Data Centre Access Policy Lingnan University Data Centre Access Policy Introduction The Lingnan University Data Centres (Main and Secondary) provide specific environments, enhanced security access, fire alarm/suppression, Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS), Campus Backbone connectivity, air conditioning and a number of other elements required for missioncritical resources. The procedures described in this document have been developed by ITSC to maintain a secure Data Centre environment and must be followed by all staff working in the Data Centres. It is important that any department/unit contemplating the installation of their servers in a Lingnan University Data Centre fully understands and agrees to these policies. Data Centre Physical Security Guidelines 1. Security Policy Security for the Data Centres is the responsibility of all departments that share space in the Data Centres. The ITSC Database and Network Services team (DNS) is responsible for the implementation of this policy. It is important that all University faculty, staff and business associates follow these policies and practices. Failure to do so can lead to personnel action under the university’s disciplinary procedures. Failure of a vendor, consultant or contractor to follow the guidelines set forth in this document can also be grounds for termination of any commercial agreements and/or potential legal action. 2. Access control to Data Centres Data Centres are restricted areas requiring a much greater level of control than normal non-public University spaces. Only individuals who are expressly authorised to do so by the ITSC Director may enter these areas. University staff are required to apply for access to the Data Centres by filling in the ‘Data Centre Access Request Form’ attached to this document. Access privileges will only be granted to individuals who have a legitimate business need to be in a Data Centre and these areas may only be entered to conduct authorised University business. All departmental staff utilising a Data Centre must familiarise themselves thoroughly with this document. Any questions regarding policies and procedures should be addressed to the ITSC Director. The only exception allowed to temporarily suspend the Data Centre Access Policy rules, is for emergency access for medical, fire and/or police requirements. 2.1 Controlling Access Controlling Access is given to staff that have free access authority to a Data Centre. Controlling Access is granted to ITSC core technical staff and departmental system support teams whose job responsibilities require that they have access to these areas. These individuals also have the authority to grant temporary access to the Data Centre and to enable others to enter and leave the Data Centre. People with Controlling Access are responsible for the security of the area and for any individuals, such as vendors or consultants, which they have authorised to be in a Data Centre. Individuals with Controlling Access to a Data Centre normally will be granted access via smart card and will be placed on the Authorised Access List of the Data Centre smart card door security system. They must also wear their issued staff identification card at all times while in a Data Centre. Any individual receiving Internal Use Page 1 of 5 Data Centre Access Policy Controlling Access must go through a formal background check. If a person with Controlling Access authorises Escorted Access to an individual, the person granting access is responsible for escorting these individuals and making sure that they also sign in and out. If needed, these duties can be delegated to a member of the DNS team on duty in a Data Centre. 2.2 Escorted Access Escorted Access is closely monitored access issued to people who have a legitimate business need for infrequent access to a Data Centre. ‘Infrequent Access’ is generally defined as access required for less than 10 days per year. Individuals with Escorted Access will not be granted access via smart card to the Data Centre. A person given Escorted Access to the area must sign in and out under the direct supervision of a person with Controlling Access. They must provide positive identification upon demand and must leave the area when requested to do so. Escorted Access visitors will be given a ‘Visitor’ badge after they have registered and must be accompanied by a person with Controlling Access. A person with Escorted Access to the area must not allow any other person to enter or leave the area. 2.3 Facilities Management Access The Facilities Management Division (FMD) of Lingnan University is responsible for the maintenance and operational support of all universities building services, such as electricity, CRAC units, etc. It is therefore necessary for FMD staff to access the Data Centres to carry out their duties, such as emergency maintenance on electrical or fire prevention systems during non-office hours. To facilitate this operation, two smart cards for accessing the Data Centres will be granted to the FMD Manager. The FMD Manager is therefore responsible for the control of the FMD staff accessing the Data Centre. It is also the responsibility of the FMD Manager to make sure that all FMD staff who gain access to the Data Centres abide by the rules, guidelines and regulations of the Data Centres. Any violations shall be reported to the University and subject to disciplinary action. 3. Data Centre Door Security All doors to a Data Centre must remain locked at all times and may only be temporarily opened for periods not to exceed that minimally necessary, in order to… Allow officially approved and logged entrance and exit of authorised individuals. Permit the transfer of supplies/equipment as directly supervised by a person with Controlling Access to the area. Prop open a door to the Data Centre ONLY if it is necessary to increase airflow into the Data Centre in the case on an air conditioning failure. In this case, staff with Controlling Access must be present and they must also limit access to a Data Centre. 