
Annual Spring Meeting Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Union League Club 38 E. 37th Street, New York City
Money and the Corporate State
In the 1990’s CMRE first presented its studies of Corporatism with monographs by
Walker F. Todd, “From Constitutional Republic to Corporate State” and by
Edwin Vieira, Jr., “The American System or The Corporative State?”
Since then, corporatism has so increased that government influence and power are
evident to many but real understanding of the consequences – while unpopular –
still is not clear. This meeting clarifies the problem, and, as always, provides
solutions in the end.
CMRE welcomes with pleasure
H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, to speak on:
“European fiscal and economic crisis and the problems of growth”
Jim Sinclair draws news from his famous Mineset News, and has observed
“…as far as the dollar is concerned, no one is focused on the ‘utilization’ that is
fading fast and will negatively impact the value of the US dollar in 2012.”
(Mineset) March 3/12
Bob Hoye, financial historian, Today’s central bankers have been unable to prevent
the distinguishing feature of the post-bubble contraction - a world of strong recessions
and weak recoveries. Typically, this is accompanied by a rising real price of gold that
prompts exploration success. The party is still ahead of us.
Frederick Sheehan, investor, and author of Panderer to Power, on how we got
here…a world run by central bankers with Bernanke more powerful than Obama.
Sheehan follows the career of Alan Greenspan and shows how the Fed was at the center
of the 1% vs. 99% imbroglio – with Paul Brodsky, Principal of QB Asset
Management, which analyzes macroeconomics and has concluded that all the world’s fiat
currencies are experiencing a significant devaluation against gold and that this secular
trend is in its early stages.
William J. Bergman, speaks on “Money & Power: The Chicken or the Egg?” is
Director of Research, Social Movement Sciences, he has served as an economist financial
markets policy analyst with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. He also served with
the American Institute for Economic Research.
Francine McKenna, reports on what she titled, “How Hot Money and Hubris Stole
$1.6 Billion of Customer Funds.” McKenna is a distinguished journalist on international
economic issues. She writes The Auditors and is an Accounting Watchdog for Forbes.
Bill Rochelle, bankruptcy columnist and editor-at-large for Bloomberg News
adds an interesting angle to the MFG issue. He was a bankruptcy lawyer for 35 years
before joining Bloomberg, now covering 20 companies a day.
What is to be Done? Restore Sound Money
Edwin Vieira, Author, Lecturer, and Thomas Selgas, Attorney, Dallas, Texas.
Selgas is a Constitutional lawyer, called by several state legislators to testify and educate
about constitutional, statutory lawful money. He is also a successful industrial executive.
Vieira, a long-time associate of CMRE, has received standing ovations as he has
concluded meetings. His monographs are essential reading.
Chairmen for the Evening
Chris Powell-GATA; Walker F. Todd-CMRE Director, Author;
Daniel Oliver II-CMRE Director; J. William Middendorf II - CMRE Chairman
To continue this important study, Participants are urged to obtain CMRE Monographs:
From Constitutional Republic to Corporate State: The Federal Reserve Board,
1931-1934 by Walker F. Todd CMRE Monograph No. 51;
The American System or the Corporative State? By Edwin Vieira and
Constitutional Foundation of American Economic Power with Philip Bradley
CMRE Monograph No. 48
“The reimplementation of constitutional money and banking would go far
toward mitigating the present crushing public and private debt burden,
restoring confidence in the economy, and making at least moral
reparation for decades of dishonesty at the highest levels of government”
pg. 15; Edwin Vieira
Monographs may be ordered at the front desk at this meeting, or ordered from
4:00 – Registration/Gathering/Cocktails
4:30 – Chimes announcing seating
4:45 – Session 1 begins
Formal printed program will be sent upon receipt of your registration form