CIS 4 Introduction to Computers, Business

CIS 4 Introduction to Computers, Business Applications
General Course Information : 16-week session: August 28, 2012 – December 13, 2012
3 Units
CIS 1 Recommended
Keyboarding skills of 25 wpm or enrollment in OIS 1A or 9 are recommended for computer applications classes.
Course Description
This course covers the broad use of microcomputers in business. Designed to familiarize students with
the Microsoft Office Suite, it includes the study of word processing using Word, spreadsheet using Excel,
database using Access, and presentation software using PowerPoint as well as Windows, Internet
Explorer, and integration concepts. Hands-on experience in a microcomputer lab is included.
This course uses Windows 7, Word 2010, Excel 2010, Access 2010, and PowerPoint 2010.
Note: Programming, computer science or engineering students should enroll in Computer Science 3.
*No UC credit will be granted if taken after CS3.
Arrange 2 – hours
Student Learning Objectives:
Given the data, students will analyze different type of business information, use the Internet to
support findings, and produce various reports using the appropriate software application.
Demonstrate the ability to use various software applications to produce business reports and
presentations used in industry by creating word processing documents, spreadsheets, database
tables, and slide presentations as assessed by: Project
Assessment by: Project
In a final project, students create a PowerPoint presentation, incorporating features from Word,
Excel, Windows and content from internet
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course you will become proficient in:
Windows 7
 Basic features, including executing tasks, switching tasks, and manipulating windows and icons.
 File and Disk management process, and customizing the Windows Start Menu.
Word 2010
 Word processing: creating, saving, printing, opening, closing and editing Word documents.
 Enhancing documents and reports with character formatting.
 Creating and formatting tables.
 Browsing the World Wide Web and creating Web pages from documents.
Excel 2010
 Excel spreadsheets: creating, editing, saving and printing workbooks.
 Cell formatting, spell checking and data entry using AutoComplete.
 Inserting and deleting rows and columns; copying and moving information in a workbook.
 Creating and editing formulas.
 Creating, customizing, and printing charts.
Access 2010
 Access databases: creating databases, modifying table structure.
 Creating forms, printing datasheets, creating queries to find information.
 Creating reports and mailing labels.
PowerPoint 2010
 PowerPoint 2010 presentation software: creating, saving, and printing presentations.
 Adding, deleting and reordering slides.
 Inserting clip art images.
 Creating and printing speaker notes and handouts.
Note: The final exam has been scheduled for Thursday December 13, 2012. Be advised that NO ONE can take
the final exam outside the schedule date.
Required Textbook and Software:
Books: ISB No.: 1256760072 (Bundle)
Here are the items that are included in the new SMC CIS 4 custom package:
 ISBN: 1256230030 Gaskin: Custom PCL GO! WINDOWS
 ISBN: 1256346977 Pinto: Project Management Custom Edition for Santa Monica College
 ISBN: 0132743701 Gaskin: GO! with Microsoft Office 2010 Volume 1 (w/ Student CD and
Student Video CD)
 ISBN: 0132666529 GO! MyitLab for Office 2010 Student Access Code Card with eText,
Testing Software: MyitLab 2010 Assessment & Training (Course Technology)
Microsoft Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft Word 2010, Excel 2010, Access 2010, and PowerPoint 2010.
Other Materials: USB Flash Drive (Mini-Cruzer or ScanDisk - 64 MB or higher).
Course Requirements:
1. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. Instructional activities will not be repeated outside the classroom or
during office hours.
2. Students are responsible to drop the class if they are not planning to finish the semester. Failure to submit a
withdrawal notice to the Admissions Office could result in a grade of “F” in that class and be responsible for
enrollment fee.
3. All textbook sections must be read prior to the date they will be discussed.
4. Students are responsible for material covered during any missed lectures. This includes changes in class
schedule, assignment deadlines, or quiz dates. Be sure to get notes from a classmate. Get at least two telephone
numbers from your classmates in case you miss a session.
5. Students are required to complete lab time outside of normal class hours. In order to receive full credit for the
class, you must hand in all assignments as evidence of time spent working on a computer outside of class. If you
choose to complete your lab time at home or at your place of employment, your computer must have installed the
proper software system. If you don’t have any of the required software, you need to complete your homework in the
student lab.
6. Students are responsible to have their email account updated with admissions and records and within the
eCompanion Web site. It is the student responsibility to take care of any email problems.
