Bart vs. Thanksgiving Bart vs. Thanksgiving Written by George Meyer Directed by David Silverman Title sequence Blackboard {I will not do that thing / with my tongue.} {I will not do that thi} at cutoff. Driveway Homer says nothing when Lisa scoots past. Couch The family find Grampa on the couch, who mutters incoherently. Quotes and scene summary Humming `Greensleeves', Marge snaps on a pair of latex gloves and proceeds to unstuff the turkey. Maggie descends from her high chair and pays a visit to the living room. Lisa: Mmph. [as Bart muffles her with a cushion] Homer: Bart! Stop fighting with your sister! Bart: She took my glue! Lisa: It's not yours, Bart. This is family glue! Homer: Stop it, you two. This is Thanksgiving, so glue friendly or I'll take your glue away and then <no one> will have any glue to glue with. -- ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Lisa: Dad, this isn't about glue. It's about territoriality. He only wants the glue because I'm using it. Bart: Oh yeah? Prove it. Lisa: [hands him the glue] Here. Bart: Hey man, I don't want your stupid glue. -- ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Bart tosses the glue away, and it lands in front of Maggie. She reaches toward it, but Lisa snatches it before Maggie can mistake it for a bottle of formula. Lisa heads upstairs, and Maggie follows. Bill: Uh oh, here comes our friend, Bullwinkle J. Moose. Homer: Heh heh heh, Bullwinkle's antler sprung a leak. Bill: Uh oh, looks like ol' Bullwinkle's kinda gotten a taste of his own medicine. Ha ha. Marty: He certainly does, Bill. Bill: Ha ha. Wait, what did... Did what I say make sense? Marty: Well, no, not really Bill. Bill: Boy, now I know how the pilgrims felt. Marty: What are you talking about, Bill? -- Watching the Thanksgiving Day parade, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Bart doesn't recognize Bullwinkle or Underdog and complains that they ought to use ``cartoons made in the last fifty years.'' Son, this is a tradition. If they start building a balloon for every flash-in-the-pan cartoon character, you'll turn the parade into a FARCE. [the Bart Simpson balloon floats past] -- Homer watches the Thanksgiving Day parade with Bart, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' [a little meta-humor for your enjoyment] Maggie makes a dangerous trek up the stairs, dodging a skateboard, frayed electrical wires, and other roadblocks. Lisa shows Maggie the centerpiece she's been working on, ``a tribute to the trailblazing women who made our country great,'' including Georgia O'Keefe, Susan B. Anthony, and Margery Stoneman Douglas (who worked to preserve the Everglades). She invites Maggie to make a contribution. Maggie scrawls on the centerpiece with a magic marker, and Lisa embraces her. ``Oh, thank you.'' In the kitchen, Marge asks Bart to stay out of her way, so he offers to help out. Marge asks him the cranberry sauce. Bart trouble finding the can, then the opener. Then he is unable the can opener to work. to do has can to get It's broken, Mom. ... Mom, it's broken. ... [sings] Mom-it'sbrok-en, Mom-it's-brok-en, Mom-it's-broken, Mom-it's-brok-en.... -- Bart `helps out' in the kitchen, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Marge opens the can, and Bart slowly lets the sauce glop onto the plate, still in the cylindrical shape from the can. ``Ah, cranberry sauce a la Bart.'' Marge asks Bart to put it in the fridge, but Bart has already left. Before Marge gets to it, the sauce collapses into an amorphous glob. Maggie wanders into the living room, where Homer is watching TV. See Maggie, those silver-andblue guys are the Dallas Cowboys. They're Daddy's favorite team. And he wants them to lose by less than five and a half points. Understand? -- Homer, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' The receiver takes a nasty hit. He's flat on his back. Looks like they'll be feeding him Thanksgiving dinner through a tube. -- Sportscaster on the football player's injury, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Marge reminds Homer to pick up Grampa, and Homer defers it until halftime. Patty and Selma arrive, carrying pots of Swedish meatballs and trout almandine, respectively. Marge is upset that they don't trust her cooking. They explain that they merely brought backups in case some people found her turkey too dry. Homer greets the twins and leaves to pick up Grampa. In the car, Homer angrily mimics Patty and Selma's grunting, then turns on the car radio. Announcer: And now, get set for our fabulous halftime show, featuring the well-groomed young go-getters of `Hooray for Everything!' Homer: Oh, I love those kids. They've got such a great attitude! Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, `Hooray for Everything' invites you to join them in a salute to the greatest hemisphere on earth, the Western Hemisphere! The dancingest hemisphere of all! -- Football halftime show, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Homer `dances' his fingers and shoulders and bobs his head to the music. He arrives at the retirement home, where their dinner is about to begin. Now, before we sit down to our delicious turkey puree, I have some, uh, happy news. The following people have relatives who wished they could be here today... -- At the rest home, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' He reads off a list of names, and a fax comes in. ``Oh, and Mrs. Spencer, you too.'' ``Oh, I knew they wouldn't forget me.'' Homer comes in and drags Grampa away. A taxi pulls in front of the house, and Marge's mother comes out. I have laryngitis. It hurts to talk. So I'll