Дєтки лабораторні

Methodological Instructions to Lesson
for the English Language 3-th Year Students
(Practical lesson – 7 hours).
Laboratory methods of investigation of functional
state of organizm and systems of child organizm.
Rules and technics of stuff collection for the
(7 hours)
The changes in organizm, which coused by
diseases lead to the changes in blood urine stool,
different disharge of organs of internal and external
secretion. That is why the skill to correct collect this is
discharge, to research it and interpritate rezult has wery
importantsense in diagnostic,so in 5the timelyty
prescription effective treatment and profilactic measure.
Acquaint with the basis methods of laboratory
investigation to research functional state of organs and
systems of child organizm, to study correct material for
investigation, to interpritate the reseive results.
Technique of realization of practical Work
1.Study the methods of laboratory intestigation of
functional state of organs and systems
1Task1.Collect material for investigation
Task 2.Full the derec-tion in laboratory for research
Task 3. Interpritate the
reseive results.
2.Study the demands
4)The semiotic of
violation from side
laboratory indikators
in different pathology
1.Methods of
functional state of
organs and systems.
Basic lavel
1.Methods of laboratory
investigation of functional state of
organs and system of organs.
2.The rule of collection and
demands to the material.
3.Changes from side of
indicators laboratory
investigation in different
a) chemical-microscopycal methods of
b) methods of hematological investigation.
c) methods of clinic biochemistri.
d) methods of investigation of homeostatic system.
a) to the quantity
b) time of collection
c) keeping
a) taking the maser from the fauces and nasal
b) collection of sputum for clinical and
bacteriological intestigation
c) collection urine on the general analysis, the
quantity methods of investigation; leading the test
of Zimnickiy
d) collection stool for caprological bacteriologikal
investigation on the eggs of helmints,
enterobiosis,occults blood
e) researhing the gastrik juse, duodenal contents
f) researching of liquor
changes from side of general analysis of blood
Task2 changes from side of general analysis of urine
Task 3 changes of biochemical anslysis of blood
Task 4 changes of caprograme
Task 5 changes of liquor
Task 6 changes of analysis of sputum
Task 7 changes of analysis of gastric juse
Task 8 changes of analysis of duodenal contents
Grafical structure of theam.
phisical properties:
clearness, pH, spesific gravity
chemical properties:
protein, glucosa, suggar,
ketone bodies, biliary
microscopi of sediment:
leukocytes, eritrocytes,
cylindres, endotelial cells.
phisical properties:
stell, shope, pH, visible
admixture, colour.
chemical properties:
blood, stercobilin, bilirubin,
aminoacid, amonium.
microscopia :
dedritis, muscular fibres,
connective tissue, cellulose
and amylum, fat acid, soap,
mucousis, cells of intestinal
epitelium, leukocytes,
erytrocytes, hamblia,
Gastrik phisical properties:
secretion quantitu, colour, smell,
chemikal properties:
total acidy, free acidy, debit
HCL, presents of milk
Sputum phisical properties:
quaulity, colour, solidity,
smell, divigion on the levels,
chemical properties:
proteins, bilirubin.
microscopia :
Krusherman’s spirals,
eozinophiles, SharkoLeyden’s cristals,elastic fibres,
alveolar macrophages,
Litrish’s corcs, echinococus
microorganism of tuberculosis
Native preparates:
Ecsudat and transudat:
phisical and chemical properties
specific gravity, presents and
quolity of proteins.
eritrocytes, leicocytes, tumor’s
cells, dedrites, fat cells,
mucosis, actinomicetes.
paint preparates:
neurophites leucocytes
limlhocytes, losipophiles,
plasmatic cells, histeocites,
macrophages, cells of
mesotelium, tumor’s cells.
microbacterium of
phisical properties: colour
specific gravitis
microscopia: limphocytos,
plasmatic cells, monocytes,
macrophages, neutrophiles,
eosinophiles, epiteliae cells,
cristals, tumor’s sells,
echinococus elements.
clinikal investigation: protein,
suggar, chlorides, globulines.
Methods of hematologikal investigation:
Concentration HB in 1 mcl of blood.
Number of eritrocytes in 2 mcl of blood.
Colour indicator
Number of leucocytes in 1 mcl of blood.
Formula of leucocytes.
Speed of sedamentation of eritrocytes.(mm/hour)
reticulocytes, resistans of eritrocytes E cells,
basis phosphatosa, glicogen, fats, trombocytes.
Methods of investigation of homeostasis system:
methods of investigation: trombocyto-vessels
homeostasis: time of bleeding , resistanse of
capilars, number of trombocytes, retention of
trombocytes, aggregation of trombocytes,
retraction of blood clot.
intestigated methods of blood: rolling time of
blood rolling ; time of retraction stabilisated
blood, protrombine time, tromboelastographia,
electrocoalographia, researching of blood rolling
factors, concentration of antiroling factors,
fibrinogens, and its following substanses, activiti
of VIII factor.
