Towards the Formalisation of the Decision Support Systems Domain – Step 1: Investigating the Decision Support Systems Curriculum A report prepared by the Task force on DSS Curriculum for the Working Group 8.3 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Date: June 2008 Version 1.8 © IFIP WG 8.3 - DSS Curriculum Task Force Do not reproduce without explicit permission from the Chairs of the task force (see section 1 of the report) Table of Contents1. 1. The DSS curriculum Task Force - IFIP WG8.3 2. Audience Expected. 3. Summary of Key points. 4. Task Force Report. 4.1 The Discipline of DSS. 4.2 The Disciplines of Reference for a DSS Curriculum 4.2.1. Intellectual Relationship between DSS and Business Disciplines 4.2.2 Intellectual Relationship between DSS and NonBusiness Disciplines 4.2.3 Conclusion 4.2.4 References 4.3 The DSS curriculum Grid and how to use it 4.3.1 The Grid (see the other document) 4.3.2 Relevance for a DSS career path 4.3.3 Course Prerequisites. 4.3.4 Multi-level DSS Curricula. 4.3.5 General Description of Courses (methods of delivery, additional components, such as case study and other support material). 4.3.6 General considerations on what a DSS course should look like 5. Conclusion and Future work. 6. Appendices Appendix 1: The DSS Curricula Grid Appendix 2: coding the threads in the DSS curriculum Appendix 3: List of useful References (Books and Journal Papers). 1 The template for this report was derived from that initially proposed in November 2006 by Manuel Mora based on the MSIS2006 Curriculum (see for instance: MSIS 2006 Curriculum Preview by J.T. Gorgone, P. Gray, E.A. Stohr, J.S. Valacich, and R.T. Wigand, Communications of the Association for Information Systems (Volume 15, 2005) 534-554). 1.- The Task Force IFIP WG8.3. The task force on DSS curriculum was created at the Bi-annual conference of the working group in London in July 2006. Initially, the notion that this work should be undertaken was suggested by Peter Gelleri in discussions with Frederic Adam, Csaba Csaki, Patrick Brezillon, Patrick Humphreys and Zita Paprika beginning in March 2006. The task force was formally announced at the business meeting at the end of the London event. Following this, nineteen participants registered their interest in contributing to the work of the task force and began working on creating this report. Along the way, a number of additional participants joined the group effort or were asked to join and add specific contributions to the work, bringing the total number of participants to twenty-one (see table 1 below, participants listed in alphabetical order of the last name). Table 1: List of task force members People Frédéric Adam*2 Marko Bohanec Patrick Brezillon Sven Carlsson João Clímaco Csáki Csaba Sean Eom Péter Gelléri George Huber Patrick Humphreys Garrick Jones Peter Keenan Laszlo Mero Manuel Mora Karen Neville Peter O'Donnell Dan O'Leary Zita Paprika David Paradice*2 Daniel Power Pascale Zaraté Institution University College Cork, Ireland Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia Universite Paris 6, France Lund University, Sweden Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal University College Cork, Ireland Southeast Missouri State University, USA Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary University of Texas, USA London School of Economics, UK London School of Economics, UK University College Dublin, Ireland Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico University College Cork, Ireland Monash University, Australia University of Southern California, USA Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary Florida State University, USA University of Northern Iowa, USA IRIT – INP Toulouse, France email During late 2006, 2007 and the first half of 2008, using an email distribution list for communication and dissemination of the work, the task force prepared this report, with varying levels of contribution from its different members. * Chairs of the task force on DSS curriculum. 2. Audience Expected. The audience for this preliminary report is the working group, but there is a wider opportunity to broaden this audience to external stakeholders both inside and outside the academic community. Initially, our work is aimed at promoting the development and implementation of a DSS curriculum that would be universally accepted. However, in the second instance, it will be required to disseminate this work within the corporate environment where it can be used for re-writing job descriptions and hiring suitable candidates. Section 5 of this report considers some of the logical future work that could be undertaken, probably by another task force, towards a broader objective, such as for instance the professionalization of the DSS domain. The extent and scope of this future work are beyond the scope of this report: they will be proposed as items for discussions at the business meeting of the working group in Toulouse in July 2008. 3. Summary of key points. This report puts forward some important points for discussion towards the formalization of a multi-level DSS curriculum. It discusses the intellectual foundation of the field and its reference disciplines. It proposes two artifacts (presented in Appendices 1 and 2) which can be used as a basis for listing in a coherent fashion all the topics and sub-topics that should be included in the curriculum at the different levels of study on the one hand (App 1) and to code the make up in terms of topics of the different underlying themes that run through the DSS field in its wide sense. In addition, it considers the student audience which should be the target of DSS programmes at various levels and explains the relevance of this discussion to the concept of “DSS career”. The report also discusses what a DSS course should look like and presents some examples of courses currently being offered in a sample of institutions. Finally, the report suggests a reflection on the future of DSS, in terms of its use of leading edge technologies and in terms of the professionalization of the DSS career. 4. Task Force Report. 4.1 The Discipline of DSS3. The field of Decision Support Systems is one of the most enduring in the Information Systems domain, having emerged in the 1960’s, at the beginning of the history of Information Systems as an area of research, from the pioneering work of Simon, Keen and Scott Morton amongst many others. Through five decades, this field has continued to attract considerable and increasing attention from researchers and practitioners, under a variety of names and banners. Back in 1991, Teng and Galletta (1991) conducted a survey of IS researchers which showed 32% of respondents listed DSS as their area of research, with a further 22% listing artificial intelligence and 21% database management systems. These three areas, which totaled 281 mentions out of 845 valid responses, were actually the top 3 IS research areas listed by Teng and Galletta. In more recent times, Arnott and Pervan’s (2006) comprehensive review of the DSS field yielded 1093 research papers published from 1990 to 2004 in 14 major journals, the key journals in a broadly defined IS research area. These papers represented 15.2% of all papers published in the 14 journals. These statistics confirm the status of DSS as a core area of the IS domain and one with a dynamism well illustrated by the strength of such international groupings as the AIS Special Interest Group on Decision Support, Knowledge and Data Management Systems (SIG DSS), the Working Group 8.3 of the International federation for Information processing (IFIP) on DSS and the EURO Working Group on DSS (EWG DSS). The varied membership of these grouping and the range of backgrounds and the multiple expertise of their members illustrate in vivid fashion the multitude of areas of research which DSS can now claim to have successfully integrated, ranging from Operations Research, to Management and to Social Psychology. This accumulation of knowledge has resulted in a field in constant evolution with excellent, insightful and sometimes even fascinating research results. The research presented in IFIP 8.3 and other groupings indicates that thinking of organisations as decision making entities and the systems to support them as decision support system is a perspective that has served our discipline very well and will continue to do so in the future. However, the success of the DSS field is also one of its weaknesses: as the area has grown and knowledge from an increasing number of domains is brought to bear on the problems that must be studied, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a complete vision of DSS and all its latest developments. Already, it is arguably the case that a researcher would have to struggle to keep a handle on all requisite knowledge to be able to understand or review all the DSSs papers produce in a year. For instance, when both qualitative, human 3 This section borrows from the preface of Adam, F and Humphreys, P (2008) Encyclopaedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies, Idea Publishing Group, Hershey, PS. oriented and quantitative, mathematical approaches are used, it becomes difficult to keep pace with developments in Multi-Criteria Decision Making or in the modeling of uncertainty on the one hand, as well as with our increased understanding of the role of emotions in human decision making on the other hand. Furthermore, for students of DSS, young researchers and practitioners who want to train themselves to be worthy of the DSS specialists label, it is increasingly difficult to know what to learn and what skills to practice. The aim of the DSS curriculum taskforce must be understood in this context: the aim is to stop and think for a while so as to formalize our vision of the DSS domain in its broad sense and present an organized and understandable stateof-the-art picture of its topics and applications. In doing so, there are two different ways to try to provide a good picture of the identity of the DSS area: These two different approaches to identify the core of the DSS field are: the normative approach and the descriptive approach. The former seeks to define what research subspecialties should be included based on established rules and boundaries for a field. The latter defines the core of The DSS field in terms of what DSS researchers do and everything that the DSS community studies (Alter, 2003). ACA analysis of bibliographic database of the DSS literature (1991-2004) revealed the core research subspecialties of DSS field (Eom, 2007). The uncovered research subspecialties are (1) group support systems, (2) model management, (3) foundations, (4) evaluation, (5) user interface, and (6) multiple criteria decision support systems/negotiation support systems. Section 4.2 elaborates further on our efforts to understand the reference disciplines of DSS and their contributions. Alter, S., "The IS Core - XI: Sorting Out the Issues About the Core, Scope, and Identity of the IS Field," Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 12, Number Article 41, 2003, pp. 607-628. Arnott, D., and Pervan, G. (2006), Eight Key Issues for the Decision Support Systems Discipline. In Adam, Brezillon, Carlsson, and Humphreys (eds) Creativity and Innovation in Decision Making and Decision Support, Decision Support Press, London, UK. Eom, S. B., The Development of Decision Support Systems Research: A Bibliometrical Approach, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, 2007. Teng, J. and Galletta, D. (1991) MIS research directions: a survey of researchers' views, Database, Winter/Spring 1991, 53-62. 