Chapter 1-99. Homework Problem Solutions Chapter 1-1. Installing Stata and recovering Stata windows No problems. Chapter 1-2. Getting data into Stata and some other basics Problem 1) Creating a csv file Open Microsoft Excel. Highlight the white cells (not the first row or first column) of the following table, copy them, and paste them into Excel. 1 2 3 4 5 A Controls B C id age sbp 1 2 40 48 120 125 Save the file as a csv file, paying attention to which directory it goes into. Here are the steps: Inside Excel, click on top left icon (the Office Button), Double Click Save As File name: ch1-14-problem1.csv Save as type: CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) Save Excel will then ask some questions: “The selected file type does not support….” Answer OK (this is just Excel letting you know only the worksheet you have open will be saved as a csv file) “ch1-14-problem1.csv may contain features….” Answer Yes (this is just Excel letting you know features like colored text and colored shading will not show up in the csv file. The file ch1-14-problem1.csv should now be in some directory, say My Documents. Click on the X in the upper right corner to exit Excel _____________________ Source: Stoddard GJ. Biostatistics and Epidemiology Using Stata: A Course Manual. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah School of Medicine. Chapter 1-99. (Accessed January 8, 2012, at ?pageId=5385). Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 1 Excel will then ask, “Do you want to save the changes..” Answer No, since you have already saved the file. (Excel does not know if you made any additional changes in between the save you just did and when you are now exiting Excel.) The file ch1-14-problem1.csv should now be in some directory, perhaps My Documents. Problem 2) Reading in a csv file from the Stata menu Stata cannot open a csv file directly, but it can import it. From inside Stata, on the main menu bar, click on File Import ASCII data created by a spreadsheet ASCII dataset filename: click on Browse The Open box comes up. In the window Files of type, while you are looking in the correct directory where you saved the file in Problem 1), Ask for “Comma Separated Values (*.csv)” Click on “ch1-14-problem1.csv Open OK You will see that Stata brought in the data and named the variables v1, v2, and v3. This is all Stata could do, since it has no way to know that the variable names are in row 3. Listing the data, list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. +----------------------+ | v1 v2 v3 | |----------------------| | Controls | | | | id age sbp | | 1 40 120 | | 2 48 125 | +----------------------+ we see the variable names on row 3 and notice that rows 1 and 2 have no value as data. Problem 3) Having Stata delete first two rows and bring back in starting on row 3 Now do the trick found in Chapter 1-2, under the heading Importing an Excel File Into Stata When the Variable Names are Not on the First Row Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 2 Cut-and-paste the following lines into the Stata do file editor. * bring data back in using 3rd row as variable names drop in 1/2 outsheet using temp1.csv, comma nonames replace insheet using temp1.csv, clear names erase temp1.csv Highlight this block of Stata commands and hit the execute botton (last icon on the dofile menu bar). Listing the data again, list +----------------+ | id age sbp | |----------------| 1. | 1 40 120 | 2. | 2 48 125 | +----------------+ We now have the data read in with the desired variable names. Chapter 1-3. Cleaning data Problem 1) Convert Excel file to an ASCII file (explained in Chapter 1-2) Open the file homework1.xls inside Excel. Save it back out as an ASCII file with a csv file extension, calling it homework1.csv. The contents of this file are: id 1 2 3 4 5 6 sex M m F F m f age unknown 20 21 30 40 Problem 2) Reading ASCII file into Stata (explained in Chapter 1-2) Part 1) Change your working directory to wherever the course manual data files are. You can use the menu to help with this. File Change working directory… Browse until you find the datasets & do-files directory OK Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 3 . cd "C:\Documents and Settings\u0032770.SRVR\Desktop\Biostats & Epi With Stata\datasets & do > -files" C:\Documents and Settings\u0032770.SRVR\Desktop\Biostats & Epi With Stata\datasets & do-files Part 2) Read the file homework1.csv into Stata using the “insheet” command (in Command window, or do-file editor, rather than the menu Import option. The command you need is: insheet using homework1.csv, clear Here the “clear” option was added. Actually, this option is only needed if data are already in Stata memory. Problem 3) Convert messy string variable to a numeric variable In the do-file editor, create a numeric “female” variable from the string “sex” variable using the inlist function. Use 1 = female and 0 = male. capture drop female // optional gen female = 1 if inlist(sex, "F", "f") replace female = 0 if inlist(sex, "M", "m") tab sex female, missing // check that it worked | female sex | 0 1 | Total -----------+----------------------+---------F | 0 2 | 2 M | 1 0 | 1 f | 0 1 | 1 m | 2 0 | 2 -----------+----------------------+---------Total | 3 3 | 6 Problem 4) Clean up messy numeric variable that contains strings Convert the age variable to numeric, after setting “unknown” to missing. (Something similar was done for matage in Chapter 1-3.) replace age="" if age=="unknown" destring age, replace sum age list age Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 4 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------age | 4 27.75 9.322911 20 40 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. +-----+ | age | |-----| | . | | 20 | | 21 | | 30 | | . | |-----| | 40 | +-----+ Problem 5) Save this cleaned up dataset as a Stata formatted file. save homework1, replace (note: file homework1.dta not found) file homework1.dta saved Chapter 1-4. Merging files Problem 1) Match Merge The Excel spreadsheet, called chapter1-4exercise.xls has two sheets of data. The first sheet is called demographics, and the second is called qol. Sheet 1: demographics id age 1 2 3 4 5 female 15 29 18 20 22 1 1 0 0 0 Sheet 2: qol id quality of life 1 2 3 5 2 2 3 4 Save each sheet into an ASCII file, such as a csv file, perform a match-merge on id, and then list the data. (If needed, look at Chapter 1-2 Problem 1, above, to see how to save a worksheet in Excel to a csv file.) Your solution should look like: Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 5 . list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. +------------------------------------------------+ | id age female qualit~e _merge | |------------------------------------------------| | 1 15 1 2 matched (3) | | 2 29 1 2 matched (3) | | 3 18 0 3 matched (3) | | 4 20 0 . master only (1) | | 5 22 0 4 matched (3) | +------------------------------------------------+ To avoid abbreviating the variable names to 8 characters, you can use the “abbrev( 15) option on the list to allow up to 15 characters per column . list , abbrev(15) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. +-----------------------------------------------------+ | id age female qualityoflife _merge | |-----------------------------------------------------| | 1 15 1 2 matched (3) | | 2 29 1 2 matched (3) | | 3 18 0 3 matched (3) | | 4 20 0 . master only (1) | | 5 22 0 4 matched (3) | +-----------------------------------------------------+ Finally, save the merged file into a new file name (Stata formattted file). A good way to keep track of where the csv files came from is to append the sheet name onto the Excel file name. If you did it this way, you would have saved the demographics sheet into the file: chapter1-4exercise_demographics.csv and the qol sheet into the file: chapter1-4exercise_qol.csv Any file names you chose would have been fine, as well. After changing to the directory where these files are located, perhaps using the change directory (cd) command or the “change working directory” menu option (as was done in Chapter 1-3 problem 2 above), you could use the following, insheet using chapter1-4exercise_qol.csv, clear sort id save chapter1-4exercise_qol, replace insheet using chapter1-4exercise_demographics.csv, clear sort id merge 1:1 id using chapter1-4exercise_qol list , abbrev(15) save chapter1-4final, replace 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. +-----------------------------------------------------+ | id age female qualityoflife _merge | |-----------------------------------------------------| | 