Unit Schedule - Language Links 2006

Unit Plan
Week 1
Lesson Objective(s):
Introduce Brothers Grimm
Grammatical Concept(s):
Vocabulary: Grimm,
Märchen, Geschichte,
Figuren, Theme, Elemente
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Read a short fairytale,
PowerPoint on Grimm,
Introduce Popular titles,
read another fairytale, point
out the “Goofy verbs,” intro
the idea of simple past
Standards: Culture,
Connections, Comparisons
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Including
interesting multimedia
elements for ADHD
Lesson Objective(s): Pique
interest in fairytales,
introduce simple past
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past, an intro. What
is the simple past and why
do we use it? How is it
different from present
Vocabulary: Verbs
especially: haben, sein
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Lecture on what the
simple past is, have
students identify it in a
short fairytale
Standards: Connections,
Lesson Objective(s): Teach
students to identify and
form the regular form of the
simple past tense
Lesson Objective(s): Teach
students to identify and
form the irregular form of
the simple past tense
Grammatical Concept(s):
Forming the regular forms
of the simple past
Grammatical Concept(s):
Irregular simple past
Vocabulary: haben,
machen, spielen, tanzen,
antworten, sagen, bauen,
fragen, enden, kosten,
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Lecture, simple past
memory game, have the
students read a new
fairytale and identify
regular simple past forms,
Standards: Connections,
Vocabulary: sein, gehen
denken, rufen, essen,
singen, sagen, bleiben,
bringen, fahren finden,
geben heißen, helfen, lesen,
laufen, nehmen, rennen
schlafen, etc…
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Lecture, hang out
irregular list, explain that
there is no real method for
knowing these, irregular
crossword, word search,
word jumble
Standards: Communication,
connections, comparisons
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Have students
rotating throughout the
classroom to “stations”
during activities to hold
Lesson Objective(s): Test
for understanding,
introduce unit projects
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past
Vocabulary: Simple past
verbs and fairytale
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): 5 minute review, 20
minute quiz, introduce
creative writing project,
(internet based lesson plan,)
introduce unit project
(writing and illustrating
your own fairytale)
Standards: Communication,
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Provide necessary
testing accommodations
and also have all of the
guidelines on paper to hand
out for the class
Week 2
Lesson Objective(s):
Explore the purpose of
fairytales, look at elements
and themes explore
fairytales from different
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past through
exploration of fairytales
Lesson Objective(s):
Cultural comparisons of the
morals, themes, and
purposed of fairytales
Lesson Objective(s):
Listening and introduce
important fairytales: Hansel
und Gretel and
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past through
exploration of fairytales
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past
Vocabulary: fairy, goblin,
Vocabulary: Magic, good v.
bad, witch, princess, prince,
king, queen, spell, evil,
robbers, kind, step-mother,
step-father, the number
seven in German fairytales,
once upon a time
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Read the American
“Little Red Riding Hood,”
Read the German tale too,
with partners, create a venn
diagram that addresses the
purpose of each fairytale,
major themes in each,
morals, etc…
Standards: Culture,
comparisons, connections,
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Assign different
tasks to each member of the
group so that each student
is focused on what he or
she should be doing
elf, troll, giants, and
talking animals
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Read “The Seven
Ravens” explaining to the
students that there are many
typical elements of a
German fairytale, explore
why the youngest child is
often the “good child,” look
at the number seven, look at
the Chinese and German
versions of Cinderella to
see what each culture is
emphasizing as important.
Standards: Culture,
comparisons, connections,
Vocabulary: Vocabulary
that is appropriate for our
two targeted fairytales
including: spinning, gold,
curse, step-mother, oven,
gingerbread house, etc…
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Read Hansel and
Gretel out loud to the class
without any paper or
worksheet in front of them,
have a few students up in
front of the class with me to
read parts of dialog, teacher
narrates, all other voices are
done by students, stop at
various points and ask
about what’s happening, at
the end, play recorded
quotes and ask the students
to identify the speaker. Do
the same for
Standards: Communication,
connections, comparisons
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Select ADHD
students to be my readers
and encourage them to get
into their parts
Lesson Objective(s):
Unillustrated rough draft of
fairytale due, bring 2
printed copies, one for
teacher and one for peer
review, peer conferences
and work day
Lesson Objective(s): Check
for understanding, review
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past.
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Quiz 2, which
includes a short listening
portion, identifying and
forming simple past, and a
short writing portion in
which the students compose
a short, short fairytale,
fairytale games the rest of
the class period including a
“Life” type fairytale game,
simple past memory,
$10,000 Pyramid, and
Fairytale Taboo
Vocabulary: All.
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Review major
concepts before quiz, ask
students to turn in their
typed rough drafts, allow
them to conference in small
groups, this is a work day
to work on their projects.
Standards: Culture,
community, connections
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Circulate around the
classroom, helping
students, answering
questions, helping to keep
them on task.
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past
Vocabulary: All
Standards: Communication,
connections community,
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Have varied games
for varied learning styles
Week 3
Lesson Objective(s): Teach
the importance of oral
Lesson Objective(s):
Review and working on
unit project
Lesson Objective(s): Check
for understanding of the
entire unit.
Lesson Objective(s): Read
and hear fairytales written
by peers
Lesson Objective(s): Read
and hear fairytales written
by peers
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past, sentence
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past, sentence
structure, story structure
Grammatical Concept(s):
Simple past, sentence
structure, story structure
Vocabulary: Simple past
and fairytale vocabulary
Vocabulary: Simple past,
Grimm, fairy tales
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Have 2-3 students
share their weekends with
“fairytale twists,” have
everybody turn to their
partner and tell each other
about their weekends using
the simple past, oral story
telling lecture, telephone
homework assignment
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Jeopardy PowerPoint
game, allow the students to
ask questions before the
test, allow students any
extra time to work on their
unit projects
Standards: communication,
culture, comparisons
Standards: Communication
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Multimedia
presentation of review
materials to capture and
hold-on to attention.
Vocabulary: All vocabulary Vocabulary: All previously
covered in the Märchen unit learned fairytale vocab and
new words introduced by
Major Activities (a bulleted peers
list): Unit test
Major Activities (a bulleted
Standards: Connections,
list): Half of the class will
communication, culture
(1) present new important
vocab, (2) read their
Adaptations for Special
illustrated fairytale, (3) Ask
Needs: Accommodate as
the class what the moral of
the tale was.
Vocabulary: All previously
learned fairytale vocab and
new words introduced by
Standards: Communication,
connections, culture
Standards: Communication,
connections, culture
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Involving ADHD
students in administrative
tasks. (i.e. holding the
reader’s book.)
Adaptations for Special
Needs: Involving ADHD
students in administrative
tasks. (i.e. holding the
reader’s book.)
Major Activities (a bulleted
list): Half of the class will
(1) present new important
vocab, (2) read their
illustrated fairytale, (3) Ask
the class what the moral of
the tale was.