4.2 The Disciplines of Reference for a DSS Curriculum4. The area of decision support systems has made meaningful progress over the past two decades and is in the process of solidifying its domain and demarcating its reference disciplines. Studying reference disciplines enriches DSS research as investigators adopt their theories, methodologies, 4 This section was largely contributed by Sean Eom based on his on-going work on the structure of DSS. philosophical bases and assumptions as well as assess what these theories imply for DSS research. Applying author co-citation analysis to the extensive database of DSS literature (1970-2005) lets us identify the most prominent DSS reference disciplines. Author co-citation analysis (ACA) is the principal bibliometric tool to establish relationships among authors in an academic field, and thus can identify subspecialties of a field and indicate how closely each these subgroups is related to each of the other subgroups. This section is based on (Eom, 1997; Eom, 2007; Eom, 2008). The result of ACA produced a dendogram illustrating hierarchical clustering of several DSS research subspecialties and multiple reference disciplines including systems science, organizational science, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, multiple criteria decision making, communication science, and psychology. 4.2.1. Intellectual Relationship between DSS and Business Disciplines Organization Science Contributions to DSS DSS Design and Organization Science: Detailed understanding of individual, group, and organizational decision processes is a prerequisite for effective DSS design. DSS researchers have developed several development methodologies such as a decision centered approach, an organizational change process approach, the ROMC (Representation, Operations, Memory Aids, and Control Mechanisms) approach, and a systems-oriented approach. The organizational change process approach necessitates the understanding of both the normative decision process that the system is intended to generate and the actual decision process that exists. Organizational decision making models such as the rational model, the organizational process model, and the satisficing model have contributed to the development of DSS design methodologies. The contributions of organization science are further detailed in (Eom and Farris, 1996). GSS and Organization Science: Many techniques developed by organization scientists such as silent and independent idea generation, presenting each idea in a round-robin procedure, silent independent voting, and so forth have been successfully utilized in the development of group decision support systems. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Contributions to DSS By their nature, MCDM problems usually have numerous non-dominated solutions. To single out a decision alternative, An array of diverse MCDM techniques provides decision makers with more flexibility in solving ill-structured problems through direct interaction with analytical models. The MCDM algorithms/techniques include ordinal comparisons, pairwise alternative comparisons, implicit utility functions, goal programming and analytical hierarchical process, and others. Other Business Discipline Contributions to DSS Accounting: To most decision makers, including accountants, maintaining consistency of judgment is critically important. Accounting research demonstrates how behavioral decision theory developed by cognitive scientists enriches the understanding of accounting problems with an ultimate goal of decision improvement through the improvement of the consistency of judgment. This line of research focuses on the examinations of the effects of heuristics on the accuracy of judgment using statistical decision theory, such as Bayes' theorem, as a criterion for evaluating intuitive or probabilistic judgments. These approaches provided a theoretical foundation for developing DSSs (including expert systems) to estimate probability of bankruptcy, predict fraud, evaluate sample evidence and make sample-size choice in audit settings, rank importance of materiality factors, and make many other judgments of probability. Economics: DSS researchers have referenced economic theory of teams to explain various issues in designing and implementing group decision support systems. Especially notable, the theory of games is concerned with providing strategies for the games, both zero-sum and non-zero-sum, played by two or more persons with different interests and constrained by different rules of the game. On the other hand, the economic theory of teams is concerned with the case of several persons who have common interests in making decisions. Management Science: Management science models have been essential elements of DSSs. Forecasting and statistical models, simulation, integer programming, linear programming, and network models have been powerful tools that have been increasingly embedded in DSSs. Advances in algorithms such as large-scale primal transshipment algorithm developed by management scientists make it possible for unsophisticated users to obtain readily understandable outputs. Advanced implementations of algorithms such as simplex methods, the new interior point, branch-and-bound algorithms, and so forth have been incorporated in commercially available software tools for DSS development (e.g., Excel). Strategic Management: Porter's work on techniques for analyzing industries and competitors and creating/sustaining superior performance have provided an impetus and theoretical basis for developing DSSs that analyze an organization’s external environment, its industry’s trends, mergers and acquisitions, product/market position, facilitate strategic planning at various levels (corporate, division, department) and with various functions. 4.2.2 Intellectual Relationship between DSS and Non-Business Disciplines Systems Science Contributions to DSS Systems Science and DSS Design: Churchman developed the theory of designing inquiring systems, which defined a set of necessary conditions for conceiving a system. The set of conditions provides the system designer with a set of precepts for building an integral system. The theory of design integrity is applied to designing effective DSS, which explicitly consider a common set of DSS elements simultaneously including DSS environment, task characteristics, access pattern, DSS roles and function, and DSS components, strongly reflecting Churchman's view that "all systems are design nonseparable." Cognitive Science Contributions to DSS The central component of cognitive science is the study of the human adult's normal, typical cognitive activities such as language understanding, thinking, visual cognition, and action by drawing on a number of disciplines such as linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive anthropology. Cognitive psychology has been especially influential in the development of individual differences/user interface, implementation, and foundation subspecialties of the DSS area. Cognitive psychology deals with the study of visual information processing; neuroscience and neural networks; cognitive skills in problem solving; reasoning including reasoning about probability; judgment and choice; recognizing pattern, speech sounds, words, and shapes; representing descriptive and procedural knowledge; learning and memory; and structure and meaning of languages including morphology and phonology. Cognitive psychology has made important contributions toward a better understanding of the relationship between the effectiveness of problem structuring and an individual's general thinking skills. A user's ability to create and use visual images is positively related to better problem-solving and problem-structuring performance. Cognitive Science and Implementation: The theory of Newell and Simon (1972) has been applied to understand relationships between problem presentation to decision makers and successful implementation of DSSs. The organization of the problem representation significantly influences the structure of the problem space and the problem-solving processes decision makers use. Therefore, when their problem-solving processes are adapted to the problem representation, decision makers make effective decisions, and this leads to successful implementations of DSSs. Artificial Intelligence Contributions to DSS Model Management Since 1975, model management has developed as an important DSS research specialty that encompasses several topics including model construction, model base structure and representation, and model base processing. Artificial intelligence (AI) has strongly influenced the development of the model management subspecialty. The concept of knowledge-based model management systems was introduced to support tasks of formulating a new decision model and/or choosing an existing model from the model base, analyzing the model, and interpreting the model's result. Other researchers present the use of artificial techniques for determining how models and data should be integrated and for representing models and developing mechanical methods for automatic selection, synthesis, and sequencing of models in response to a user query. Research of intelligent agents (known also knowbots, softbots, or adaptive systems) is an emerging interdisciplinary area involving investigators from such directions as expert systems, decision support systems, cognitive science, psychology, databases, and so on. Knowledge Management Contributions Much of the early work in knowledge management was tied closely to artificial intelligence. However, over time knowledge management has gradually become its own area, and one that