Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014 Seed Money

Mass Mentoring Partnership
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge Campaign
Seed Money Award
And Campaign Partner Request
2014 Application
AT 5:00 pm
Confirmation of receipt will be emailed
Contact: Nate Baum, Manager of Training and Technical Assistance
Direct: 617-695-2473, fax: 617-695-2435
105 Chauncy St, Suite 300
Boston MA 02111
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
Since 2005, Mass Mentoring Partnership has teamed up with the Boston Red Sox for the Red Sox Mentoring
Challenge, an initiative designed to recruit more caring adults as mentors during the months of June through
September. More than 2000 prospective mentors from across the Commonwealth have been identified through the
challenge, and of those, it’s estimated that more than 350 adults have been matched with a child.
The RSMC Campaign is available to programs at any level of membership.
There are two ways to become involved in the Red Sox Mentoring Challenge:
1. Become a Campaign Partner
All member programs are welcome to become a Campaign Partner. This is not a competitive process.
Becoming a Red Sox Mentoring Challenge Campaign Partner provides the following resources to
Use of Boston Red Sox promotional materials for mentor recruitment from June through August.
Ability to get “Red Sox Experience” tickets to be used as a catalyst for recruitment efforts and match
activities. ***
Giveaways and incentives such as RSMC T-Shirts and stress balls.
Overall strategic assistance with developing ways to leverage the campaign and its resources.
Technical assistance with marketing and promotion.
Invitation to attend a breakfast launch at the beginning of campaign where current and past participants
can get excited about the RSMC, knowledge share about how to best use the campaign, and discuss
marketing strategies for leveraging the Red Sox Brand as well as their agency.
2. Apply for Seed Money as a campaign partner and receive the above mentioned benefits as well as...
 Up to $500 in seed money awards to plan recruitment events.
 A pair of red sox tickets to a game at Fenway.
Submitting a proposal for a Seed Money Award puts you in a competitive process to receive up to one of 10 awards for
monetary support for your recruitment campaign and an additional pair of red sox tickets. A program must be a
campaign partner to apply for seed money. Seed money awards give programs flexibility with their recruitment
strategies and provide programs the ability to recruit mentors according to their own needs.
***Red Sox Experience is a regular season Sox Game on July 10th that includes a pre-game cookout prior to the game
generously donated by Bank of America. These tickets must be used by mentors(s) and mentee(s) as a match activity.
Seed money grants may NOT be used to fund:
staffing hours, or compensations for staff, mentors or mentees
fundraising events
program anniversary events
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
program launch events
any program events / activity where the PRIMARY goals is not recruitment
Seed money grants may be used to fund:
any event/ activity or initiative where the PRIMARY goal is recruitment of new volunteers (or retention in the
case of NMM)
informational sessions, open houses
promotional materials (Brochures, banners, displays, etc.)
social media marketing and advertising with a focus on public awareness and recruitment
general advertising to promote a recruitment event / activity
incentives for potential volunteers to sign up to learn more about mentoring
incentives for current volunteers to refer potential volunteers (i.e. gift cards, raffle prizes, etc)
fees for wholesale recruitment events such as tabling events, festivals, and fairs
refreshments and supplies needed for recruitment events / activities
Seed money award proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria below. Strong proposals will provide
sufficient detail in all three of these content areas.
Need: Programs must demonstrate a current need for new mentors. Special consideration will go to mentoring
programs with a considerable number of youth on their waiting lists. Programs recruiting from demographics that are
more difficult to recruit such as a male mentors or mentors of color are also highly encouraged to apply for seed grants.
Goals: Programs must convey concrete goals for their recruitment event / activity. Programs must include their goals
for # of inquiries*, # of recruits** and # of matches*** to be made during each campaign. * Other potential goals for
recruitment include forming new partnerships with local organizations, or raising awareness within the community
about the mentoring program. Programs must explain how they plan to achieve their recruitment goals.
Impact: Programs must demonstrate what the overall impact of their mentoring event / activity will be on their
program, the youth they serve, and the community.
