Interactive Read Aloud Lesson Plan: Fairytale Endings

Erin Fitzgibbons
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book?
Interactive Read Aloud Lesson Plan
Mrs. Reil 3rd Grade
It is important for students to be familiar with different genres of literature, fairytales included,
and, using their knowledge of those fairytales, be able to create their own ending to a fairytale
or their own story.
RL.3.1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to
the text as the basis for the answers.
RL.3.7. Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the
words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting).
Students will be able to write their own ending to their favorite fairytale after seeing how Herb
changed the story around by making a few changes of his own while reading Who’s Afraid of the
Big Bad book? Students will become more comfortable writing creative endings to their stories.
Engagement/Anticipatory Set:
“Alright, before I begin to read this book to you, can you remind me what we do during read
alouds?...What if you are making a connection or have a thought while I’m reading?”
Wait for responses and hand signals
“Awesome! Now that we are reminded of what to do during a read aloud, let’s begin! Well, the
book that I am reading to you today is called Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book? by Lauren Child.
(read the back: the story of a boy who fell into a book…) Does anyone have any ideas on what
this book could possibly be about?”
Wait for students’ responses (predictions)
“Those all sound like great predictions as to what this book will actually be about. Let’s begin!”
Begin to read
Stop on pages 3 & 4: “Does anyone notice anything different about how this book seems to be
written? Look closely at the words.”  words follow the illustrations.
Wait for student observations and response
“Very good observations! I think it is pretty cool how the words are written. The words seem to
follow the illustrations. It makes reading even more enjoyable. In addition to your observations,
does anyone have any new predictions? Herb fell asleep reading. What do you think will happen
Wait for student predictions
“Well let’s continue and see if you are right!”
Point out the words on a few different pages and ask how they go along with the illustrations or
just point out (forest page, upside down – put the characters upside down so words are upside
Finish the book
“Does anyone have any comments about this book? Any connections you may have made or
maybe just what you thought about the story?”
Wait for responses
“Those are some awesome connections and I agree it was a very entertaining book. So, as we
read, we saw that Herb had changed these familiar fairytales around and that totally changed
the stories. Prince Charming was missing and people were upside down! After seeing how just a
few small changes can change a whole story, I would like you to make your own little changes to
a fairytale. You are going to go back to your seats, think of your favorite fairytale, and change
the ending to whatever you’d like. Make it fun and creative! It does not have to be long. I will
give you a little less than 10 minutes to write a short ending. After everyone has something
written, we will come back to the carpet and share some of our endings.”
Send students to their desks and ask them to take out a pen and paper and start writing their
new fairytale ending
After about 10 minutes, ask students to come back to the carpet
“Alright, I’m sure we all have some wonderful ideas and creative endings to our fairytales.
However, I only have time to hear 5 new endings. Any volunteers who would like to share their
new fairytale endings?”
Wait for hands to go up. Call on 5 students. “Wow that was so creative. Awesome job! I liked
that ending.”
“You all did an awesome job with your new fairytale endings! I hope you all see that making
even the slightest change to a story like adding a character or changing the scenery can really
change the ending and now feel a little more comfortable with writing your own creative
endings to stories. Please pass your papers up and I will read the rest of your stories. I’m sure
they are all wonderful! Now, quietly go back to your seats and give your full attention to Miss T
who will be reviewing your chemistry unit with you.”
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book? by Lauren Child
Students’ notebooks/paper
Come back to the carpet and read a few of the short, new endings to familiar fairytales.
Collect papers at the end and read them over.