Name - marlenebrennagaby

¡Avancemos! Level 1
Student Scavenger Hunt
Welcome to Spanish! You will find answers to the questions below in your
new Spanish textbook, ¡Avancemos!
A. Each unit (Unidad) in your Spanish 1 textbook visits a different country. Write the
name of the country you will visit in each unit. The first unit is done for you.
Unidad 1: Estados Unidos
Unidad 2:
Unidad 3:
Unidad 4:
Unidad 5:
Unidad 6:
Unidad 7:
Unidad 8:
B. How many Lecciones (lessons) are there in each unit of your textbook?
C. Choose one unit in your textbook. List four different kinds of learning strategies,
and the page where you found each one. The first strategy is done for you.
1. Reading strategy, page 143
D. The Spanish words PARA Y PIENSA mean “Stop and think.” Choose any lesson
and count how many times you see the red PARA Y PIENSA sign.
¡Avancemos! Level 1
Student Scavenger Hunt
E. Find the icons (picture symbols) for Video, DVD, and Audio. How do you think
the Video, and the Audio CDs can help you learn Spanish?
F. Next, find the icon of the listening headset.
placed next to certain activities in each lesson?
Why do you think this icon is
G. Now find a reference to the Internet website This website is
available to anyone who uses the Internet. Choose one Lección and find six
different resources that will help you learn Spanish.
1. page ________
2. page ________
3. page ________
4. page ________
5. page ________
6. page ________
H. In addition to the Video, DVD, and Audio icons, find up to three additional icons in
your book. List them here.
1. page ________
2. page ________
3. page ________
I. Choose any lesson in your textbook. What information is identical on both the
first page of the lesson, and the Repaso de la lección at the end of the lesson?
J. And speaking of the end of the lesson, what do you think the En resumen page is
¡Avancemos! Level 1
Student Scavenger Hunt
K. In the lesson you’ve chosen, look for the page titled Presentación de vocabulario.
What will you be learning in this section? What color are the new vocabulary
L. In the lesson you’ve chosen, can you find a Comparación cultural (Cultural
Comparison)? How many are there in this lesson? Write the topic of each
Comparación cultural you found in the lesson.
M. Find either a Lectura or Lectura cultural reading selection. Name at least two
things that will help you to understand this reading.
N. In addition to your textbook, you are probably going to use the Cuaderno
(Workbook). Find a reference to it in your textbook.
O. Find a section in your textbook that shows an example of how Spanish can be
used in your community. Hint: They are located in the second lesson of each
unit. On this same page, what kind of projects can you do?
P. What are the two kinds of dictionaries (glosarios) in the back of your textbook?
What is the English translation for the word comer?
What is the Spanish translation for the word brother?
Q. Where can you find the definition for the term gender? What is gender? (Hint:
look at the very back of your textbook.)
¡Avancemos! Level 1
Student Scavenger Hunt
A. Each unit (Unidad) in your Spanish 1 textbook visits a different country. Write the
name of the country you will visit in each unit. The first unit is done for you.
Unidad 1: Estados Unidos
Unidad 2: México
Unidad 3: Puerto Rico
Unidad 4: España
Unidad 5: Ecuador
Unidad 6: República dominicana
Unidad 7: Argentina
Unidad 8: Costa Rica
B. How many Lecciones (lessons) are there in each unit of your textbook
C. Choose one unit in your textbook. List four different kinds of learning strategies,
and the page where you found each one. The first strategy is done for you.
1. Reading strategy, page 143
2. Listening strategy, page 143
3. Speaking strategy, page 154
4. Writing strategy, page 186
¡Avancemos! Level 1
Student Scavenger Hunt
D. The Spanish words PARA Y PIENSA mean “Stop and think.” Choose any
lesson and count how many times you see the red PARA Y PIENSA sign.
E. Find the icons (picture symbols) for Video DVD, and Audio. How do you think
the Video, and the Audio CDs can help you learn Spanish?
Video: you can see and hear native speakers of Spanish interacting with
each other in real-life settings. Audio: you can hear how native Spanish
speakers (model) say the words and phrases.
F. Next, find the icon of the listening headset.
Why do you think this icon is
placed next to certain activities in each lesson?
The headset icon tells you this is a listening activity.
G. Now find a reference to the Internet website This website is
available to anyone who uses the Internet. Choose one Lección and find six
different resources that will help you learn Spanish.
Unit 3, Lesson 2:
1. Page 165, @HomeTutor
2. Page 165, Interactive Flashcards
3. Page 166, Get Help Online
4. Page 169, Animated Grammar
5. Page 186, WebQuest
6. Page 187, Cultura interactiva
H. In addition to the Video DVD and Audio icons, find up to three additional icons
in your book. List them here.
1. Paired/group activities (talking heads = speaking activity)
2. paper/pencil (writing activity)
3. green recycling icon (review/recycle)
I. Choose any lesson in your textbook. What information is identical on both the
first page of the lesson, and the Repaso de la lección at the end of the lesson?
Lesson objectives
¡Avancemos! Level 1
Student Scavenger Hunt
J. And speaking of the end of the lesson, what do you think the En resumen
page is for?
This page summarizes the vocabulary and grammar topics taugtht in the
K. In the lesson you’ve chosen, look for the page titled Presentación de
vocabulario. What will you be learning in this section? What color are the new
vocabulary words?
Vocabulary. Blue.
L. In the lesson you’ve chosen, can you find a Comparación cultural (Cultural
Comparison)? How many are there in this lesson? Write the topic of each
Comparación cultural you found in the lesson.
Answers will vary depending on the lesson chosen.
M. Find either a Lectura or Lectura cultural reading selection. Name at least two
things that will help you to understand this reading.
a. Reading strategy
b. Audio recording of the reading
N. In addition to your textbook, you are probably going to use the Cuaderno
(Workbook). Find a reference to it in your textbook.
They are referenced at the bottom of the Presentación de gramática pages.
O. Find a section in your textbook that shows an example of how Spanish can be
used in your community. Hint: They are located in the second lesson of each
unit. On this same page, what kind of projects can you do?
a. En tu comunidad
b. Cultural projects
¡Avancemos! Level 1
Student Scavenger Hunt
P. What are the two kinds of dictionaries (glosarios) in the back of your textbook?
Spanish-English; English-Spanish
What is the English translation for the word comer? to eat
What is the Spanish translation for the word brother? hermano
Q. Where can you find the definition for the term gender? What is gender? (Hint:
look at the very back of your textbook.)
See the English Grammar Connection on the inside back cover.