is probably closer to DSS than any one other discipline. Knowledge management even has similar goals as DSS, such as providing the users with knowledge to facilitate their decision making. For example, O’Leary (1998, p. 54) defined enterprise knowledge management as formally managing knowledge resources in order to facilitate access and reuse of knowledge, typically by using advanced information technology. Knowledge management is less aimed at providing information, and more concerned with knowledge or knowledge from information. As a result, it is less concerned with numeric data and more concerned with symbolic representations that are likely to be more directly usable. Knowledge management also makes heavy use of intelligent agents and capabilities, such as ontologies to categorize and facilitate knowledge use and reuse. Psychology Contributions to Group DSSs Psychology appears to be one of the major disciplines that has greatly influenced the development of DSSs intended to support the multiple participants engaged in making a group decision. Psychology is a diverse field with many branches such as cognitive psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, and social and behavioral psychology. An important issue in the study of a group decision support system (GDSS) is how to minimize the dysfunctions of group interaction processes such as evaluation apprehension, cognitive inertia, domination by a few individuals, and so on. In devising GDSSs to minimize the dysfunctions, researchers have sought to build on/extend the research results of group dynamics, which seeks the answer to the following question: How is behavior influenced by others in a group? In the area of group dynamics, Shaw (1981) and McGrath (1984) provide an integrative conceptual framework for synthesizing the voluminous body of group research and present approaches to the study of groups. A series of experiments by psychologists such as Diehl and Stroebe (1987) conclude that "individuals brainstorming alone and later pooling produce more ideas, of a quality at least as high, as do the same number of people brainstorming in a group" due to several possible reasons such as evaluation apprehension, free riding, and production blocking. A significant finding of Diehl and Strobe's experiments is their recognition of the magnitude of production blocking impacts on productivity loss of brainstorming groups. By manipulating blocking directly, Diehl and Strobe (1987) were able to determine that production blocking accounts for most of the productivity loss of real brainstorming groups. Therefore, their findings suggest that it might be more effective to ask group members first to develop their ideas in individual sessions; then these ideas could be discussed and evaluated in a group session. Siegel and others (1986) investigate the behavioral and social implications of computer-mediated communications, seeking to answer the question "Do computer-mediated communications change group decision making?" Results of their experiments suggest that simultaneous computer-mediated communication significantly affects efficiency, member participation, interpersonal behavior, and group choice, when compared to the face-to-face meetings. Janis and Mann (1977) analyze psychological processes involved in conflict, choices, commitment, and consequential outcomes and advance a descriptive conflict theory. Their theory is concerned with when, how, and why psychological stress generated by decisional conflict impinges on the rationality of a person's decisions and how people actually cope with the stresses of decisional conflicts. Based on the theoretical assumptions derived from extensive research on the psychology of stress, Janis and Mann provide a general theoretical framework for integrating diverse findings from psychological/behavioral science research and reviewed the main body of psychological/behavioral science research concerning the determinants of decisional conflicts. Communication Theory Contributions to GDSSs The study of human communication is an interdisciplinary field investigating communication processes of symbolic interaction. The field of human communication is broadly divided into interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass communication. Communication theorists have addressed questions of group decision making such as: How do groups affect individuals? What factors contribute to task output? Stemming from the human communication school of thought, coordination theory has been proposed as a guiding set of principles for developing and evaluating GDSSs. Coordination theory analyzes various kinds of dependencies among activities and investigates the identification and management of coordination processes. Contributions to the DSS Field from Other Disciplines Computer Science: Relational database management theories, from the discipline of computer science, have substantially influenced decision support system foundations, architectures, and implementations since the early days of the DSS field.. Ongoing innovations in database management, such as multidimensional data models, data warehousing, data marts, high level query languages, and distributed databases continue to be important to DSS progress. Database management has also impacted the DSS specialty area of model management. The structured modeling approach is an extension of the entity- relationship data model and advocates a set of model manipulation operators. In addition to data base management, computer scientists have influenced the development of research in the subspecialty of DSS user interface design and evaluation. 4.2.3 Infrastructure DSS takes place in a context within an organization that has a particular technology infrastructure. That infrastructure has a number of levels that influence what can be done from a DSS perspective, and different organizations have different capabilities. Some basic infrastructure environment considerations include the following. First, what is the computing environment, e.g., is the DSS embedded in a personal computing, mobile computing, etc. environment. Second, what is the networking environment? Is the system part of a broader system integrated into a peer computing environment, is the system linked to the Internet, etc. Third, what is the information environment? For example, is there a large transaction processing capability, such as an enterprise resource planning system (e.g., O’Leary 2000) shoving information into the system or is information captured specifically for the particular system, and to what extent is the DSS integrated with the conventional systems? Fourth, what kind of security is in place? Is there sharing of information? 4.2.4 Conclusion Decision making, and attendant issues, is a subject of research in many disciplines. To contribute to a full understanding of DSS as a field of study, it is necessary to examine, in a historical context, the intellectual connections of decision support systems research to a variety of reference disciplines. DSS research has benefited from the investigations business disciplines such as organization science, management science (including MCDM), accounting, and strategic management. It has also benefited from investigations of many disciplines outside the business arena such as artificial intelligence, systems science, psychology, cognitive science, computer science, and communication theory. Through a thorough examination of the intellectual relationships between DSS research subspecialties and contributing disciplines, patterns of positive, constructive interactions identified. First, ideas, concepts, and terms (e.g., electronic meeting, groupware, teleconferencing) are coined by the researchers in diverse academic disciplines. Second, research findings in reference disciplines such as AI and MCDM have been applied to forge new DSS research subspecialties such as artificially intelligent decision support systems and multiple criteria decision support systems. Third, reference disciplines such as database management have been applied and extended to build a theory of models as a guide to the management of models in DSSs. Research based on the well-established reference disciplines with abundant theories is most likely to lead to the development of new theories. 4.2.4 References Alter, S., "The IS Core - XI: Sorting Out the Issues About the Core, Scope, and Identity of the IS Field," Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 12, Number Article 41, 2003, pp. 607-628. Diehl, M., and Stroebe, W., "Productivity Loss in Brainstorming Groups: Towards The Solution of a Riddle," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 53, Number 3, 1987, pp. 497-509. Eom, S. B., "Assessing The current State of Intellectual Relationships between The Decision Support Systems Area and Academic Disciplines," In Proceedings of The Eighteenth International Conference on Information Systems, K. Kumar and J. I. DeGross (Ed.), International Conference on Information Systems, Atlanta, GA, 1997, pp. 167-182. Eom, S. B., The Development of Decision Support Systems Research: A Bibliometrical Approach, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, 2007. Eom, S. B., "Reference disciplines of decision support systems," In Handbook on Decision Support Systems 1: Basic Themes, F. Burstein and C. W. Holsapple (Ed.), 1, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heiderberg, 2008, pp. 141-159. Eom, S. B. , and Farris, R., "The Contributions of Organizational Science to The Development of Decision Support Systems Research Subspecialties," Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Volume 47, Number 12, 1996, pp. 941-952. Janis, I. L., and Mann, L., Decision Making: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict, Choice, and Commitment, Free Press, A Division of Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., New York, 1977. McGrath, J. E., Groups: Interaction and Performance, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984. Newell, A., and Simon, H. A., Human Problem Solving, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1972. Shaw, M. E., Group Dynamics: The Psychology of Small Group Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981. Siegel, J.; Dubrovsky, V. J.; Kiesler, S.; and McGuire, T. W., "Group Processes in Computer-Mediated Communication," Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, Volume 37, Number 2, 1986, pp. 157-187. 