Chapter 20-21 Studyguide

Chapter 20B-21:Battle for National Reform
Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act
Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy
Bull Moose Party
Income Tax
Keating-Owen Act
Great White Fleet
Roosevelt Corollary
Platt Amendment
Dominican Republic
Pershing Expedition
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
New Nationalism
New Freedom
Federal Trade Commission Act
Smith-Lever Act
Open Door
Panama Canal
Dollar Diplomacy
Pancho Villa
Chapter Objectives
1. The nature and extent of Theodore Roosevelt’s New Nationalist progressivism
2. The similarities and differences between the domestic progressivism of Theodore
Roosevelt and that of William Howard Taft
3. The conservation issue, and why it triggered a split between Taft and Roosevelt
4. The consequences of the Taft–Roosevelt split for the Republicans in 1912
5. The conceptual differences and practices between Roosevelt’s New Nationalism and
Wilson’s New Freedom
6. The differences between Wilson’s New Freedom and the measures actually
implemented during his first term in the White House
7. Roosevelt’s foreign policy in Asia and the Caribbean, and the similarities and
differences between the Roosevelt and Taft approaches to foreign policy
8. The reasons for the continuation of American interventionism in Latin America under
President Wilson
Essay Questions to Consider:
1. Why was progressivism accepted differently in different regions of the nation? What
might explain why Wisconsin became a model for the movement?
2. What long-term impact on national political tendencies grew from the progressive
3. Consider America’s rise to world power (Chapter 19) along with the increasingly
activist foreign policy of the first fifteen years of the twentieth century. What forces
accounted for this activism? Why was it most evident in the Caribbean region?