34. acquire 69. boundary Essential Reading 4 Unit 7 How to get your foot in the door, p. 73 1. dictate 2. attribute 3. consistently 4. self-motivated 5. academic 6. achievement 35. customer 36. prioritize 37. advantage 38. etiquette 39. defensive 40. eye contact 41. confident 42. vague 43. be keen to 44. external 70. psychological 71. have an effect on 72. paranormal 73. phenomena 74. fascination 75. coverage 76. haunted 77. ancestral 78. wallet 79. alien 7. flexible 8. adaptable 9. analytical 45. seminar 46. stand sb. in good stead 80. pop up 81. on a regular basis 82. statue 10. ethical 11. interpersonal 12. promotion 13. concise 14. be free from 15. identify 16. prospective 47. inquire candidate 48. reluctant 49. stand out 50. irrelevant 51. requirement 52. concrete 53. perk 83. complex 84. crop 85. remote 86. psychics 87. a bunch of 88. charismatic 89. stun 17. work out 18. highlight 19. irrelevant 20. qualification 21. reverse 22. chronological 23. omit 24. fit into 25. resume 54. pension 55. negotiate Unit 8 The paranormal, p. 82 56. release 57. rural 58. community 59. inhabitant 60. candlelight 90. skeptics 91. rational 92. turn to 93. propose 94. a number of 95. spooky 96. encounter 97. cue 98. carry out 26. investigation 27. parrot 28. objective 29. refer to 30. persuade 31. genuinely 32. be bound to 33. catering 61. blood-curdling 62. monster 63. prisoner 64. advent 65. decent 66. infrastructure 67. superstitious 68. suspicion 99. intensity 100. temperature 101. presence 102. prior 103. magnetic 104. physiology 105. hallucination 106. vibration I. Vocabulary List 1 107. identity 144. volcanic eruption 108. Jupiter 109. Venus 110. astral 111. flocks of 112. observer 113. abduction 114. prevalent 115. hypnosis 116. distorted 117. hypnotist 145. landslide 146. plane crash 147. diver 148. freezing 149. be swept away 150. hypothermia 151. dehydration 152. be determined to 153. protein 154. raw the tiger, p. 105 181. subcontinent 182. conservationist 183. residence 184. cramped 185. filthy 186. orphanage 187. exotic 188. abandon 189. destroy 190. random 118. upsurge 119. be preoccupied with 120. terrorism 155. oxygen 156. tank 157. fiancée 191. escape 192. fatality 193. statistic 121. decline 122. scathe 123. deceased 124. oddly 125. apparent 126. relevance 127. manipulate 158. rescue 159. hallucinate 160. advantage 161. summit 162. descend 163. blizzard 164. compass 194. astound 195. estimate 196. species 197. basement 198. shed 199. extinction 200. previously Unit 9 What if…, p. 95 128. flick 129. theme 130. survival 131. lightweight 132. contestant 133. let alone 134. factual 135. shoelaces 165. rationing 166. frostbite 167. shelter 168. hold on 169. leash 170. tourniquet 171. inspiration 172. endure 173. temperature 201. reduction 202. territory 203. prey 204. habitat 205. wipe out 206. prohibit 207. temptation 208. poacher 209. trapping 136. beetle 137. in case 138. shipwreck 139. jungle 140. convenient 141. gadget 142. in control 143. tsunami 174. a series of 175. practical 176. blanket 177. fuselage 178. avalanche 179. run out 180. starvation 210. guarantee 211. survival 212. smuggle 213. federation 214. poacher 215. bred 216. pharmaceutical 217. reserve Unit 10 The tragedy of 2 218. graze 254. combat 290. demurely 219. obtain 220. endanger 221. captive 222. genetically Unit 11 Big brother is getting bigger, p. 117 223. transaction 224. swift 225. trail 226. purchase 255. fraud 256. essential 257. immigration 258. terrorism 259. in addition to 260. intelligence 261. privilege 262. libertarian 263. offender 264. arrestable 291. go out with 292. significant 293. anniversary 294. manipulation 295. trick 296. impress 297. patronize 298. break up 299. come out 300. sequel 227. preference 228. interrupt 229. unsolicited 265. offense 266. hack 267. profile 301. check out 302. guru 303. literary 230. obsolete 231. herald 232. budget 233. microchip 234. at risk of 235. far-fetched 236. invade 268. vendetta 269. conviction 270. evasion 271. analysis 272. insurance 273. scenario 274. discriminate 304. emesis 305. autobiographical 306. seduction 307. guidance 308. a variety of 309. compliment 310. insult 237. surveillance 238. signature 239. compulsory 240. be about to 241. biometric 242. institution 243. nuclear 244. facility 245. iris scan 275. religion 311. gratefully 312. squeeze 313. bait 314. target 315. feminist 316. can not help 317. admit 318. confusion 319. vulnerable 246. recognition 247. affluent 248. breeze 249. suspicion 250. contemplate 251. deployment 252. initially 253. propose 282. regret 283. no wonder 284. incredible 285. get hold of 286. Mr. Right 287. sacred 288. resist 289. attentively Unit 12 Words of love, p. 127 276. lecture 277. manual 278. minefield 279. potential 280. embarrassment 281. disaster 3 320. exploitation 321. a great deal of 322. elusive 323. obviously 324. pressure 325. soulmate II. English News 1. Cabinet reshuffle to see many old faces in new roles (2012/01/30) A. Glossary No. English 1 cabinet Chinese 內閣 2 Premier 行政院長 3 deflect 使轉向 4 in particular 尤其 5 finance minister 財政部長 6 pledge 保證 7 reshuffle 改組 8 minister without portfolio 政務委員 9 defender 防禦者 10 vacate 空出的 11 be made up of 由…組成 12 bolster 支持 13 allocation 配置;分配 14 fell at ease 感到自在 15 outgoing 即將離職的 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 在馬總統的催促下,陳沖點頭並接受行政院長的職缺。他保證和他即將到任的副 院長,及即將離職的內政部長江宜樺,運作內閣重組。許多人特別注意財政部長 的人選。現任經濟部長施顏祥留任。經建會主委劉憶如傳說是下一任財政部長。 同時,政務委員且是 ECFA 的捍衛者將接任劉的經建會空缺。對許多人而言,馬 的新內閣將由老的,熟悉的面孔組成。陳沖的委派似乎因為今天股市上漲的表現 而更加穩固。 2. Amendment to increase time foreign laborers can work in Taiwan (2012/01/20) A. Glossary No. English 1 foreign caregiver Chinese 外勞 2 amendment 修正案 3 the Legislature 立法院 4 the labor union 勞團 5 legislation 立法;法規 4 6 an extra legislative session 立院臨時會 7 the Employment Service Act 就業服務修正法 對一些雇用外籍勞工的家庭而言,他們在過年前收到一個提前的禮物,那就是修 法延長外勞的居留在立法院已經明朗化。但是勞工團體反對這個法規,因為它讓 公司雇用較便宜的外勞更久,此舉可能會影響當地人的薪資與雇用。 延長外籍勞工的合約似乎也可以運用在藍領勞工。民進黨批國民黨的這個提議只 是給大財團利益,但忽略對本地居民受雇與薪資的影響。 3. License needed to sell dried red dates (2011/12/06) A. Glossary No. English 1 red date Chinese 紅棗 2 beverage 飲料 3 the Department of Health 衛生署 4 regulation 規定 5 longan 龍眼 6 spleen 脾臟 7 whet 促進 8 appetite 食慾 9 categorize 分類 10 antiquate 過時的 11 surplus 過剩的 12 revise 修訂 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 在寒冷的冬天,一杯桂圓紅棗茶是最好的樂事。它不但能夠暖暖身子,還能健脾 補血又開胃。不過,即使是一種普遍的飲料,在它裡面的紅棗被認為是中藥,因 此被特別管理。紅棗可以食用也可以乾用,但是後者若無執照的話,銷售是非法 的,因為他們被認為是中藥。衛生署說這是因為一種過時的規定,它將被修訂。 4. Food experts warn against storing chocolate too long (2011/12/13) A. Glossary No. English 1 expire Chinese 過期 2 scandal 醜事 3 emerge 出現,發生 4 distinguish 區別 5 5 Celsius 攝氏的 6 crystal 結晶體 7 oxidize 氧化 8 fell weighed down 感到頹喪 9 oxidization 氧化 10 dessert 甜點 11 vacuum bag 真空袋 12 defrost 溶化;除霜 13 come in handy 遲早有用 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 在新聞披露過期食物醜事後,食物專家警告儲存巧克力太久的危險性。雖然新鮮 及過期的巧克力不易用肉眼辨識,其他的判斷力遲早有用。巧克力的溶點大約攝 氏 30 度。手指的溫度就能夠溶化它。劣質的巧克力手碰到也不會溶化。過期的 巧克力有一個硬的,平滑的表面,當摩擦時會產生小結晶體。巧克力儲存過久或 儲存不當很容易氧化。吃它的人會感到頹喪。 5. Shida vendors appeal to local residents, authorities to let them survive (2012/02/09) A. Glossary No. English 1 crack down Chinese 取締;勒令停業 2 resident 居民 3 launch 開始 4 self-discipline movement 自救活動 5 rain gear 雨具 6 dismantle 拆除 7 accumulate 累積 8 shut down 停工 9 faint 昏倒 10 emit 發出 11 adamant 固執的 12 trial period 觀察期 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 台北市政府要取締在師大商圈的非法攤販,此事乃被憤怒的居民所逼,他們害怕 商圈的擴張將破壞他們生活的品質。將近 500 名攤販今天抗爭,並提出自律運 動,請求政府及當地居民給他們另一個機會。 6 穿著雨具及面罩,數以百計的攤販聚集並要求當地居民及政府諒解,而且讓他們 生存。為了表現他們的誠意,他們拆了店裡的招牌,嘗試恢復這個住宅區的感覺。 有些居名非常堅硬,保護他們的生活品質,有些則願意給商家一個觀察期來測試 他們的誠意。總言之,這是一個很難讓每一個人都滿意的爭論。 6. Taipei to discontinue single-version textbook policy (2012/01/30) A. Glossary No. English 1 frustrated Chinese 沮喪的 2 curriculum 課程 3 discontinue 中斷 4 the single-version textbook policy 一綱一本政策 5 compulsory education 義務教育 6 reassess 再評估 7 ire 憤怒 8 integrate into 整合 9 out of step 不一致 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 在台北的父母因為台北市教育政策經常改變而感到非常沮喪。許多政策和中央政 府的指導方針不一致。今天台北市再度改變方向,當市長郝龍斌說將停止要求所 有學校一種科目使用一本教科書。 台北市一綱一本的政策始於 2008 年 9 月,有關於台北市如何計算入學參考成績 的問題常引發父母的憤怒。郝龍斌的教育團對現在必須尋找一個方法讓他們能夠 和 12 年國教系統整合 7. NTU team develops home virus testing kit (2012/02/03) A. Glossary No. English 1 godsend Chinese 天賜之物 2 home testing kit 居家檢測儀 3 screen 篩檢 4 viruses 病毒 5 influenza 流行性感冒 6 contract 感染 7 enterovirus 腸病毒 8 adenovirus 腺病毒 9 NTU’s Center for Optoelectric Biomedicine 台大光電醫學中心 7 10 nanometer 柰米 11 protein 蛋白質 12 deficiency 不足 13 National Health Insurance card 健保卡 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 台灣大學今天的一項醫療發明讓人們在 15 分鐘內,在家,就能發現他們是否感 染感冒,腸病毒或腺病毒。在得到結果後,他們能夠用智慧型手機將結果送給醫 生分析。這個居家檢測儀研最大的益處就是使用者不必去看醫生,而且冒被其他 細菌或病毒感染的風險。每一套檢測儀約八千塊,不像到醫院,它不可以用健保 卡。它也只能篩檢病毒。 8. Vitamin D and folic acid deficiencies could contribute to depression (2011/12/23) A. Glossary No. English 1 depression Chinese 憂鬱;沮喪 2 symptom 症狀 3 nutritional 營癢的 4 folic acid 葉酸 5 Vitamin D 維他命 D 6 mood-booster 心情提升器 7 exposure 曝曬 8 feature 特徵 9 contributing 貢獻的 10 genetics 遺傳學 11 nutrient 營癢的 12 cerebral region 大腦區 13 conduction 傳導 14 nerve signal 神經傳導 15 osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆 16 broccoli 綠花椰菜 17 spinach 菠菜 18 citrus 柑橘 19 abundant 充足的 20 anemia 貧血 21 neural defect 神經管缺陷 8 22 吸收 intake B. Oral Interpretation Practice 沮喪或情緒低潮是近代生活的普遍現象。