Lecture 301 Chapter 5

Lecture 301
Chapter 5
Business and the Constitution
Business and the Constitution: An Overview
The Nature of Constitutional Decision-making
A. Why the Constitution’s Meaning Changes
B. The Supreme Court’s Power and Limits
III. Enumerate Powers and Independent Constitutional
A. Enumerated powers
B. Independent constitutional checks
IV. State Power to Regulate the Economy
Three Enumerated Congressional Powers
A. The commerce power
1. United States v. Morrison
B. The taxing power
C. The spending power
VI. Independent Constitutional Checks Applying to Both
Congress and the States
A. Incorporation
B. Means-Ends Tests
C. State Action
D. Business and the First Amendment
1. Corporate political speech
2. Commercial speech
-Lorillard Tobacco Co. v. Reilly
E. Due process
1. procedural due process
-Gilbert v. Homar
2. substantive due process
-Lange-Kessler v. Dept. of Education
F. Equal protection
1. rational basis test
-Retail Industry Leaders’ Assn. v. Fielder
(9 edit. ONLY)
-City of Dallas v. Stanglin (8th edit.
2. Strict scrutiny/fairly strict/rational basis
tests compared
G. Independent Constitutional Checks Applying
Only to the States
1. The Contract Clause
2. State regulation of Interstate Commerce
-Wyoming v. Oklahoma
3. Federal preemption
-Egelhoff v. Egelhoff
H. The Takings Clause
1. Taking (9th edit. Only: Kelo v. City of
New London)
2. Property
3. Public Use
4. Just compensation
-Palazzolo v. Rhode Island