Methods of investigation of fibrinolitical system of
general methods: measuring of time of lisis blood
clots or euglobuline fraction of blood.
Methods of clinical biochemistri
Investigation of conteins general proteins,
protein fractions, sedimentation test,(timoles,
sulemo’s, deltman’s test),enzimes,(AlAT,
AcAT,LDG,amylasa, lipasa etc) low-molecular
nitrates substanses (blood urea, creatinina,urea
ecid, aminoacides and peptides, indicane,
pigments (bilirubin, porphirines);
hydrocarbonatis ( glucose, lactat, acid, suggar,);
fats (cholesterin,and its etheres threeglycerides,
Urine: for investigation tace all portion of morning
urine after deligent toilet of sexuall organs; in the
clean and dry plates; keep only 1,5 hour not more
in could plase.
150-200 ml – for investigated of phisical
Demands to theresearches materil
Stool: investigated not more 8-12 hours after its
secretion; keeping in temperature 3-5 C ;
collected in dry and clean plates (wishes glasses)
Gastric juse: receiving of emply stomach, after
stimulation, aspiration basiae and stimulated
Sputum: fresh secretion spidun in cough collected in
the dry, clean plates (wishes glasses), before
secretion child rinse oral cavity by boling water; in
babies we can call cough by means to tough with
stranges on the radix of toung, collection by means
special instrument in the Petri’s cap. For
desinfection –5% solution chloramine.
Transudat and ecsudat: receiving in punction of
cavities, collected in clean dry plates, add citrat of
sodium (1g on 1l) , or heparin, and all this mixture
send immideatly on the investigation.
Lijuor: receive it by neans lumbal , suboccipital and
ventricularpunction, which leaded in operating or
procedure room; collected in dry and clean bottle,
for bacteriological investigation – on the sterilisate
3.Technics of collection material for investigation
Taking the throat and nasal kavity svab
Make use of sterial cotton wool tampons on the
small stisk it the steril test-tube; whith left hand
press on root of tongue, and with right hand take off
tampon from test-tube. Touch to surfacies of tonsile
glands , and take off from mouth and put into tesetube; with left hand a little raise the end of nose and
with right hand tampon put into the first in the right
then in the left nasal ways with turn moves. Then
fasten to the test-bube card with surname of patient,
aim of investigation, date of takinganalyses.
Thenimediatly to send it in the laboratory.
Collection sputum for bacteriological investigation
Literature List
In the steril cup of Petry
Common rules collection of urine:
The first portion of urine have to be taking after
slipping in the morning;
Before taking the analysis the patient must be washed and
he have to collect the urine in the clear bottle,then send it
to laboratory.
General analyses of the urine:
Collect the morning urine, middle; inverstigate physical
properties, and lead microscopy.
Bacteriological investigation:
10 ml of urine in the steril test-tube.
Quantities method:
Method of Kakovsky-Addis:
In the clear bottle collect urine, which was excreted of
urine while 10 night’s hours(from 22 to 8) Count formed
elements of daily urine
Ambyrze’s method
Use for investigate “minute leukocyturia” formed
elements which excreted of urine while one minute
Nechepurenko’s method
Taking middle portion of urine,near 2-3 ml.
Count number formed elements in the 1 ml. Urinary
Zymnyckiy’s test
Collect 8-portion urine while 24 hours; from 6(this portion
do not take).While every 3 hours to the 6 of other day.
Collect of faces
Koprologik investigation includes four groups of methods:
bacteriologic,chemical,micro and macroscopic methods.
Faces should be taken from the middle. Every portion
investigate separately. Morning faces are sent to the
laboratory in the dry, clear bottle.
Semiotics disorders
Changes from the side of general blood analysis:
Anemia, erythremia, increasing or decreasing of
hemoglobin, color index,
Thrombocytopenia, raised leucocytes, bond neutrophils,
eosinophils,lymphocytes, elevation of the erythrocytes
sedimentation rate.
Changes from the side of general analysis of urine:
Low or high specific gravity of urine, proteinuria,
ketonuria, glucosyria, leucocyturia, casts in urine,
bacteria’s in urine.
Changes from the side of koprograms:
Indigested muscular fibers,steatorrhea, lientery, bacteria’s
in the feces.
Changes from the biochemical analysis of the blood side:
Decrease blood protein, lipids, Ca, P, sugar.
Increase blood urea, creatinine, bilirubin.
Changes from liquor’s side:
Increase protein, sugar, leucocytes, presents meningococs,
microbacterics tuberculosis.
Changes from sputum analysis side:
Increase proteins, presents: columnar ciliated epithelium,
alveolar macrophages, siderophages, elastic fibrils,
Charcot-Leiden crystals, Kurschman’s spirals, Ditrich’s
plugs, microbacteries tuberculosys.
Мазурин А.В. ,Воронцов И.М. Пропедевтика детских
болезней.-М.: Медицина, 1986.-С.129-134, 158-171,
Prepared by NYKYTYUK S.
Adopted on the chair 29 august m#1