然而導致的因素包括疾病,遺傳,缺乏 重要的營養物也可能導致情緒低潮的原因。醫生建議道葉酸及維他命 D 對於情 緒平衡是非常重要的。而且,足夠的太陽曝曬也是能夠提升心情。醫生建議均衡 的飲食包括魚肉、動物肝臟、乳製品、蛋白質,這些可預防骨質疏鬆、心臟病、 癌症。同時,青花菜、菠菜、柑橘類水果、番茄等都富含葉酸成分,這些能預防 貧血、神經管缺陷,並幫助腦部正常運作。 9. Xinzhuang MRT Opens on Jan 5 (2012/01/02) A. Glossary No. English 1 free of charge Chinese 免費 2 debate 辯論 3 capacity 容量 4 commuter 通勤者 5 dispute 爭論 6 sanatorium 療養院 7 resolution 決心 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 臺北市政府宣佈,捷運新莊線確定將在 1/5,正式通車,啟用輔大到台北橋站共 七個車站。上路後一個月,民眾能夠免費試乘。然而,有些人認為通車時機有政 治動機;附近樂生療養院的爭議也在持續中。 台北市長郝龍斌表示,靠近樂生療養院的工程已進行補強,而且沒有任何安全的 爭議。除此,他強調,市府很希望能跟樂生運動者坐下來好好談以達到和解,他 們希望能夠保留這個歷史的建構,。 10. Taxis permitted to raise fares over Lunar New Year. (2012/01/09) A. Glossary No. English 1 fare Chinese 費用 2 assess 估計 3 surcharge 加收費用 4 fleet 車隊 5 pledge 保證 6 take effect 見效 9 7 bonus 獎金 8 precedent 先例 9 Taipei’s Public Transportation Office 台北公運處 10 violate 違反 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 北市民眾在過年假日前,搭小黃可能會多花一些錢。小黃車資除了比造夜間加成 收費,另外深夜 11 點後搭乘更加收到 40 元。多數在台灣的車隊都會遵從指示, 然而台灣大車隊是依循往年的慣例而不加價。很多計程車司機相信它是一個難得 的機會在過年間賺一點錢。公運處說春節期間加不加價都是允許的,沒有觸法的 問題。 11. Developer cuts prices on new housing project (2012/01/04) A. Glossary No. English 1 housing transaction Chinese 房屋交易 2 dramatically 戲劇性地 3 branch office 分店 4 drop a bombshell 投下震撼彈 5 implementation 完成 6 luxury tax 奢侈稅 7 chaotic 紊亂的 8 initial 開始的 9 stimulate 刺激 10 estimate 估計 11 brokerage 房仲業 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 自從去年底以來,房屋交易劇烈減緩,導致房仲業者考慮關掉分店。更有知名建 商甚至投下一顆震撼彈,宣布在大台北地區的一些建案要降價達 25%。而在附近 的士林夜市地區,每一個預售案的價格更是調降至 25%,這件事震驚房仲業。 自從奢侈稅實施後,成交的速度變得比較慢,至少有一半。開價的價格不跟著市 場,導致價格紊亂。即使降價,許多房仲業者不相信它足以刺激這個產業,因為 它已經進入慣性地緩冬期。 12. Deliver service helps New Year shoppers (2012/01/09) A. Glossary No. English Chinese 10 1 delivery 遞送 2 ply 不斷地工作;定期往返 3 cart 推車 4 designate 指定 5 sausage 香腸 6 pushcart 手推車 7 shredded squid 尤魚絲 8 vegetarian 素食的 9 scallop 干貝 10 chase 追逐 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 有一項新的服務讓人們更容易來應應付新年假期。宅配公司在迪化街忙進忙出, 協助購買者運貨到家。宅配業者是令人滿意的,因為人們不需要提著很多的袋 子。一個走在人群中的人叫囂著,當推著一個推車的時候。他正在提供宅配服務。 打包你要的東西到箱裡,他就會宅配到你家。 為了幫助人們購物,一家香腸店準備了 200 輛手推車,在店裡消費一定的總額, 便免費得到一台。一間郵局在這條街上設立攤販,幫助人們將他們的購買物送達 到家。 13. Health club group founder Candy Tang given 22-month sentence for fraud (2011/12/15) A. Glossary No. English 1 health club Chinese 健身中心 2 founder 創立者 3 be indicted on 因…被告發 4 fraud charge 詐欺罪 5 be sentenced to 被判 6 in jail 入監 7 go bankrupt 破產 8 distraught 心煩意亂的 9 dismay 驚慌;沮喪 10 sector 區域 11 harsh 嚴厲的 12 negative 否定的 13 bravely 勇敢地 14 abruptly 突然地 11 15 shut down 關閉 16 prosecutor 檢察官 17 pre-paid membership 預繳費的會員 18 be headed for 前往 19 insolvency 無力償還,破產 20 suspend 緩刑 21 appeal 上訴 22 scheme 計畫 23 verdict 判決 24 summon 傳喚 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 亞力山大集團曾經營台灣最大的健身俱樂部,但是它在最近 2007 年突然宣佈倒 閉,負責人唐雅君被以詐欺罪起訴。公司的倒閉讓超過六千名的會員損失預繳會 員合約的錢。檢察官發現唐雅君和她的妹妹販賣預繳會員資格,即使在她們知道 公司運作正朝無力償還的方向走。在過程中她們總共吸金台幣 3 億 2 千多萬。 今天唐的案件結案。她被判 22 個月發監服刑。在判決後,唐非常慌亂。唐表示 她對高院決定的失望。這個判決是最終的,而且不能上訴。唐氏姊妹將被召喚報 到,進行服刑。 14. Many criticize excessive funding for theme lanterns, and relocation to other parts of the city. (2012/02/05) A. Glossary No. English 1 Taipei’s Lantern Festival Chinese 台北燈節 2 officially 官方地 3 theme lantern 主燈 4 reside 居住 5 eyesore 眼中釘 6 Taipei City Council 台北市議會 7 allocate 分配 8 annual 一年的 9 highlight 強調 10 be thrilled to 非常興奮的 11 spectacle 景象;奇觀 12 consecutive 連續不斷的 13 adopt 採取 14 narcissistic 自我陶醉的 12 15 delude 欺騙;迷惑 16 conservation 保存 B. Oral Interpretation Practice 台北燈節週三正式登場,雖然對於去年主登「貝比兔」的記憶仍然留在許多人心 中,這個燈現被擺在自強隧道口,任憑風吹雨淋,而且即將變成難看之物。台北 市政府議員批評當地政府每年花些八千萬為了這些主燈,他們只有一年短暫有用 的生命。 官員承諾會再研議辦法,拉長主燈的壽命,讓它成為對自然資源以及環境保護的 成功例子。 III. Extensive Reading 1. The Law No One Likes The power goes out during the night, so your digital alarm clock doesn’t go off in the morning. You wake up late for work and dash to the bathroom to take a quick shower, but there’s no hot water. Then you bolt to your car, but it won’t start, so you hail a taxi. However, the cab driver takes a wrong turn, and now you’re stuck in traffic. You try to call your boss to tell him you’ll be late, but your cell phone battery is dead. In horror, you realize that you are the latest victim of the dreaded Murphy’s Law 莫 非定理. In its simples form, Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. However, this is one tricky law that has many corollaries to it, and they’re often the ones to watch out for. Murphy’s Law can apply to almost any situation, and it can be useful when you desperately need something to laugh about. Some great adaptations of it have been devised over the years. As an example, Murphy’s Law of Taking Tests states, “ If you have an open-book exam, you will forget your book.” The corollary to this is “If you have a take-home exam, you will forget where you live.” The true origin of Murphy’s Law is probably lost to history. Nevertheless, when things go bad, you can make yourself feel better by quoting the long version of it. “If anything can go wrong, it will, and at the most inopportune time. It will be all your fault, and everyone will know it.” Then, just grin and bear it, for strangely enough, Murphy was actually an optimist. 2. The Origins of Company Names Many companies and their brands are popular worldwide. We see and say their names all the time, and sometimes they become synonymous with products. Where 13 they exactly do these names come from? Some company names are quite simple. For example, cell phone maker Nokia is named after a city in Finland, and Starbucks comes from a character’s name in the book Moby Dick. Other companies, though, have more interesting stories. Steve Jobs, a cofounder of a tiny computer company, was three months late in filing a name for the company. One day, he threatened to call the company Apple, his favorite fruit, if his colleagues didn’t suggest a better name by 5p.m. Apparently, they didn’t. Once, a small shoe company called Blue Ribbon Sports needed a flashier name. A company employee one night dreamt of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, and suggested using it. Perhaps divine intervention has since played a role in the company’s success. Meaning isn’t always relevant. Haagen-Dazs ice cream is to die for, but the name doesn’t make sense in any language. As an ice cream vendor, Reuben Mattus struggled to make ends meet, so he invited the exotic-sounding name. Under the banner Haggen-Dazs, people devoured his ice cream and his sales soared. “Google it” has also become a common phrase. The founders initially chose the word “googol,” meaning a very large number. When registering the company, they accidentally misspelled the word. Some business owners fuss over company names like they’re naming their own baby. Creating a catchy name from scratch is not easy, but with the stories of these successful companies, it seems surprisingly simple. 3. Bill Gates: Ambition and Generosity Meet When you are one of the richest people in the world, other people are going to talk about you. Some will love you and praise everything you do, while others will hate you and criticize your every move. This is certainly the case with Bill Gates. He has been called everything from a genius and a visionary to a bully and an imitator. Some have even gone so far as to label him the Antichrist. For all the talk about him though, few people really know much about the details of his life. Contrary to popular belief, Bill Gates’ success is not a rags-to-riches story. Rather, it is more of a rich-to-superrich tale. Gates was born into a wealthy family in Seattle, Washington, where his father was a prominent lawyer. While attending one of the area’s best prep schools, the exclusive Lakeside School, Gates met his future business partner Paul Allen. Bill Gates was a good student, but he really began to excel upon his first encounter with a computer in the eighth grade. It was love at first sight. Gates quickly went on to write his first computer program, a simple game of tic-tac-toe 圈圈叉叉遊 14 戲 that let users play against the computer. After scoring a near-perfect 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT, Gates entered Harvard in 1973. Though he didn’t have a definite study plan there, he remained fascinated by computers. Prices of computer chips were dropping, and Gates realized that personal computers would soon become popular. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he decided to start a computer software company with his old friend Paul Allen in 1975. Gates took a leave of absence from Harvard, but only after getting the full support of his parents. They saw how passionate he was about starting this business. At times, Gates took this passion a bit too far as he strove to make this new company—then called Micro-soft—a success. An active, hands-on 事必躬親 boss, Gates could be pretty tough. If he disagreed with an employee, he would often say, “That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever hears!” In the years that followed, Gates cut back on and then gave up entirely the daily responsibility of running Microsoft. Instead, he focused on working with his wife on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Still in his early fifties, Bill Gates continues to do things his way. Love him or hate him, you have to respect him. He made billions, and now he’s giving it away to help others. 