practice test

Practice Test Unit 3 Imperialism, WW I
1. In 1901 the United States was involved putting down in a vicious insurrection in
what territory?
A. Cuba.
B. Puerto Rico.
C. Hawaii.
D. Philippines.
E. Guam.
2. William McKinley appointed this individual as the head of a commission to make
appropriate recommendations for governing the Philippine Islands. Who was he?
A. Theodore Roosevelt.
B. John Hay.
C. William H. Taft.
D. Mark Hanna.
E. William Jennings Bryan.
3. The leader of the revolt in Cuba was
A. Valeriano Weyler
B. John Hay.
C. Jose Canusue
D. Camilo Pascual
E. Jose Marti
4. The leader of the revolt in the Philippines was
A. Valeriano Weyler
B. Jose Canusue
C. Emiliano Aguinaldo
D. Camilo Pascual
E. Jose Marti
5. McKinley’s second Vice President was
A. Theodore Roosevelt.
B. John Hay.
C. William H. Taft.
D. Mark Hanna.
E. William Jennings Bryan.
6. Which of the following presidents was fond of the proverb: "Speak softly, but
carry a big stick....?"
A. Rutherford B. Hayes.
B. Benjamin Harrison.
C. Grover Cleveland.
D. William McKinley.
E. Theodore Roosevelt.
7. The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850 and the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 both
concerned what important issue during the Roosevelt administration?
A. Participation in international arbitrations to avoid war.
B. Founding of the Pan American Conference.
C. Establishment of a canal across Central America.
D. European acknowledgement of American territorial claims in Hawaii.
E. Military alliance between Britain and the U.S.
8. The nation which Roosevelt saw as blocking his ability to build a canal across
Panama was
A. Columbia.
B. Nicaragua.
C. Peru.
D. Venezuela
E. Brazil
9. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stated which of the following
A. U.S. would intervene in the Americas- Europeans butt out.
B. Joint U.S.-British cooperation in keeping other European powers out of
the Americas was a desirable goal.
C. T.R. reaffirmed Washington's "no entangling alliances" promise.
D. European powers were warned to grant their American colonies some
form of independence such as Britain had done in Canada.
E. Roosevelt claimed the right to colonize anywhere in the Americas.
10. Theodore Roosevelt would earn the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for helping bring
to an end a war between which two nations?
A. France and Germany.
B. Spain and Italy.
C. Britain and Turkey.
D. Japan and Russia.
E. Mexico and Panama.
11. Which of the following became part of the American Empire between 1890-1920?
A. Guam
B. The Philippines
C. Puerto Rico
D. Hawaii
E. All of the above
12. The Anti Imperialist League believed
A. the US should take over Canada
B. the US and Britain should combine their colonial empires
C. the US should not become a colonial power
D. blacks should be sent back to Africa
E. none of the above
13. Dollar
Diplomacy was about
promoting economic growth in Latin America
printing money in Canada
political control of Mexico
Taft’s desire to outdo Teddy Roosevelt
14. Commander in chief of the AEF was
A. Douglas MacArthur.
B. John J. Pershing.
C. Chester Nimitz.
D. George Patton.
E. Dwight David Eisenhower.
15. The membership of the Allied Powers in World War I included all of the following
nations EXCEPT?
A. Britain.
B. France.
C. Russia.
D. Japan.
E. Holland.
16. The 1915 membership of the Central Powers involved in World War I included all
of the following nations EXCEPT
A. Turkey.
B. Germany.
C. Italy.
D. Austria-Hungary.
E. Bulgaria.
17. The European War of 1914, later called World War I was immensely profitable for
which of the following American businessmen who loaned money to the Allied
A. John D. Rockefeller.
B. Andrew Carnegie
C. John P. Morgan.
D. Cornelius Vanderbilt.
E. Leyland Stanford.
18. Except for the use of this weapon, the United States probably would not have
been drawn into World War I. What was that weapon?
A. Gas.
B. Tanks.
C. Aircraft.
D. Battleships.
E. Submarines.
19. The Republican candidate for president in 1916 to run against the incumbent
Wilson was
A. Eugene V. Debs.
B. William Howard Taft.
C. Theodore Roosevelt.
D. Charles Evans Hughes.
E. Herbert Hoover.
20. The Zimmermann note of March 1, 1917 concerned what issue?
A. Secretary of State Bryan's secret plan to end the war in Europe by
B. German proposal to draw Mexico into the war as an ally.
C. Organizational orders for the American Expeditionary Force to France.
D. Proof that Germany sank the Lusitania knowing it carried civilian
E. British naval plan to protect U.S. shipping by armed convoys.
21. Which of the following made it possible for Wilson to justify an alliance with
Britain and its allies?