4. Data Centre Access Termination Periodic reviews by the DNS team will be performed of those with any level of access to the Data Centre. If an individual no longer requires Data Centre access, it will be revoked by removing access privileges from the smart card door security system. The DNS Team reserves the right to revoke the Data Centre privilege without prior notice to any departmental staff due to security reasons. The staff member’s department is also responsible to inform the ITSC Director and the DNS Team to review/terminate access of a person who has terminated his/her employment or current role in the department Internal Use Page 2 of 5 Data Centre Access Policy 5. Exception Reporting When an unauthorised individual is found in the Data Centre it must be reported immediately to a member of the DNS Team. If this occurs during non-office hours, a Campus Security person should be contacted immediately. The unauthorised individual should be escorted from the Data Centre and a full written report should be submitted immediately to the ITSC Director. Any attempt to forcibly or improperly enter a Data Centre should be immediately reported to Campus Security, who should be allowed to deal with the situation. The senior person present should report the incident in writing to ITSC. 6. Requesting Access to the Data Centre Departments that have computer equipment in a Data Centre may request access to the Data Centre. Individuals designated by the requesting department will be granted access, once authorised by the ITSC Director. To initiate access authorisation, the manager or the departmental head of the department requesting access should send a request to the ITSC Director by submitting the ‘Data Centre Access Request Form’. Upon approval by the ITSC Director, the person’s data requesting access will be registered in the Access List of the smart card door security system. At the same time, the person will be provided with a copy of this Data Centre Access Policy document. A copy of the completed Form will be given to the requestor for proof of authorisation. When a staff member who has access to the Data Centre terminates his employment or transfers out of the department, that person’s department must notify the ITSC Director or DNS Team Manager as soon as possible, to enable that person’s access to the Data Centre to be removed. This is extremely important in cases where the employee is terminated under just cause. General Data Centre Operational Guidelines 1. To facilitate the equipment hosting and Data Centre capacity planning, the ITSC Director or DNS Team Manager must be consulted when any new equipment is to be installed in a Data Centre, to facilitate the planning of UPS demand, rack space, console management, network connections, etc. It is advisable to consult the ITSC Director or DNS Team Manager as early as possible (preferably months before the actual equipment is ordered), to confirm that the equipment can actually be housed in a Data Centre. 2. To carry out infrastructure work in a Data Centre, the DNS Team Manager must be notified of all work pertaining to infrastructure in a Data Centre. This includes tasks such as equipment installation/removal, construction or any activity that adds/removes assets to/from a Data Centre. 3. To protect personal safety, all individuals in a Data Centre must conduct their work in observance with all applicable policies related to safety, such as Safety and Health Council Hong Kong, Hong Kong Labor Department, Lingnan University Campus Safety, etc. 4. To maintain Data Centre cleanliness, all individuals in a Data Centre are expected to leave all areas in a clean and tidy state after their work is completed. Boxes and trash must be disposed of properly. Tools must be returned to their rightful place. Food and drink are not allowed in any Data Centres at any time. Internal Use Page 3 of 5 Data Centre Access Policy Data Centre Access Request Form Please read the Data Centre Access Policy document and the Data Centre Conditions of Access overleaf before filling in this form. To: Fax: Email: cc: ITSC-Director (MB401) 2575 8763 Requestor’s Supervisor Requestor’s Department Head Access Request Request Details: Access Termination Access for: Main Data Centre MB203/4-5 Secondary Data Centre NAB205/1 Name of Requestor: Staff Number: Location: Contact No.: Smart Card ID: Requested Date: Unit within Department: Unit Head Contact No.: Name of Unit Head: Signature of Unit Head: Name of Department Head: Department Head Contact No.: Signature of Dept. Head: Reasons for access to the above Data Centre/s: ITSC OFFICE USE ONLY The above request is approved. The above request is not approved. Reason: _________________________________ Approved By: _____________________________________ (ITSC Director) Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Implementation Date: ________________________________ ITSC Reference: Internal Use ________________________________ Page 4 of 5 Data Centre Access Policy Data Centre Conditions of Access Those granted Data Centre access must abide by the following rules… Access must not be used to allow any unauthorised person into a Data Centre. Individuals must not interfere with equipment belonging to other departments or units. Individual that have access MUST formally log in and out ALL visitors that are accompanying them into a Data Centre. Individuals with access privilege must abide by all policies as described in the Lingnan University Data Centre Access Policy document. Violating these rules may result in the revoking of access to a Data Centre. I fully understand and agree to these rules. I also agree to fully cooperate during any investigation concerning security, which might have occurred in a Data Centre during a time when I was present in a Data Centre. Abuse of this access privilege and/or non-compliance with this agreement may result in the removal of access rights and/or disciplinary action. Applicant’s signature: ______________________________ Date: Internal Use ______________________________ Page 5 of 5