4. Shopless Shopping Internet auctions are fast replacing shops in many areas of the market. Originally they were used mostly by people who wanted to sell unwanted items—kind of like an electronic garage sale. Now, those sellers are being replaced by businesspeople who are using Internet auctions to make a living. Some of them are even becoming rich off their online stores. The kinds of products sold on Taiwanese auction Web sites are very different from those in the West. For example, on Yahoo! Taiwan’s auction site, the most popular items are women’s clothing and products, followed by books and pop-culture accessories. By comparison, 90 percent of the items found on eBay in America are collectibles—useful products only make up about 10 percent. “ And Asians are more concerned with prices,” adds Jeffrey Nobles, eBay Taiwan’s general manager. So, what makes a product stand out among the countless others available online? Besides price and attractiveness, the most important thing is that a product be unique. Things like army tanks, plastic bags from the Philippines are just some of the items that have caused a stir. This just shows that you need plenty of imagination and daring to create a new Internet-auction fad. As for becoming a smart online shopper, before going on a shopping spree, pay attention to sellers’ ratings as well as other buyers’ opinions about the service the seller has given. The method of transaction is also important. It’s always best to get 15 the seller to confirm clearly whether it’s wire transfer 電匯, check, online payment, or COD (cash on delivery or collect on delivery 交貨取款). Perhaps the most important thing is not to be too greedy in your quest for a bargain. If you think a price is too good to be true, it probably is. 5. Baseball’s Never-Ending Rivalry Ask any sports fan from North America what the most heated rivalry is, and you’re likely to be told the Yankees versus the Red Sox. For over a century, these two teams have battled like two fighters trying to land the knockout blow 給予猛 烈一擊. Indeed, New York versus Boston has all the elements of a great rivalry: history, intrigue, “passion, and animosity.” It’s true; the team (and their fans) don’t like each other, to put it mildly. Our story begins way back in 1901 when both teams became members of the American League. At first, Boston enjoyed more success than New York, winning the first-ever World Series title in 1903, and another four by 1918. All that changed, however, when the Red Sox sold a young pitcher-turned-slugger named Babe Ruth to the Yankees in 1920. According to popular legend, the sale was made to pay for a Broadway musical, and it was a mistake that would haunt Boston for the rest of the century. “The Bambino,” as Ruth was nicknamed, went on to help his new team win ten World Series titles and establish the Yankees as baseball’s top team. The Red Sox, on the other hand, saw their fortune head south. For eighty-six years, Boston and its fans endured on hardship after another in what became known as “the Curse of the Bambino.” All of this changed in 2004 when the Red Sox finally beat the Yankees. Trailing by three games and facing elimination in the AL Championship Series, Boston came back to win in dramatic fashion. “The Curse of Bambino had finally broken, and Red Sox proceeded to win their first World Series since 1918, sweeping the St. Louis Cardinals in four games. Eighty-six years of waiting had finally come to an end. 6. The Inside Scoop About Gossip Everyone spreads a little bit of gossip from time to time. We hear it in the classroom and at work. We see it in print, on television, and on the Internet. While we all know that gossip is usually viewed as a bad thing, in many cases it can actually be the opposite. About two-thirds of our conversations revolve around gossip. For humans, gossiping is a social activity that can be compared with the way primates groom each 16 other’s fur. Gossiping helps the brain release endorphins, which help relieve stress and boost the immune system. Researchers have found that people can bond with new friends more quickly by sharing mildly negative gossip. By sharing information about others, people help cement their relationships. Both men and women tend to gossip the same amount, but they different in whom they tell. Men will usually share juicy bits of gossip with romantic partners instead of male friends. Women, on the other hand, will share this information equally with both friends and lovers. We’ll all continue to gossip throughout our lives, as it is part of human nature. The key is to use gossip as a healthy social activity, yet try to avoid passing on information that is nothing but hurtful to others. 7. Dying on Stage Laughing is a fun, healthy thing to do, and everyone likes to hear a good joke. Some jokes make you giggle, while others make you laugh so hard that your stomach hurts. Take this great joke for example: What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? Nothing. Chimneys can’t talk. How does that joke make you feel? Are you possibly feeling a little angry or annoyed because you were promised a good joke and then told a stupid one? Well, if you rolled your eyes at 報以白眼 that joke, you’re not alone. A unique study was done by Nancy Bell at the University of Washington that focused on bad jokes. She asked fellow researchers to tell a bad joke in the midst of a normal conversation and record the responses. The reactions they got 44 percent of the time for telling the above joke were insults, dirty talks, and even punches in the arm. Comedians have long been aware of the dangers of a poorly received joke. They call it “dying on stage”台上斃命 when they tell a joke that the crowd doesn’t appreciate. Some audiences are so tough that they will boo comedians offstage or even worse. People often react rudely because stupid jokes are an insult to a person’s intelligence. In other words, you believe the person you’re telling the joke to is stupid enough to laugh at it. She also noted that telling a stupid joke annoys people because it disturbs the normal flow of conversation. What do gorillas has big nostrils? Because they have big fingers. 8. The Truth about Vincent van Gogh It is safe to say that most people have heard the painter Vincent van Gogh. Most 17 have probably heard many stories and legends about this artist as well. According to popular belief, van Gogh was a brilliant but troubled artist who cared only about painting. He was often alone, and his work was never appreciated until after his death. Though there is some truth to these stories, the real story of van Gogh is a bit more complicated. Contrary to popular belief, van Gogh was not a child genius. Born in 1893 to a large Dutch family in southern Holland, he showed no special artistic skill as a youth, although he was a serious student in school. It may also be surprising to learn that van Gogh did not enter the art world as a painter, but as an art dealer. At the age of sixteen, he began working as an assistant in a large art dealer in The Hague, then in London, and finally in Paris. Van Gogh was successful, but he became unhappy with this career after a while. He did not like to see art treated as a product—something that could be bought and sold. He often became angry with his customers for looking at art this way. Van Gogh’s treatment of customers soon cost him his job. Unemployed and looking for a purpose in life, van Gogh did not turn to painting but to preaching. He became a missionary, and he began living with and helping the poor in a coal mining district in Belgium. It was Vincent’s brother Theo who finally convinced him, at the age of 27, to take up art seriously. After moving to Brussels in 1880, van Gogh began to study at the Royal Academy of Arts. It was at this point in his life that van Gogh began to draw and paint in earnest. For the next few years, van Gogh lived in several different European cities, spending most of his time painting. Although some stories say that van Gogh lived in isolation and did noting but paint, he often went to art museums and galleries to study the work of other painters. He even had a relationship of two, though he never married. While it is true that van Gogh lived the life of a starving artist, he was fortunate enough to receive money on a regular basis from his brother. Theo. This support allowed van Gogh the freedom to paint without having to work to pay his expense. In the last of his life, van Gogh’s mental and physical health declined, yet he never stopped painting. The Starry Night and Portrait of Dr. Gachet were both completed before his suicide in 1890. He died at the age of 37. Van Gogh’s fame grew after his death. His paintings became of major importance to art, inspiring the style of known as Expressionism. Vincent van Gogh may have struggled with problems, but he painted in a way no one else could. 