A. Germany declared the destruction of the democracy as its primary goal.
B. Democrats won control of the U.S. Senate.
C. Britain appealed to the American people to save democracy in Europe.
D. Russia overthrew its dictatorial tsar.
E. French people petitioned to the American government for aid.
22. All of the following were part of Wilson's Fourteen Points EXCEPT
A. Freedom of the seas would be guaranteed.
B. all nations would eliminate their borders
C. armaments and military arsenals of nations would be reduced.
D. economic barriers like protective tariffs would be removed.
E. a world peace-keeping organization, League of Nations, would be formed.
23. The Committee on Public Information, a national agency to promote support for
the war, was organized under the leadership of which individual?
A. George Creel.
B. William Howard Taft.
C. Herbert Hoover.
D. Bernard Baruch.
E. Samuel Gompers.
24. Whom of the following was jailed for opposition to US entry into WW I:
A. William Jennings Bryan.
B. James B. Clayton.
C. Eugene V. Debs.
D. Robert La Follette
E. James Todd Williams
25. The War Industries Board was established in March 1918 to mobilize industry for
the war effort. The leader of this agency was?
A. George Creel.
B. William Howard Taft.
C. Herbert Hoover.
D. Bernard Baruch.
E. Samuel Gompers.
26. Wilson’s slogan for the 1916 election was
A. “drive for show, putt for dough”
B. “if you can’t imitate him, don’t copy him”
C. “he kept us out of the war”
D. “I second that emotion”
E. “all the way with Woodrow W”
27. Which of the following was the leader of the American Federation of Labor who
pledged labor's loyalty to the war effort?
A. George Creel.
B. William Howard Taft.
C. Herbert Hoover.
D. Bernard Baruch.
E. Samuel Gompers.
28. World War I was directly responsible for which of the following reforms passed
as a constitutional amendment in 1920
A. Direct election of U.S. senators by a state's electorate.
B. Graduated income tax.
C. Women's suffrage (right to vote).
D. Repeal of prohibition.
E. Two term limit on presidents.
29. Each of the following was a wartime food conservation activity promoted by the
federal government and the Food Administration EXCEPT:
A. Voluntary activities without required or enforced rationing.
B. Severe congressional restrictions on the use of foodstuff to produce
alcoholic beverages.
C. Government sponsored "Victory Gardens" in backyards and on vacant
D. School children drafted and required to serve as temporary agricultural
workers at peak harvest periods.
E. Wheatless Wednesday and meatless Tuesdays.
30. Each of the following is a correct statement about wartime policies of the
government or its officers EXCEPT?
A. Funding of the war was primarily by Victory Loans and war bonds.
B. Government seized enemy merchant ships in U.S. harbors for wartime
C. Wilson labeled granting the right of suffrage to women a "vitally
necessary wartime measure."
D. Federal government guaranteed the right of labor unions to organize and
bargain with their employers.
E. Congress passed a conscription or draft act to fill the military service.
31. The U.S. Naval commander during WW I was
A. Douglas MacArthur.
B. William Sims
C. Rutherford B. Hayes.
D. John Peter Altgeld.
E. William D. Haywood.
32. What serious political mistake did Woodrow Wilson make when he went to
A. declared that no treaty would be signed by the U.S. without a League of
B. left Henry Cabot Lodge home
C. opened private negotiations with the German government over surrender
D. asked the American people to vote Democratic control of Congress that
then backfired with a narrow Republican majority.
E. declared that the leaders of France and Italy were intellectual midgets.
33. The "Big Four" who led Britain, France, Italy, and the U.S.A. and represented
their nations at the Paris Peace Conference at Versailles in 1919 included all of
the following individuals EXCEPT?
A. Woodrow Wilson.
B. David Lloyd George.
C. Vittorio Orlando.
D. John Maynard Keynes.
E. Georges Clemenceau.
34. Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts was particularly concerned about Article X
of the Covenant of the League of Nations which appeared to create what
problem for the sovereign powers of the United States?
A. Limited the right of nations to place restrictions on immigration over their
B. Required nations to submit all disputes to international arbitration.
C. Allowed American citizens accused of "war crimes" to be tried in
international courts.
D. Placed the authority to raise or lower tariffs in the hands of the World
E. Delegated congressional war powers to an international agency.
35. The Republican leader in the Senate during the Versailles Treaty fight was
A. Eugene V. Debs.
B. Henry Cabot Lodge
C. James M. Cox.
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
E. Calvin Coolidge.
36. The Democratic candidate for president in 1920 was which individual?
A. Eugene V. Debs.
B. Warren G. Harding.
C. James M. Cox.
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
E. Calvin Coolidge.
37. Leader of the Irreconcilables
A. Eugene V. Debs.
B. Warren G. Harding.
C. William Borah
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
E. Calvin Coolidge.
38. Future president who fought in France during WW I
A. Eugene V. Debs.
B. Warren G. Harding.
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
D. Calvin Coolidge.
E. Harry Truman
39. Whom of the following was opposed to the Versailles Treaty ?
A. George Norris
B. Henry Cabot Lodge
C. Hiram Johnson
D. Henry Cabot Lodge.
E. None of the above
1. D
2. C
3. E
4. C
5. A
6. E
7. C
8. A
9. A