New York State Society of Radiologic Sciences, Inc. Mid-year Board Meeting Saturday, April 1, 2006 Rockville Centre, New York Present: William Brennan, President Linda Condon, Nominating Chair Diedre Costic, First Vice President Steve Herrmann, Director Barbara Neumann, President Elect Paulette Peterson, Treasurer Ann T. Verschuuren, Secretary Joe Whitton, Immediate Past President Excused: Anthony DeVito, Second Vice President Meeting Called to Order at 10:30AM 1. REPORTS a. President – 1. Review of minutes from winter board meeting – corrections made. 2. correspondence: ASRT notified us that we are good to go and things are in the works for affiliate assistance (we applied for the $2500 assistance for travel to x-ray schools to recruit new people to the society). TOM MILLER (DOH) asking for letter of support regarding part 89 amendments. We sent out a support letter in response. ARRT contacted to request to send someone to talk (gratis) at our annual meeting. They had tried to send us someone last year but the speaker was not able to make it. They said they would try to send someone this year so we have an ARRT update as well as speaker. MEL THORNHILL- called to request speaker time (presidents lecture) from him. No response. Diedre will try to contact him to follow up. Second choice for presidents lecture is Steve Herrmann. ATV thank you for flowers sent during recent illness. b. Treasurer - see attached report with revisions to date. 1. funds are low at this time. Renewals are due to come in soon. 2. Rooms for ASRT have gone up in fee’s, as well as registration fee. We need to economize by doubling up in rooms. We will cancel a king room and double up with two members in a double room (Bill in Joe’s room). Barb will also share a room with Paulette. 3. Flights need to be booked as soon as possible, but the concern was funding in the account. Two airfare and the registration amounts need to be taken care of. Airfare needs to be booked asap, because the amount will only go up – we have until May 1 to get ASRT reduced rate for conference. 4. No group rates again this year for ASRT, so registration will be full amount as advertised. c. Nominating Chair – Ken Martinucci expressed desire to run. Ken would be a good fit for director. Anthony DeVito also contacted but low possibility for involvement Dominick DeMichele was also contacted but nothing was confirmed. Sally Grizoli was also interested in running after serving as sergeant at arms. The Board reviewed what positions they would like to run for: Barbara Neumann will ascend to president Diedre Costic will run for president elect Ann Verschuuren will run for 1st VP Paulette will run for Treasurer Bill Brennan will become immediate past president The vacancies are: 2nd VP- Ken Martinucci will be a good fit for this position. Secretary- ATV can remain on if no one runs Director – Ask Dominick Nominating Chair (possibly Sally G. or Frank Marter) d. Membership – Bob G. was scheduled to send out renewal forms at end of February… but this has not been done yet. Will be sending out in the near future. Should this date change if our fiscal year has changed (renewals sent out in January for the year)? e. Conference – We booked the Binghamton Holiday Inn Arena. The weekend of the 10/27 & 28/2006. The Board will meet on 10/26/06. This hotel is not giving us any breaks. ($1,000 for the conference room for two days and break food is outrageous). Lunch is average, and the hot served lunch for instillation of officers 2 is more. Hot lunch buffet is not that expensive ($2.00 more), but the choices are very limited. We can go with a Mexican theme instead. The idea of looking at another location was brought up. We need a room that will accommodate seating for 100 for classroom and another for student room seating for 70 – 150 audience and a front area in the room for participants. (5940 sq feet). Registration fee must be increased to cover the increase of the room. Increase of 10.00 for all registration fee, including students. In addition, we are charging $2.00 admission fee for bowl. (conf registration includes pass to student bowl). The admission fee to the student bowl needs to be mentioned in the registration packet. No theme party so that people can explore the surrounding sights. Proposed schedule attached. Still need a few speakers – Cindy Smith committed but has not been contacted yet to confirm. We need to contact DOH for update presentation (30 minutes during the first Business meeting). Dr. B. Daley was contacted and will be discussing whether he can speak for us. We are setting up some back up speakers too (trauma & pediatric radiology). Student bowl – need more time in between end of classes and start of student bowl, as set up needed time. Dave to send out letter informing of entrance fee for observers. Registrants to conference will get pass to enter (ticket) and hand stamp so they can leave and re-enter. We need strong willed people to monitor entrance. Dave to get tickets to use specially for this event (yellow – or any other color that we do not already have for other prize activities). Diedre will provide the hand stamp for entrance (when giving ticket or $2). Student conference needs – Diedre