9. Where Smell and Taste Diverge 18 The word about Taiwan’s stinky tofu is spreading like the odor of a sweaty football jersey. Lovers of this unusual soy dish have long been used to the smell. However, newcomers to the island stumble back from the clouds of steamy tofu stench, wondering what could be causing such foulness. Taiwan may be famous for it, but it certainly isn’t the only place where stinky food is eaten. Strong-smelling dishes can be found in all parts of the world. If you jump over to Japan, you’ll find a meal that will torture your nose but tickle your taste buds. Popular for breakfast, natto is fermented soybeans. Usually eaten on top of rice with a little bit of soy sauce, natto has a nutty, delicious taste, but unfortunately smells like urine. Get past the smell if you can, because natto is good for your heart The odor of kimchi, a fermented cabbage dish from Korea, is an annoying guest whose smell lingers in refrigerators and on dishes. Some suggest the best way to deal with the lasting smell is to use ground coffee beans, baking soda or lemon water to soak up the odor. Others say you should just throw out your refrigerator and dishes. Durian fruit is popular throughout Southeast Asia, and it gives off a strange mix of aromas. Take the scent of rose, lavender, apples, vomit, and a bit of turpentine, and you’ll have something near the smell or durian. Don’t take durian on the subway or into your hotel. You’ll be kicked out quicker than Naomi Campbell from a British Airways office. Where Asia has it stinky soy products and durian fruit, Europe has its cheeses. Stinking Bishop from England smells like old socks, and most people will put it in the trunk of their car when transporting it home form the cheese prize with Epoisse. It is the true hazmat of cheeses and is banned from public transport. If you’re brave, there’s plenty of smelly food you can try. Remember to be kind, and eat it downwind of others. 10.Yang En-tien—Embracing Life Without Arms On Christmas Day in 1976, former president Chiang Ching-kuo visited the Liouguei Orphanage in Kaohsiung County. There, he lifted up and hugged a three-year-old girl who had no arms. The photograph of this meeting made the girl famous island-wide, and eventually the meeting was memorialized on a postage stamp. That little girl was Yang En-tien. Born with no arms and a deformed right leg, she was abandoned by her birth parents. At the orphanage, Father Yang Hsu and his wife Lin Feng-yin named her En-tien which means “grace.” They gave En-tien 19 unconditional love and the courage to face life’s challenges. Yang’s adoptive parents taught her to do the everyday tasks that most people take for granted. Bit by bit, Yang learned to brush her teeth, wash her face, and even tie her shoelaces without arms. When Yang broke down and cried at the difficulty of these tasks, Lin would gently remind her, “No one will be able to stay by you side forever.” After finishing middle school, Yang left for Taipei to learn to paint. Alone in the city, she faced many challenges. She went to classes by taxi, using her feet to pass money to the drivers. In class, mastering the paintbrush with her mouth and foot took an enormous amount of effort. Yet she was determined to defy fate. Yang is happily married with one daughter. Like painting, though, marriage did not come easy for Yang. Even though she had her share of romantic relationships, no parents would agree to their son marrying her—until she met Chen Hsin-yi. Not surprisingly, much of Yang’s recent artwork has focused on mother and child. She hopes to share the joys of motherhood and the happiness she feels with everyone. “There is always a brighter side to everything,” she says. “If you believe that you can do it, then you will succeed.” 11.More Than a Pet If you saw people walking out of the movie theater with a red nose and puffy eyes, they had probably just seen Quill 可魯, a tear-jerking movie based on the true story of a loyal Labrador guide dog whose life was dedicated to helping the visually impaired. This Japanese film not only started a fad in Taiwan for Labrador puppies but also raised awareness of the issue of guide dogs in our society. Guide dogs—or seeing-eye dogs—are professionally trained service animals. The most common breeds are Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, and German shepherds. Once a harness is strapped on them, they are “on the job,” leading their visually impaired handlers safely from place to place, avoiding obstacles and watching out for any changes in elevation. Guide dogs are trained to ignore all distractions such as food and play when harnessed. They are even taught to refrain from going to the bathroom when at work. However, once they harness is off, they run around, play, cuddle, and soak up praise just like any other pet. In Taiwan, a dog leading a human is a very rare sight. This is why so many people show an interest whenever Chang Kuo-Ray takes to the street with Ohara, his trusted guide dog—one of only eleven in Taiwan. Due to an accident at the age of five, Chang lost visibility in one eye. Several years later, an inflammation in the other eye put him in complete darkness forever. But Chang refused to give in to his handicap; he became set on making his life bright and colorful. Working hard, he made his way through graduate school and even invented computer software to aid the sightless. He 20 managed to find many ways to keep himself busy; however, there was something missing. Chang often felt lonely—until Ohara, a Labrador retriever see-eye dog, entered his life. To Chang, Ohara is more than a guide dog; he has become family. Whenever Chang feels down, Ohara feels it too, and comes to cuddle next to him, as if saying, “It’s Ok; I’m here.” 12. Easy to Make, Easy to Break The deadline is approaching for people to start making New Year’s resolutions. We all know about the boring ones like start exercising regularly or stop foolishly spending money. Yes, these things are worth resolving to do, but they lack uniqueness. This year, why not try a lighter approach and have fun with your resolution? A resolution can be imaginative, creative, and even humorous. It doesn’t have to be a super-serious task that transforms you into a perfect person over the course of the next year. It can be a fun thing to accomplish or an odd thing you would like to try, and it doesn’t have to be very specific either. If you make your resolution more of a general statement, it might make it easier to accomplish. Whatever you resolve to do, though, make sure it’s both constructive and legal. You might want to make your resolution something that won’t let you down if you don’t fully succeed. It’s all right to give yourself some sort of goal, but try to keep it realistic. As an example, a good resolution would be to get filthy rich in 2009, because that might prove to be impossible. Before you go about making your resolution, there are some things of which you should first be advised. Let’s say that you resolve to decrease the amount of water you use. This is a noble resolution that should be applauded. However, don’t go about accomplishing this task the way my friend did. He gave up bathing, and it really annoyed his family, friends, and pretty much everyone downwind. You could try the New Year’s resolution another friend of mine made: to become more entertaining. To do this, he learned how to juggle and make hand shadow puppets, and he never had a problem finding entertainment venues. He regularly showed off his newly acquired skills while waiting in line at convenience stores, banks, and post offices. My favorite resolution to date was made by someone who I worked with in the distant past. He resolved to give unsolicited advice frequently, especially in areas where he was grossly incompetent. He had a lot of fun with it, although he was often ridiculed. No matter what you do, don’t worry yourself over a New Year’s resolution. This year, I resolve to apologize a lot, but never change my ways. For me, 2009 should be 21 a piece of cake. 13. Lions, Lambs, and Mad March Hares As the saying goes, “March comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb.” It refers to the weather changing from the harsh cold of winter to the gentle warmth of spring that begins on March 21. This month also has a host of other days that are special, and even the entire month is set aside to honor and celebrate many different things. In the U.S., March is Women’s History Month. Through lectures and exhibitions, the countless contributions women have made to our world throughout history are honored and remembered. You may want to spend some time learning about some of the great women of the world, or learn more about women’s movements and the continuing struggle for equal rights. Another thing you might want to focus on this month is eating healthier, because March is also National Nutrition Month. It’s good time to reevaluate your eating habits and do something good for your body. You may want to eat some healthy noodles, as it is also National Noodle Month. Since March 1 is Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, you might make yourself a healthy peanut butter and banana sandwich to celebrate. Perhaps the long, cold winters cause people to spend more time thinking. When the third months rolls around, they’re ready to act on their ideas. In March 1845, the rubbed band was invented, and in March 1858, the pencil with an eraser was patented. In March 176, Alexander Craham Bell was granted a patent for the telephone. With all of the seriousness that March has to offer, this month does have a silly side, too. March 22 is both National Goof Off Day 摸魚日 and National Sing Out Day. If you feel you’re up for it, be creative on March 26, which is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. I’m not too sure what I’d name my holiday, because March 27 is National Joe Day anyway. On this day, if you hate your name, you can be Joe. I already am. The idiom ‘made as a March hare” means very crazy, and since this is the breeding time for hares, this is exactly how they act. Similarly, the excitement people feel when winter ends in March bring on spring fever. With plenty of room to be both serious and silly, March lets us enjoy the best of both worlds. 14. Out on a Limb (原意為孤立無援) Tarzan lived in one, and so did the Swiss Family Robinson. The Ewoks in the Star Wars films did too. You might have dreamed of living in one as a child. 22 Undoubtedly, tree houses have fascinated people for ages. Today, what was once found mostly in novels, movies, and dreams has become an increasingly common reality. Tree houses are structures that are built in trees. Usually, a tree house is nestled in the branches of a mature tree, or it is sometimes built around the trunk off a large tree. It is most often raised above the ground, though a few may have kitchens or bathrooms below, for the sake of cheaper and simpler plumbing. Many people still associate tree houses with playhouses built by children in their backyards. Sometimes called tree forts, these structures are meant for fun and not as permanent homes. Yet in some parts of the world, tree houses are far from child’s play. In West Papua, for example, one tribe lives in tree houses as a way to protect themselves from a neighboring tribe of headhunters. People also live in tree houses because they are eco-friendly. Tree houses don’t required land to be cleared and can be built so that they don’t harm the trees. In addition, these structures can be very beautiful works of architecture. The 4Treehouse on a lake in Ontario, Canada, has been described as “floating like a Japanese lantern on stilts.” It is suspended high in the air at the center of four trees. Free Spirit Spheres on Vancouver Island, Canada, are globes that are hung from trees. Though they look like delicate Christmas ornaments, they are made of fiberglass and are pretty tough. If you’re looking for a novel place to live—or just to stay in on your next vacation—you should consider a tree house. Birds and animals have long known that tree make great homes. Maybe it’s time we humans caught on to how fun it can be to live in a tree. 15. Stemming the Sahara with Trees The Sahara continues to grow at a frightening pace, and northern Africa feels the impact. It’s hard to imagine living where villages are swallowed up by desert, sandstorms pollute the air, and people starve as farmers lose land to sand. Although the situation is dire, an ambitious new project is helping the people of Africa fight back. Scientists have devised a solution called the Great Green Wall. Approved by a group of African countries this past June, this project calls for planting a massive belt of trees 7,000 km long and 15 km wide. The trees will cover stretches of ground from Mauritania in the west to Djibouti in the east. Alongside the green wall will be water-capture basins. These will be used to hold excess water from the rainy season to be used during the dry season. Currently the excess water either evaporates, sinks deep into the ground or runs out to sea. The basins will be used for irrigating and even for fish-farming. 23 Scientists hope that this project will help slow the growing desert and produce more land suitable for farming. While it will take decades before the Great Green Wall is complete, holding back the inhospitable desert is certainly worth the effort. 16. The Buzz about the Bees We all know people around the world speak different languages. You might be surprised to learn that honeybees do too. Around thirty million years ago, the Earth’s honeybees scattered to different parts of the planet and eventually became nine separate species. All the species use special dances to communicate information useful to the hive. Dances such as the figure eight dance and the waggle dance allow a honeybee to tell fellow bees where nectar can be found. Just like there are dialects of human language, dialects of the honeybee language were formed over time. When researchers put European and Asian honeybees together in the same hive, they noticed similarities in the way bees danced. However, Asian bees danced for a longer time than European bees when it came to indication particular distances. The first time a European bee tried to explain where nectar was, the Asian bees were slow t find the site. However, the second time the European bee gave directions, the Asian bees found the nectar immediately. This suggests that honeybees of one species can learn the dialect of another bee species. When it comes to learning very quickly, honeybees seem to have humans beat. 勝過人類 17. Melody Roads The driver of a vehicle needs to remain constantly aware of his surroundings. In Japan and South Korea, engineers have come up with a notable way to help keep drivers focused. It’s called a melody road. You may have been jarred as you’ve driven over a rumble strip 齒棱標誌帶 on a highway. Using the same basic principle, melody roads don’t give a warning rumble, but instead they play musical notes. When you drive on one, you actually hear a tune being played. To create a melody road, a series of grooves are cut into the width of the pavement a fixed number of millimeters apart. When a car drives over these grooves at a particular speed, they cause the tires to resound, resulting in a musical note. To get different notes, the distance between the grooves is changed. In South Korea, one of the tunes drivers hear is “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” In Japan, there are tunes of Japanese folk songs. If you drive over them too fast, though, you’ll hear the tune in an 24 annoying fast-forward. By turning a moving car into a musical instrument, melody roads may help save lives along dangerous stretches of highway. If anything, though, they at least make driving that much more interesting. 18. The Coming Age of the Sky Farm Tortilla prices in parts of Mexico tripled in less than a year. World rice supplies are at their lowest level since the 1980s. The market price of wheat shot up 25 percent in a single day. In poor countries especially, these problems can lead to instability and war. Unfortunately, all of these facts have been in the news headlines in the past year. One scientist believes he has a solution—vertical farming. Columbia University professor Dickson Despommier believes that future farms should be built upward, in multistory skyscrapers. He points out that about 40 percent of Earth’s land is already being used for grazing or for crops. However, with the global population set to explode to 9.2 billion by 2050, traditional agricultural practices won’t provide enough food for everyone. Despommier wants to take greenhouse technology to the next level. The skyscrapers he envisions would be shaped like a cone to let in the maximum amount of sunlight. They would be able to house about a hundred different kinds of plants year-round. Solar collectors would supply energy, and nutrients for the crops would come from treated sewage, According to Despommier, one 30-story vertical farm could provide enough food for 50,000 people. The building could be constructed almost anywhere, but it would be best for them to be close to or even within cities. This way, the transportation costs of getting food from the farm to a person’s plate would be minimal. Despommier argues that vertical farms would not only provide food but also help stem global warming. Instead of clearing forests to build more traditional farms, trees could be planted on existing farms. Farmers whose jobs might be taken away by vertical farms could be employed to plant and care for these forests. More space also be freed to plant crops like corn and rice, which aren’t suited for growing in vertical farms. Despommier has already spent over ten years researching vertical farming. For vertical farms to be successful, a way to make them compete economically with traditional farms still needs to be found. However, these ingenious buildings may prove to be an environmentally sound solution to help feed the growing world population. We’ll always need food, and eventually the farm that grows it might be the skyscraper next door. 25 19. Vending Variety All of us use vending machines at some time. They are a quick and easy way to get drinks, snacks, tickets, and other items. Vending machines are especially helpful because they’re ready to serve you day or night. While almost all countries have lots of vending machines, Japan is a true vending machine culture. It is estimated that there are over 5.5 million of there machines scattered around the island nation, generating US$58 billion in sales per year. In addition, the products available from the machines in Japan tend to be more creative than those found elsewhere. How creative are they? Let’s say you wanted a box lunch and some flight insurance before you got on a plane. Perhaps you wanted to bring flowers home t a loved one or ran out or business cards. Maybe you had the sudden urge to go fishing and needed fishing line and bait. It is not a problem if you are in Japan. They have vending machines that sell all of the above. Probably the most unusual vending machine of them all sells a popular Japanese pet, the rhinoceros beetle 獨角仙. You simply put in your coins, choose make or female, and out comes you new pet. Now that’s fast service! 20. Interesting Innovations and Amazing Inventions Innovations and inventions constantly change our world. Whether amazing, useful, or simply unusual, some of these new things can cause strange reactions. For example, some people are feeling a little puzzled when they walk into elevators. That’s because they are getting into elevators that have no floor buttons on the inside. These are destination elevators, which just might become the wave of the future. In many new skyscrapers, destination elevators move people to the different floors very efficiently. Instead of choosing your floors inside the elevator, you choose it before you get in. All of the floor requests are sent to a central computer, which then directs the person to one of a series of elevator. By grouping people’s floor selections together, destination elevators cut down on waiting times in tall buildings. While you might be OK in a destination elevator, how would you feel about driving a car without a steering wheel? That may be the next step for some automobiles, and Mercedes has already built a car that has a steering stick rather than a steering wheel. It not only steers the car, but also accelerates and even puts on the brakes. Gas pedals, break pedals, and steering wheels might someday be a thing of the past. Other inventions are useful for doing very simple things. For forgetful men who plan to get married, the Remember Ring might be of interest. This wedding ring contains a tiny microchip inside it. This microchip is programmed for any specific 26 date the man chooses—most likely the date of his wedding anniversary. When this day arrives each year, the ring will heat up to 50 degrees Celsius for ten seconds every hour. It doesn’t need to be plugged in, though. It uses the heat from the wearer’s hand to generate enough electricity to keep its tiny battery charged. It will give the man a burning reminder on the special day. Quite possible the best innovation of all is the iBOT. For people who are confined to wheelchairs, the iBOT gives them much more freedom. This wheelchair has a special technology that allows it to stand up. This brings the person in it up to the height of an average standing person. It lets users have eye-to-eye conversations, shake hands at normal height, or even go for a stroll with someone side by side. Probably the most spectacular feature is that this wheelchair can also climb stairs. Innovations and inventions will continue to change our world as time passes. We can only wonder what people will think up next. 21. The Influence of Idol The stage is filled with drama. There are heartbreaking losses and ecstatic victories bringing instant fame to the winner. The reality television talent contest American Idol has proven to be a hit the world over. Much has been said and written about the show’s great population, with words expressing both raise and contempt. Like it or not, however, the influence of the contest is undeniable. Since first airing in 2002, idol enjoys a following of 27 million domestic viewers. It has produced chart-breaking musicians like Kelly Clarkson and made record companies untold millions. Meanwhile, similar shows continue to pop up across the globe, and they often follow idol’s winning formula. Many countries have their own homegrown version of American Idol. There is everything from Canadian Idol to Taiwan’s One Million Star. 超級星光大道 There’s even a show in China called Super Voice Girl, in which young women compete for the title of best female singer. However, those who call these shows “knockoff”受歡迎的仿製品 should remember that American Idol was itself born from the United Kingdom’s Pop Idol, launched by British entertainment executive Simon Fuller in 2001. Not everyone has been too excited about American Idol’s success. Starry-eyed 懷抱明星夢的 neglect their homework—and even skip school—to pursue dreams of one day becoming the next pop or rock sensation. Some parents complain about the show’s influence on their children, saying the rudeness, materialism, and sexism in the show are not fir for the children. Those with a more favorable view of idol, however, point out its more positive aspects. They argue that while it may be true the judges frequently criticize the 27 contestant harshly, it’s all part of the process that weeds out the less talented from the truly gifted. As for the sometimes “seductive” clothing worn by the performers, well, this is show business after all. Proponents also see goodness in the Idol Gives Back Foundation, which holds a not-for-profit event to raise money for at-risk children and families living in poverty. The foundation uses Idol’s ability to capture America’s attention to convince fans to make donations via phone and the Internet as they watch the best of Idol’s entertainers. Last year alone, the event collected over $76 million. In the end, are shows like American Idol good or bad? You can be the judge of that. 22. A Marriage of Cultures Weddings are considered in almost every culture to be one of the most important rites of passage. They also were once seen as a time when bad luck and evil spirits were likely to strike. This is why traditional wedding ceremonies usually consist of many customs and superstitions. Anyone who has been to a wedding in Taiwan will know that there are many distinctive and complex rituals. In the West, customs are also strongly adhered to, and some of the most popular are very different from Taiwanese traditions. Whereas red is the customary wedding color in Chinese culture, white is the dominant color for western weddings. The early Greeks saw it as the color of joy, but by the twentieth century, white became synonymous with purity and innocence—qualities any good bride should possess. Today, white is once again considered a symbol of happiness. It is almost always the chosen color for the bride’s wedding dress. Many western brides follow the saying “Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue” when choosing what accessories to wear on the big day. Respectively, the items represent tradition and family, hope for the future, good luck and good friends, and loyalty. Wearing them all will ensure the couple enjoys a very happy marriage. In the West, it is considered bad luck for the groom to see his bride right before the wedding. Originating from a time when arranged marriages were commonplace, it prevented the groom from rejecting the bride if she wasn’t attractive. His first look would have come only when her veil was lifted—after the priest had already pronounced them man and wife. Today the superstition is followed to ensure good luck. The wedding cake is a very important part of western weddings. Traditionally, the bride and groom are supposed to feed cake to each other, to show care and 28 devotion to each other. It became popular for the couple to kiss over a stack of cakes; if they didn’t knock the cakes down, the marriage would be blessed with prosperity. Later, it became fashionable t coat the tiered cake with icing. Now, to signify sharing their new life, newlyweds make the first cut of the cake together. Every wedding guest must then eat some of the cake to help bring the marriage good luck. Although Taiwanese weddings now borrow many symbols from eastern tradition, the two events are still very different from each other. But they share one thing; a deep tradition of customs and rituals that newlyweds fortune and happiness throughout their married lives. 