4.3 The DSS curriculum Grid and how to use it 4.3.1 The Grid (see Appendices 1 and 2) The DSS curriculum Grid, which is presented in full in Appendix one of this report, is the core contribution of this report. It represents our perception of the building blocks of the DSS curriculum, expressed in a multi-level way, to take into account the topics that need to be included respectively, in a general awareness undergraduate DSS course, in a specialized undergraduate DSS course, in a post graduate DSS course and in a Doctoral / professional practice DSS course. It has taken several iterations to arrive at the presentation of the Grid, which is summarized in table 2 below. The table is split horizontally in four key domains, basic disciplines, basic DSS concepts, DSS concepts and DSS and organisations. Overall, it is hoped that these four broad categories can capture much of the essentials of the DSS discipline. Within these four domains, thirteen sub-categories have been proposed to enable the proper classification of the specific areas of knowledge that must be represented in the DSS curriculum. Again, these sub-areas have been unpacked by members of the task force such that the complete tables now identify one hundred and twenty nine distinct topics that make up the multi-level DSS curricula. Evidently, table 2 deserves a few comments. First of all, Appendix 1 in its entirety is intended as a work in progress. Because the task force has to begin at the very early stage by developing work methods and tools for accumulating the contributions of its members, the two years elapsed between the London and Toulouse events was not sufficient to produce a definitive document. In any case, the small membership of the task force with respect to the breadth and share number of topics, means that this report needs to be reviewed by a broader group – i.e., the full membership of the working group, before it can be finalized. However, the shape and format of the Grid lends itself very well to reworking existing topics and appending new topics and the work can continue on Appendix 1 beyond the Toulouse event. Secondly, the coding of the proposed topics with the levels of education is not set in stone. It is likely that different national groups for instance, may have different perceptions of the relative importance of some of the topics. Thus, some institutions may regard the more quantitative elements of the curriculum as requisite knowledge, pretty much irrespective of the level of education. Other institutions may prefer to cover more managerial topics at lower levels, such that limited attention leads to making different choices of priority at the different levels. Again, the shape and format of Appendix 1 lends itself very well to variations in coding which could be colour-coded and explicated by way of foot notes added to the table. Thirdly, the DSS Curriculum Grid only represents a first step in building a DSS profession. Nonetheless, this is a crucial building block which can be used by many stakeholders towards aligning their course offerings with what we perceive to be best practice in teaching DSS going forward. Table 2: Synthetic presentation of the DSS Grid (see Appendix 1 for the full version) All Local Areas / Topics Levels of education UG DSS awareness course UG specialty course / DSS Practitioner PG course / Advanced DSS Practitioner Comments Doctoral course / DSS Researcher Basic Disciplines A Mathematical Foundations B Psychology C Economics D Law & Ethics E Accounting Basics of Decision Support (DSS core concepts) F Theories behind decision support G Decision models & modeling H Technology behind DS DSS I Software Tools & Engineering J Types of DSS Decision Support and Organizations K Analyzing decision situations – managerial decision making L Decision consulting and facilitation M Knowledge engineering N Domains of Application Note: UG denotes Undergraduate and PG denotes Post-graduate Finally, the grid cannot be complete and useful without a final observation: the topics as presented in Appendix 1 do not exist in isolation; they are connected to each other within higher level themes that run across the categories of the framework. These, themes, e.g.: uncertainty, modeling the real world, making decisions etc., are critically important in building up an effective understanding of the problems faced by DSS researchers and practitioners. Yet, they do not lend themselves to forming the basis of a systematic classification of the topics in the DSS domain and therefore are not explicitly listed in the DSS Grid. Therefore, there is an additional articulation in the conceptual presentation of DSS which is missing in Appendix 1. Further discussion within the group has led to a proposed method to best represent these themes using the term “threads5” (a term emerging in technology education). Appendix 2 shows the proposed coding of three sample threads that seem to be unambiguously needed in the context of our discipline: Modeling, Uncertainty and DSS software development. Whilst not DSS topics per se, because they are too broad and far reaching, more at the level of a full course than a single topic, these are critical 5 Since fall 2006, the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Curriculum at the Georgia Institute of Technology (United States) has been built on their concept of Threads™. Developed by the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing faculty, Threads™ allow students to create an individual Computing curriculum within a specified perspective of the computing field. See: issues within the discipline of DSS and Appendix 2 shows the road map towards acquiring the requisite skills for Modeling, for understanding the role and impact of uncertainty in decision making and how to deal with it and finally, how to develop effective DSS applications. It is proposed that Appendix 2 be used in an interactive session at the Toulouse meeting in order to seek broad consensus on the threads that need to be represented and their proposed components. 4.3.2 Relevance for a DSS career path Decisions are integral to all work, but the degrees to which explicit decision support issues are relevant vary. The columns in the grid distinguish between awareness of decision support issues on one end of a continuum of knowledge to in-depth focus on these issues at the other end. The first column anchors the “awareness” end of the DSS knowledge continuum. It indicates the fundamental topics for which required knowledge is needed in any work domain for a worker to be cognizant of basic factors that impact decision making. Certainly, a worker who carries the designation of DSS “practitioner” needs more than DSS “awareness.” Such a worker will likely be a “knowledge worker,” who is well acquainted with decision processes in a specific work domain. The second column in the grid indicates the topics in which a DSS practitioner should be well versed. The third column in the grid designates the knowledge areas one should reasonably expect an advanced DSS practitioner to command. It may be unreasonable for some advanced DSS practitioners to command expertise in every topic area indicated in the third column of the grid. In this case, one would expect the advanced DSS practitioner to have deep knowledge in one or more of the major subtopic areas. Regardless of the expertise of the advanced DSS practitioner, s/he should have command of all of the topics indicated in the first and second columns of the grid. The fourth column of the grid indicates the topic knowledge one can expect in a DSS researcher. As is the case with the advanced DSS practitioner, the number of topics indicated is very large and some specialization may be required. An ability to integrate the knowledge areas is of utmost importance as one progresses from DSS awareness to the depth of knowledge required for advanced practice or DSS research. The advanced practitioner and DSS researcher should be able to synthesize these knowledge areas into a coherent model of decision making. The advanced DSS practitioner is likely to use such a model to better understand and improve decision making in one or a few specific application domains. The DSS researcher will likely use the model to better understand and improve one or a few specific areas of the decision making process, perhaps generically or perhaps in a specific application domain. 4.3.3 Course Prerequisites. In considering the issue of pre-requisites, one may be tempted to say that there are simply no pre-requisite to the DSS curriculum as anyone may be taught about DSS from any level. In reality however, this initial impression must be corrected. The DSS area is not really a true beginner’s area as mathematics or history may be because it is closely flanked on two sides by two important blocks of very important exposure: (1) general IS knowledge in terms of computing technology and data capture and manipulation – even basic computing skills and (2) exposure to the organizational environment, to the extent that one might understand the role and limits of the different functional areas of the firm. Considering the task of teaching DSS to complete beginners with no previous exposure to either of these blocks would seem very difficult and initially, would probably amount to teaching about other things than DSS. For instance, some understanding of databases and how they store information – e.g.: notions about data modeling – are clear pre-requisite for any serious DSS course. In practice, we have noted that students take so long to internalize the practice of data modeling that, when this is taught within the context of a DSS course, it ends up becoming quite an obstacle to pursuing a DSS specific agenda in a timely manner6. Thus, it is a solid starting point to regard constituencies such as computer science (who already understand the technologies and / or development tools) and business graduates (who understand some aspects of the problem domains) as the most likely audience of DSS courses. Practitioners who have a need for DSS applications in their job and need to step up on the End-UserComputing ladder or have been asked to partake in DSS development without having the required specific expertise in DSS are also two logical audiences for DSS courses. Other than these four groups, it can be the case that other audiences may benefit from limited exposure to DSS concepts on a small scale, but this may not amount to a DSS course. Within the group of business graduates, some specialists have a greater need for DSS knowledge such as graduates destined to work in the Financial services for instance and finance courses will probably increasingly feature DSS specific modules, beyond the generic computing skill modules. At MBA level, it is also very likely that all programmes will include a very complete DSS module, geared towards do-it-yourself approaches to DSS development. In total, the audience for DSS courses is perhaps not as widespread as the audience for more general IS courses and this may act as a constraint for the long term future of DSS. Nevertheless, this will not be a problem as long as the technology and conceptual sides of the DSS domains continue to develop and that the DSS expertise is in high demand in industry. 6 Discussions with Csaba Csaki and Dave Sammon, both teachers of introductory DSS courses at PostGraduate level. 4.3.4 Multi-level DSS Curricula. As discussed in an earlier section, decision processes permeate all areas of life, but the degrees to which explicit decision support issues are relevant vary. The columns in the grid distinguish between educational awareness of decision support issues on one end of a continuum of knowledge to a doctoral level focus on these issues at the other end. All graduates of any academic major will benefit from DSS awareness. The first column of the grid indicates topics that provide a foundation for DSS awareness. A single course that exposes the student to these topics is recommended. A program that explicitly includes DSS education should expose the student to greater knowledge and skills in the DSS domain than are found in the DSS awareness level of expertise. The second column of the grid indicates a range of topics that should be included in an undergraduate course that focuses on DSS. The third column in the grid is applicable when a student requires greater study of decision processes. In this case, one or more additional courses that expose the student to greater depth in DSS will be needed and this column of the grid provides a guide to the topics that should be considered. As the extent that a student’s academic focus is on decision making processes increases, a greater number of these topics should be included in the student’s education. Significant knowledge breadth and depth is expected at the doctoral level of study. The fourth column in the grid indicates a broad range of topics that provide a foundation for doctoral study. Doctoral study often becomes the basis for research, hence the comments regarding the appropriate preparation for the DSS researcher apply here. In cases where the doctoral study focus is on decision processes within a specific domain, the doctoral student will need to be able to synthesize the topics in the fourth column within that domain context. Where the doctoral study is on decision making process per se, the student must be able to synthesize the topics in the fourth column in a manner appropriate for the advanced study of a particular aspect of the process. 4.3.5 General Description of Courses (methods of delivery, additional components, such as case study and other support material). This section presents a sample of three courses from different geographical areas which have been proposed by members of the task force. A sample course from Jožef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana Slovenia): SYSTEMS AND TECHNIQUES OF DECISION SUPPORT AIMS The aim of this course is to familiarize students with methods, techniques and systems for supporting complex real-life decision-making tasks. Special emphasis is on the methods of decision analysis and multi-attribute modeling, and their practical applications. SYLLABUS Decision-making; Problems of real-life decision-making; Decision support systems; Relation with information systems, databases, expert systems and data mining systems; Data warehouses and OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing); Decision analysis; Methods and techniques of decision analysis: decision trees, influence diagrams, multi-attribute models; Analytic hierarchical process (AHP); Qualitative multi-attribute modeling; Group support systems; Computer-based tools for decision support and modeling: DATA, Analytica, HiView, DEXi. LITERATURE Mladenić, D., Lavrač, N., Bohanec, M., Moyle, S (eds.). Data Mining and Decision Support: Integration and Collaboration. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. R.T. Clemen: Making Hard Decisions: An Introduction to Decision Analysis. Duxbury, 1997. E. Jereb, M. Bohanec, V. Rajkovič: DEXi: Računalniški program za večparametrsko odločanje. Moderna organizacija, 2003. E.G.Mallach: Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems. McGraw-Hill, 2000. E.Turban, J.E.Aronson: Decision Support Systems & Intelligent Systems. Prentice Hall, 2000. A list of selected readings is also provided to the students. WEB PAGES M. Bohanec: Systems and Techniques of Decision Support. M. Bohanec: IJS Decision Support Resources. ASSESSMENT Each student is assigned a decision-making project and requested to present the results in a written report and public presentation. The presentation is combined with an oral exam. Requirements and Procedure 1. Each student is required to make their Practical Assignment and write a report 2. The written report should be delivered to the professor (preferably sent by e-mail) 3. Examinations: Each student should give a 10-15 minutes oral presentation of their work (preferably accompanied by PowerPoint slides). 4. Discussion and oral examination will take place immediately after each student's presentation. Topics 1. Introduction to Decision Making and Decision Support 2. Decision Analysis Part 1: Decision Analysis; Decision Tables and Decision Criteria 3. Decision Analysis Part 2: Decision Trees 4. Decision Analysis Part 3: Influence Diagrams 5. ID's Continued: Examples; Demo: Analytica, DPL; Decision Analysis Part 4: MultiAttribute Models (intro) 6. Decision Analysis Part 4: Multi-Attribute Models (continued); MADM Applications (intro) 7. DEXi: Methodology and Software 8. AHP: Methodology and Software 9. Combining Data Mining and Decision Support 10. Introduction to Data Warehouses and OLAP Practical Assignment 1. 2. 3. 4. Define your own decision-making problem. Create a multi-attribute model containing about 10-20 basic attributes. Define about 4-6 alternatives (possibly real-life ones) Implement the model in: o DEXi, and o Quantitative modeling software of your choice (Web-HIPRE, WinPre, spreadsheet, MATLAB; see also Lecture 6 for some links) 5. Evaluate and analyse the alternatives. 6. Write a report and hand it to your professor. A completed practical assignment is required to enter the final oral examination, and will account for 50% of the final evaluation mark. The report should consist of: 1. 2. 3. Title page: Project title and Author info Main Part: About 2 pages containing: 1. Introduction: Description of the decision problem Aims and goals of your decision 2. Description of attributes and their structure 3. Description of alternatives 4. Utilisation of the model: Evaluation of alternatives Analysis: Sensitivity and/or what-if analysis 5. Conclusion: Which alternative to choose and why (its good and bad points) Brief comparison with other alternatives Appendices: 1. Printout of your DEXi model 2. Printout (or some other kind of documentation) of the quantitative model A sample graduate course from Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (Mexico): Advanced Information Systems (DSS & EIS) Master in Informatics and Computer-Based Technologies. COURSE OBJECTIVES To understand the theoretical foundations about the Decision Making Process made in business organizations. To know the main characteristics of the several Decision-Making Support Systems (DMSS) available at present for individual and group decision-makers. To acquire the know-how about system development approaches for DMSS. To understand the real problems and research-based recommendations associated with the implementation process of DMSS. To acquire a vision of the market trends and emergent approaches for DMSS. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course reviews theoretical models of how organizations and individuals make business decisions and practical studies about the present and emergent Computer-Based Systems oriented to support this managerial activity (we called them Decision-Making Support Systems (DMSS)) so that IT practitioners gain theoretical and practical knowledge to implement them efficiently and effectively in business organizations. We will begin with a discussion of core concepts from Decision-Making and Organizations including: Organizational Systems, Organizational Decisions, Managerial Roles of Executives, Decision-Making Models, Cognitive styles of Decision-Makers and Macro & Micro Processes of Decision-Making. Next we will review an overview of the Computer-Based Systems proposed to support the Decision-Making Process. The review of these topics will be useful for students to acquire the theoretical foundations of Decision-Making in business organizations. Then, we will concentrate on practical issues related with the development of DMSS including: Executive Information Systems (EIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS0), Ruled-Based Expert Systems (RBES) and Integrated DMSS. With the previous topics it is expected that students have acquired the practical knowledge to develop their term project. Finally, we will discuss the challenges and trends in DMSS in order to get efficient and effective implementations in business organizations. READINGS. It is expected that students read the assigned readings before attending the lecture in order to participate in class discussion. LECTURES. Lectures will be presented in verbal expositions from the lecturer with the support of notes slides and demos. At present, there is not a video available for this course. CLASS DISCUSSION. Brief case studies will be discussed in class. STUDENT'S PARTICIPATION. A set of special topics issues of the course will be assigned to teams composed of five students, which they will present to the group. TEAM PROJECT. Each team is required to build a Decision Making Support System in a domain problem of your own choice. The final product will be shown to the group in the last session. The estimated exposition time is 60 minutes per team. COURSE GRADING POLICY. Readings by team Research Assignment by team Final Exam Term Project Software Design Documentation Beta Software Product 15% 15% 20% 50% 15% 35% TEXTBOOK. Turban, E. and Aronson, J. "Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems," Prentice-Hall, 5th. ed., 1998. REFERENCE BOOKS. Holsapple, C. W. and Whinston, A. B. "Decision Support Systems: A Knowledge-based Approach", West Publishing Company, 1996. Sauter, V. "Decision Support Systems", John Wiley & Sons, 1997. Marakas, G., "Decision Support Systems in the 21st Century", Prentice-Hall, 1999. Sprague, R. H. and Watson, Hugh J., "Decision Support for Management", Prentice-Hall, 1995. COURSE OUTLINE AND COURSE SCHEDULE.. 