As part of the Red Sox Mentoring Challenge, all programs are REQUIRED to track referrals collected through
strategies related to the campaign. MMP will ask programs to track and report back on referrals at the end of their
campaign AND six months after the campaign. If programs need assistance around how to track referrals, MMP can
provide a tracking template to programs. Programs are encouraged to break down their tracking information into # of
inquiries*, # of recruits**, and # of matches*** (see the previous section for a definition of each term). This
breakdown of tracking information provides additional insight into recruitment strategies that programs can use to
improve their recruitment methods. Tracking is a crucial element of recruitment as it helps programs know what
strategies are effective for your programmatic needs.
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
*Inquiry: any individual who gives his / her name and contact information to receive more information about the mentoring program with the
intention of becoming a mentor.
**Recruit: any individual who has begun the matching process by filling out the application or attending an interview.
***Match: any individual who has completed the matching process and has been matched to a mentee.
Mentoring programs that wish to take part in the Red Sox Mentoring Challenge Campaign should be aware of the
following steps in the application process.
1) All programs who would like to be a part of the campaign need to apply to be a campaign partner and sign
the Campaign Partner Agreement stating intent to take part in recruitment campaign and agreeing to track
their results. Agreement is due by Monday, April 4th.
2) They will need to request Red Sox tickets and RSMC materials by April, 25th.
3) Those program interested in Seed Money Awards will need to complete the Seed Money Award
Application. The Application is due to Nate Baum by 5 pm on Thursday, April 25th. Applications can be
either emailed or FAXED to: or 617-695-2435
4) Optional attendance at a webinar on April 15th at 2:00 will provide an overview of and answer any questions
about the Campaign and the application process.
5) Campaign Partners will be notified via email of decisions regarding Seed Money Awards by Thursday, May
1) What is the difference between being a Campaign Partner and a Seed Money Recipient?
A. Programs can choose to become a campaign partner in which they receive tickets to the “Red Sox Experience” (a
pre-game cookout and game), Boston Red Sox Promotional Material, overall strategic assistance with leveraging the
RSMC campaign, and technical assistance around marketing and promotion. They are encouraged to find ways to
leverage the campaign and they must track recruitment data. Programs can choose to become a campaign partner
without applying for seed money.
Programs have to be a Campaign Partner to apply and potentially be awarded up to $500 in seed money to launch their
campaign. All campaign partners will receive tickets to the Red Sox Experience, but only seed money recipients will
receive the additional two red sox tickets to be used within their campaign strategy. There are distinct sections within
this document to become a campaign partner, request resources and apply for seed money.
2) What are the differences between the “Red Sox Experience” and the normal Red Sox Tickets involved in the
A. The Red Sox Experience” is a pre-game cookout and game that will be held on Thursday, July 10th. Thanks
to a generous donation from Bank of America, programs are eligible to request up to four tickets to this event. It
will be a Red Sox vs. White Sox game at Fenway. These tickets must be used as a match activity for mentors
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
and mentees. However, there are many creative ways to offer them to your mentors as recruitment incentives.
These tickets are available to ANY RSMC Campaign Partner. Please let MMP know if you have more
specific questions about strategies to best utilize the Red Sox Experience.
The other red sox tickets can be used by anyone in your community in any fashion. They do not include a
pre-game cookout and are tickets for an assortment of games through July and August. They are only available
to Seed Money Recipients. They make great recruitment incentives, raffle prizes, or can provide an opportunity
for a mentor to attend a base-ball game with someone who they know that might be a good potential mentor. The
date of the game you receive is random; however you can use these two tickets in any way that supports your
recruitment campaign.
3) What happens if my program needs to reschedule or amend our recruitment event / activity?
A. Please notify MMP as soon as possible if your recruitment event / activity need to be rescheduled or amended.
MMP will work with you to assure that you can still leverage the campaign to support your recruitment needs.
4) What should my program do if we have left over funds from the seed grant? What can my program do with those
A. Please notify MMP on your seed money usage form (required document to be sent to MMP at end of campaign) of
any remaining seed money. MMP will work with you to assure that those remaining funds can be used in a timely
manner to support your recruitment efforts.
5) Can my program collaborate with other programs on recruitment events / activities? If so, should each program
submit an individual proposal?
A. Programs are encouraged to collaborate and work together on recruitment events / activities. If more than one
program is planning a recruitment event together, EACH program must submit a campaign partnership agreement.