23. For the Love of Chocolate Chocoholics, individuals who are crazy about chocolate, are everywhere. Even those less passionate about it find it hard to resist chocolate when offered. Although not on the list of the healthiest foods, chocolate is beginning to show that it may have some redeeming qualities. Forms of chocolate have been around since the days of the Maya and the Aztecs, who drank a mixture of water, hot peppers, spices, and roasted cocoa beans. When Spanish explorer Don Cortez brought the drink back to Spain in the 1500s, the recipe gradually changed to produce a sweeter drink. In the 1800s, techniques were developed to make a solid food from cocoa beans, which led to what we know today as chocolate. Unfortunately, many of the foods chocolate is in should only be enjoyed in moderation. These foods usually are high in sugar, fat, and calories, which can lead to health problems. However, a curious thing was noted by Dr. Norman Hollenberg, who studied the native inhabitants of Kuna Island, Panama. They consume a form of chocolate in drinks and food daily, yet they have very low rates of heart disease and cancer. He and his researchers found that chocolate may actually have health benefits. Only some forms of chocolate have health benefits. Studies suggest that dark chocolate—and only dark chocolate with 65 percent cocoa or more—increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure. It also has properties that help blood clots. Not all doctors agree about the health benefits of dark chocolate. Some feel that the high fat and sugar content in most chocolate may cancel out any positive impact on health. One thing on which doctors do agree is that more research should be conducted. In the meantime, chocolate is something we can savor occasionally. Hopefully, research will some day tell us that for our health, we should instead indulge regularly. 24. Rib-Tickers 笑話 29 A. Store Policy A man wants to buy dog food in a supermarket. “Where is your dog?” he clerk asks. “I can’t sell you dog food unless I see the dog. Store policy.” The following day, the man tries to buy cat food. “I’m sorry,” says the woman again, “but I can’t sell you cat food unless I see you cat Store policy.” The next day, the man approaches the checkout, this time carrying a sack. “What’s in there?” asks the clerk. “Put your hand inside and see,” says the man. “Ooh! It’s warm and moist…and stinky!” she screams. “That’s right,” says the man. “I’d like to buy some toilet paper.” B. The Forgetful Old Couple An old couple go to see their doctor because they keep forgetting things. He sees they are healthy, so he suggests they start writing things down. Later that evening, they are watching TV, when the old woman gets up to go to the kitchen. “Can you get me some ice cream?” asks her husband. “And put some strawberries on top. And some cream.” “Sure,” says his wife. “Maybe you should write it down, dear,” her husband says. “You won’t remember all that.” “Yes, I will!” protests the wife. “Ice cream, with strawberries and cream.” She returns a little later with a plate of bacon and eggs. “You silly woman” I told you to write it down,” says the old man. “You forgot the toast!” 30 Friends Season 3, Useful Idioms and Phrases Episode 1 The One With the Princess Fantasy No. English 1 Chinese 她完全在瞄我。 2 你在做鬆餅。 You made pancake. 3 你什麼時候拋棄她? When are you dumping her? 4 拜託,別整我了! Come on, quit yanking me. 5 天啊!看我在排水溝發現什麼? God, look what I found in the drain. 6 她是令人討厭。 She’s annoying. 7 我們對這事應該表現成熟一點。 We should be adult about it. 8 她盯著收費表看。 She’s staring at the parking meter. 9 她把我逼瘋了! She drives me crazy. 10 它像一種化學作用。 It ‘s like a chemical thing. 11 我不覺得那樣有什麼不妥? I don’t think it would be a big deal. 12 放鬆你身上的每一塊肌肉。 Relax every muscle in your body. 13 我必須尿尿。 I have to pee I have to pee 14 你斷章取義。 You are taking a big leap here. 15 帶我到那遙遠的銀河。 Take me to the galaxy far away. 16 帶肚臍環的女孩。 The girl with belly bottom 17 你有了競爭對手了,兄弟。 You have got competition, buddy 18 你試過了。 You give it a shot. 19 我們碰到 Ross. We ran into Ross. 20 這個人簡直是一團糟。 The man is a mess. She totally winked at me. 31 21 你嚇到我了! You freak me out. Episode 2 The One With No One’s Ready No. Chinese 你是我的幸運銅板。 English 2 你們兩個必須在我腦血管爆炸以 前換好衣服。 You both have to go to get dressed before the big vein in my head pop. 3 你要變魔術嘛! You are going to do magic. 4 這個套裝讓我小腿看起來很粗。 The outfit makes my calves look fat. 5 你不能生氣。 You can’t get mad. 6 你壞孩子! You rotten boys! 7 你執著而且瘋狂! You are obsessed and crazy. 8 我很輕鬆。 I’m breezy. 9 他開始約會了! He’s seeing someone. 10 墊子是椅子的精華。 The cushion is the essence of the chair. 11 我的內褲在哪裡? Where’s my underwear? 12 我們的危險解除了! We are out of the woods. 13 我想更新我的通訊錄。 I’m going to catching up my correspondence. 14 我在朋友面被羞辱及大喊。 I was humiliated and yelled at in front of my friends 15 香草奶惜。 vanilla milkshake 16 我的「好朋友」來了! I am getting my period 17 真榮幸! What a pleasure 1 You are my lucky penny. 32 Episode 3 The One With the Jam No. English 1 Chinese 你可以買到批發價。 2 他出賣我。 He sold me out. 3 這太尷尬了! That’s awkward. 4 我們是雙胞胎姊妹。 We are twin sisters. 5 我是個糊塗蛋! I’m such a dingus! 6 別對自己太苛刻。 Don’t be so hard on yourself! 7 你可以在拿行李的地方和她碰面 You can meet her at the baggage claim. 8 禁止令。 restraining order 9 你暗戀你妹妹的跟蹤者。 You’ve got a crush on your sister’s stalker. 10 11 我需要每罐賣 17 元,才能打平。 I need to charge $17 a jar just to break even. 我想到這個嬰兒計畫。 I camp up with the baby plan. 12 這是我的雙目望眼鏡。 Here are my binoculars. 13 這是我的夜視鏡。 There are my night-vision goggles. 14 我是如此的敗類! I’m such a loser. 15 我剛吃完一罐芥末。 I just had a jar of mustard. 16 你到精子銀行。 You went to sperm bank. 17 你監視我。 You spied on me. 18 這是個奇怪的巧合。 Is this a freakish coincidence. 19 我真是可悲。 I am so pathetic. 20 這不是你的錯。 It’s not your fault. You can get it wholesale. 33 21 這個傢伙是位太空人。 This gay is an astronaut. Episode 4 The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel No. English 1 Chinese 那是我的試鏡。 2 這就是為什麼我到處放便條紙。 That’s why I keep note pad everywhere. 3 掛掉(電話)! Hang up! 4 我想穿過隧道。 I want to go through the tunnel. 5 不要怕承諾。 There’s no fear of commitment. 6 那個有道理。 That makes sense. 7 我們應該旅行。 We should take a trip. 8 我們是一對。 We are a couple. 9 那是我的試鏡。 You are tripping my out right now. 10 這太不可思議了。 This is amazing. 11 讓我們同居吧! Let’s move in together. 12 我渴望愛情! I am desperate for love 13 我想事先道歉。 I want to apologize in advance. 14 你不是無藥可救。 You are not terminal. 15 你洗個泡泡澡。 You got your bubble bath. 16 你恰巧遇見她,然後表現冷漠。 You accidentally ran into her and act aloof. 17 我沒有認出你。 I didn’t recognize you. 18 你是我有經紀人中最棒的一位。 You are the best agent that I even had. 19 你不要太自責。 You can’t take it personal. 20 你不住在附近。 You don’t live in the neighborhood. 21 你背著我和別人約會。 You are seeing somebody behind by That’s my audition. 34 back. 22 被你發現了。 You caught me. 23 等一下好嘛!(電話) Can you hold on for a second? 24 我表現怪怪的! I’m acting weird Episode 5 No. The One With Frank Jr. English 1 Chinese 電鋸。 2 我讓她的眼珠掉出來。 I can get her eyes pop out of head. 3 那種事需要深思熟慮。 This kind of thing requires serious power saw thoughts. 4 真是怪人! What a geek! 5 他要我照一些妓女的照片。 He wants me to take a picture of hookers 6 那是電鑽。 It’s an electric drill. 7 我不會心電感應。 I’m not a mind reader. 8 你可以重鋪地板。 You can redo your bathroom floor. 9 你在我的舊地板上挖了一個洞。 You gouged a hole in my dingy floor. 10 你會捲舌嗎? Can you roll your tongue? 11 你得常握勝算。 You’ve got to play the odds. 12 只是以防萬一。 Just in case! 13 空手道。 Karate 14 他自創的。 We even play shadow game. 15 我們甚至玩學舌遊戲。 He’s on of my regulars. 16 他是我的熟客之一。 He’s on of my regulars. 17 好勁爆! That’s wild. 18 誰將它護貝? Who laminated it! 19 她扭斷我的手。 She broke my arms 35 20 你是按摩師。 You’re a masseuse. 21 我把它搞眨了! I screwed it up. 22 我沒有氣得跳腳。 I wasn’t hopping mad. 23 咖啡外帶。 Coffee to go! 24 我是你超級的影迷。 I’m a big fan of yours 25 那是恭維。 It’s a flattering. 26 這是千載難逢的機會。 This is a once-in-a-life opportunity. Episode 6 No. The One With the Flashback English 1 Chinese 她不知道妳每晚溜出! 2 她們一拍即合。 They really hit it off. 3 她是一位 A 片演員。 She’s a porn star. 4 我相當愛乾淨。 I’m fairly neat. 5 你要聽一些爛事嗎? Do you want to hear something that sucks? 6 我們要去哪裡閒晃呢? Where are we going to hang out? 7 你考倒我了。 You got me! 8 你有對象嗎? Are you seeing anybody? 9 女孩的事。 something girly 10 我拿去換線。 I get it to get rewired. 11 你打擾我雙簧管的練習。 You are disturbing my oboe practice. 12 他親口告訴我的。 He told me in person. 13 我有點頭暈! I got a little head rush. 14 我真是混蛋! I’m such a jerk! 15 我在沙發墊上滴了一滴墨水。 16 你可以吐在水槽中。 You can spill in the sink. 17 Carol 是個同性戀。 Carol is a lesbian 18 笨球擋在中間。 Stupid balls are in the way 19 這不是具有建設性的解決辦法。 That probably wouldn’t have been the She doesn’t know you sneak out every night. 36 most constructive solution. 20 你的臉上有粉筆灰。 You have chalk on you face. 21 你錯過出口了! You miss the exit. Episode 7 No. The One With the Race Car Bed English 1 Chinese 我瞇起眼睛。 2 轉台。 Change the channel. 3 我將海削我的價錢。 I’m going to slash my prices. 4 他叫我油頭。 He refers to me as “Wet-Head.” 5 他都以綽號叫人。 He calls everybody by a nickname. 6 我們等著瞧。 We’ll see! 7 是什麼角色。 What’s the part? 8 我可以回饋演藝。 I can give something back to the acting community. 9 我將教大家演連續劇。 I will be teaching Acting for Soap opera. 10 下課。 Class dismiss. 11 我是素食者。 I’m a vegetarian. 12 把頭往後仰。 Put your head back 13 我開玩笑的。 I made a joke. 14 Ross 對龍蝦過敏。 Ross is allergic to lobster. 15 我忘了我的收據。 I forgot my receipt. 16 你付全部的錢。 You pay the whole bill. 17 一些竅門。 Some tricks of the trade. 18 你不要管他。 You can leave it alone 19 你要看我的脊椎按摩師嗎? Would you just see my chiropractor? I squint. 37 20 我死定了! I’m so dead! 21 這是底線。 Here’s the bottom line. 22 這是可以修正的假如我們快點演 出。 This is fixable if we act fast. 23 我企圖修正,但無效。 I try to make it nice. It doesn’t work. 24 我知道我父親是很難相處的。 I realize my father is difficult. 25 你看起來像個大人物。 You look like Mr. Big Shot. 26 有人錯過交流道了。 Somebody missed the off-ramps. 27 有時候我會做惡夢。 Sometimes, I had bad dreams. 