just say one thing... You never do anything right. -- Mrs. Bouvier, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Maggie is watching the end of the halftime show as Marge brings food from the kitchen to the dining table. Thank you! You're super! Be good to each other! -- `Hoorary for Everything' entertains during the football halftime show, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' In the Silverdome, now ablaze with flashbulbs, as `Hooray for Everything' leaves the field! Of course, a stadium is much too big for flash pictures to work, but nobody seems to care! -- Announcer for the halftime show, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Homer tries to get a fire started in the fireplace with a set of bellows, but isn't making any progress. Marge calls that dinner is ready (``The hell with this!'' yells Homer), and the guests are seated. Lisa comes down with the centerpiece. Holy moley! That's the biggest... one of those I ever saw! -- Homer appreciates Lisa's Thanksgiving dinner table centerpiece, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' ``Definitely from our side of the family,'' notes Selma. Lisa's description of the centerpiece is interrupted by Bart, who brings in the turkey. He tells Lisa to move the centerpiece to free up ``valuable real estate'' for the turkey. Bart and Lisa struggle for the centerpiece, which lands in the fireplace. The fire roars to life. (``Hey, that got 'er goin'!'' observes Grampa.) Lisa attacks Bart, crying, ``You don't even care!'', then runs upstairs to her room in tears. Homer: All right Bart, that's it! Go to your room! Now! Bart: Okay, I'll take some white meat and stuffing to go, and send up the pumpkin pie in about 20 minutes. -- ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Marge scolds, ``I hope you're happy, Bart! You've ruined Thanksgiving!'' [End of Act One. Time: 8:17] Bart grumbles in his room. Downstairs... And Lord, we are especially thankful for nuclear power, the cleanest, safest energy source there is. Except for solar, which is just a pipe dream. Anyway, we'd like to thank you for the occasional moments of peace and love our family has experienced. Well, not today, but... You saw what happened! Oh, Lord, be honest! Are we the most pathetic family in the universe or what! -- Homer says grace at Thanksgiving dinner, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' ``Amen'' says all. yet,'' notes Selma. ``Worst prayer Lisa's sax playing can be heard downstairs, and Marge goes up to talk to her. Lisa: Mom, I poured my heart into that centerpiece! [which Bart destroyed] Things like that <always> happen in this family. Marge: I noticed that, too. -- ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Marge tells Bart he can come down to dinner if he apologizes to Lisa. Bart scoffs, ``They think they can starve an apology out of me? Ha!'' He climbs out the window and down a nearby tree, landing in a patch of daisies. ``Uh oh. ... I mean, good!'' and starts stomping the flowers with renewed vigor. Santa's Little Helper is thrown out of the house for swiping a drumstick. Bart and SLH head off. They find Monty Burns' mansion. Inside, Burns congratulates Smithers on yet another excellent repast. ``I couldn't eat another bite. Dispose of all this.'' Burns indicates a huge banquet table still loaded with food. Though he did save room for some pumpkin pie, which is cooling on the window sill. Bart climbs through the hedges, spots the pie, and reaches for it. But his hand crosses laser beam detectors, and Burns' security are alerted. ``The intruder appears to be a young male, age 9 to 11.'' Burns responds, ``Release the hounds.'' Bart narrowly escapes with his life. Meanwhile, Lisa is in her room at her desk. I saw the best meals of my generation destroyed by the madness of my brother. My soul carved in slices by spikey-haired demons. -- `Howl of the Unappreciated' by Lisa Simpson, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Bart reassures SLH that they'll get food, ``even if we have to pay for it.'' Bart crosses railroad tracks to the seedy part of town. Cool! The wrong side of the tracks! -- Bart crosses the railroad tracks, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' He spots a sign in the Springfield Plasma Center, offering to pay $12 for a blood donation. Twelve bucks! Hey, I can bleed! -- Bart observes he can make $12 by giving blood, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Nurse: Hey, you've gotta be eighteen to sell your blood. Let's see some ID. Bart: Here ya go, doll-face. Nurse: Okay, Homer, just relax. Bart: Ow! -- Bart gives blood to make some money, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Back home... At the risk of losing my voice, let me just say one more thing: I'm sorry I came. -- Mrs. Bouvier makes a rare comment, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Selma wonders when Bart will apologize. ``He sure is stubborn.'' Grampa: Homer was never stubborn. He always folded instantly over anything. It was as if he had no will of his own. Isn't that true, Homer? Homer: [sycophantically] Yes, Dad. -- ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Bart staggers out of the Plasma Center, a cookie in his hand. Twelve bucks and a free cookie! What a country! [passes out] -- Bart gives blood, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' SLH eats the cookie. [End of Act Two. Time: 13:12] Two street bums find Bart and take him to a soup kitchen. All right! Twelve big ones and free grub to boot. Viva Skid Row! -- Bart learns about life on the wrong side of the tracks, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Kent