1. Foundations of Organizational Decisions (OD). 1.1 Organizations (a Systems View). 1.2 Managerial Roles of Executives. 1.3 Organizational Decisions. Exercise 1. Team-based reading and group discussion of the Case of "Royal Dutch/Shell", published in the book "Strategic Management", from C. W.L. Hill and G. R. Jones, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992. Exercise 2. Team-based classification and group discussion of cases of Business Decisions based on "Strategic Decision Making and Intelligent Executive Support Systems", V. Savolein & S. Liu (1995). 1.4 The Decision-Making Process (DMP). 1.5 Theoretical Models of DMP. 1.6 Conclusions about OD. 2. Decision-Making Support Systems. (DMSS). 2.1 Classification of DMSS. 2.2 Analysis of DSS, EIS, ES/KBS. 2.3 Integrated DMSS. 2.4 Benefits of Decision-Making Support Systems. 2.5 Conclusions about DMSS. Exercise 3. Team-based reading and group discussion of the classic paper "The Decision-Making Paradigm of Organizational Design", G. Huber & R. McDaniel (1986). Exercise 4. Presentation of demos of DSS, EIS, ES/KBS and team-based and group discussion about the characteristics. Exercise 5. Team-based development of a draft version of the IDMSS project proposal. Exercise 6. Locate by team a real case with demo of a DSS, EIS and ES/KBS, analyze it and build a web-page of the results. 3. DMSS Development Methodologies. 3.1 DSS Development Methodologies. 3.2 ES/KBS Development Methodologies. 3.3 EIS Development Methodologies. 3.4 Integrated DMSS Development Methodologies. 3.5 Conclusions about DMSS Development Methodologies. Exercise 7. Design of a small DSS. Exercise 8. Design of a small Rule-Based ES. Exercise 9. Design of a small EIS. Exercise 10. Review of the IDMSS project proposal by team. Exercise 11a. Each team will research commercial issues of DMSS that will be presented to the group next session in Saturday. 4. Implementation of DMSS. 4.1 Concept, challenges and issues of DMSS Implementation. 4.2 Factors of Influence in Successful Implementations of DSS, EIS and ES/KBS. 4.3 Theoretical Factors of Influence in Successful Implementations of Integrated DMSS. 4.4 Conclusions of DMSS Implementation issues. No assignments. 5. Emergent Approaches and Market Trends for DMSS. 5.1 Datawarehouses and DataMarts. 5.2 Business Intelligence Tools (OLAP, ROLAP, MOLAP). 5.3 Data Mining Systems. 5.4 Intelligent Systems (ANN, FLS,GAS). 5.5 Groupware and Collaborative Work Systems for Decision-Making (GDSS) 5.6 Enterprise Information Portals. 5.7 Conclusions about Emergent Approaches and Market Trends for DMSS. Exercise 11b. Team-based presentation of the DMSS research topic assigned. A sample course from Florida State University (United States): ISM 4117 Decision Support and Expert Systems Management (3 hours). Prerequisite: Database Management. The design, development, implementation, and management of decision support and expert systems; includes concepts of data management, modeling decision support systems, and decision making. For MIS majors only. This is a capstone class that should be taken during a student’s final semester. Overall objectives: Develop an understanding of business strategy concepts. Develop an understanding of how information technology can be integrated into organizations to create and sustain competitive advantage. Develop an understanding of the role of computers in direct support of managerial decisionmaking. Integrate and reinforce knowledge gained from prerequisite classes in systems design, database, and programming. Apply this understanding to the design of typical systems for managerial decision support. Specific skills and knowledge that students will be able to demonstrate upon successful completion of the course: Integrate investments in information technologies with the principles of strategic management Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of decision support systems structure and the principles of their design. Analyze typical decision situations to determine whether it is practical to support them with computer technology, and if so, how. Design and implement a decision support system. Evaluate emerging technologies and issues in the context of decision support systems as well as the management of information technology. Link IT to strategic decision making and competitive advantage in organizations. Gain an appreciation of working on systems development projects in a team environment and obtain experience with project management. Project: A comprehensive project requiring the design and implementation of a DSS, including the database design and a functional interface, is required. The project requires effort distributed over a 10-12 week period in 4-person teams. 4.3.6 General considerations on what a DSS course should look like The important issue when it comes to designing courses, whether on DSS or anything else can be simplified in terms of: (1) what level do students have coming into the programme of study, (2) what level are they expected to have when they leave the programme of study and (3) the analysis of the gap that therefore needs to be filled. Leveraging the discussion presented in section 4.3.3, a number of typical types of programmes can be proposed, based on the basic diagram shown in figure 1 below. The basic dimensions of Figure 1 are: (1) the extent of exposure to the practice of DSS and (2) the extent of exposure to the theory of DSS. Both dimensions can be interpreted as a continuum between no exposure at all and extensive exposure, but in Figure 1, exposure to theory is divided up between Beginner, Intermediate and Expert for the sake of argument. Extensive exposure to Practical experience Intermediate Expert Exposure to Theory No Exposure to Theory Beginner No exposure to Practical experience In considering how to use Figure 1, one can first consider that there is a general progression between the bottom left corner and the upper right corner, with the red line (the full line in black and white) representing a practitioner’s long term learning with DSS. However, depending on the experience followed by individuals, it is possible to conceive of courses that would be designed to meet the needs of practitioners with already some practical experience of DSS but no exposure to DSS theory as represented by the dashed line (though one would assume that this is less and less common at the stage given the emergence of many DSS courses at undergraduate level and the increasing number of graduates with at least some exposure to DSS theory). Furthermore, it is likely that exposure to the general IS curriculum may mean that students with the basics of DSS theory covered, come in at an intermediate level without any practical experience (see dotted line). The interesting aspect about Figure 1 is that it should allow the representation of any DSS course, and maybe the chaining of different courses. It may also be used to represent the audience to whom the courses are destined. Going beyond this initial discussion, one would then consider the means applied to serving the objectives of the course. Prima facia, class room-based teaching methods are probably best suited for the theory side of the course objectives, but an increasing number of options are open for the practical side. At this stage, it is likely that any educator would be convinced that a DSS course at whatever level, but especially at an expert level should essentially be a hybrid course with the proper mix of theoretical and practical elements. This not only serves a learning-by-doing objective, but also accounts for the primarily practical orientation of the DSS area, except for certain types of research projects which are essentially theoretical. This means that it is essential to consider which methods are best used to promote a hybrid form of learning and the latest environments, mostly the virtual environments lend themselves very well for such courses. Qudrat-Ullah and Karakul (20077) present a review of experiments to use Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) for improving decision making, but recent experimentation in Second Life® lead us to speculate that this virtual world presents one of the most compelling opportunities to introduce radical changes in the teaching of practically oriented domains. During the IFIP 8.3 conference in Toulouse in July 2008, a panel has been proposed to discuss these issues and the outcomes of this panel will be inserted in this report after the event. 5. Conclusion and Future work. This report has presented on-going work by members of the task force on the DSS curricula (having established that its multi-level nature means that there is more than one DSS curriculum) to develop a comprehensive and coherent picture of the domain of DSS from the point of view of the skills required to be recognized as a DSS practitioner and DSS expert. Appendices 1 and 2 present two vision of the curriculum which combine to provide the first stage in a formalization of the DSS domain which can be used to define our work, our research and our teaching. 5.1 Future Developments In addition, to the material covered here, there is an emerging set of technology developments ranging from Web 2.0 (Wikis, Blogs etc.) to Web X.0 to even developments such as the Wii. We need to make sure that we don’t ignore emerging future developments as we look back on what has been done. As an example, Wikis and blogs offer the opportunity for users to contribute insights in an environment that has received little attention to-date, yet offers much 7 Qudrat-Ullah and Karakul (2007) Decision Making in Interactive Learning Environments, Journal of Decision Systems, 16(1), 79-100. academic opportunity. Further, future computing may be more Wii-like than current personal computing capabilities, yet many corporate and academic IS “experts” have not even used a Wii. As a result, it can be important to make sure to experience and anticipate how contemporary developments will influence future systems. 