Yr 9 CBCC Science Assessment task: Glossary DRAFT DUE: Week 5 Wed 23/2/11 DATE DUE: Week 7 Wed 9/3/11 Leave at least four pages in your book for your glossary section. As you come across these terms, complete a correct definition and give an example where possible. You may like to add illustrations. List all reference sources as a bibliography at the end. Number each definition to indicate which reference was used. abiotic factors adaptations aquatic biodiversity biotic factors brackish Creation desert dominant diurnal endangered environment evolution extinct function habitat inheritance kind littoral mammal marsupial monotreme natural selection nocturnal organism rainforest recessive species structure variations Bibliography ( List alphabetically) Author surname, initial, Title of book, year of publication, publisher, place of publication. + page number + designated number for your reference. Assessment Policy This sheet must be filled in and submitted with final work. All students must complete and submit assessment tasks on the due date, as set by the teacher. All draft and due dates are to written into the school diary by the student. Students will be required to submit a draft, at a date determined by the teacher, to monitor progress on the task. Failure to complete a task by the due date, will result in the draft being marked with grades being lost. Students who cannot produce the draft will complete the task in the first available break, under teacher supervision. Failure to complete all required assessment tasks will jeopardise a student being credited with completion of that subject. Statement of Authenticity The work submitted in this assessment piece is my own. I understand the consequences of submitting the work of others with the intention of claiming it as my own. OR ……………….……. assisted me for ..…….. % of the time to ……………………………………... Student signature ……………………………. Criteria / Mark A B ALL MANY Words defined Date…………………….. C SOME D FEW E Not evident. Examples and Illustrations included Bibliography V. accurate Mostly suitable Not many or some only given. Not evident. As specified Presentation enhances communication and maximum level of effort is achieved. Attempted but not as specified. Presentation does little to enhance communication. Minimum level of effort demonstrated. Not evident. Presentation Attempted but not complete. Presentation enhances communication and some level of effort is achieved. Largely ineffective presentation and level of effort. Teacher comment:________________________________________________ Teacher sig. Date: