Employment Committee - Terms of Reference and Membership

Terms of Reference
The Committee is the principal forum in which representatives of the Recognised Trades
Unions and the elected staff members of the Management Common Interest Group can
meet Members of University Council with University Management to discuss Human
Resource issues of mutual interest and concern.
The intention is that all issues will normally be discussed by the full Committee but, for
legal reasons, separate committees formed from the overall membership of the
Committee need to be responsible for:
matters relating to the formal Recognition and Procedure and Facilities
Agreements between the University and the Trades Unions;
formal advice to Council on Employment Policy matters and acting on behalf of
Council under delegated authority
The Committee in its business will take account of reports made by, and discussions in,
meetings of the Common Interest Groups.
Areas of Activity
The Committee will discuss matters relating to:
the formulation of human resource strategy, policies, procedures etc relating to
the employment of staff within the University. This will include consideration of
legal requirements, advice and guidance from statutory authorities and reports
issued by Government or Funding Authorities. Examples of the areas involved
Salaries, Pensions and Terms and Conditions of Employment including
non-pay elements of Reward;
Recruitment, promotion, grading, staff induction, development and review;
Grievance, Whistle blowing, Harassment, Discipline and Suspension;
Dismissal and redundancy;
Health and Safety;
General or special entitlements;
relations with JNCHES;
relations with the UCEA;
employment contracts and Personnel Handbook;
Trades Unions Recognition and Procedure and Facilities Agreements;
the effectiveness of policies associated with employment including the use of
performance indicators and benchmarks;
Equal Opportunities issues arising from the remit of the Committee;
Risk Assessment issues arising from the remit of the Committee and to
recommend, or implement, action as appropriate.
Specific Responsibility
for Review of Council
Area of Activity
Human Resources,
Employment contracts
and Industrial relations
Mode of Operation
Chair: Member of
Vice Chair: Member of
Officer: Clerk to Council
See after membership
Frequency of Meetings
3 times per year
Reporting Line
University Council
Separate Committees:
2 committees (see over)
Submission /
Availability of Minutes:
Minutes will be circulated
to all Council members,
Trades Unions, lodged in
the Learning Centres and
made available on the
University website.
The focus of the Committee’s activities is the discussion of matters of mutual interest relating to employment. The
Committee does not have authority of its own and, therefore, will not need to take votes. Reports on the Committee’s
discussions will be made to Council as appropriate.
Separate Committees
The separate Committees referred to in the Introduction above shall be:
a) Council and Trades Unions Committee
This committee shall be responsible for agreeing on behalf of Council and/or making formal recommendations to Council
matters related to item (v) in the Areas of Activity above.
This committee will be the forum for the conduct of other business which is solely between the Council (as the employer)
and the Recognised Trades Unions.
The membership of the Committee shall be members of Groups 1, 2 and 3.
The Committee will normally meet at least once per year. Requests for additional meetings may be initiated by members
of the Committee.
The quorum shall be two members from Group 1 plus the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) and two members from each
Trades Union in Group 3.
b) Employment Policy Committee
This Committee shall be responsible for agreeing on behalf of Council and/or making formal recommendations to Council
matters related to items (i), (ii) (iii) and (iv) in the Areas of Activity above.
The membership of the Group shall be members of Group 1. The Vice-Chancellor, Chief Operating Officer, Head of
Human Resources and Deputy Head of Human Resources will be in attendance.
The quorum shall be two members.
5 members of Council (excluding the
Vice-Chancellor and staff members
of Council)
Co-opted Member
Chief Operating Officer
2 staff members of Council
Head of Human Resources
Deputy Head of Human Resources
3 representatives of UCU
Regional Official of UCU
3 representatives of UNISON
Regional Officer of UNISON
3 elected staff members of the
Management Common Interest
Appointment Dates
Scott Harvey (Chair)
Claudette Douglas (Vice
Antonia Noble
Beverley Hodson
Martin Jones
July 09 – Jun 13
Mar 09 – Jul 12
Stephen Marston
Jim Durrant
Frank Chambers
Steve Treble
Clare Hetherington
Andrew Misiura
Pekka Pitkanen
Rotational member as
identified by UCU
Barry Johnson
Jane Hutton
Harry Lewis
Gavin Brooks
Jane Cantwell
Stewart Dove
Claire Wellings
Feb 09 – Feb 13
Sep 09 – Sep 13
Oct 10 – Oct 14
Sept 11 – Apr 13
Jun 09 – Jun 12
The quorum shall be two members from Group 1, two members from each Trades Union in Group 3
and one member from Group 4.
Where the Committee is, or becomes during the meeting, inquorate, Council will be informed of these
circumstances at its next meeting. The Committee Chair shall decide whether:
to adjourn with immediate effect with a Special Meeting being summoned as soon as
conveniently it may be or,
to continue to conduct business with decisions only being agreed by correspondence.