Lab Notebook Check #1 - mvhs

DUE: Tues/Wed Oct. 14/15
For your lab notebook check, you will need to have the following done to get full credit:
General stuff:
____ Table of Contents is up-to-date
____ Contact List is up-to-date
____ Lab Safety & Notebook Guidelines are pasted in
____ Everything is written in pen—no pencil or white-out
____ All pages are numbered
____ All pages are dated (only the Reference pages (Pipetting, Spec20, Using p20s and p200s), table of contents
and contact list don’t have to be dated)
Tree Lab:
____ Includes a title, intro, lab partners and procedure (the ones we wrote together in class)
____ Data table of your results (also must be confirmed by one of your lab partners)
** There is no conclusion for this lab **
Enzyme Lab:
____ Write a specific title (“Enzyme Lab” is NOT an appropriate title)—mention Optisize Cool and the specific pHs
and temperatures your group tested.
____ Write an introduction— include the purpose of the lab, the enzyme (Optisize Cool), Spec20 usage, Amylazyme
____ Include your lab partners and any absences.
____ Make sure your group data table is complete and has been confirmed by one of your lab partners. This
should be Table 1. Make sure you have a title for this table. You also need a caption that gives additional
details for this table.
____ Make sure your class data is pasted in. This should be Table 2. Make sure you also have a title and caption for
this table. The caption should include 1-2 sentences about the significant data pts (perhaps what you
highlighted and what it means?)
____ Make sure you have dated this lab with the appropriate dates on each page—date should be the day you did
this part of the lab.
____ Paste your CER conclusion for the lab into your lab notebook. Indicate who your partner was.
____ As assigned for your lab notebook setup, you should have a title, intro, and procedure pasted in. You also need to
have the flowcharts of the procedure done. Make sure your title is specific—GFP Lab is too general.
____ You should have drawn in your results (all 4 plates). Make sure you indicate what each plate was (ex. + DNA, LB
plain). If a particular plate had glowing colonies you also need to indicate that. You can either make all four plates
together one figure and label each plate a,b,c,d or you can make each plate a separate figure (Figure 1,2,3,4). No
matter which one you decide to do, there needs to be a title and caption for each figure. Make sure you
mention that the plates were grown at 37 degrees and the length of time they were grown for (24 hrs for period 6
and 48 hrs for periods 5 and 7). Again, make sure your results are confirmed by one of your lab partners.
____ Calculate the transformation efficiency for your experiment (details about how to do this are online on the AP Bio
website under labs  GFP Transformation)
____ Conclusion Questions:
1. Was your transformation successful? If yes, how did you know? If no, what error(s) may have occured to cause
this to happen?