7. Students are responsible to follow the deadline schedule from the website including any change made by the
instructor at any time. No excuses will be accepted from any students failing to compliance with the exams, quizzes,
homework and other assignments deadlines.
8. Students are responsible for each weekly material covered in this class. This includes changes in class schedule,
assignment deadlines, or quiz dates.
9. All students are required to check the website on a daily basis for updates and homework postings.
Method of Instruction:
Lectures: Lectures will be presented in PowerPoint. Important material from the text and outside resources will be
covered in class. Some topics may not be in the book.
Assignments: All assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the due date. Any assignment submitted at
the end of the class or after class will have a penalty of 2-points or more per assignment. No exceptions. No
homework assignments will be accepted more than a week late. No assignments will be accepted after the
final exam day. Your homework instructions are at the end of the syllabus and will be posted under the HW
Assignments section on the Web site. You are required to use the proper software listed at the beginning of this
Quizzes: Scheduled quizzes will be given to help ensure students stay abreast of assigned materials for each
application. No make up quizzes will be given except for documented medical emergencies. There one quiz
after each application (Windows XP, Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint). Each quiz will be worth 20-points.
Exams (SAM2010): The exams are practical exams using SAM2010 software. You will be asked to complete a
series of tasks to demonstrate your knowledge in Windows 7, Word 2010, Excel 2010, Access 2010, and PowerPoint
2010. There will be five (5) exams total worth 35-points each.
PowerPoint Project: You will be asked to do a project in which you will create a PowerPoint presentation. This
assignment is due on Thursday, December 6, 2012. Your information will be available on Thursday November 29,
Method of Evaluation:
Letter grades will be determined using a standard percentage point evaluation as outlined below.
A 90%-100%
B 80%-89%
C 70%-79%
D 60%-69%
F 59% and under
780 - 702
701 - 624
623- 546
545 - 468
467 – Below F
Total points will be computed as follows. The total points for quizzes, assignments, exams, and participation may
230 Assignments - 10 Lab/Hand-ins (150 points-10 pts per chapter), Chapter Readings/ 15 Disk Checks (75 points) ,
5 Disk checks (5 points)
250 Quizzes – 5 Theory quizzes (50-points each)
200 Practical MyitLab Exams - -Windows 7, Word2010, Excel2010, Access2010, PowerPoint (40-points each)
50 PowerPoint Project
50 Project Management Assignment
780 Total Points
Attendance Policy:
Since your attendance is essential for normal progress in a class, a student is expected to have active attendance in
this class on a weekly basis. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the class. Failure to submit a
withdrawal notice to the Admissions Office could result in a grade of “F” in that class and will be responsible for the
enrollment fee.
The instructor may drop those students who stop attending to class. If the instructor already dropped you from the
class and the deadline to reinstate already passed, you will have to repeat the class all over again.
Important Dates to Remember: By Phone / Web:
Last day to:
Drop and receive enrollment refund
Drop and avoid “W” on permanent records
Last day to apply for Credit/No Credit
Drop with a “W” appearing on transcripts
Thursday 11/22/2012, Thanksgiving Day
Friday 11/23/2012, Campus Closed
Student Conduct Policy:
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for other students as well as for the instructor. Disruptive and
annoying students will be suspended or dropped from class. In addition, students are prohibited to send emails to
other students in this class.
All students are responsible to read and follow the course schedule. Your exam dates have been included on the
course schedule. Any changes in the course schedule will be posted on the website through out the semester.
Students are responsible to keep up with any changes. NO EXCUSES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Santa Monica College has a student conduct code and may discipline students in accordance with its provisions. To
provide a safe and optimal environment for learning, any student disruptive of the instructional process, does not
respect the civil rights of other students, cannot benefit from instruction, or presents health and / or safety hazards in
a class the following actions may be imposed:
Dismissal from the class or activity for the present and / or following class session. The student is required to make
an appointment with professor to discuss the offense before reinstatement into the class.
For a serious offense and / or repeated offenses, you may be required to talk to the Department Chair and / or
Campus Disciplinarian before being reinstated into the class.
In addition, I find the following behaviors disruptive:
Chatting while lecturing or disrupting the class to make announcements;
Sleeping while lecturing is annoying and disruptive;
Browsing the Web, sending email messages, or using other software that are not being used in the class;
Tardiness – points will be deducted to those students that come late to class. You must enter quietly to the room,
and you are not allowed to disturb another student. In addition, leaving the classroom while lecturing is disruptive.