Brockman from Channel 6 (KWZ) is making a live news report. Kent: Oh, we have lots of names for these people. Bums, deadbeats, losers, scums of the earth. We'd like to sweep these people into the gutter, or if they're already in the gutter, to some other out-ofthe-way place. Oh, we have our reasons. They're depressing, they wear ragged clothes, they're [makes quotation sign with fingers] ``crazy'', they smell bad. Guy: Hey, listen, man. Kent: [whispers] Wait, I'm going somewhere with this. -- Kent Brockman's Emmy-winning news report from a soup kitchen, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' The family are watching the report on TV. Marge: Everyone, Lisa wants to read us a poem she's written. Grampa: Sounds interesting. Homer: Oh, okay. Lisa: Ahem. `Howl of the Unappreciated'. By Lisa Simpson. Ahem. `I saw the best meals...' [Bart appears on television] Grampa: Gasp. It's Bart! Homer: What show is <this>? -- Bart manages to upstage Lisa from miles away, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Kent: And how long have you been on the streets? Bart: Going on five years, Kent. Kent: Ah. Son, your family may be watching. Is there anything you'd like to say to them? Bart: Yes there is, Kent. Ha ha! I didn't apologize! -- Bart is interviewed for a television documentary, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Operator, give me the number for nine-one-one! -- Homer, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Kent packs his things and leaves. ``This reporter smells another local Emmy.'' One of the bums asks Bart if he's got a place to sleep. Bart says, ``There's this family I kinda hang out with.'' The soup kitchen cook says, ``See you at Christmas,'' and closes the doors. Bart finds the money in his pocket. ``Uh, listen guys, I was thinking. Unless you feel weird about taking money from a kid, I thought maybe...'' He gives them the money and rushes home. The two cops tell Homer that Bart isn't at the Rescue Mission any more and ask what prompted Bart to run away. The Thanksgiving dinner guests head for home. If I'm not back at the home by nine they declare me legally dead and collect my insurance! -- Grampa rushes back to the rest home, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' In the living room... Marge: Homer, this is a terrible thing that's happened, but we can't blame ourselves. Homer: We can and will! Marge: Children need discipline. You can ask any syndicated advice columnist. -- Worrying about Bart, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Bart reaches the front door and wonders if he should go inside... He dreams of being greeted warmly by the family. Marge asks, ``Isn't there something you'd like to say to your sister?'' Bart responds, ``Okay. I'm sorry, too.'' The lighting suddenly turns grim. Marge scolds, ``No, no, no! That won't do at all!'' Homer says, ``Yeah, boy. Get down on your knees and BEG for forgiveness!'' Lisa evilly adds, ``Yeah. Beg me Bart. Beg me!'' Bart does so, but they just laugh in his face. Marge: Now we can blame him for everything! Homer: It's your fault I'm bald! Bart: [meekly] I'm sorry. Grampa: It's your fault I'm old! Bart: I'm sorry! Maggie: It's your fault I can't talk! Bart: I'm sorry! Uncle Sam: It's your fault America has lost its way! Bart: I'm sorry! All: It's all your fault! It's all your fault! It's all your fault! -- Bart's dream, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Bart returns to reality. ``I'm sorry all right. Sorry I came back here.'' He climbs a tree and hops onto the roof. Whoa! My whiffle balls! My frisbees! My water rockets! I've hit the jackpot! -- Bart climbs to the roof, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Bart plays football on the roof. Meanwhile, Lisa is at her desk. Dear Log: My brother is still missing, and maybe it's my fault because I failed to take his abuse with good humor. I miss him so much already that I don't... know... [sobs] -- Lisa writes in her diary, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Bart hears Lisa's sobbing through a ventilation pipe and invites her up. Lisa joins him on the roof. Lisa: Bart, what are you doing up here? Everybody's worried! Bart: Really? Did they cry? Lisa: Yes. Bart: Whoa! Bulls-eye! -- Lisa joins Bart on the roof after his brief career as a runaway, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' She asks why he burnt her centerpiece. ``Was it because you hate me? Or because you're bad.'' I don't know! I don't know why I did it! I don't know why I enjoyed it! And I don't know why I'll do it again! -- Bart doesn't apologize to Lisa, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' Lisa tells him, ``The only reason to apologize is if you look deep down inside yourself, and you find a spot, something you wish wasn't there because you feel bad you hurt your sister's feeling.'' Bart gives in and closes his eyes. ``This is so stupid. I'm not going to find anything. Just because I wrecked something she worked really hard on, and I made her cr---... Uh oh. ... I'm sorry, Lisa.'' Lisa accepts the apology. Homer peeks out from the bathroom window. You know, Marge? We're great parents! -- Homer watches Bart apologize to Lisa on the roof, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' At 11pm, the family are gathered around the kitchen table... Homer: Oh Lord, on this blessed day, we thank Thee for giving our family one more crack at togetherness. All: Amen. -- Homer says grace at the second Thanksgiving dinner, ``Bart vs. Thanksgiving'' They then dig into turkey sandwiches. [End of Act Three. Time: 20:33]