Sec. 6.2: “Drawing and Naming Molecules” Day 2 1. Lewis Structure Review problems: a. H2S b. C2H6 c. CH3OH d. BF3 (Hint: boron does not obey the octet rule) 2. Atoms can __________ more than 1 pair of electrons in a ____________ bond. a. Consider the Lewis structure for oxygen, __________. b. Each oxygen atom has ______ valence electrons for a total of _______ electrons. c. If you distribute the dots around the oxygen atoms, the __________ rule will _______ be satisfied and oxygen will not be _________. 3. To make an ___________, each oxygen atom needs _______ more electrons a. The two atoms share __________ electrons. b. Double bond: a _____________ bond in which two atoms ____________ _________ pairs of electrons. c. Which atoms like to form double bonds?_____________________________ 4. Sample Problem C, pg. 205 a. Draw the Lewis structure for formaldehyde, CH2O. 5. Additional Double Bond Examples a. C2H4 b. N2F2 c. O2 6. Consider the Lewis structure for nitrogen, _________. a. Each nitrogen atom has ______ valence electrons for a total of ______ electrons. b. If you distribute the dots around nitrogen atoms, the ________ rule will ______ be satisfied and nitrogen will not be _________. 7. For nitrogen to make an ___________, each atoms needs _______ more electrons. a. The two atoms share _______ electrons. b. Triple bond: a covalent __________ in which two __________ share _______ pairs of electrons. c. Which atoms like to form triple bonds? ________________________________ 8. Additional Practice a. Draw the Lewis structure for HC2Cl 9. Some molecules, such as ozone, ______, cannot be represented by a single __________ structure. a. When a ______________ has 2 or more possible __________ structures, the 2 structures are called ____________________ structures. 10. Resonance Structure: any one of 2 or more possible configurations of the same compounds that have identical _____________ but different arrangements of ___________. a. What is placed between the Lewis structures to show that the structures are actually an average of the possible structures? __________________ 11. Draw the Lewis structure for the nitrite ion, NO2-. Naming Covalent Compounds 12. The ___________ element named is usually the __________ one written in the formula. It is usually the _________ electronegative element. a. The ___________ element named has the ending _________. b. Unlike the names for ____________ compounds, the names for _______________ compounds must often distinguish between 2 different molecules made of the _____________ ____________. c. CO = _________________________________ d. CO2 = ________________________________ 13. This system of ______________ is used to show the number of ________ of each element in the molecule. a. mono = _____________ b. di = ________________ c. tri = _______________ d. tetra = _____________ e. penta = _____________ 14. ________________ can be used to show the ____________ of each type of ______________. P2S5 is named diphosphorus pentasulfide. 15. _______________ are added to the _________ element only if the molecule has more than 1 _______ of that _________________. a. N2O = dinitrogen oxide b. SO3 = sulfur trioxide c. Vowels _____ and _____ are dropped from a prefix if the word begins with a _______. d. CO = ________________________________________ NOT carbon monooxide e. N2O4 = ___________________________________NOT dinitrogen tetraoxide