CP Senior English - Course Syllabus

AP English Literature and Composition
Course Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Griffin
Room: 106E
Email: hgriffin@canalwin.k12.oh.us
Voice Mail: 614-920-2701 ext. 2315
Required Supplies:
ink pens or pencils (anything visible but red)
notebook paper (preferably loose-leaf)
3 ring binder (1 ½ or 2 inch)
package of 5 dividers
extra credit supply:
Classroom Procedures:
1. The first ten minutes of most class periods will be devoted to vocabulary
practice. This is to be done as soon as the tardy bell rings. If you are
absent, the warm-up must be completed on the day you return (do not
wait until the day of the test). I will provide more information about
vocabulary when we begin our first unit.
2. Any homework assignments are due at the beginning of class. Each
class has a designated tray labeled with their class period, and all
homework and class assignments are to be turned in to the appropriate
tray. Assignments may be emailed, but they must be done so prior to the
start of class (use this method only as a last-resort).
3. You will be allowed four hall passes per quarter. This includes the
restroom, water fountain, locker, etc. You have six minutes between
classes. This should allow you ample time to get from class to class and
take care of your business. If there are extenuating circumstances, please
let me know. Unused passes at the end of each quarter will be converted
into extra credit (3 points per unused pass – max 12 points).
4. Make-up work is your responsibility. Check the make-up work crate for
any assignments, handouts, etc. It is not MY RESPONSIBILITY to remind you
to get it. Excused absences: You have as many days to make up work for
an excused absence as days missed. If you are absent when a long-term
project is due, it is due the day you return to school. If you are absent
during a group assignment, you will be given an alternative assignment
when you return to school. Unexcused absences: Unexcused absences
will receive no credit. At my discretion, larger assignments can be made
up for partial credit depending on the circumstances. Exams and quizzes
should be made up promptly. I may give an alternative, all-essay test for
make-up exams. Once I grade assignments and pass them back, you
WILL NOT be allowed to turn in those assignments that are being returned.
5. Textbooks WILL NOT be issued from me. I will keep a class set of
textbooks in the classroom. If you are absent or need extra time to finish
reading or an assignment, you may check out a book from me (see me to
check out a book). You will need to turn the book back in the following
day or when you complete the assignment.
6. Late work is NOT an option. I will give you enough time to complete
your work. This is a college level class, and you will be treated in that
manner. Please get your work done. However, I will evaluate certain
circumstances; you simply need to communicate with me.
Classroom Rules:
1. Respect the teacher, others, and yourself.
2. No food will be allowed in class. Drinks are fine, but I prefer you to
have drinks with lids.
3. No inappropriate language will be tolerated.
4. Always have the necessary supplies everyday.
5. Be on time to class. Your first tardy will be free. The second tardy and
each subsequent tardy will follow the school policy (refer to handbook).
6. NO cell phones should be visible during class (unless they are used for
class purposes). Please keep your phone on silent. School policy will be
followed if this rule is broken.
7. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will cause serious
issues for you in this class. First offense: You will receive a zero for the
assignment and your parents and administrator will be notified.
Additional offenses will be handled according to the guidelines stated in
the student handbook.
Expected Course of Study (subject to change):
Quarter 1:
1. Summer reading discussion/assessment
2. Selected short stories
3. Introduction to the prose essay and prose m/c questions
4. Student-selected novel (from AP reading list)
Quarter 2:
1. Research paper (literary analysis – first quarter student-selected
2. Hamlet (William Shakespeare)
3. Death of a Salesman (Arthur Miller)
4. Introduction to the free-response essay; continue prose m/c
5. Student-selected novel (from AP reading list)
Quarter 3:
1. Selected poetry
2. Introduction to the poetry essay and poetry m/c questions
3. Brave New World (Aldous Huxley)
4. Student-selected novel (from AP reading list)
Quarter 4:
1. The Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver)
2. Continue with prose and poetry (selections only as needed)
3. AP test review
Year Long Practices:
1. Vocabulary acquisition
2. Practice AP exams – both multiple choice and timed writings - Exam
is May 9 (practice MC will be graded and recorded on a curve)
3. Student-selected novel: one per quarter from AP reading list (none
during the 4th quarter)
4. Writing (grammar incorporated), including timed writing prompts
5. Quarterly assessments
Grades will be divided into two different categories: daily grades and test
grades. Daily grades will include class work, homework, discussions, and
quizzes and will account for 40% of your grade. Test grades will include
tests, writing assignments, and projects and will account for 60% of your
grade. The grading scale is as follows:
AP English Literature and Composition
Course Syllabus
I have read and understood the syllabus, including all the rules and
Student (printed) _______________________________________
Student (signed) _______________________________________
Date _____
Parent/Guardian ______________________________________
Date _____