Compare and Contrast Essay Preparation

Compare and Contrast Essay Preparation
Step 1
Pick 2-3 categories that you would like to compare and contrast for the two philosophies (make sure you have
enough details in these categories to do a good job). To do that, first start brainstorming the evidence that you
List all the concrete details. You may have more than the bullets provided, this is just to get you started.
Step 2: Grouping Evidence
Example: Confucianism and Daoism Similarities
Topic: No Violence
 Confucianism= Ren (do to others as you would like to have done to you)
 Confucianism = benevolence and gentlemen like behavior
 Daoism=accept the world and avoid struggles
 Daoism=natural order of the universe
Step 3: Write a Topic Sentence for each cluster. As yourself, what does each cluster share in common? For
example, are all of your CDs about the economy?
Example TS#1: Confucianism and Daoism both valued the idea of non-violence towards others
Example TS#2: Confucianism believed in the relationship one had with others while Daoism focused on the
individual’s role in society
TS #1:
TS #2:
TS #3:
Step 4: Write a Thesis for your Essay
TS+TS+TS= Thesis
Example: Confucianism and Daoism both believed in non-violence, but Confucianism focused on the relationships
one had with others while Daoism focused on the individual.
Your Thesis: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Do NOT write in first person “I think” “I believe” etc.
Your thesis should provide reasons and be a blueprint for your paper
Your thesis should NOT restate the question only
Topic Sentences should match with your thesis and be presented in your paper
Commentary should explain the reasons why you picked that CD for support and support your argument
(thesis). They should explain the reason behind why they had that common or different trait, and why
those similarities and differences matter.