MBA15 KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY MBA 3RDSEM EXAMINATION-2015 COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 75 SECTION-A QUESTION NO.1 IS COMPULSORY (5 MARKS). ATTEMPT ANY 3 QUESTIONS (10 MARKS EACH) FROM REMAINING QUESTIONS. Q.1 What is executive compensation? Q.2 Why has performance appraisal taken on increased significance in Compensation Management? Q.3 Analyse each and every wage theory critically & explain how it helps in deciding wage or salary? Q.4 Explain the various components of wage structure. Q. 5 Explain the various retirement benefits available to the employees. SECTION-B ANSWER ANY FOUR QUESTIONS: (10 MARKS EACH) Q.6 Explain the theories of wages Q.7 Analyze the link between performance appraisal and Reward Management. Q.8 Discuss the difference between the Wage, Salary & Rewards or Incentives? Q.9 Explain the Theories of Wages. Q.10 Explain various past oriented methods of appraisal. ******