COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 6, 2009 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Bellefonte Borough Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Council President Frank Halderman in the Bellefonte Borough Municipal Building. Pledge of Allegiance: Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Council remained standing for a moment of silence. ROLL CALL Members Present: Brown, Dainty, Taylor, Hay, Beigle, Heidt, Halderman Members Excused: Aikens, DeCusati, Officials Present: Ralph Stewart, Borough Manager; Mayor Stanley Goldman; Don Holderman, Assistant Borough Manager Staff Present: Guests: Randy Brachbill; Matthew T. Johnston APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Beigle made a motion to approve the minutes of the Bellefonte Borough Council meeting of June 15, 2009. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous to approve the minutes as presented. COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN - Information from PennDOT regarding Dot Grants Electronic application and resolution #07-06-09. Ms. Dainty made a motion to approve resolution #07-06-09, an agreement to use the DOT Grants Electronic system for PennDOT. Mr. Taylor seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous. - A thank you letter to Chief Shawn Weaver and one to Officer Jason Brower from Roy J. Stewart, Instructors, Protective Services Program, The Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology thanking them for their assistance serving as an evaluator for the NOCTI examinations in Criminal Justice. 1 - A letter from Molly Danko praising the Police Department for their services over the past ten years. - A letter from Robert D. Lynch, DPS, General Chairman and Dolores C. Lynch, ACSW, Secretary/Treasurer, The Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, Bellefonte, requesting the use of ten parking spaces in the municipal lot by CVS and the Train Station the weekend of August 21st through August 23rd. Mr. Beigle made a motion to approve the request for the use of ten parking spaces in the municipal lot August 21st through August 23rd for the 150th Anniversary Celebration. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous. - A letter from Centre County PAWS thanking Council for their gift of $112.00 in memory of Skip Stewart. Mr. Stewart thanked everyone for their donation and prayers. - A letter from Keith E. Gabage, Senior Director, Corporate Development Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. questioning whether the Borough is interested in selling the water system. - Information regarding activities held at the Bellefonte Community Children’s Garden. The Bellefonte Garden Club is very involved and has a lot of activities. - A letter from David Capperella, Board President, Bellefonte Intervalley Area Chamber of Commerce and a letter from the Bellefonte Railroad Association in support of recording surveillance cameras in Talleyrand Park to lessen the vandalism that is taking place around the Train Station. ORAL - Ms. Dainty informed Council that Paul DeCusati stopped at a downtown business to inquire about the success of the vending cart. The store owner stated Mr. DeCusati, Ms. Dainty and Mr. Halderman are the only Council members that have ever visited her store. She wanted Mr. DeCusati thanked for his concern about her vending business. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS - Mr. Beigle attended the Springcreek Watershed Commission meeting. Mr. Giddings is working on a model ordinance regarding geo-thermal for the municipalities. - Mr. Halderman attended the MPO meeting Tuesday, June 30th, at the Howard Fire Hall regarding the I-99 interchange and the local interchange. He gives credit to the people from Howard because they were very civil in a difficult meeting. - Ms. Dainty reported that the Shared Services Committee meeting was held on June 24 . The meeting was a public meeting that discussed how to handle a task force to explore the fire departments. There were many people in attendance from the fire companies and several staff members, but very few residents. Ms. Dainty was disappointed that more Council members did not attend the meeting. The meeting was held at the Bellefonte Middle School. th 2 - Ms. Brown reported that if you go to and type in Bellefonte City there are several videos of Bellefonte. - Bellefonte was named as the best place to fish in Pennsylvania in the newspaper. MAYOR’S REPORT - Mayor Goldman commends the Bellefonte Police force for the job they do. He reminded the residents that the police cannot be everywhere at the same time so be patient and also they will find the culprits that are doing the painting and vandalism in town. OFFICE OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Notification was received that a grant was approved. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS - None. COMMITTEES Building & Property – Mrs. Brown made a motion to approve signage in Talleyrand Park that directs people to the restroom. Mr. Heidt seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous. Mr. Holderman established a meeting with a gentleman regarding surveillance cameras and prices will be obtained to see if it will be feasible to install cameras on the Train Station. Information is being gathered regarding the possibility of placing smoking urns in the downtown area. There is a wooden door on two buildings that is in terrible condition. The door in on Charles Herlocher’s building near the former Heilig Meyer location. People defecated on the floors and urinals of the restrooms in Talleyrand Park over the weekend. Mr. Stewart, Mr. Holderman and Mr. McMath went to the State College Borough Compost Facility to examine their process for composting. The process at Musser Lane will be gradually upgraded to produce compost. Branches and grass clippings may only dropped at Musser Lane by Bellefonte Borough residents. Currently the person must show their driver’s license as proof that they are a resident. Mrs. Brown heard negative feedback from the trash hauler’s and public works crew. They feel alienated because they were moved to the site at the landfill. She feels they need an