Scope of Work Outine (Bar Chart – Reference) 1.0 Administration and Project Management 1.1 Pre-Development Planning: - 8/3 Prepare Budget Detail and Scope of Work Document; complete Proposal. 1.2 Pre-Development Agreement: - 8/7 Prepare Memorandum of Understanding and/or PreDevelopment Agreement between Orblynx and ICORE. 1.3 White House Reception: - 8/8 Prepare guest list, obtain security clearances, prepare script for program announcement, arrange for photo, prepare press release. 1.4 Final Agreement: - 9/1 Prepare preliminary draft agreement, including Program Related Investment (PRI) documents. - 10/1 Revisions to Final Agreement. - 11/1 Finalize PRI Detail Budget and Scope of Work based on documented preliminary marketing and pilot project outcomes. 1.5 Project Management / Reporting: - 8/30 Reporting: Marketing Plan, Equipment Installation Schedule, Personnel Training and Travel Schedule, Content Development Video Production, Revised Budget Detail, RFP development. - 9/23 Reporting: Trial Marketing Implementation Plan, Equipment Installation, Personnel Field Report, Content Development, Video Review, Budget Report. - 11/1 Reporting: Outcomes Assessment and Scope of Work document for PRI, including Implementation and Marketing Plan, Preliminary Budget Detail. 2.0 Marketing Plan 2.1 Predevelopment Plan / Feasibility Study: - 8/18 Scope of Work: Develop detailed subcontractor Scope of Work for Marketing Plan, including donor agency, church solicitation, member, and auction implementation plan and schedule. Conduct market focus groups and feasibility study with churches in target trail area. 2.2 Marketing Plan - 2.2.1 Donor Agencies: - 8/5 Solicit partnership and/or collaborative agreement with private foundation contributing $20 million in library development funds to leverage faith-based donor giving. - 8/18 Submit proposal for pilot project to Presiding Bishops Fund for World Relief in collaboration with the Church of Uganda and Uganda Christian University; Develop proposal for Global Environment Fund in support of Columbia pilot project; Develop partnerships with faith-based international donor agencies, including, Church World Services, Catholic Relief Services, etc. - 9/8 Host reception and solicit endorsement of world religious leaders at United Nations Millennium Forum; - 10/1 Solicit broader alliance membership within regional focus of capital campaign trial. - 10/23 Donor agency solicitation report, including assessment of solicitation program, associated costs of securing agency participation, and project financial benefits. - 2.2.2 Church Solicitation - 8/18 Develop independent church-to-church donor program, including development of annual giving campaign with library membership drive and auction. Financial target = $30,000 per year per church, including secular fund raising. - 8/30 Select church(s) for church solicitation trial. - 10/16 Complete church solicitation trial, including annual auction (2.2.4 below); finalize trial assessment. - 2.2.3 Member Solicitation - 8/18 Develop member or “library subscription” campaign program under church solicitation program; develop webbased subscription membership program. - 9/23 Expand church solicitation to include secular subscription drive. - 10/16 Complete church and secular subscription drive. - 2.2.4 Annual Auction - 8/18 Develop church annual library auction fund raising program, including auction guidebook and auction web site support services targeted to commercial advertising of auction donors. - 9/1 Solicit and train auction management team. - 9/23 Begin auction donor solicitation in church and commercial sector. - 10/27 Auction closing and fund raiser. Develop auction assessment and financial report. 2.3 Request for Proposal Process (RFP) - 8/18 Determine RFP criteria in collaboration Presiding Bishops Fund for World Relief, Church of Uganda, and Uganda Christian University. - 9/1 Produce final draft of RFP and develop web-based program for remote data entry at Uganda Christian University. - 9/15 Distribute RFP to Church of Uganda and Diocese in Uganda; - 10/15 RFP due. - 11/1 Complete needs and impact statement. 3.0 Marketing Materials 3.1 Graphics - 8/10 Design graphics - 9/1 Graphics to press 3.2 Layout and design - 8/10 Develop layout and design of marketing materials. - 9/1 Finalize layout and design. 3.3 Printing - 9/1 Marketing materials to press. - 9/15 Distribution of marketing materials to participating churches. 3.4 Video / Stills - 8/8 Film press release and White House event. - 8/18 Develop script and film segments. - 9/10 Film interview of world religious leaders at UN Millennium Forum - 9/23 Rough cut film for focus group. - 10/27 Final edit of film. 4.0 Demonstration Projects 4.1 Library Content Dvelopment: - 8/18 Scope of Work: Develop detailed subcontractor Scope of Work for Marketing Plan, including donor agency, church solicitation, member, and auction implementation plan and schedule. Conduct market focus groups and feasibility study with churches in target trail area. 4.2 Colombia Demonstration Project - 4.2.1 Field Staff Schedule 8/9 Staff Orientation and Training: virtual schoolhouse, - experiential education objectives, school and coffee program. 8/19 Travel to Colombia, begin schoolhouse training - workshops, conduct assessment for equipment installation, conduct assessment on school and coffee program. - - 9/15 Preliminary Field Report, including installation data. - 9/21 Support installation and receive equipment training. - 10/20 Final Field Report. 4.2.2 Content Development - 8/9 General library content development, including core curriculum supporting School and Coffee program - 9/1 Project-based library content development for School and Coffee program in collaboration with field staff. - 10/1 Transfer content development responsibilities to field staff and School and Coffee program staff. - - 4.2.3 Installation Schedule - 9/15 Develop specifications from field data. - 10/1 Installation and training complete. 4.2.4 Project Schedule - 9/1 Coffee and School program start-up - 10/1 Coffee and School assessment. - 10/27 Coffee and School assessment. 4.3 Uganda Demonstration Project - 4.3.1 Field Staff Schedule - 9/1 Arrival at Uganda Christian University, establish working committee consisting of University personnel and National Church of Uganda staff. - - 10/1 Schedule filed visit by administrative personnel. - 10/27 Final Report Due 4.3.2 Installation Schedule - 9/15 Field staff to complete site survey; develop equipment specifications from site survey - 10/1 Complete installation. 4.3.3 ICT Curriculum Development - 8/18 Develop ICT for rural development curriculum. - 9/1 Complete curriculum and publish on distance education technology. - 4.3.4 Project Schedule - 9/1 Recruit students and faculty, research primary documents, assemble data sets. - 10/1 Conduct distance education technology training workshops, process data entry online. - 10/27 Complete RFP process and impact statements. 4.4 Nigeria Demonstration Project Development - 4.4.1 Staff Schedule - - TBA 4.4.2 Installation Schedule - TBA (Concurrent with Uganda installation.) - Recruit field staff in key religious denominations in collaboration with - 4.4.3 Project Schedule - TBA Marketing as follows: - 9/1 Develop faith-based donor agency network. - 10/1 Outline development plans with Ministry of Technology. Solicit partnership and/or collaborative agreement with private sector partner (Exxon Mobile) in collaboration with USDOE. - 11/1 Preliminary proposal to Exxon Mobile.