will take charge of keeping student attendance and providing proof of attendance to all programs who register students for the student conference. f. Secretary- Prices on safe deposit boxes are: 3” deep x Bank Phone # (973) 10”wide X 18” long Bank of NY 764-4077 $65 + tax Highland Bank 764-3200 $55 + 3.30 tax Lakeland Bank 764-3100 $60 + 6% tax 5” deep X 10” wide x 18” long $90 + tax $70 + 4.20 tax $100 + 6% tax 3 Prices on non-climate controlled self storage: Company Phone # Price Size Other (973) Vernon self 764-7833 $60 mo + 5’ x 5’ Mc/visa $ or check (can storage $60 deposit set up monthly charge) Affordable 764-2600 $35 mo + 4’x9’ Credit card only self storage 219-2820 $35 deposit *Building is insured – contents must be insured for damage or theft (some homeowners insurances cover – but must notify insurance company at time of rental) Recent documents from treasurer, secretary etc. should go into the safe deposit box. Tax info in 7 year increments should be scanned onto a disc and put into a safe deposit box. Letters of incorp etc. should also go into the box. Secretary will scan in current charters onto a disc and will store. ATV directed to look into Bank of America for price as that bank has locations through NY state. Iron Mountain is a company that will archive hard copies. ATV to look into it and report at next. ASRT will be contacted to ask how long affiliates need to archive materials such as finances, memberships, minutes and charter in. Bill will take care of it. Then the Board will need to determine what historical information they wish to keep. Board members need to make a list of the boxes they are currently keeping in their homes. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Bylaws (see attached) revisions made by the Board were typed into a new document by our director. Deletions, Additions and “no change” made after ASRT recommendations & Winter Board meeting decisions. Director to make changes to the following Typo’s noted & most current updates and changes: 1. Under student membership (line 4 right side- please delete crossed out word). 2. Under Section 4: governance - letter C. (line two right side- delete crossed out word). 3. Under officers: letters E the secretary( second line right side- delete crossed out word). 4. Under section #2- re-organize so that qualifications for all positions are listed first and the additional qualification statements are listed last. 4 5. Under Article VIII- Section 1: take out “elected” because under vacancies we state that the president can appoint and this puts us in conflict of our own bylaws. In addition, the section is only addressing composition. 6. Under article IX: section #1: first sentence should indicate the amount of people NYSSS sends to represent NYSSRS at the ASRT. The second sentence should be changed to state how the NYSSRS selects those representatives. EX: As per the ASRT bylaws, two affiliate delegates and two alternate will be sent to ASRT to represent the NYSSRS. Delegates sent to represent the NYSSRS shall be subject to approval by the Board. The president & president elect, or their designees, shall serve as the two delegates sent to ASRT to represent the NYSSRS. The alternates shall be appointed by the NYSSRS Board. 7. Under same: take out the number (ie. #1) of alternate delegates. 8. Under same: the word designee9. Under qualifications D: take out “or health care”. Board has reviewed the updated bylaws for consistency with the prior meeting. The above changes will be made and the document sent to ASRT. Paulette will send a copy of the ethics statement and the NY state law regarding registering (FEE) with Attorney Generals office before conducting fund raising events. Reinstatement fee needs to be put into P&P b. affiliate – affiliate assistance progress since the Maryland meeting…E-mail blasts were difficult to execute and we are having problems with our web site so we did not send out a current blast until we fixed our web site. (which as of today we are ready to doas the web site has been fixed). c. part 89- revisions to the document were made as per our last discussion and things were reported to nurses assoc. Bill reports that he spoke to Tom Miller and the time for comment is drawing to a close. They asked for support letters (we sent one). We should hear shortly what the next step is. Bill will contact the DOH again to get further update before our next meeting. 3. NEW BUSINESS 5 a. ASRT – RESOLUTIONS1. 05-3.03b Image Evaluation- by RT or MD. Not acceptable as it was too restricted. Recommended to include: appropriately educated & competent personnel. Further revised to: JCAHO language: registered or licensed practitioner, technologist or LXMO. NYSSRS Board recommends ADOPTION. 2. 05-3.14a Re-title of RT aids etc.- call them “Radologic Technologist assistant” NYSSRS Board recommends NON-ADOPTION 3. 05-3.14b Re-title of RT aids etc. – call them “Technical assistant & Aids in radiologic sciences” as an intro to rad sciences careers. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION 4. 06-3.01b RA vs. RPA issue- develop a white paper was initial resolution but it was a moot point as the white paper was already done. ASRT should work with RPA group to unify the profession. