stories from a range of cultures Sequencing and sorting Fractions Capacity and volume Money Time Number and Place value Mass and weight 2D and 3D shape Counting and money Multiplication Division Length and Mass/weight Addition and Subtraction Fractions Position and Direction Time Ourselves Light and Seasonal Changes Everyday Materials Animals Basic parts of the human body and say which part is associated with each sense Changes across the four seasons Investigate properties of materials The main external parts of the bodies of humans and other animals. Weather associated with the seasons Computing As computer programmers and researchers we will be learning about: Computing R.E. As theologist s we will be studying: Science As scientists we will be investigating: Numeracy As mathematicians we will be learning: Poetry about our senses Number and Place value Length and Mass/weight Addition and Subtraction 2D and 3D shape A variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Animas, including human’s offspring Find out about basic needs of animals, for survival. Baptism Vulnerability/ Christmas Use imovie to retell the story of Florence Nightingale using a sequence of event- add sound and text Use paint packages and tools to draw seasons picture Add captions to photographs Keyboard skill for name writing Use simple graphic of word to produce bar charts to show favourite foods Year 1 Long Term Plan 2014-2015 Number and Place Time value Multiplication and Addition and division Subtraction SubtractionCapacity and difference volume Measurement Fractions Sorting Position and Direction Time 2D and 3D shape All living things and their habitats The differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. Living things and habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other. A variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats. Judaism Easter Our Beautiful World Islam Explore simulations of real and virtual environments to design their own homes Bee-bot control by using simple instruction to navigate Use software to recreate different animal sounds in different environments. Classifications of mini beasts Using positional and directional language Programme roamer to follow simple instructions/routes Use still images by Andy Goldsworthy edit and add text History As historians we will be: Geography As geographers we will be: D.T. As designers we will be: Art As artist s we will be: Music As Musicians we will be: PE As athletes we will be: PSHE As good citizens we will be learning about: Florence Nightingale Learning how to follow set routes, using directions and distances. Recognise that the world extends outside their locality and distinguish similarities and differences and communicate them. Draw own map of school Draw route to school Design and make own paper lanterns. Design and make Christmas pop up cards. Link to ourselves topicComparing human beings to aliens Painting and drawing using a variety of tools and different mediums. Homes and houses past and present Changes in living memory Identify features (physical and human) on the Isle of Struay What are habitats and what do habitats provide? To compare and contrast life on an island and in Accrington Who lives where? Everyday Materials Identify and name common materials. Design and make a boat or towel. Design and make a healthy fruit kebab Design and make the different houses in Struay Printing using leaves, pine cones etc to produce seasonal printsmake rubbings Creating habitatscamouflage using various printing techniques Build repeated patterns and recognise patterns in the environment. Explore the use of line shape and colour. Painting Mix secondary colours and shades Use body as percussion to create music. Design and make a printing tile Sing songs and recite senses poems Creating sounds to represent characters in the Katie Morag Stories. Comparing sounds – islands and towns Artist Study about Andy Goldsworthy Create a sculpture using natural materials in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. Sounds in the environment Physical literacy Locomotion and stability Dance Poetry Physical literacy Locomotion and stability Games Skills Physical literacy Locomotion and stability Gym Physical literacy Locomotion and stability Dance ‘seaside’ Katie Morag Physical literacy Locomotion and stability Gym Physical literacy Locomotion and stability Games Skills We are all stars Be Friendly, be wise Living long, living strong Daring to be different Dear Diary Joining in and joining up Healthy Eating Wow Week Ramadan Awareness Week Themed weeks Science or Maths week Trips Post Office Towneley Hall Visitors School environment walk and Local Area Trail Local Area walkHomes and houses Year 1 Long Term Plan 2014-2015 Thornton Hall Farm