Latin America Brainstorm

World History
Ms. Avar
Point Value:
Full Name:_________________
Period #:___________________
Today’s Date:_______________
Assignment #:_______________
Instructions: Read all of Ch. 8 Sec. 1 (p. 247-252). Then, complete the chart below.
1. Read about some country emblems on p. 246. See
2. Look at the graph on p. 247. Which two
how each picture symbolizes something (ex. for the U.S: groups made up the vast majority of the population
the olive branch represents peace, and the arrows
in Spanish America?
represent readiness for war). Imagine your own country
with you as leader.
a. What values and goals of your new country do you
want to show and symbolize?
3. Based on your reading from p. 247-248, create
a hierarchy of social classes in Latin America during
the colonial period. Use the following names to
write in the correct box:
b. Will your symbols represent your country’s past or
future? Explain:
Creoles, Mulattos, Peninsulares, Indians,
Africans, Mestizos
c. Now, draw its emblem with symbols - in color!!
4. Read and examine the chart about Enlightenment
ideas and Bolivar on p. 250.
a. Who was Simon Bolivar?
b. How are Enlightenment thought and the successes of
the American and French Revolutions reflected in
Bolivar’s thinking?
5. Examine the maps of Latin America in 1800
and 1830 on p. 251. (Use the map keys for help!)
a. What two European countries held the largest
colonial empires in Latin America in 1800?
b. Compare the 1830s map with your Latin America
Political Map assignment. Which countries have
remained the exact same since the 1830s? List them: