國立中正大學機械工程學系 94 學年度第二學期教學大綱表 課程名稱:(中文) 機械製造 (英文) Manufacturing Processes 授課教師 林榮信 學分數 3-0-0 必修 開課單位 機械系 課程代碼 4202251_01 開課年級 大二 先修科目或先備能力:微積分 課程概述與目標:This course covers the diverse topics of manufacturing processes. The fundamentals of materials, mechanical behavior and manufacturing properties will be the core of our course, focusing on metal casting processes, material removal processes, forming processes, and Rapid Prototyping. 教科書 “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, Materials, Processes, and Systems," by Mikell P. Groover, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2002 (開發圖書公司) 課程大綱 單元主題 分配時數 內容綱要 講授 The fundamentals 1. Mechanical properties of materials, 2. Metals mechanical behavior, and 3. Ceramics manufacturing 4. Polymers properties 1.Fundamental of 12 metal Casting Solidification 2. Expendable Mold Casting processes 10 3. Permanent Mold Casting 1.Fundamental Metal Forming Processes of Metal Forming 10 2. Bulk Deformation 3. Sheet Metal Working Material Removal Processes 1.Theory Machining of Metal 2. Machining Tools 12 3.Cutting Tool Technologies Nontraditional 1. Rapid Prototyping Processes 3 示範 習作 課程目標 其他 1 教育目標 核心能力 教學要點概述: 上課時間 星期一 14:45~16:00 上課地點 工二館 117 星期三 14:45~16:00 作業 10% 期中考(1) 25% 評量方式 期中考(2) 30% By appointment Office hour E-mail: imelin@ccu.edu.tw Tel: ext. 33300, Rm. 426 期末考 35% 課堂問答 5% 出席 5% 週次 教 學 與 作 業 進 度 備 註 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes HW#1 due in 4th week 3 Mechanical Properties HW#2 due in 5th week 4~5 Engineering Materials 1~2 6 Midterm Exam (1) and Solutions 7 Fundamentals of metal casting 8 Metal casting 9 Shaping process for Plastics HW#4 due in 10th week 10 Fundamentals of Metal forming HW#5 no due 11 Midterm Exam (2) and Solutions 12 Bulk Deformation Processes in Metal Working HW#6 due in 13th week 13 Sheet Metal working HW#7 due in 14th week 14 Theory of metal machining HW#8 due in 15th week 15 Machining operations and Machine Tools 16 Cutting tool Technology, Tolerance, and Surface Finish 17 Rapid Prototyping HW#3 due in 9th week Machining ability, HW#9 due in 17th week 18 其他: Final Exam