From: Yap Siew Choo Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 3:40 PM To: EEE 3rd Year; CPE 3rd Year; EEE 2nd Year; CPE 2nd Year Cc: Mansoor Bin Abdul Jalil Subject: Important Announcement for ECE Year 3 Students <Sem1 AY09/10> Importance: High This email is meant for EE3, CPE3 students of AY0708 intake and Poly direct entry students of AY0809 intake Dear EE3 and CPE3 students, Please take note of the following important announcement regarding module registration: 1. Registration in CORS The various dates and activities for each bidding round are stated in the CORS website Round 0 will commence on 23 July 09 (Thu) at 9 am. You may refer to the study schedule at before bidding in CORS. 2. Pre-allocation of Core modules Grouping Module Pre-allocation EE3 (Group B) of AY0708 Intake EE2007 AY0708 Common Intake streamed to EE2007 EE2011 EE2004 EE2011 Bidding EE/CPE EE3 Direct-entry Poly Students AY0809 Intake CPE3 Direct-entry Poly Students AY0809 Intake CS1102C^ MA1506* (Bid in Round 1A) EE2009 CS1102C^ MA1506* (Bid in Round 1A) ^ Students will be preallocated with CS1102C in sem1 AY09/10 if they have fulfilled its pre-requisite and have not taken/passed CS1102C. *EE3 Direct Poly & CPE3 Direct Poly students are required to bid for MA1506 (in Round 1A) if they have fulfilled its pre-requisite and have not taken/passed MA1506. Students who wish to take EE2001, EE3001 and EG2401 will have to bid for these modules via CORS. CPE students have to bid for their core modules EE3204 and EE3207 via CORS. The Module Planner is just a guide to assist students in planning their study schedule and for the department to determine the quotas. All Students including those who have completed the module planner will still need to bid for their technical electives via CORS. Please refer to the email below on choosing technical electives and UEM. NOTE 1: The core modules listed in the table will be pre-allocated to you if you have fulfilled their pre-requisites. Hence, you do not need to bid for the core modules in CORS. 1 bid point will be deducted from your program account for each pre-allocated module. It is students' responsibility to ensure there are no clashes in timetable (lecture, tutorial and lab) for all the modules. NOTE 2: EE2 core modules (EE2004, EE2005, EE2006, EE2007, EE2009, EE2010, EE2011, EE2012 and CS1102C) are not available for bidding in CORS. Students who wish to retake any of the above modules in Sem1, AY09/10 have to complete an add/drop form at the ECE general office before 7 Aug 2009. NOTE 3: Please take note that the maximum workload is a total of 25 MCs per semester. If you wish to increase your semestral workload to above 25 MCs, you must do so prior to the start of CORS and email the following info to your Year 3 Coordinator A/P Mansoor Jalil ( : (i) Total MCs planning to take in semester 1 (ii) supporting reasons (iii) sem 1 workplan (module code, title and its respective MCs - please check against CORS for the most updated MCs) (iv) personal details (matric no, course code, current CAP) 3. Tutorial and Lab Groups Registration Tutorial registration for EE2 modules will begin from 7 Aug, 11 to 12 Aug 08 (same period as CELC tutorial registration). You are allowed to add/drop/swap your tutorial groups only via CORS. Tutorial registration forMA1506 will begin from 14 to 19 Aug 08 (Iteration 2). You are allowed to add/drop/swap your tutorial groups only via CORS. For CS1102C : Tutorial & Lab sessions will be PRE-ALLOCATED to ECE students. Students are to check own CORS account. Students are STRONGLY DISCOURAGED to change lab/tutorial classes. Those who really need to change tutorial/lab classes need to do so via CORS on 19 Aug 09 using the add/drop/swap feature in CORS. For CS1102C manual registration of tutorials and labs, you need to file an appeal online via CORS by using “Appeal/Change of Tutorial Class” appeal category on 20 and 21 Aug 2009 (0900 to 1700). Laboratory registration for EE2 modules is done via from 17 Aug to 19 Aug 09. The module lecturers with inform you of the lab schedule, if any, for the level 3-4 technical elective modules after registration. Laboratory registration forMA1506 will begin from 14 to 19 Aug 08 (Iteration 2) via CORS. Note: Requests for tutorial/laboratory group changes will NOT be entertained after the add/drop/swap period. 4. University Level Requirement (ULR) modules Students who wish to take GEMs and/or ULR Breadth modules have to ensure that the timetables of these modules do NOT clash with the class (lecture, tutorial & lab) and examination timetables of their essential modules. Please refer to the ULR Breath website and GEM website for more details. 5. Important ECE3 Briefing An important ECE3 Briefing has been scheduled for all Year 3 Students on 6 Aug 09 (Thursday) at 10 am in LT6. We will be giving information on the year 3 curriculum, etc. You are encouraged to attend this briefing. 6. Non-ECE Technical Electives Below is a list of non-ECE technical electives. You are encouraged to bid for the electives that you are interested in. NEW TECHNICAL ELECTIVES OFFERED IN SEM 1 AY2009/10 COMMUNICATIONS Breadth EE3104 Introduction to RF and Microwave Systems & Circuits Depth EE4113 Digital Communications & Coding Pre: EE2011 Pre: EE2012 & EE3103 Anti-req: EE4102 or EE4103 NON-ECE TECHNICAL ELECTIVES OFFERED IN SEM 1 AY2009/10 BIOELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Depth BN4406 Biophotonics and Bioimaging ENGINEERING SCIENCE Breadth ESP3401 Photovoltaic Devices & Systems ** IE2110 Operations Research I INFORMATION PROCESSING Breadth CS2102 Database Systems CS2103 Software Engineering CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms CS3241 Computer Graphics CS3243 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence CONTROL AND AUTOMATION Depth ME4245 Robot Kinematics, Dynamics and Control MICROELECTRONICS Depth ESP4302 Nanophotonics ** Pre: EE2009 Pre: EE2004 / PC2133 / MLE2105 Pre : (MA1505 & MA1506) / MA1102R Anti: DSC3214, MA2215, MA3236 Pre: CS1102/C/S and (CS1231/MA1100) Anti: CS2102S/IT2002 Pre: CS1102/C/S Pre: CS1104 or EE2007 Pre: CS1102/C/S and CS1231/S Pre: CS1102/C/S Pre: CS1102/C/S and CS1231 Pre: EE2010 Pre: EE2011/ESP2104/PC2131 ** Very limited places available on pre-allocation basis. If you wish to register for ESP3401 or ESP4302, please use your NUSNET email to send your full name, matric number, course code, HP, CAP to by 24 July 09. 7. Important Websites You can refer to the following websites for important information on: - Recommended study schedules at - FFG Checklist at - Choosing of technical electives and UEMs at - AY2009/2010 Technical elective modules for EE & CPE at - Class timetable for ECE modules Class timetable for EG2401 at - Laboratory schedule for EE2 core modules at - Examination timetable at <YET TO UPDATE BY RO> (check for timetable clashes before bidding for your modules) - Enhancement programs at If you have any enquiries, please contact your Year 3 Academic Coordinator, A/P Mansoor Jalil ( . Contact person for EE2 module queries - Ms Elyn Yip ( Contact person for EE3 & EE4 module queries – Ms SC Yap ( Thank you. YAP Siew Choo (Ms) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering National University of Singapore