28 為什麼你不提我痣的事情? Why don’t you tell him about my mole? Episode 8 No. The One with the Giant Poking Device English 1 Chinese 不是為了口腔衛生。 2 我用牙線是為了拯救生命。 I floss to save lives. 3 別化身厲鬼把我吸進電視。 Don’t come back as a poltergeist who It’s not about oral hygiene. sucks me into the TV set. 4 有一個腫包。 There’s a bump. 5 灌腸劑。 barium enemas 6 穿整套比較合理。 It makes more sense as an ensemble. 7 他要告我的密。 He’s going to rat me out. 8 它不是床頭板。 It’s not a headboard. 9 一張收據。 It’s a receipt. 10 不要告訴他我們的小意外。 Don’t tell him about our little bonking incident. 11 班應該不懂賄賂的觀念。 I don’t think Ben understands the concept of bribery. 12 我們戳他。 We poke him. 13 它讓我覺得買十二個保險套是對 的。 It serves me right for buying that 12-pack of condoms. 14 我會退場。 I would bow out. 15 我不想當阻礙的人。 I wouldn’t want to be the guy who stood in the way. 38 16 我弄傷了你的兒子。 I wrecked your baby. 17 希望你下地獄還覺得很好玩。 I hope it’s still funny when you’re in hell. 18 讓我說完。 Let me get through it. 19 我不想成為拆散別人家庭的人。 I don’t want to be the guy that breaks up a family. 20 我父母分手。 My parents split up. 21 你是我的靈魂伴侶。 You’re my soul mate. 22 我隨便說說。 I was babbling. 23 很難操控。 It’s very difficult to maneuver. Episode 9 No. The One with the Football English 1 Chinese 你要把棉花糖擺成同心圓。 2 中場休息。 Halftime. 3 成堆花生 peanut cluster 4 忘記 Janice 吧! Take your mind off Janice. 5 美式足球 touch football game 6 我即將緊追她。 I was about to tag her. 7 公然犯規的與野蠻的 spectacularly illegal and savage 8 你比賽贏的獎品。 The trophy you get if you win the game 9 詛咒解除了嗎? Was the curse lifted? 10 你無法擺脫我。 You are stuck with me. 11 我必須再狠狠揍人。 I have to baste again. 12 臨場會議! Huddle up! 13 二次進攻。 It’s second down. 14 我就不能試! I wouldn’t have a shot. 15 漏接。 Fumble. 16 你知道我有限體種大的毛病。 You know I had swollen glands. 17 被女生阻截。 Tackled by girls. 18 嘆息! Exhaling! You want to put the marshmallows in concentric circles. 39 Episode10 No. The One Where Rachel Quits English 1 Chinese 代表棕鳥,我像你致敬。 2 我有非常堅固的反手拍。 I have a very solid backhand. 3 遮你的臉,像女孩一樣尖叫。 Shielding your face and shrieking like a girl 4 昨晚一個布偶在芝麻街遭到重 擊。 A Muppet got whacked in Sesame Street last night. 5 他們的軀體被穿得怪模怪樣。 their corpses grotesquely dressed 6 真正的太空梭。 A real shuttle 7 爸爸喜歡喜歡吃角子老虎。 Dad loves the slots. 8 聽起來是可行的。 That sounds doable. 9 太空人會上電視新聞。 The shuttle astronauts are going to be On behalf of the Brown Birds of America, I salute you. on the news. 10 我可以從窺視孔中看到你。 I can see you through my peephole. 11 我是有點不客觀的判斷。 I was a little judgmental. 12 那是如此歧視年齡! That is so ageist! 13 他們被送到切碎機。 They go into the chipper. 14 我要了一盒奶油餡的「耶穌」形 狀的餅乾)! I’ll take a box of the cream-filled Jesuses. 15 你有沒有椰子口味的神(形狀的 Do you have any coconut-flavored 40 餅乾)。 deities? 16 猶太教九燈燭台(餅乾)有椰子 餡。 There’s coconut in the Hanukkah Menorah 17 我寫下你要三盒薄荷寶藏及一些 魯道夫鹿。 I put you down for 3 Mint Treasures and a couple of Rudolphs. 18 我的人生真正爛! My life officially sucks! 19 我正提出辭呈。 I’m giving my week’s notice. 20 我正切斷你的(餅乾來源,不能 再吃了)。 I’m cutting you off. 21 天文館正在放雷射佛洛伊德。 Laser Floyd was letting out of the planetarium. 22 我把餅乾論箱賣。 I am selling cookies by the case. 23 你用很大的字體。 You are using a large font. 24 啦啦隊長的頭銜佔了那麼多的空 間。 “Cheer Squad Co-captain” only took up so much room. 25 我毫無進展。 I don’t have a lead. 26 你不要向恐懼投降。 You don’t want to give in to the Fear. 27 他聽說有個空缺。 He heard there’s an opening. 28 它能實現耶誕的宿命。 It can fulfill Christmas destiny. 29 我在這裡是賺佣金的。 I am working on commission here. 30 讓我看你們的最後清點。 Let’s see your final tallies. 31 那是胡說。 That’s a crap. 32 牛軋糖不足症。 nougat deficiency 33 看到酒醉的聖誕老人尿濕自己, 真是振奮我的耶誕節。 Seeing that drunk Santa wet himself really perked up my Christmas. 34 有些人濾紙只用一次。 Some people use filter just once. 35 發射。 Blast off. 36 我是外星人。 I’m an alien. 37 一個小行星。 An asteroid. 41 Episode11 1 The One Where Chandler Can’t Remember Which Sister Chinese English 我會叫他小聲一點。 I’ll tell him to keep it down. 2 肉眼 naked eyes 3 尾端打個結 with a noose at the end 4 我幾乎感到不妥,拿小孩的椒鹽 脆餅打他們。 I almost feel bad for whipping that kid’s pretzel at them. 5 他完全搞砸了關鍵句。 He totally screwed up the punch lines. 6 它讓我放屁。 It makes me gassy. 7 我要這些衣架儘快分類。 I need these hanger separated ASAP (as soon as possible). 8 我認為我應該持續下去。 I think I should stick it. 9 我的苦難讓你覺得很有趣嗎? Is my misery amusing you? 10 我必須將時裝模特兒的人頭分 I had to sort mannequin heads. No. 類。 11 伸出你的舌頭。 stick out your tongue 12 為了什麼他要莫名其妙地冒出 來。 Why else would he swoop in out of nowhere for no reason? 13 快速撥號 speed dialer 14 我後來到儲藏室。 I ended up in the storage room. 15 你瘋了嗎? Are you insane? 16 他玩弄她。 He fooled around with her. 42 17 你說你真正迷戀她。 You said you could really fall for her. 18 你藉由撫摸我妹妹(對我妹妹毛 手毛角)而忘記珍妮絲嗎? Are you just getting over Janice by groping my sister? 19 20 喬伊會如何反應當他知道你用一 How will Joey react to you blowing 封信打發他妹妹。 off his sister with a letter? 你不想惹她。 You don’t want to tick her off. 21 令人不愉快的事或人。 Bummer. 22 你實在太輕率了。 You’re practically giddy. 23 你不想太過份吧。 You don’t want to seem too pushy. 24 我瘋了嗎?我失去理智嗎? Am I out of my mind? Am I losing my senses? 25 這提拉迷蘇太棒了。 This tiramisu is excellent. 26 它是一流的。 It’s topnotch. 27 我只是斜視的。 I was just squinting. 28 我可能操之過急。 I may have jumped the gun here. 29 揍他! Punch him! 30 你在偷聽。 You are eavesdropping? 31 他在跳彈簧單高蹺。 He’s jumping on a pogo stick. 43 Episode12 No. The One With All the Jealousy English 1 Chinese 他是為植物學家。 2 植物學家都是怪胎。 Botanists are such geeks. 3 裡面有個保溫瓶。 There’s a thermos in it. 4 他可以看脫衣舞孃。 He can see a stripper. 5 那真是老套。 That is so cliché. 6 簡易文學讀本。 The abridgment. 7 發貨號碼及出貨日期。 The invoice number and the shipping date. 8 他只是在混日子。 He’s just goofing around. 9 史詩。 Epic poem. 10 我就是被流星打到也停不下來。 I couldn’t stop if a meteor hit me. 11 理髮店四重唱。 A barbershop quartet. 12 你在畫地盤。 You were marking your territory. 13 傻瓜。 Dude. 14 昨晚的單身派對很有趣嗎? Did you have fun at the bachelor party last night? 15 我是白癡。 I was an idiot. 16 你只是馬屁精。 You are just a butt-munch. He’s the botanist. 44 Episode13 No. The One Where Monica & Richard Are Friends English 1 Chinese 八點鐘是結算時間。 2 靜電。 Static cling. 3 他直接走到色情區。 He is going straight to the porn. 4 我沒有對你毛手毛腳。 I don’t grope you. 5 直白輪式。溜冰鞋 rollerblade 6 運動事務。 Jock stuff. 7 百樂晚餐(參加聚餐者每人各帶 菜餚來)。 A potluck dinner. 8 代表。 Reps.=representatives. 9 一系列女睡衣或女用內衣。 A line of lingerie. 10 你們這些傢伙會忽然著火。 You guys just burst into flame. 11 就像日蝕一樣。 Like an eclipse. 12 我們要開始壓扁蕃茄了。 We are going to start squishing the Eight o’clock is the cutoff. tomatoes. 13 我學會了籃板球,罰球和 23 分 球。 I learned how to shoot a lay-up, a foul shot and a 23- point. 14 我是優雅的。 I am dainty. 15 沒有理有要生氣。 No reason to get testy. 16 像避球一樣。 Like racquetball. 17 我有一個相親約會。 I do have a blind date. 18 彈性伸縮內褲。 Stretchy pants. 45 19 我感覺好像在做展示。 I’d feel like I’m on display. 20 我用密碼說。 I’ll talk in code. 21 我不相信她破解你的密碼。 I can’t believe she cracked your code 22 我必須值兩個班。 I had to work two shifts. 23 我瘋了嗎? Am I just nuts? 24 我在燒烤火上弄壞了我的假奶。 I lost one of my fake boobs in a grill fire. 25 你沒有小鬍子了。 You don’t have a mustache. Episode14 The One With Phoebe’s Partner No. English 1 Chinese 你寫廣告歌詞。 2 我想不出任何好的東西。 I couldn’t come up with anything good. 3 有點殘忍的。 That was kind of brutal. 4 5 我會非常冷漠,嚴厲,不妥協的。 I’m just very cold, hard, unyielding. 任何東係都不能穿透這冷酷的外 Nothing can penetrate this icy exterior. 部。 6 我走時蓋子為你打開。 I left the lid p for you. 7 失去興趣了嗎? Burn out? 8 我們的媽媽在同一大型遊艇工 作。 Our moms worked on the barge together. 9 義肢。 Artificial leg. 10 你有仿生電子腳嗎? Have you got a bionic foot? 11 販賣商人。 Monger. 12 有人看的鍋子不會叫。 A watched pot never beeps. 13 我是性感小辣妹。 I am one hot chickie. 14 我們會幹道許多層織布與顏色。 We’re beginning to see a lot of layering of sheer fabrics and colors. 15 貓沙促銷。 A kitty-litter campaign. 16 一般說來,特大號的配件是今年 的流行。 Oversizing of accessories, in general, is very popular now. 17 它把我嚇壞了。 It freaked me out. You write jingles. 46 18 我知道機會渺茫。 I know it’s a long shot. 19 我打了一下盹。 I nodded off a little. 20 吊帶裙。 Strappy-backed dresses. 21 大禮堂。 Auditorium. 22 第三個乳頭。 Third-nipple. 23 廣告商。 Ad agency. Episode15 The One Where Rachel Quits No. English 1 Chinese 我需要地圖。 2 外交官。 Diplomat. 3 你可能得到第一座諾貝爾按摩 You might just get the first Nobel Prize 獎。 in rubbing. 4 我有一個地球儀。 I do have a globe. 5 他非常有衝勁的。 He’s very dashing. 6 肚臍環。 Bellybutton ring. 7 你瞎掰一些東西。 You make sth. up. 8 時我的塗鴉,一個戴高頂帽子的 瓢蟲。 That’s my doodle of a ladybug with a top hat. 9 三洞打孔機。 Three-hole punch. 10 公園管理員。 A park ranger. 11 過去五年來核對的進步。 Advances in collating in the past five I need an atlas. years. 12 保險套機器。 Condom machine. 13 我剛辭職。 I had just resigning my post. 14 我有外交官折價券。 I have diplomatic coupons. 47 Episode16 No. The One Where Rachel Quits English 1 Chinese 最近在雨林發現的有機物質。 2 串連,事情的軌跡。 Trail. 3 布條。 Strips. 4 一夫一妻是殘忍的規則。 Monogamy is too cruel a rule. 5 我們在刮腿毛。 We were just waxing our legs. 6 女人對於痛的感覺門檻比男人 低。 Women just have a lower threshold for pain than men. 7 我只是把他撕下。 I just pull it off. 8 我當時很受不了我自己。 I was disgusted with myself. 9 卻值得你為她破壞我們的關係。 And yet she was worth jeopardizing our relationship. 10 我們分手了。 We were on a break. 11 你想要用技術性的細節逃避這件 事。 You are going to get out of this on a technicality. 12 之後你應該有依段該死的時間。 You should had a hell of time at the wake. 13 翻滾的,扭曲的。 Writhing. 14 我會極為震驚的。 I would have been devastated. 15 我需要引起注目的走路姿勢。 I need a take-notice walk. 16 我瘋了。 I was out of my mind. Organizing substances recently discovered in the rain forest. 48 17 人們有時只會想到自己。 People can be so self-involved. 18 你要努力或逃跑。 You wan to fight for us or bail. 19 內臟,第七感。 Gizzard. 49