However, programs collaborating together need only submit ONE seed money grant proposal form.
Section 1: Program Information
Organization name:
Mentoring Program Name:
Mailing Address:
Contact Person (must have authority to commit/receive funds):
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
Mentor Program Recruitment Budget:
Section 2: Campaign Agreements
I understand that as a Red Sox Mentoring Challenge Campaign Partner with MMP, I agree to:
1. Be a member at any level of MMP’s quality-based membership.
2. Post RSMC logo on organizational website and any relevant material related to the campaign.
3. Conduct outreach or agree to allow MMP to conduct outreach to the press in my program’s local community
regarding participation in the campaign.
4. Track and report back to MMP on all referrals received through the MMP referral process.
5. Track and report back to MMP on all referrals collected through any strategies related to the campaign at end
of campaign AND six months after the campaign.
6. Commit to taking full advantage of the campaign by working with MMP to create a strategy to leverage the
7. Complete blog questions about how my program was able to leverage the campaign.
8. Complete and return a RSMC Campaign Partner Usage form at the end of the campaign detailing the results of
my program’s recruitment efforts.
9. Complete request for Resources by April 25th.
Program Contact Name:
Program Contact Signature:
Section 3: Request for Resources
Mass Mentoring is pleased to provide the following promotional materials to RSMC partner programs free of charge:
T-shirts, stress balls, technical assistance, and Red Sox tickets.
Mass Mentoring has Official RSMC T-shirts as a giveaway item for programs that plan a
recruitment event. Programs may request a limited number of T-shirts by providing details on
how you will use them in your recruitment events. T-shirts are also a great piece to have at
recruitment tables, OR have all your staff and matches wear them at a recruitment event to
attract attention! Sizes are limited, and there will be a limit of 20 to start.
Small stress balls are also great recruitment materials to give away at tabling recruitment events,
bar night events, etc. If you plan on holding a raffle, label each stress ball with a number and use
in the place of a raffle tickets
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
T-Shirts (limit 20)
(Available in M, L, XL. Please specify amount in each size.)
RSMC Stress Balls
Red Sox Experience, July 10th: Game and cookout (Limit
2 sets)
(Have to be used by matches, mentees and their mentors. Available
to any campaign partner.)
Red Sox Tickets (limit 1 set)
(RS tix cannot be used for fundraising purposes. Only available to
seed money recipients).
Recruitment Coordinator (RSMC program contact):
Shipping Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge Seed Money Application
If you would like apply for the RSMC Seed Award you will be eligible for all the benefits of a
Campaign Partnership and:
1. A pair of tickets to a red sox game that can be used by any one. This can be a great
recruitment incentive for your volunteer community, a raffle or event prize, or a great match
activity. Programs will receive tickets for a random date and time.
2. The Seed Money Award of up to $500.
Section 1: Program Information
Organization name:
Mentoring Program Name:
Mailing Address:
Contact Person (must have authority to commit/receive funds):
Section 2: Overview of Recruitment Event/Activity
2014 RSMC event/activity
Amount of seed money requesting (limit $500):
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
Please provide a clear and detailed description of how your program will use the free materials,
Red Sox Tickets, and/or the seed money award to plan your RSMC recruitment activity. Please
note how the Seed Money will be spent. Please describe the goals and objectives of your
Recruitment Goals
# of Inquiries
# of Recruits
# of Matches
inquiry: any individual who gives his/her name and contact
information to receive more information about the
mentoring program.
recruit: any individual who has begun the matching process by
filling out the application or attending an interview.
match: any individual who has completed the matching
process and has been matched to a mentee.
Campaign Partner Request: Due April 4th, 2014
Seed Money Application and Request for Resources: Due April 25, 2014
Red Sox Mentoring Challenge
June through August 2014
Section 3: Technical Assistance from MMP
Will your program need technical assistance from MMP to help plan your recruitment event or
develop marketing and recruitment strategies? If so, how can MMP assist your program?
Section 4: Program Confirmation of Information
Program Contact Name:
Program Contact Signature:
Please complete, sign and fax/email to:
Nate Baum, Manager of Training and Technical Assistance
Direct: 617-695-2473, Fax: 617-695-2473