New Student Organization Proposal Form - Student Life - Yale

New Student Organization Proposal Form Prospective Student Organization Name: Contact Person Name: Contact Person E-­‐mail/Phone: Prospective Advisor: Short Answer Questions – Please write on a separate sheet of paper. The full proposal should be 2-­‐3 pages. 1. What would be the primary purpose of your organization? a. Please include a full mission statement for your organization. 2. How will your organization make Yale-­‐NUS College better? 3. What types of events would your organization sponsor and/or what types of services would it provide? Please submit the proposal, signature sheet, constitution, and budget proposal as one printed document to the Dean of Students Office. All documents can be found and downloaded here: http://studentlife.yale-­‐­‐organisations/new-­‐student-­‐
organisations/ Any questions, please contact Andrew McGeehan, Manager for Student Activities(Andrew.mcgeehan@yale-­‐ 