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 5. 06-3.02a initially written as recognition of RPA & RA as advanced practice professions equitably– rewritten as reorganization of RA as the advanced practice only (through ARRT certification exam). NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 6. 06-3.03 Documentation of shielding/dose etc. for CT’s- resolution went back to committee (NYSSRS recommends NON-ADOPTION). This will be brought up in the house for further discussion. 7. 06-3.04 LMXO scope of practice- must follow the ASRT curriculum guide. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 8. 06-3.05- SUNSET: NYSSRS support. 9. 06-3.06 CVT qualifications: CCI terminology is not recognized by the ASRT so this term is being removed- NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 10. 06-3.07 Registration of Hybrid professions- NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 11. 06-3.08 Request of radiologic exam(s) by non-MD’s required a (JCAHO) terminology change to licensed independent practitioner. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 12. 06-3.09 ASRT is not a Collective Bargaining Unit- but will strive to provide resources for education on such. NYSSRS is not in consensus, as statement is written. (Drop providing resources or change to provide information). 6 13. 06-3.10 profession not to be listed in trade school publications. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 14. 06-3.11 Define RT in position statements (rather just in Bylaws). NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 15. 06-3.12 Injection contrast & other medications by licensed radiographer under indirect supervision of licensed practitioner or radiologist - NYSSRS is not in consensus as written (other medications needs to be defined- urgent meds is ok – other meds is not). 16. 06-3.13 SUNSET: NYSSRS support. 17. 06-2.01b DR/CR education - (deleted last line of “a”) NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 18. 06-2.02 withdrew 19. 06-2.03 Supporting degree requirements that JRCERT has established – NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 20. 06-2.04 SUNSET: NYSSRS supports 21. 06-2.05 Upper division course work should include specialty modality information (not limited to..) NYSSRS not in consensus, as written. (curricula does not exist to support the ideals expressed- resolution is premature). 22. 06-2.06 revise all statements to use updatede terminology related to standards of education & regulation of rad sci- (terminology clean up) 23. 06-2.07 RA defined by ASRT in cooperation with ARRT & ACR established professional path. NYSSRS recommends NON- ADOPTION. (restraint of trade issues that were raised for US & their “equivalent” accrediting exams exist again). 24. 06-2.08 SUNSET: NYSSRS supports 25. 06-2.09 curriculum for LMXO should be followed. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 26. 05-1.04 RT pledge. NYSSRS recommends NONADOPTION. (REDUNCANCY: everything is already in code of ethics) 27. 05-1.05 ASRT will be the governing professional organization for RPA & PA. NYSSRS recommends NON-ADOPTION. 28. 06-1.01 SUNSET: NYSSARS supports. 29. 06-1.02 Patient care partnership instead of bill of rights. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 30. 06-1.03 External agencies using “institutional licensure” position statement….ASRT OPPOSES INSTITUTIONAL LICENSURE (ie. ASRT opposes institutional licensure of RT’s). NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 7 31. 06-1.04 Quality of care in health care to match ideals expressed in CARE bill. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION 32. 06-1.05 Shared responsibility of the RT and the employer to provide safe, efficient etc. work environment. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 33. 06-1.06 revision of the support for quality standards act. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. 34. 06-1.07 Support for ALARA principles. NYSSRS recommends ADOPTION. B. ASRT Bylaws- information on the web was very informative. New bylaws changes are complicated and there are many questions raised by the NYSSRS Board. Issues were tabled until questions could be asked in open forum. ATV to look up in Roberts rules: Boards under 12 members can have the chairman vote. C. Web page- blue host was looked into and it is only a slightly more expensive service. It has a few new features that will better manage our site. Our current web page is back up and working better. Our data base needs to be updated so that the membership application can be done on line. (people can currently print out the application as they always did). Members will be able to renew and join (pay) on line through pay pal. Our membership database can be transferred into the new site, or we can start anew with the current renewals. Sub domain has been created with all of us having passwords. All of our documents will be stored here in the future so that the Board will be able to access these documents. We are now able to ask the ASRT to send out a blast. D. 2007 Conference – Rochester NY was discussed (we have not been there in at least 10 years). Paulette will look at the area (as well as looking at having the conference at a college across the street from hotel(s)). Corning Holiday Inn was also discussed. Paulette will communicate her discoveries by e-mail so we can make some decisions prior to the Fall 2006 conference (possibly announcing the location for next year at this meeting). E. Committee reports – requesting that all committee reports be sent to the secretary via e-mail so they can be stored electronically with the reports. 