1 15 1 2 matched (3) | | 2 29 1 2 matched (3) | | 3 18 0 3 matched (3) | | 4 20 0 . master only (1) | | 5 22 0 4 matched (3) | +-----------------------------------------------------+ Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 6 Chapter 1-5. Labeling variables and values Problem 1) Assigning Labels Cut-and-paste the following lines into the Stata do file editor. Highlight this block of Stata commands and hit the execute botton (last icon on the do-file menu bar) to load the dataset into Stata. clear input id dose 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 3 end list Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. +-----------+ | id dose | |-----------| | 1 1 | | 2 1 | | 3 1 | | 4 2 | | 5 2 | |-----------| | 6 3 | | 7 3 | | 8 3 | | 9 3 | +-----------+ Assign the following labels to the dose variable (variable label and value labels): dose: ibuprofen dose category 1: 1) low dose 2: 2) mod dose 3: 3) high dose and generate a frequency table. Your solution show look like: ibuprofen | dose | category | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------+----------------------------------1) low dose | 3 33.33 33.33 2) mod dose | 2 22.22 55.56 3) high dose | 4 44.44 100.00 -------------+----------------------------------Total | 9 100.00 label variable dose "ibuprofen dose category" label define doselab 1 "1) low dose" 2 "2) mod dose" /// 3 "3) high dose" label values dose doselab tab dose ibuprofen | dose | category | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------+----------------------------------1) low dose | 3 33.33 33.33 2) mod dose | 2 22.22 55.56 3) high dose | 4 44.44 100.00 -------------+----------------------------------Total | 9 100.00 Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 8 Chapter 1-6. Basic graphics Problem 1) Publication quality graph Anker et al (2009), in their Figure 2, Panel C, present a mean change from baseline graph with error bars that represent standard errors. The results are a 6-minute-walk test, with a separate line for the ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) group and the placebo group. Measures occurred at baseline, week 4, 12, and 24. By visual examination of the graph, the data are approximately, Mean changes from baseline with standard errors Group Baseline Week 4 Week 12 Week 24 FCM 0 21±3 39±4 38.5±5 Placebo 0 2±5 3±6 10±6 The assignment is to create a graph in the do-file editor. First, input the mean change and the lower and upper bounds of the error bars, something like what was done in Chapter 16, p.27. Then, using other commands, or graph options found in that chapter, create the following black-and-white graph: 50 P<0.001 P<0.001 P<0.001 40 FCM 30 20 Placebo 10 0 -10 0 4 Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) 8 12 16 Weeks since Randomization 20 24 p. 9 Hint: add one feature at a time. That way, it is easier to discover what the error message goes with (it goes with the last thing you added). Hint: The following table shows where Stata positions titles, subtitles, etc. To add some white space on the right side of graph, just use r1title(" ") to put a blank title on that side. l2title l1title r1title r2title title subtitle t2title t1title b1title b2title legend note caption Work on it long enough to get most of the features. Stop and look at the solution when it gets to the point of being more frustrating than it is fun. Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 10 The graph was drawn using the following Stata comands: clear input week fcm change lower upper 0 1 0 . . 4 1 21 18 24 12 1 39 35 43 24 1 38.5 33.5 43.5 0 0 0 . . 4 0 2 -3 7 12 0 3 -3 9 24 0 10 4 16 end list * sort week #delimit ; twoway (scatter change week if fcm==1, msymbol(diamond) mlcolor(black) mfcolor(black)) (rcap lower upper week if fcm==1, color(black)) (line change week if fcm==1, lcolor(black)) (scatter change week if fcm==0, msymbol(circle) mlcolor(black) mfcolor(white) msize(*1.5)) (rcap lower upper week if fcm==0, color(black)) (line change week if fcm==0, lcolor(black)) , scheme(s1mono) legend(off) plotregion(style(none)) ytitle("Change in Distance (m)") xtitle("Weeks since Randomization" , height(5)) ylabels(-10(10)50, angle(horizontal)) xlabels(0(4)24) text(35 17 "FCM", placement(e)) text(11 19 "Placebo", placement(e)) text(50 4 "P<0.001", placement(c)) text(50 12 "P<0.001", placement(c)) text(50 24 "P<0.001", placement(c)) r1title(" ") /* blank y-title on right side to add white space */ ; #delimit cr Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 11 Chapter 1-7. Looping, collapsing, and reshaping Problem 1) reshaping In Hand et al (1994, p.7), a dataset which was taken from Snedecor and Cochran (1967, p.347), contains the weight gain in rats. Hand et al give this description, “The data come from an experiment to study the gain in weight of rats fed on four different diets, distinguished by amount of protein (low and high) and by source of protein (beef and cereal). The design of the experiment is completely randomized with ten rates on each of the four treatments (which have a complete factorial structure).” Cut-and-paste the following into the do-file editor, highlight, and execute it to set up the dataset. clear input 90 76 90 64 86 51 72 90 95 78 end gain1 73 102 118 104 81 107 100 87 117 111 gain2 gain3 gain4 107 98 95 74 97 56 80 111 98 95 74 88 74 82 67 77 89 86 58 92 These data represent the weight gain in rats for four groups: gain1 = beef low gain 2 = beef high gain 3 = cereal low gain 4 = cereal high To analyze these data with independent group t-tests, we need a variable for group which contains the numbers 1 to 4, and then a variable for weight gain. That is, we need a long format structure. Convert these data from the present width structure to long structure, creating a variable called group and gain. To make this work, you will need an identification number that uniquely defines the rows. You could use: gen tempid = _n The following would work, Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 12 gen tempid = _n reshape long gain , i(tempid) j(group) drop tempid Problem 2) Value labels Assign the following value labels to the variable group: 1 = beef low 2 = beef high 3 = cereal low 4 = cereal high You can refer to Chapter 1-5 to recall how to do this. The following would work, label define grouplab 1 "1) beef low" 2 "2) beef high" /// 3 "3) cereal low" 4 "4) cereal high" label values group grouplab tab group Problem 3) All possible t-tests Now, we want to compute all the possible t-tests (1 vs 2)(1 vs 3)(1 vs 4)(2 vs 3)(2 vs 4) (3 vs 4). (Note: In an actual data analysis, you would then most likely apply a multiple comparison procedure to the p values, as described in Chapter 2-8, but that is not part of this problem.) For the groups 1 and 2 comparison, we will need, ttest gain if group==1 | group==2, by(group) Rather than putting six t-test lines in the do-file, see if you can do it with two for loops. We did something quite close to this in Chapter 1-7, page 7, to create an upper triangular matrix * -- multiplication table (upper triangular matrix): attempt 2 * r = row , c = col forvalues r = 1/3 { local m=(`r'-1)*2 display _skip(`m') _continue forvalues c = `r'/3 { display `r'*`c' " " _continue } display // display nothing goes to next line } 1 2 3 4 6 9 Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 13 Hint: If you get the following error: 1 group found, 2 required r(420); it means you are trying to use the same group twice in the t-test—the two groups must be different. If you tried the following, which is a good first attempt, forvalues i = 1/3 { forvalues j = `i'/4 { ttest gain if group==`i' | group==`j' , by(group) } } * you would get the following error: 1 group found, 2 required r(420); This error would come from trying to do a t-test between groups 1 and 1. The j counter needs to always be at least one larger than the i counter. If you tried the following, which is also a good attempt, forvalues i = 1/3 { forvalues j = 2/4 { ttest gain if group==`i' | group==`j' , by(group) } } * you would get three t-tests and then that same error: 1 group found, 2 required r(420); which could come from trying to do a t-test between groups 2 and 2. Here is a solution that works, forvalues i = 1/3 { local jstart = `i'+1 forvalues j = `jstart'/4 { ttest gain if group==`i' | group==`j' , by(group) } } * It is true, just putting the six t-test lines in would have been faster. This solution ended up taking six lines, anyway. But if you are geeky enough, this was a fun challenge. Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 14 Chapter 1-8. Operators, ifs, dates, and times Problem 1) numeric operators A frequent research problem is computing BMI using the following formula: body mass index (BMI) = weight/height2 (units: kg/m2) If the data are height in inches and weight in pounds, then a conversation is first needed. Cut-and-paste the following into the do-file editor, highlight and execute it to set up the dataset. clear input heightin weightlbs 56 200 63 240 50 125 60 127 48 150 57 180 58 210 56 185 60 220 61 310 60 180 59 175 60 100 61 98 59 90 58 80 58 145 65 150 end lab var heightin "height (inches)" lab var weightlbs "weight (pounds)" To use the BMI formula, we need height in meters. The conversion formula is: 1 inch = 0.0254 meter We also need weight in kilograms. The conversion formula is: 1 pound = 0.4536 kilogram Generate a BMI variable. We could do it three steps, creating the intermediate variables and then BMI: Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 15 gen heightm = heightin*0.0254 // convert from inches to meters gen weightkg = weightlbs*0.4536 // convert from pounds to kg gen bmi = weightkg/heightm^2 Or, it could be done on one line, gen bmi = (weightlbs*0.4536)/(heightin*0.0254)^2 Problem 2) BMI categories Cut-and-paste the following into the do-file editor, highlight and execute it to set up the dataset. clear input id bmi 1 17.44444 2 18.49999 3 18.50000 4 18.50001 5 18.99999 6 24.00000 7 25.00000 8 25.00001 9 . 10 27.33333 11 29.99999 12 30.00000 13 32.44444 end list BMI categories recommended by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (1998)(Onyike et al., 2003) are: underweight (BMI <18.5) normal weight (BMI 18.5–24.9) overweight (BMI 25.0–29.9) obese (BMI 30) Create a variable, bmicat, that has scores 1 to 4, representing the four BMI categories. A recode command is the easiest way, which we will do in Problem 3, but first try it with a generate command, to create the first category, followed by some replace commands for the other three categories. Hint: one of the replace commands might be, replace bmicat = 2 if 18.5<= bmi & bmi<25.0 End with the following comands to check your work, list bmi bmicat bysort bmicat: sum bmi Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 16 A first attempt might have been, capture drop bmicat gen bmicat = 1 if bmi<18.5 replace bmicat = 2 if 18.5<= bmi & bmi<25.0 replace bmicat = 3 if 25.0<= bmi & bmi<30.0 replace bmicat = 4 if bmi>=30 list bmi bmicat bysort bmicat: sum bmi but it would not have dealt with the missing value correctly. Missing data are stored as a very large number (plus infinity if you want to think of it like that). Therefore, (bmi>=30) evaluates to true, so a 4 is assigned. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. +-------------------+ | bmi bmicat | |-------------------| | 17.44444 1 | | 18.49999 1 | | 18.5 2 | | 18.50001 2 | | 18.99999 2 | |-------------------| | 24 2 | | 25 3 | | 25.00001 3 | | . 4 | <- wrong answer | 27.33333 3 | |-------------------| | 29.99999 3 | | 30 4 | | 32.44444 4 | +-------------------+ The following will work, capture drop bmicat gen bmicat = 1 if bmi<18.5 replace bmicat = 2 if 18.5<= bmi & bmi<25.0 replace bmicat = 3 if 25.0<= bmi & bmi<30.0 replace bmicat = 4 if bmi>=30 & bmi~=. list bmi bmicat bysort bmicat: sum bmi +-------------------+ | bmi bmicat | |-------------------| 1. | 17.44444 1 | 2. | 18.49999 1 | 3. | 18.5 2 | 4. | 18.50001 2 | 5. | 18.99999 2 | |-------------------| 6. | 24 2 | 7. | 25 3 | 8. | 25.00001 3 | 9. | . . | 10. | 27.33333 3 | |-------------------| 11. | 29.99999 3 | Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) <- right answer p. 17 12. | 30 4 | 13. | 32.44444 4 | +-------------------+ -> bmicat = 1 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------bmi | 2 17.97222 .7463863 17.44444 18.49999 -> bmicat = 2 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------bmi | 4 20 2.677062 18.5 24 -> bmicat = 3 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------bmi | 4 26.83333 2.380469 25 29.99999 -> bmicat = 4 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------bmi | 2 31.22222 1.728479 30 32.44444 -> bmicat = . Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------bmi | 0 Notice that the minimums and maximuns agree with the category endpoints. Problem 3) BMI categories Use the Problem 2) dataset, again. This time, create the BMI categories using a recode statement. Here are the categories, again. underweight (BMI <18.5) normal weight (BMI 18.5–24.9) overweight (BMI 25.0–29.9) obese (BMI 30) Hint: a recode for categorizing age might be, capture drop agecat recode age 90/max=5 80/90=4 70/80=3 60/70=2 , min/60=1 , gen(agecat) list age agecat // check our work bysort agecat: sum age // check our work Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 18 Forming the categories in reverse order solves the problem of decimal places. For example, using “90/max=5” assigns 90 to 5, so when “80/90=4” comes up next, it translates into 80/89.999999=4”. That is, once a number in a range is assigned, it stays assigned. Also, since we did not assign missing, using “.=99”, for example, it remains missing (remains unassigned). The following would work, capture drop bmicat recode bmi 30/max=4 25/30=3 list bmi bmicat bysort bmicat: sum bmi 18.5/25=2 min/18.5=1 ,gen(bmicat) Problem 4) Concatenating (combining) strings In a study were upper respiratory disease symptoms were abstracted from the patient medical record, the investigator wanted to create a string that showed the combination of symptoms. Cut-and-paste the following into the do-file editor, highlight and execute it to set up the dataset and create the symptoms string variable. clear input runnynose cough congestion throatpain earpain fever 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 end * * -- create a variable showing all symptoms found in medical record * run = runnynose * cou = cough * con = congestion * thr = throat pain * ear = ear pain * fev = fever capture drop symptoms gen str20 symptoms = "" replace symptoms = "run," if runnynose==1 replace symptoms = "...," if runnynose==0 replace symptoms=symptoms+"cou," if cough==1 replace symptoms=symptoms+"...," if cough==0 replace symptoms=symptoms+"con," if congestion==1 replace symptoms=symptoms+"...," if congestion==0 replace symptoms=symptoms+"thr," if throatpain==1 replace symptoms=symptoms+"...," if throatpain==0 replace symptoms=symptoms+"ear," if earpain==1 replace symptoms=symptoms+"...," if earpain==0 replace symptoms=symptoms+"fev" if fever==1 replace symptoms=symptoms+"..." if fever==0 tab symptoms Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 19 symptoms | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------------------+----------------------------------...,...,...,...,...,... | 1 11.11 11.11 ...,...,...,...,...,fev | 1 11.11 22.22 ...,...,...,...,ear,... | 1 11.11 33.33 ...,...,...,thr,...,... | 1 11.11 44.44 ...,...,con,...,ear,... | 1 11.11 55.56 ...,cou,...,...,ear,fev | 1 11.11 66.67 run,...,...,...,...,... | 1 11.11 77.78 run,...,con,thr,...,... | 1 11.11 88.89 run,cou,con,thr,ear,fev | 1 11.11 100.00 ------------------------+----------------------------------Total | 9 100.00 In knee surgery, when an artificial vein is implanted to replace a damaged vein, three popular drugs to prevent clotting are coumadin, plavix, and aspirin (ASA), either separately or in combination. The researcher wants to see a frequency table of these combinations in an easy to read format. Cut-and-paste the following into the do-file editor, highlight and execute it to set up the dataset. Then, create a drug combination string variable similar to the symptoms variable just demonstrated. input coumadin plavix aspirin 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 end list The following would work, * -- create a variable showing all symptoms found in chart review * cou = coumadin * plv = plavix * asa = aspirin capture drop drugs gen str11 drugs = "" replace drugs = "cou," if coumadin==1 replace drugs = "...," if coumadin==0 replace drugs=drugs+"plv," if plavix==1 replace drugs=drugs+"...," if plavix==0 replace drugs=drugs+"asa," if aspirin==1 replace drugs=drugs+"...," if aspirin==0 list tab drugs, missing Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 20 Problem 5) Hierarchical combinations Returning to the knee surgery study in Problem 4), the investigator wants to create a drug group variable. A decision was made that a combination is a more correct category than a single drug. So, the patient would be assigned to the