5.2 Professionalization Although it has been argued that business schools have lost their way (e.g., Bennis and O’Toole 2005) in an apparent “physics envy,” that DSS maintain their real world connections and provide appropriate links to the professional community. It is worth noting that, in parallel to our work, the IFIP organisation at its highest level has undertaken a similar project of professionalizing the IT. Selected extracts from the FIRST REPORT OF THE IFIP PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE TASK FORCE, as published on the IFIP web site (see are presented below as a way to demonstrate the congruence of the aims of the report and the aim of the IFIP task force on professionalization. Interestingly, the two groups have started their work independently. The report states that: “The Task Force resolved unanimously to recommend to IFIP Council that it should proceed with a programme to create and promote an international IT profession on the basis of the following objectives: To initiate a vigorous programme of activity to promote professionalism worldwide To achieve the following outcomes: 1. By increasing professionalism, to improve the ability of business and the wider community to exploit the potential of information technology effectively and consistently; 2. To build professionalism in IT to the level at which it exists in other areas of professional activity; 3. To develop a profession that is respected and valued for the contribution it makes to the exploitation and application of IT for the benefit of all – government, business leaders, IT employers, IT users and customers; To establish an international grouping to speak globally about issues relating to the IT profession To ensure that the voice of the IT practitioner is clearly and powerfully expressed alongside other competing groups. To provide an opportunity for IFIP to raise substantially its global profile” Furthermore, the report lists these potential benefits and opportunities: “The Task Force recommendation reflects a strongly held view that there is now a very real opportunity to build and implement successfully an international IT profession based on globally recognised standards. IT is now a global industry which needs a global profession to provide: a common language within which to describe professional skills and competences a standard means of measurement for professional skills and competences a mechanism for the independent assurance of quality of those professional skills and competences. These are seen as powerful advantages that could deliver significant benefits to all those involved – to commercial organisations seeking to sell professional skills, to those seeking to buy professional skills, to those interested in regulating the trade (for example, in terms of establishing effective immigration controls) and not least to the practitioners themselves.” Finally, the report lists a number of building blocks that would be required in order to achieve a respected profession status for IT. “An IT profession is needed which: •Is defined in terms of its ability to play a full part in all stages of IT exploitation Is seen as – and sees itself as – an integral part of the business Has appropriate non-technical skills, including management, business and leadership skills, as core competences. Is about both Information and Technology Lays greater emphasis on the accreditation of current capability and competence Demands greater personal responsibility on the part the practitioner. Is attractive to a wider group of entrants than at present – including those groups alienated by the current image of the profession” This general initiative provides an adequate backdrop for us to work in parallel within IFIP 8.3 on the development of a formalized DSS profession. This report constitute progress towards a first stage to the creation of such a professionalization of the DSS domain, which would be aimed at promoting the establishment of a professional discipline of DSS, with recognized DSS specialists, a clearly identifiable DSS career path(s) and maybe even a DSS accreditation scheme for our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that include the requisite DSS topics. In the detail of the work which the 8.3 working group may decide to undertake would be the following building blocks: (1) DSS Curriculum – multi-level so as to provide a blueprint for accreditation – this is the purpose of this report. (2) An accreditation body made up for instance of members of IFIP 8.3, AIS SIG on DSS and the EURO group. These could be elected at the same time as the officers of the respective groups and each group would have a quota in the accreditation body. Members would be elected for a fixed term of 3 years and an overlap of the different terms could be implemented so that the whole body is only replaced in portions rather than all at once. (3) A Chairperson – one of the six members. (4) A web presence with information on the accreditation body and its missions. (5) An accreditation process – composed of an application form for accreditation which would be submitted by course / programme directors and a review by the Accreditation body – followed by feed back and judgement on each case. Then, the issue of membership of an Association of DSS Specialists that would be free, but subject to judging would-be members’ credentials, could be considered. These are issues for consideration by the working group as a whole and which, if it is decided to pursue them, could be worked upon by a new task force which would take this report to the next stage and formalize the above ideas by working on a blueprint to develop a proper structure to support the future professionalization of DSS. 6. Appendices Appendix 1: The DSS Curricula Grid Appendix 2: coding the threads in the DSS curriculum Appendix 3: List of useful References (Books and Journal Papers). Appendix 1: IFIP WG 8.3 - Task force on DSS Curriculum – The DSS curriculum Grid # all # local Areas / Topics Comments Levels of education Undergraduate awareness course / DSS awareness Undergraduate specialty course / DSS Practitioner Post-graduate Doctoral course / course / Advanced DSS Researcher DSS Practitioner Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Optional knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Optional knowledge Optional knowledge Required knowledge Optional knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Basic Disciplines A Mathematical Foundations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A-1. A-2. A-3. A-4. A-5. 6. 7. A-6. A-7. 8. 9. 10. 11. A-8. A-9. A-10. A-11. 12. A-12. 13. 14. 15. A-13. A-14. A-15. introductory mathematical statistics Bayesian theory / Bayesian networks risk theory, risk taking decision algorithms Mathematical theories of multiple criteria decision making utility theory multi-attribute utility theory / (or multicriteria) models decision trees Influence diagrams Game theory Fuzzy Systems (Fuzzy Decision Trees, Fuzzy Inference Systems, Fuzzy Linear Programming) outranking methods (PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, ORESTE, AHP) Rough Set Theory Markov models Neural networks B Psychology B-1. B-2. B-3. intelligence, creativity creative decision making Conscious and unconscious thinking 16. 17. 18. Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. B-4. B-5. B-6. B-7. B-8. B-9. 25. B-10. 26. B-11. rationality, intuition the role of rational and intuitive thoughts motivations, emotions social perception, values basics of social psychology cultural differences, ways of thinking (frames of mind) behavior and performance of groups and organizations the psychology of decision making C Economics C-1. C-2. C-3. C-4. basics of microeconomics basics of business economics Finance equilibrium models D Law & Ethics D-1. D-2. D-3. D-4. D-5. different legal systems basic principles of civil law contract law the consulting contract ethical issues 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. E Accounting 36. 37. 38. 39. E-1. E-2. E-3. E-4. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. E-5. E-6. E-7. E-8. E-9. E-10. E-11. Where data comes from? Basic business processes Ontology Semantic modeling of accounting phenomena Continuous monitoring and auditing XML/XBRL/ebXML IS/IT risks and controls Governance Regulations (e.g., Sarbanes / Oxley in US) Business intelligence Data mining Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge 47. E-12. 48. E-13. 49. E-14. 50. E-15. Revenue transaction processing cycle Purchases transaction processing cycle Conversion (Production) transaction processing cycle Payroll/Expenditures transaction processing cycle Financial Reporting cycle Breakeven analyses Process costing Job costing Activity based costing Theory of constraints (TOC) Financial ratio analysis ERP – system in general and in terms of database model to know where data is located ERP – Financial module operations ERP – Controlling module operations Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Basics of Decision Support (DSS core concepts) F Theories behind decision support 51. F-1. 52. 53. 54. F-2. F-3. F-4. 55. 56. 57. F-5. F-6. F-7. 58. F-8. basic concepts, trends in decision theory (normative, descriptive, OR, Decision Analysis, ...) the theory of bounded rationality Decision process (stages, typical tasks) Context in Decision Making, Contextualization for decision making Collaborative decision making Risk and uncertainty in decision making Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation Verbal Decision Analysis G Decision models & modeling G-1. G-2. the process of modeling models of artificial intelligence 59. 60. Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge 61. 62. 63. G-3. G-4. G-5. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. G-6. G-7. G-8. G-9. G-10. 69. G-11. 70. G-12. problem structuring, problem modeling Influence diagrams Goal Programming, Goal Seeking Modeling real life problems and situations conflict theory cooperation, coalitions finding out preconditions, relevance check case typology, matching real cases to models Levels of Representation of Decision Problems Modeling the context of decision making: role of the context, contextual elements and contextual graphs H Technology behind DS 71. H-1. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. H-2. H-3. H-4. H-5. H-6. 77. H-7. 78. H-8. Group decision making – methods, techniques Distributed decision making Heuristics for Decision Support Visualization in DSS Simulation SOFTWARE AGENTS (Multi-Agent Simulation, Multi-Agent Simulation and Modeling, Intelligent Agents) Video and internet technologies based decision techniques Images of the future: prognoses, scenarios, scripts, ontologies, decisional KMS Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge DSS I Software Tools & Engineering 79. I-1. 80. I-2. basic principles of decision support software common architectures Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge 81. I-3. 82. I-4. 83. I-5. 84. I-6. Types of decision systems (data-oriented, model-oriented, knowledge-oriented, etc) End-User’s decision support tools (MCDM packages) Developing decision Support technologies, tools Decision support systems engineering (SDLCs, Methodologies) J Types of DSS 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. J-1. J-2. J-3. J-4. J-5. