This Assessment requires you to select, describe and complete two forms used in your workplace, for example, purchase orders, client registers, leave requests, or any other purpose-designed form.
Choose two work tasks that require the completion of forms.
Select two forms, one related to each task, and describe:
title and code (if applicable)
purpose of the form
administrative protocols
who normally completes the form (title or role)
who normally signs the form (title or role).
Complete ALL sections of the form:
Some forms have sections to be completed by different people. Check with your supervisor if you are unsure of the information that is required.
Use fictional (made up details) where personal information is required.
Do not use real names, personal details or any identifying information that relates to a real person.
© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services
Queensland) 2007.
This Assessment requires you demonstrate your knowledge of storing and maintaining workplace information.
Arrange for your supervisor (or another qualified person) to assess your knowledge in relation to the criteria set out below.
Identify two types of workplace information, for example, purchase records, client-related records.
For each of the criteria below, describe the administrative protocols and related policies and procedures that apply.
Have your supervisor (or another qualified person) complete the following statement of competence.
S = Satisfactory
U = Unsatisfactory
Performance Criteria S U Comments
Element 2 Store and maintain organisational information
Information is kept in accordance with organisational guidelines.
Access to information is provided to appropriate individuals.
Follow-up action is taken as necessary or referred to appropriate personnel as required.
Breaches of confidentiality are reported to appropriate person.
I, _____________________ agree that _____________________ has completed the above task accurately and in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.
Signature: ________________________ Date: _______________
Position: _________________________
© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services
Queensland) 2007.
Use the table below, or a similar table, to describe how information that is collected is then accessed in your workplace.
Select one example of information relating to each area listed and answer the following questions.
What information is collected?
Who has access to the information, and how is it accessed?
Are there any special procedures you must follow?
Information collected
Human resources processes (e.g. induction, pay, leave):
Client management
(e.g. case notes, contact registers):
Workplace health and safety:
Standards documents
Access Special procedures
© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services
Queensland) 2007.
Explain how your organisation maintains confidentiality of information:
What information in your organisation is restricted to authorised users?
What process do you need to follow to gain access to different types of restricted information?
What would you do if:
a staff member wanted to use your login and password, giving them access to a restricted database?
you saw a confidential file left open on a colleague’s desk?
the friend of an absent staff member rang and wanted to know the staff member’s address?
In your organisation, to whom would you report any breaches of security or confidentiality?
© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services
Queensland) 2007.
This Assessment requires you use workplace equipment under observation.
Arrange for your supervisor (or another qualified person) to assess your knowledge in relation to the criteria set out below.
Select two types of workplace equipment, for example, a photocopier, computer, audio-conference equipment.
For each piece of equipment, demonstrate how it is used and describe the protocols and procedures that apply.
Have your supervisor (or another qualified person) complete the following statement of competence.
S = Satisfactory
U = Unsatisfactory
Performance Criteria S U Comments
Element 3 Use and maintain equipment and machines
Equipment appropriate to the task is selected and used according to organisational procedures and manufacturer’s instructions.
Storage and disposal of equipment and materials is done in accordance with organisational procedures.
Issues and problems arising from the operation of equipment are dealt with in accordance with organisational protocol.
Training to use particular equipment is undertaken as needed.
I, _____________________ agree that _____________________ has completed the above task accurately and in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.
Signature: ________________________ Date: _______________
Position: _________________________
© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services
Queensland) 2007.
This Assessment requires you answer inquiries while under observation.
If this is not part of your normal work, you may need to organise to work in a different role for a short time, or complete parts of this assessment at different times.
Arrange for your supervisor (or another qualified person) to assess your knowledge in relation to the criteria set out below.
Have your supervisor (or another qualified person) complete the following statement of competence.
S = Satisfactory
U = Unsatisfactory
Performance Criteria S U Comments
Element 4 Manage inquiries in accordance with organisational policy and protocol
Inquiries are responded to promptly according to established procedures.
Verbal and written messages are taken and distributed in accordance with organisational protocols.
Communication equipment is utilised in accordance with organisational protocols.
Appropriate telephone techniques are utilised.
I, _____________________ agree that _____________________ has completed the above task accurately and in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.
Signature: ________________________ Date: _______________
Position: _________________________
© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services
Queensland) 2007.
How are you expected to answer the telephone in your organisation?
Write down what you are expected to say on picking up:
the reception phone
your own phone
a co-worker’s phone.
Why do you think calls are answered this way?
Find out what procedure is used in your organisation for taking and passing on messages to co-workers, your manager and volunteers (if applicable to your workplace).
Are there different protocols depending on the nature of the call, who is calling, and who is the intended recipient?
© The State of Queensland (Department of Communities and Disability Services
Queensland) 2007.