Students may loose points if this becomes a habit.
Leaving the classroom while lecturing to go the restroom or to make a phone call.
Use of cellular telephones and pagers in the classroom. You must turn off your cellular and/or pager during class;
Any type of electronic devices with sound is unacceptable;
Disrespectful language is unacceptable.
Academic Conduct Defined – Cheating Policy:
According to the Santa Monica College's Code of Academic Conduct and Reporting Policy defines academic
dishonesty as the act of or assistance in deceiving, including fraud or deception, in any academic exercise. The
instructor may assign a failing grade to the examination or assignment in which the alleged cheating or plagiarism
1. Using testing aids such as calculators, tape recorders, or notes on any examinations.
2. Allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade in any of the
following: testing, field trips, or attendance.
3. Falsifying or attempting to falsify attendance records and / or grade rosters.
4. Representing the words, ideas or work of another as one’s own in any academic exercise (plagiarism),
including the use of commercial term paper companies.
5. Changing answers on a previously scored test, assignment, or experiment with the intent to defraud.
6. Copying or allowing another student to copy from one’s paper (disk) or answer sheet during an examination.
(This includes looking at someone else computer while taking an exam or doing the homework assignment.)
7. Inventing information for the purpose of completing a laboratory experiment or case study analysis with the
intent to defraud.
8. Giving and / or taking information during an examination by any means including sign language, hand
signals, secret codes, or electronic transmission (like email).
In addition, it is considered cheating:
  Giving a copy of your homework assignment to a classmate for the purpose of enhancing your classmate’s
grade. (Both students will be given zero and may be subject to disciplinary action);
  Looking at someone else computer while taking the exam or completing a homework assignment;
  Looking at the dictionary to find the computer concepts definitions.
  Taking exams and quizzes for someone else or with someone else.
  Sending emails to any other individuals asking for questions while they are taking the exams, doing their
homework assignment, etc.
Students with Disabilities:
Special accommodations will be made for students with disabled student center verification for related students
needs. If you have a medical problem, which might interfere with your class, you need to tell your instructor about
your situation.
CIS 4-Reading/Disk Homework, Quizzes/ Myitlab Exam Schedule (Read & perform all
workshop instructions prior to lecture [save on USB-FD]) Fall 2011
Session 1
Session 2
Class Introduction – Computer Log-on Procedures and Access
Windows 7 Chapter 1 Getting Started with Windows 7
Session 3
Session 4
Windows 7 Chapter 2 Managing Libraries, Folders, Files, and using Search
Windows 7 Chapter 3 Project A only Chapter 4 Project A only
Lab HW# 1 Due
Windows 7
Windows 7 Ch1&2
Session 5
Session 6
Word 2010 Chapter 1 Creating Documents with Microsoft Word 2010
Chapter 2 Using Table and Templates to Create Resumes and Cover Letters
Quiz 1 Windows 7
Lab HW# 2 Due
Win 7 Chapter 3
Session 7
Session 8
Word2010 Chapter 2 Using Tables and Templates to Create Resumes and
Cover Letters
Chapter 3 Creating Research papers….MyitLab Windows 7 Exam
Lab HW# 3 Due
Word Ch 1 & 2
Session 9
Session 10
Project Management and Word2010 Chapter 3
No Class Institutional Flex Day
Lab HW# 4 Due
Word Ch 3
Session 11
Session 12
Excel 2010 Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data
Quiz 2 Word 2010
Management Quiz
Assign. Due
Session 13
Session 14
Excel 2010 Chapter 2 Using Functions, Creating Tables, and Managing Large Lab HW# 5 Due
Session 15
Session 16
Excel2010 Chapter 3 Analyzing Data with Pie Charts, Line Charts and What-If Lab HW# 6 Due
Analysis Tools MyitLab Exam - Word 2010
Ch 1 & 2
Chapter 3
Session 17
Session 18