8 F. Bank change- Paulette is experiencing poor service from our current bank (Chase) so she is requesting a bank change (Citizens). The Board reached consensus with this proposal. Paulette will not transfer all funds as she is waiting for checks to clear. G. FUNDRAISING - Paulette reports low funding with an increase cost of ASRT. Fundraiser ideas such as selling ads (vendors, schools, societies, local businesses & selling T-shirt/bags. H. CURRICULUM GUIDE UPDATE- Limited books available for the new curriculum was discussed. Enlarging curriculum with no increase in the length of programs was also brought up. CT is an advanced ARRT credentialing why is it in the primary curricula? (to include CT for student radiographers which is several pages of objectives). Is CT entry level skill now? Will they require lab activities or will CT be a clinical room rotation only? I. DONATION TO CONFERENCE - ATV reports a box of MHSRT pens that can be donated to NYSSRS for the annual meeting. J. ASRT CONFERENCE SCHEUDLE- took a look at the schedule of events as posted on the delegate web site. Question: what is the “Discussion with affiliate leaders” that is scheduled for Sunday @ 4P? Bill to contact ASRT to find out his responsibility for this event. Will e-mail board members when he knows more. Meeting adjourned at 5:50PM Respectfully submitted, Ann T. Verschuuren, M.Ed.,R.T.(R)(M) Secretary 9 Mid- year MEETING SUMMARY / ACTION (TASKS) ATTENTION ISSUE Bill Bill Linda Bob G. f/u ARRT speaker F/U Mel T. for prez lecture F/U with Dominik D. for nominations slate Q: Should we change the date we send out renewals so that it matches the fiscal year of Jan – Dec? How would that impact our finances (we may have better knowledge of our monies before planning our annual conference in the spring). Look for other places for our annual conference – see minutes for requirements. F/U with Cindy Smith to speak in Oct Send out info gallery fee for student bowl. (see minutes for details) Buy tickets (yellow or some other color we are not using for raffles) to use as entrance passes. One will be inserted into each conference badge (on the back) to allow entrance into the student bowl (as part of the conference fee). Take care of obtaining a stamp and stamp pad to hand stamp those presenting tickets to the student bowl (to facilitate leaving and returning without fraud). Will take care of developing a means of taking student attendance at the student break out lectures. One attendance form will be copied and sent to each program after the conference to allow programs to keep track of their students. Scan 7 years worth of financials onto a CD disc to keep in safe deposit box. Current Charter info put onto a CD disc for use in safe deposit box. Look into IRON MOUNTAIN for hard copy storage Ask ASRT how long we need to keep records before we determine what goes into safe deposit box. Bring a comprehensive list of the documents or boxes you have at home that belong to NYSSRS official business. Make the changes to the bylaws typos we identified in the minutes. Send a copy of the ethics statement and the NY state law regarding registering (FEE) with Attorney Generals office before conducting fund raising events. (we did not say where to send them – I was ALL Paulette Dave G. Dave G. Diedre Diedre Paulette Ann Ann bill ALL Director (Steve) Paulette CHECK OFF WHEN DONE 10 Ann Bill ATV Bob G / Paulette ALL Paulette ALL Paulette Ann Bill assuming it was to the board members). Reinstatement fees need to be put into P&P (I think I have that stuff – and where do you want me to put it exactly and how much are the fees?) Contact DOH for further part 89 updates since this meeting. look up in Roberts rules: Boards under 12 members can have the chairman vote. Our database needs to be updated so we can do online membership apps Sub database has been created for NYSSRS board members only- Paulette to up date us when we are good to go. 2007 – conference site – Rochester. Look into it and report to us via-email so we can make decisions at the next meeting in October. Committee reports must be sent to secretary prior to the meeting so we can begin to archive things in a modern and paperless manner. (if you do it late you may bring a paper copy with you to the meeting…but still send it to secretary electronically). F/U on bank change when all outstanding checks clear and you feel the time is right. Get MHSRT pens out of attic for Oct conference (someone remind ann in September or October!!) Contact ASRT – what is “discussion with affiliate leaders” on the conference agenda? Will we need to research anything and be abreast of issues? Is it an open meeting (gallery) or closed meeting (only affiliate delegates)????? E-mail the board with your findings. 11