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. J-6. J-7. J-8. J-9. J-10. J-11. J-12. J-13. J-14. J-15. 100. 101. 102. 103. J-16. J-17. J-18. J-19. 104. 105. J-20. J-21. EIS MIS DMSS iDMSS Group Support Systems, Group Work Systems Mobile Decision Support Data cubes Business Intelligence Data Warehousing, OLTP, OLAP, etc. DSS relation to other IT systems Communication-driven Data-driven / Database-oriented Document-driven / Text-oriented Knowledge-driven / Rule-oriented Model-driven / Solver-oriented / Spreadsheet-oriented Desktop Enterprise-wide Compound (two or more architectures) Domain focused (medical, transportation, etc.) AI-based Agent-based Decision Support and Organizations K Analyzing decision situations – Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge managerial decision making 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. K-1. K-2. K-3. K-4. K-5. K-6. K-7. Business processes Strategic Decision Making Attention-Based View Debiasing Decision Making Decision Makers Decisional Episodes Diagramming for Business Modeling L Decision facilitation 113. 114. L-1. L-2. 115. L-3. 116. 117. 118. 119. L-4. L-5. L-6. L-7. problems of legitimization marketing techniques of decision consulting success criteria for consulting evaluating and measuring performance Communicating decisions the consulting process Decision conferencing The Facilitator and the Chauffeur M Knowledge engineering M-1. M-2. M-3. M-4. M-5. Role of information in decision making knowledge acquisition knowledge representation knowledge utilization knowledge management and decision making N Domains of Application 125. 126. N-1. N-2. 127. 128. N-3. N-4. Cases in the engineering domain Cases in the business management domain Cases in the governmental domain Challenges in decision-making support systems (the complex worldwide decision problems) 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. consulting Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge and Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. N-5. N-6. O-1 O-2 O-3 O-4 O-5 Forecasting (DSS for) O Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Required knowledge Optional knowledge Optional knowledge Optional knowledge Optional knowledge Optional knowledge Infrastructure Issues Hardware Infrastructure Network Infrastructure Software Integration (e.g., EAI) Information Integration Security © IFIP WG 8.3 - DSS Curriculum Task Force Do not reproduce without explicit permission from the Chairs of the task force (see section 1 of the report) Appendix 2: coding the threads in the DSS curriculum # all # local Areas / Topics Modeling Uncertainty X X X X X DSS Software Development Basic Disciplines A Mathematical Foundations 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. A-16. A-17. A-18. A-19. A-20. 141. A-21. 142. A-22. 143. 144. 145. 146. A-23. A-24. A-25. A-26. 147. A-27. 148. A-28. 149. A-29. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. introductory mathematical statistics Bayesian theory / Bayesian networks risk theory, risk taking decision algorithms Mathematical theories of multiple criteria decision making (OR) utility theory multi-attribute utility theory / (or multi-criteria) models decision trees Influence diagrams Game theory Fuzzy Systems (Fuzzy Decision Trees, Fuzzy Inference Systems, Fuzzy Linear Programming) outranking methods (PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, ORESTE, AHP) Rough Set Theory Markov models B Psychology B-12. B-13. B-14. B-15. B-16. intelligence, creativity creative decision making Conscious and unconscious thinking rationality, intuition the role of rational and intuitive thoughts Comments Threads X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X More threads 155. 156. 157. 158. motivations, emotions social perception, values basics of social psychology cultural differences, ways of thinking (frames of mind) 159. B-21. behavior and performance of groups and organizations 160. B-22. the psychology of decision making 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. B-17. B-18. B-19. B-20. C Economics C-5. C-6. C-7. C-8. basics of microeconomics basics of business economics Finance equilibrium models D Law & Ethics D-6. D-7. D-8. D-9. D-10. different legal systems basic principles of civil law contract law the consulting contract ethical issues E Accounting 170. 171. 172. 173. E-16. E-17. E-18. E-19. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. E-20. E-21. E-22. E-23. E-24. Where data comes from? Basic business processes Ontology Semantic modeling of accounting phenomena Continuous monitoring and auditing XML/XBRL/ebXML IS/IT risks and controls Governance Regulations (e.g., Sarbanes / Oxley in US) Business intelligence Data mining Revenue transaction processing cycle Purchases transaction processing 179. E-25. 180. E-26. 181. E-27. X X X X X X X X X X X X X 182. E-28. 183. E-29. 184. E-30. cycle Conversion (Production) transaction processing cycle Payroll/Expenditures transaction processing cycle Financial Reporting cycle Breakeven analyses Process costing Job costing Activity based costing Theory of constraints (TOC) Financial ratio analysis ERP – system in general and in terms of database model to know where data is located ERP – Financial module operations ERP – Controlling module operations X X X Basics of Decision Support (DSS core concepts) F Theories behind decision support 185. F-9. 186. F-10. 187. F-11. 188. F-12. 189. F-13. 190. F-14. 191. F-15. basic concepts, trends in decision theory (normative, descriptive, OR, Decision Analysis, ...) the theory of bounded rationality Decision process (stages, typical tasks) Context in Decision Making, Contextualization for decision making Collaborative decision making Risk and uncertainty in decision making Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation X X X X X X X X X X X X 192. F-16. G Verbal Decision Analysis Decision models & modeling 193. G-13. the process of modeling 194. G-14. models of artificial intelligence 195. G-15. problem structuring, problem modeling 196. G-16. Influence diagrams 197. G-17. Goal Programming, Goal Seeking G-18. Modeling real life problems and 198. situations 199. G-19. conflict theory 200. G-20. cooperation, coalitions 201. G-21. finding out preconditions, relevance check 202. G-22. case typology, matching real cases to models 203. G-23. Levels of Representation of Decision Problems 204. G-24. Modeling the context of decision making: role of the context, contextual elements and contextual graphs H 205. H-9. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. H-10. H-11. H-12. H-13. H-14. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Technology behind DS Group decision making – methods, techniques Distributed decision making Heuristics for Decision Support Visualization in DSS Simulation SOFTWARE AGENTS (Multi-Agent Simulation, Multi-Agent Simulation and Modeling, Intelligent Agents) X X X X X X X X 211. H-15. Video and internet technologies based decision techniques 212. H-16. Images of the future: prognoses, scenarios, scripts, ontologies, decisional KMS X X X X DSS I 213. I-7. 214. I-8. 215. I-9. 216. I-10. 217. I-11. 218. I-12. Software Tools & Engineering basic principles of decision support software common architectures Types of decision systems (dataoriented, model-oriented, knowledgeoriented, etc) End-User’s decision support tools (MCDM packages) Developing decision Support technologies, tools Decision support systems engineering (SDLCs, Methodologies) J Types of DSS 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. J-22. J-23. J-24. J-25. J-26. 224. 225. 226. 227. J-27. J-28. J-29. J-30. EIS MIS DMSS iDMSS Group Support Systems, Group Work Systems Mobile Decision Support Data cubes Business Intelligence Data Warehousing, OLTP, OLAP, etc. DSS relation to other IT systems Communication-driven Data-driven / Database-oriented 228. J-31. 229. J-32. 230. J-33. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 231. J-34. 232. J-35. 233. J-36. 234. J-37. 235. J-38. 236. J-39. 237. J-40. 238. J-41. 239. J-42. Document-driven / Text-oriented Knowledge-driven / Rule-oriented Model-driven / Solver-oriented / Spreadsheet-oriented Desktop Enterprise-wide Compound (two or more architectures) Domain focused (medical, transportation, etc.) AI-based Agent-based X X X X X X X X X X Decision Support and Organizations K Analyzing decision situations – managerial decision making 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. K-8. K-9. K-10. K-11. K-12. K-13. K-14. Business processes Strategic Decision Making Attention-Based View Debiasing Decision Making Decision Makers Decisional Episodes Diagramming for Business Modeling L Decision consulting and facilitation 247. L-8. 248. L-9. 249. L-10. 250. L-11. 251. L-12. 252. L-13. problems of legitimization marketing techniques of decision consulting success criteria for consulting evaluating and measuring performance Communicating decisions the consulting process Decision conferencing X X 253. L-14. M The Facilitator and the Chauffeur Knowledge engineering 254. M-6. 255. 256. 257. 258. Role of information in decision making M-7. knowledge acquisition M-8. knowledge representation M-9. knowledge utilization M-10. knowledge management and decision making N X X X X X X Domains of Application 259. N-7. 260. N-8. Cases in the engineering domain Cases in the business management domain 261. N-9. Cases in the governmental domain 262. N-10. Challenges in decision-making support systems (the complex worldwide decision problems) 263. N-11. Forecasting (DSS for) 264. O Infrastructure Issues Hardware Infrasture 265. O-1 Network Infrastructure 266. O-2 Software Integration (e.g., EAI) 267. O-3 Information Integration 268. O-4 Security 269. O-5 © IFIP WG 8.3 - DSS Curriculum Task Force Do not reproduce without explicit permission from the Chairs of the task force (see section 1 of the report) Appendix 3: List of useful References (Books and Journal Papers). Ackoff, R. L. (1967) Management MISinformation systems, Management Science, 14(4), 147-156. Alter, S. (1992) Why persist with DSS when the real issue is improving decision making?, in Decision Support Systems: Experiences and Expectations, Jelassi (Ed.), North Holland. Anthony, R. N. (1965), Planning and Control Systems: a Framework for Analysis, Harvard University Press, Boston. Argyris, C. and Schon, D. A. (1978), Organisational Learning, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. 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