TEST THURSDAY, MAY 7 AND FRIDAY, MAY 8. Study Guide: Chapter 30 The Vietnam War Years Time Period: 1954-1975 Pages: 934-970 NOTE: REVIEW SHEET IS THE LAST SECTION OF THIS PRINT OUT. THE TEST IS _______________. IF YOU ARE ABSENT, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO TAKE THE TEST ON YOUR FIRST DAY BACK SINCE THE REVIEW SHEET WAS FIRST PASSED OUT AT THE END OF LAST WEEK AND NOW AGAIN TODAY FOR THOSE WHO WERE ABSENT. BE PREPARED TO TAKE THE TEST. MS. SHY 1. Containing the spread of communism was the United States’ main goal in Vietnam. 2. William Westmoreland served as the commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam. 3. In the early years of the war, a young man could automatically be deferred from the draft by enrolling in college. 4. All of these occurred in 1968: The Tet Offensive, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, and the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 5. The invasion of Cambodia set off the first general student strike in U.S. history 6. After World War II, the United States aided France in its efforts to keep control of Vietnam. 7. The Ho Chi Minh Trail enabled North Vietnam to send troops to South Vietnam. 8. The main purpose of the War Powers Act was to restrict the power of the president. 9. Students for a Democratic Society, founded by Tom Hayden and Al Haber, charged that corporations and large government institutions had taken over America. 10. The Tet Offensive was/were most effective in convincing the American public that the way was not winnable. 11. Geneva Accords – Temporarily divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel. 12. Tonkin Gulf Resolution - Granted the U.S. president broad military powers in Vietnam. 13. Operation Rolling Thunder – Was the first extensive U.S. bombing of North Vietnam. 14. Dien Bien Phu – Fell to Vietnamese forces in 1059, the French began to leave Vietnam. 15. Domino Theory – Based on the idea that countries on the brink of communism were waiting to fall to communism one after the other. 16. Ho Chi Minh Trail -Allowed Communists in North Vietnam to supply military arms to the government opposition group in South Vietnam. 17. Vietcong - A South Vietnamese opposition group that carried out thousands of assassinations of South Vietnamese government officials. 18. Ngo Dinh Diem - Anti-Communist South Vietnam president canceled elections that were supposed to unify Vietnam. 19. Ho Chi Minh (person)- Led the Indochinese Communist Party and fought French, Japanese, and U.S. forces for the independence of Vietnam. 20. Strategic Hamlet Program - South Vietnamese policy was intended to combat the growing popularity and presence of an anti-government group in South’s countryside. 21. Vietminh - Group formed by Vietnamese Communist and other nationalist groups in 1941, declared independence form foreign rule as is single goal. 22. Credibility Gap - Television, the worsening state of the U.S. economy, and the Fulbright hearings helped to increase. 23. Agent Orange - The U.S. military used planes to spray this leaf killing toxic chemical which devastated the landscape of Vietnam. 24. Dean Rusk - Secretary of defense in the Johnson administration, he admitted he “would have thought differently at the start” of the conflict in Vietnam if he had been aware of the Vietcong’s resilience. 25. Napalm - To expose Vietcong tunnels and hideouts, U.S. planes dropped this gasoline-based bomb that set fire to the jungles of Vietnam. 26. Search-and-Destroy missions - Conducted by U.S. soldiers, these resulted in the uprooting of Vietnamese villagers with suspected ties to the Vietcong, the killing of their livestock, and the burning of their villages. 27. William Westmoreland - As the U.S. commander in South Vietnam, this general introduced the concept of the body count in belief that as the number of Vietcong casualties rose, the Vietcong would eventually surrender. 28. Henry Kissinger - Served as the top U.S. negotiator in Vietnam. 29. Richard M. Nixon - Angry with Nixon’s secret orders to bomb and invade Cambodia, Congress repealed this. 30. Invasion of Cambodia - Upon hearing of this, U.S. college students went on the first general student strike in the nation’s history. 31. Khmer Rouge - This Communist group seized power in Cambodia after the U.S. invasion of that country unleashed a brutal civil war. 32. My Lai massacre - This murder of more than 200 innocent Vietnamese villagers by U.S. troops shocked Americans when it was finally reveled to the public. 33. War Powers Act - This requires a president to inform Congress within 48 hours if U.S. forces are sent into a hostile area without a declaration of war. 34. Vietnamization - This called for a gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops in Vietnam. 35. War Powers Act - This states that U.S. troops are not to remain longer than 90 days in a hostile area without Congressional approval or a declaration of war.