explanation as to why they were moved there. The post office switched out their post office box on Blanchard Street and rather than install the new box on the concrete spot they placed it on the other side of the fire hydrant, which was too close because it was not possible to open the fire hydrant if it was needed. Mr. Bruno talked with the post office and asked them to move the box. Again they did not move it to the original site, but rather moved it down the street further. Mrs. Brown requested a letter be sent to 3 the post office requesting them to install the box in the original spot. The new location for the box is on two concrete slabs that will interfere with plowing in the winter. Finance – Ms. Dainty made a motion that the Borough advertise surplus equipment for sale by bid. Mr. Heidt seconded the motion. Council agreed to advertise the items online. A voice vote was unanimous. Park & Recreation – Mr. Taylor reported that the Teener League Field at Parkview Heights received a grant from DCNR (Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources) in the amount of $77,000.00. The grant is a matching grant with the matching funds coming from the Teener League. The work for the bridge at Talleyrand Park is in process. Test boring of the ground has been completed and permits need to be acquired. It will be at least late fall before any request for proposals are sent out for the project. Mrs. Brown was approached by the residents that attend the concerts. They have a petition circulating that they will present to Council requesting no smoking in Talleyrand Park at all rather than within 50’ feet of the Gazebo or Train Station. Mr. Taylor received a phone call regarding the same matter also. Mrs. Brown made a motion to make a no-smoking ban in Talleyrand Park. Mr. Hay seconded the motion. There currently is an ordinance written and advertised stating no smoking within 50’ of the Train Station, Gazebo or restrooms. A roll-call vote was taken: Brown-yes; Dainty-yes; Taylor-no; Hay-yes; Beigle-yes; Heidt-no; Haldermanyes. The motion passed 5-2. Personnel – Mr. Hay reported that PA Career Link supplied a team of six young adults for six weeks to help out. They have been doing painting and will do some work around the parks. Mr. Holderman reported that Russell Shuey, the Building Code Inspector passed the accessibility test for ADA and ANSI and continues to take the necessary training for BCO certifications. Safety – Mr. Heidt received a complaint regarding the Alley beside the Undines going toward Allegheny Street. There is a compact car parking stall that makes it difficult to see when you are making a left turn going onto Bishop Street. Mr. Heidt made a motion to have that parking stall removed. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous. Mrs. Brown feels the parking space where you turn right onto Bishop Street from Spring Street is a hindrance because of people turning into Snappy’s. Water/Sanitation – Mr. Beigle had nothing to report. Mr. Stewart reported that at the July 20th Council meeting Council members will have a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. There were two days in the last month where Bellefonte used under 2,000,000 gallons of water. Streets – Any constituents that would like to have a tree planted (in the Borough Rightof-Way), please have them contact Don Holderman. The Borough is in the process of compiling a list of property owners interested in having a tree planted on their property this fall planting 4 season. If more than 20 residents are interested, then the list will carryover in the Spring planting season. Names will be taken on a first come, first served basis. PennDOT provided authorization that the Streetscape Project is complete. A meeting was held with PennDOT regarding the intersection of Howard Street and Wilson Street. Pete Filo, PennDOT Safety Manager, explained how they assess an intersection to determine whether a four-way stop sign is warranted. There must be five reportable accidents in the last year that are correctible by the installation of stop signs. They will do evaluations in the fall to see how busy Wilson Street is and they also will do speed evaluations. At the meeting there was some discussion regarding the fire trucks backing in and out of the station. PennDOT will decide whether they would approve the installation of a traffic light, which would be costly. Blinking lights could be installed, but they would need to be approved and a permitting process would need to be followed. PennDOT will do core drilling on West Linn Street next week. There will be a detour while this work is in progress. Mr. Beigle made a recommendation that a portion of Shady Lane be called Shady Lane Extension to address a problem with 911. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous. Technology & Efficiency – Mr. Heidt questioned whether Council members should be given the option to purchase their laptop when they leave their Council positions. Mr. Halderman reported that the laptops are Borough property and would need to be put out to public bid. OLD BUSINESS - The Workplace Safety Committee recommends that Council make it mandatory that all Borough employees receive AED/CPR Training. Council would like to obtain prices from various sources that conduct the classes before it decides who should take the classes. - T-Shirt order forms are in the packets for Council members to review. Everyone will pay for their own shirt. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Stewart discussed the Keystone Energy Street Lighting Program’s generating charge. They pull together municipalities and shop the generation charge around to get the best price. It is a no-risk situation. If a good price is not obtained then the Borough would not be obligated to switch over. Mr. Beigle made a motion to do this. Mr. Hay seconded the motion. The motion was passed with Mrs. Brown voting no. EXONERATIONS - There were no ticket exonerations. POLICE REPORT 5 - There was no police report. ADJOURNMENT - With no other business to come before Council Mr. Heidt made a motion to adjourn the meeting of July 6, 2009 at 8:55 PM. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous. 6