Textbook Scavenger Hunt BAT 4M Accounting Principles, Second

Textbook Scavenger Hunt
Accounting Principles, Second Canadian Edition
1. How many chapters are there in this textbook?
2. What chapter covers closing the books?
3. On what page would you fine information on the Monetary Unit Assumption?
4. At the beginning of each chapter you will find “Concepts for Review”. This
shows you the background knowledge you should know before you start the
chapter. What are the “Concepts for Review” for chapter 10?
5. Each chapter also has a “Feature Story” to show how the topic in the chapter
relates to the real world. What company is the story in chapter 9 about? What
topic does it illustrate?
6. There is also a box on that first page called “Study Objectives” which tell you
what you will be able to do by the end of the Chapter. Where do else do those
study objectives appear in the chapter?
7. Name 3 other things that appear in the margin of this text.
8. Key terms are shown in blue text. Where else can you find those key terms?
9. What can you find in the sections titled “Before You Go On…”?
10. Name two kinds of “Notes” you can find in the margins.
We will often use the question section at the back of this textbook. The following
questions are about this section.
11. What is special about the corners of these pages?
12. Name the 6 kinds of questions you will find in this section.
13. If I wanted you to do the fourth Brief Exercise in Chapter 11, what would it be
numbered, and what page is it on?
14. If I wanted you to do the fifth problem in problem set B, Chapter 6, what would it
be numbered, and what page would it be on?
15. The last part of the question pages is called Broadening Your Perspective. Take a
look at that section in Chapter 7. What do you think the purpose of this section
How Do You Learn Best?
Read and answer the questions about learning style in the first section of your text. It’s
about 10 pages in. There are 13 questions. Total up your score, and read about your
preferred learning style in the back. In a few sentences, describe how you might go about
best reading a chapter so that you can understand it.