Access 2010 Chapter 1 Getting Started with Access Database
Quiz 3 Excel 2010
Session 19
Session 20
Access 2010 Chapter 2 Sort and Query a Database VOTE
Session 21
Access 2010 Chapter 3 Forms, Filters and Reports
MyitLab Exam Excel 2010
Lab HW# 7 Due
Chapter 1 & 2
Session 23
Session 24
PowerPoint 2010 Chapter 1 Getting Started with PowerPoint
Quiz 4 Access 2010
Lab HW# 8 Due
Access Chapter 3
Session 25
PowerPoint Chapter 2 Formatting PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint Project Handout THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY
Session 26
PowerPoint Chapter 3 Enhancing a Presentation
Myitlab Exam Access 2010
Lab HW# 9 Due PPT
Session 27
PowerPoint Chapter 3 Enhancing a Presentation/PPT Presentations
PowerPoint Presentations
Lab HW# 10 Due PPT
Chapter 3
Final Exam Quiz 5 PowerPoint 2010, MyitLab Exam PowerPoint 2010
Final Exam Quiz 5 PowerPoint 2010, MyitLab Exam PowerPoint 2010
Chapter 1 & 2
CIS 4 Lab/Hand-in Homework Assignments
Text Page (s)
9/6 Thurs
9/13 Thurs
9/20 Thurs
10/11 Thurs
10/18 Thurs
11/18 Thurs
11/15 Thurs
11/29 Thurs
12/6 Thurs
Windows 7: Chapter 1 MyitLab Chapter 1
End of Chapter Quiz/Text Project 1E
Chapter 2 MyitLab Chapter 2End of the
Chapter Quiz/Text Project 2E
Windows 7: Chapter 3 MyitLab Chapter 3
End of the Chapter Quiz/Text Project 3E
Word 2010: Chapter 1 MyitLab Chapter 1
End of the Chapter Quiz/Text Project 1E
Chapter 2 MyitLab Chapter 2 End of the
Chapter Quiz/Text Project 2E
Word 2010: Chapter 3 MyitLab Chapter 3
End of the Chapter Quiz/Project 3F
Excel 2010 Chapter 1Myitlab Chapter 1
End of the Chapter Quiz/Text Project 1D
Chapter 2 MyitLab chapter 2 End of the
Chapter Quiz/Text Project 2E
Excel 2010 Chapter 3 MyitLab Chapter 3
End of the chapter Quiz/Text Project 3G
Access 2010 Chapter 1MyitLab Chapter 1
End of the Chapter/Text Project 1C
Chapter 2 MyitLab Chapter 2 End of the
Chapter Quiz/Text Project 2C
Access 2010 Chapter 3 MyitLab Chapter
3 End of the Chapter Quiz/Text Project 3C
PowerPoint 2010 Chapter 1 MyitLab
Chapter 1 End of the chapter Quiz/Text
Project 1C Chapter 2 MyitLab Chapter 2
End of the Chapter Quiz/Text Project 2C
PowerPoint 2010 Chapter 3 MyitLab
Chapter 3 End of the Chapter Quiz/Text
Project 3G
Homework Guidelines
CIS 4 Lab/Hand-in Homework Assignments
In order to obtain the full 150 points in Lab homework assignments (10 points per
Chapter (15) of the 10 assignments - some assignments have two chapters), you must
follow these guidelines very closely:
 Submit Lab homework assignments to the eCompanion Dropbox.
 Keep all Lab homework assignments on your disk (your storage medium) in a folder labeled
Lab HW so that the instructor could request to see them any time during class.
 On the Lab Homework (HW) Assignments, label the bottom of each page (Footer) with the
 Your name, Course number, Turn-in Date
 Lab HW number, Software application/Tutorial number Case number Page number
 Identify Data File (s) used for the Case
 Class time, Due date
John Doe, CIS4 -1373, 9/23/12
Lab HW#3, Word Chapter 1Project 1E
Data files:
8:00am Class, Due date 9/20/12
John Doe, CIS 4-1373, 9/20/12
Lab HW#3, Word Chapter 2 Project 2E `
Data files:
8:00am Class, Due Date 9/23/12
CIS 4 Reading/Disk Homework Assignments
You have reading assignments before every lecture session (15) that consist of chapters
from your Windows 7 textbook and Go with Microsoft Office 2010 Pearson 2011 Edition
textbook (Word2010, Excel 2010, Access 2010 and PowerPoint 2010).
Prior to tutorial lecture, student must read and follow all instructions in the Chapter before the
lecture in class. Save all work from the chapter on your disk (your storage medium) in a folder
labeled Reading HW and be prepared to show your saved tutorial reading homework before the
lecture begins.
Seventy-five points for 15 READ disk checks and h/disk checks: Windows, Word, Excel,
Access, and PowerPoint.
You will save your class exercise work on your flash drive in a folder labeled “Class
Exercises” and your extra credit work in a folder labeled “Extra Credit.”
Schedule may change as needed for class.