combination group, rather than the single drug. In this way, a patient can only belong to one group. Set up the Problem 4 dataset again, and then create a drug group variable with the following categories: 1 = ASA + coumadin + plavix 2 = coumadin + plavix 3 = ASA + coumadin 4 = ASA + plavix 5 = coumdin 6 = plavix 7 = ASA 8 = no drug Be sure to check your work. On a first attempt, you might try something like, capture drop group gen group=1 if aspirin==1 & coumadin==1 & plavix==1 replace group=2 if coumadin==1 & plavix==1 replace group=3 if aspirin==1 & coumadin==1 replace group=4 if aspirin==1 & plavix==1 replace group=5 if coumadin==1 replace group=6 if plavix==1 replace group=7 if aspirin==1 replace group=8 if aspirin==0 & coumadin==0 & plavix==0 list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. +-------------------------------------+ | coumadin plavix aspirin group | |-------------------------------------| | 1 0 0 5 | | 1 1 0 6 | <- wrong answer | 0 1 0 6 | | 0 0 0 8 | | . . . . | |-------------------------------------| | 0 0 1 7 | | 0 1 1 7 | <- wrong answer | 1 1 1 7 | <- wrong answer +-------------------------------------+ The reason that does not work is that the group can be reassigned as you go along. In a really large dataset, where it is unfeasible to check the classification by listing the data, you can use a frequency table after each line to make sure that nothing gets reclassified. With each replace command, assign a category only if a category has not already been assigned. The following would work, capture drop group Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 21 gen group=1 if aspirin==1 & tab group replace group=2 if group==. tab group replace group=3 if group==. tab group replace group=4 if group==. tab group replace group=5 if group==. tab group replace group=6 if group==. tab group replace group=7 if group==. tab group replace group=8 if group==. tab group list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. coumadin==1 & plavix==1 & coumadin==1 & plavix==1 & aspirin==1 & coumadin==1 & aspirin==1 & plavix==1 & coumadin==1 & plavix==1 &aspirin==1 & aspirin==0 & coumadin==0 & plavix==0 +-------------------------------------+ | coumadin plavix aspirin group | |-------------------------------------| | 1 0 0 5 | | 1 1 0 2 | | 0 1 0 6 | | 0 0 0 8 | | . . . . | |-------------------------------------| | 0 0 1 7 | | 0 1 1 4 | | 1 1 1 1 | +-------------------------------------+ This time, all classifications are correct. 1 = ASA + coumadin + plavix 2 = coumadin + plavix 3 = ASA + coumadin 4 = ASA + plavix 5 = coumdin 6 = plavix 7 = ASA 8 = no drug Problem 6) Dates Cut-and-paste the following into the do-file editor, highlight and execute it to set up the dataset. clear input str10 visit1date str10 visit2date "03/04/2000" "03/10/2000" "05/06/2001" "05/15/2001" end list Create a variable that represents the number of days between the two visits. Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 22 The following would work, gen date1 = date(visit1date,"MDY") gen date2 = date(visit2date,"MDY") gen followupdays = date2 - date1 list +----------------------------------------------------+ | visit1date visit2date date1 date2 follow~s | |----------------------------------------------------| 1. | 03/04/2000 03/10/2000 14673 14679 6 | 2. | 05/06/2001 05/15/2001 15101 15110 9 | +----------------------------------------------------+ Chapter 1-9. More graphics: popular scientific graphs Chapter 1-10. Programming Stata Chapter 1-11. Compilation of frequently used variable generation and modifying commands Chapter 1-12. Stata results into Excel & Word References Anker SD, Colet JC, Filippatos G, et al. (2009). Ferric carboxymaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency. N Engl J Med 361(25):2436-48. Hand DJ, Daly F, Lunn AD, McConway KJ, Osterowski E, editors. (1994). A Handbook of Small Data Sets. New York, Chapman & Hall. Onyike CU, Crum RM, Lee HB, Lyketsos CG, Eaton WW. (2003). Is obesity associated with major depression? Results from the third national health and nutrition examination survey. Am J Epidemiol 158(12):1139-1153. Snedecor GW, Cochran GC. (1967). Statistical Methods, 6th ed, Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University Press. Chapter 1-99 (revision 8 Jan 2012) p. 23