ul. Krynicka 11 87 – 100 Toruń (PL) tel./fax :(+48) 56 639 05 43 (+48) (600) 120 243 dariusz.rajczyk@wp.pl Dariusz RAJCZYK Professional experience : Feb. 2007 – now : position at STRABAG (as a project finance manager in Chełmno – bridge renovation); additional activities (my own company) : cooperation with a supplier of software for costing investments in the railway and road building industry, developing and managing project budgets – developing software for contractors in railway and road building industry (Oct. 2006 – now); consultations for implementation of IT system and HACCP procedures in TOSTA (Bakery) in Bydgoszcz (Jan. - March 2007); May 2006 – Dec. 2006: finance management (as a member of MB) in an engineering firm (PRK S.A. in Poznań : railway and road building industry); June 2005 – June 2006: operating an one-person consulting firm (focusing on financial and controlling services for construction of sewage treatment plants, rain water outlets, draining and water supply systems – KAPRINŻ, ALFA, AWAS, MELBUD) and project controlling and sale services, operating in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia (Kaliningrad) and Moldova Feb. 2004– July 2005: finance director – chief accountant in a big building and construction company (PVC window and door profiles – BRUEGMANN POLSKA) ; responsible for accounting, finance, financing, cash flow management with collecting, financial planning and - partly - for controlling during transformation (capital and property transfers) achievements : transformation of the capital resulting in its significant increase, changes in the financing structure, verification of stocks and fixed assets, development and implementation of new operating procedures, helping debtors through transformation of overdue amounts, implementation of finance support for sales in a form attractive for buyers (using UE structural and pre-accession funds, consulting, and investment programs) as a part of the marketing strategy “OKEY – Polish windows”, 2002 (April) – 2004 (Jan.) „JURAND” Browary Warmińsko-Mazurskie Sp. z o.o., (brewery) Finance and Administration Director – Member of MB in brewery responsible for finance with accounting, cash planning, financing and operation of four subsidiary entities, responsible for IT and procurement, H&R, transfer of assets to new companies and locations, accounting and financial consolidation for four entities in the alcohol industry. achievements : transformation of the past due tax debt, change of the type of debts and liabilities, preparing financing of new packaging (new bottles and new boxes), establishing a new firm with a healthy asset situation 1999 (Oct.) – 2002 (March) „KUJAWIAK” Browary Bydgoskie Sp. z o.o. (brewery) Chief Accountant, Financial Controller and Proxy responsible for accounting and finance, cash planning, financing and controlling, IT, procurement achievements : implementation of new procedures, establishing financial support for sales, financing for investment projects (for PLN 24 mln), successes in collecting, spinning out of a part of the firm to form independent entities for sale, dividing the firm into four legal entities for sale and closing 1999 (Jan.) – establishing a small one-person firm (TEMPOCONSULT), cooperation with NETIA/TELIA; 1996 (May) – 1999 Netia Telekom S.A. Finance Manager at NETIA TELEKOM S.A. in the North Region in Toruń, responsible for finance management for three local telecommunication companies (as a proxy), responsible for a billing system, financing of development projects, new assets financing, documentation rules, settlements with debtors, collecting, bookkeeping and analysis of budget, contacts with tax offices, regional banks etc. achievements : establishing a new young and efficient team for accounting, billing and collection, taking part in the SAP R-3 implementation project, successes with financial support for sales 1993 (Jan.) – 1996 (April) “Bonduelle Polska” Sp. z o.o., Factory in Gniewkowo, Factory Chief Accountant responsible for supervision of a company subsidiary with respect to its accounting (AGROFROZ), responsible for ownership transformations including closing the subsidiary company and its merger with the main company 1990 - 1993: a large private bank – branch in Toruń , credit inspector education and trainings: master of economics (a graduate of the Nicolas Copernicus University in Toruń, 1990), presently – continuation of a Ph.D studies at Akademia Ekonomiczna in Poznań project planning (2005) budgeting of building industries and constructions (2006) cost calculation of construction course (2006) languages : English, Russian, German (poor) other: Numerous courses on accounting and tax issues, courses on controlling (ODiTK), financial (PTE), LOTS management course, finance management course, knowledge of EXCEL, WORD, ACCESS, POWER POINT – professional, LOTUS NOTES communication system and SCALA financial and accounting system; SAP R-3 (FI-CO and other modules), SYMFONIA FORTE, INTACT-HANSA marital status, family : married, two children : daughter (1992), son (1996) hobby : cartography (an owner of large collection of maps – more than 2,600 items), railways and trams ; railways – wide range of issues related to railway transport; construction, renovation and use of railroads; reading of magazines (EISENBAHNER KURIER, ŚWIAT KOLEI, other publications) collecting of old railway time-tables (my oldest one is from 1913 – Deutsche Reichsbahn Kursbuch 1913 for Prussia)