CE 11B MUSE Workshop Summary Anagnos Part 1: (5 points) Workshop Selection. Assignment Due Date: Monday, September 11, 2006. MUSE students are expected to participate in a minimum of two workshops during the academic semester. We ask that you review the posted list of MUSE workshops (see class web site http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/tanagnos/muse/) and identify two workshops you intend to attend. In addition, identify a minimum of two alternate workshops, just in case your preferences are unavailable. Select MUSE workshops such that you can provide workshop summaries due on October 9, and December 4 of 2006. Workshop Description Date of Workshop Alternates Part 2: (10 points each) Workshop Summary: One summary for each of the two workshops you attend. Assignment Due Dates: October 9, and December 4, 2006. Goal of Assignment: 1) Practice writing and organizing thoughts 2) Reflect on impact of a particular activity on you Please complete the assignment below using complete sentences and your best grammar and sentence structure. Think first about the topic and try to organize your thoughts prior to writing. Complete each workshop summary using font 12 and double space features and 1- inch margins. Think of this as a three-part essay: 1) description of the characteristics of the workshop (a-d below), 2) reflection on the value of the workshop to you (e below), and 3) evaluation of the quality of the workshop (f below). a. Identify the name of the workshop, the leader(s), and the date that the workshop was held. b. Describe the goals of the workshop. c. Describe the structure of the workshop (lecture, group work, activity, etc.) and the participants (leaders, students, others). d. List the materials that were provided. e. Describe what you learned and give an example of a helpful and/or interesting component of the workshop. Reflect on how you think the information or tools you learned will help you better understand the university and/or succeed as a student, as a member of the community, and/or in your career. f. Overall, how would you evaluate this workshop? Describe areas where the workshop could be improved. What would you change? Would you recommend it to other students? Page 1 of 1