7th Grade Ancient Civilizations Mapped Curriculum Month August 1 ½ weeks 7th Grade Social Studies Topic Geography (E) Prioritized Standard (E, I, C) Essential Question SS-07-4.1.1—Students will use a variety of geographic tools (maps, photographs, charts, graphs, databases) to interpret patterns and locations on earth’s surface n early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 What are the Five Themes of Geography? How will the Five Themes of Geography help influence the beginning of ancient civilizations? Content *Five Themes of Geography: (Location, Place, Region, Movement, Human Environment Interaction) *Demography *Hemisphere *Intermediate Direction *Geography *Absolute location *Relative location *Longitude *Latitude *Climate *Landforms *Legend *Physical features Learning Target I can identify and explain the Five Themes of Geography. Formative / Summative Assessment Exam/OR PP Quiz I can distinguish the different aspects of the physical and cultural features of various places. I can identify and locate places using latitude & longitude. I can analyze charts, graphs & maps. Exit Slips Illustrating 5 Themes LongitudeLatitude locations Reading Passages ABC Book (terms) Map & directions to home Aug.-Sept. 3 weeks Early Civilizations (E) 07-5.3.1—Students will explain and give examples of how early hunters and gatherers developed new technologies as they settled into organized civilizations. DOK 2 What technologies allowed early humans to advance? 07-2.1.1—Students will explain how elements of culture defined specific groups in the early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. and resulted in unique perspectives. DOK 2 What are the cultural characteristics of early humans? 07-3.4.2—Students will describe how new knowledge, technology/tools & specialization increased productivity in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 How did agriculture lead to permanent civilizations? 07-4.3.2—Students will explain why and give examples of how human populations changed and/or migrated because of factors such as war, disease, economic opportunity and technology in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 What changes occurred for early humans following the Neolithic Revolution? Paleolithic Neolithic Prehistory Hunters & Gatherers Artifacts Migration Agriculture Domestication Specialization Technology Primary Source Secondary Source Barter Timeline I can explain how early technology allowed advancements to society. Exam/OR Do Now I can identify the cultural characteristics of early humans. I can explain how advancement in agriculture (domestication of animals, irrigating crops, etc.) led to permanent civilizations. I can cite evidence how the Neolithic Revolution changed the lives of early humans. I can compare/contrast Neolithic & Paleolithic time periods. Exit Slips Reading Passages Hammurabi Writing Article Map Activity Vocabulary writing/icons Quiz I will analyze how the ancient river valleys led to the first major early civilizations. Video Quiz ABC Book Aug.-Sept. 3 weeks (continued) Sept.-Oct. 2-3 weeks Early Civilizations (continued) The Ancient Israelites (E) 07-5.1.1—Students will use a variety of tools to describe and explain historical events and conditions and to analyze the perspectives of different individuals & groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 07-5.1.2—Students will explain how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause-and-effect relationships & give examples of those relationships. DOK 3 07-2.1.1— Students will explain how elements of culture (e.g., language, the arts, customs, beliefs, literature) defined specific groups in the early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. and resulted in unique perspectives. DOK 2 SS-07-2.2.1 Students will compare how cultures (early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D.) developed social institutions (family, religion, education, government, economy) to respond to human needs, structure society and influence behavior. SS-07-2.3.1—Students will explain how conflict and competition (e.g., political, economic, religious, ethnic) occurred among individuals and groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 SS-07-2.3.2—Students will explain how compromise and cooperation were possible choices to resolve conflict among individuals and groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 SS-07-3.4.1 Students will explain ways in which the basic economic questions about the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services were addressed in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 SS-07-3.4.2—Students will describe how new knowledge, technology/tools and specialization increased productivity in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Why is it important to study the history of the Ancient Israelites? Tribe Torah Covenant How were cultural elements & social institutions reflected in the Ancient Israelite civilization? Alphabet I can summarize reasons why the Ancient Israelites’ civilization is important in history. I can cite evidence how cultural elements & social institutions were reflected in the Ancient Israelites civilization. Exam/OR Reading Passages 10 Commandment article Key Figures Empires What role did geography play in Ancient Israel? Proverbs What is the influence of government & economics on the rise & fall of Ancient Israel? Synagogues Exile I can prove how geography impacted the lives of the Ancient Israelites. I can analyze the roles of government and economics on the rise and fall of the Ancient Israelites. I can identify symbols and cultural elements of Judaism. Messiah Rabbis Sabbath Prophet I will compare & contrast the relationships of Judaism & other groups in both ancient and modern times. I can interpret the plight of the Israelites from ancient to modern times. Israelite timeline Phoenician Alphabet Saul and David Task Rotation Sept.-Oct. 2-3 weeks (continued) The Ancient Israelites (continued) SS-07-4.2.1—Students will describe how regions in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. were made distinctive by human characteristics (e.g., dams, irrigation, roads) and physical characteristics (e.g., mountains, bodies of water, valleys) that created advantages and disadvantages for human activities (e.g., exploration, migration, trade, settlement). DOK 2 SS-07-4.2.2—Students will describe and give examples of how places and regions in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D changed over time as technologies, resources and knowledge became available. DOK 2 SS-07-5.1.1—Students will use a variety of tools (e.g. primary and secondary sources) to describe and explain historical events and conditions and to analyze the perspectives of different individuals and groups (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, age, economic status, religion, political group) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 SS-07-4.3.1--Students will describe patterns of human settlement in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. and explain how these patterns were influenced by human needs. DOK 2 Oct.-Nov. 4 weeks Ancient Greece (E) SS-07-5.1.2—Students will explain how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause-and-effect relationships and give examples of those relationships. DOK 3 SS-07-5.3.2—Students will describe the rise of classical civilizations and empires (Greece and Rome) and explain how these civilizations had lasting impacts on the world in government, philosophy, architecture, art, drama and literature. DOK 3 SS-07-1.1.1—Students will compare purposes and sources of power in the most common forms of government (monarchy, democracy, republic, dictatorship) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Why is it important to study the history of Ancient Greece? Peninsula Colony Polis What role did geography play in the development of the Ancient Greek civilization? I can justify reasons that the Ancient Greeks are important to history. Quizzes I can determine the role of the geography in the development of the Ancient Greek civilization. Agora Tyrant Exam/OR I can explain how cultural elements & social institutions are reflected in Ancient Greek civilization Short Answer Reading Passages Video Quizzes Oligarchy Myth Story Plot Oct.-Nov. 4 weeks (continued) Ancient Greece (continued) SS-07-1.1.2—Students will describe and give examples to support how some early civilizations (Greece, Rome) practiced democratic principles (e.g., justice, equality, responsibility, freedom). DOK 3 07-2.1.1— Students will explain how elements of culture (e.g., language, the arts, customs, beliefs, literature) defined specific groups in the early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. and resulted in unique perspectives. DOK 2 SS-07-2.2.1—Students will compare how cultures (early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D.) developed social institutions (family, religion, education, government, economy) to respond to human needs, structure society and influence behavior. SS-07-2.3.1—Students will explain how conflict and competition (e.g., political, economic, religious, ethnic) occurred among individuals and groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 SS-07-2.3.2—Students will explain how compromise and cooperation were possible choices to resolve conflict among individuals and groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 SS-07-3.4.2—Students will describe how new knowledge, technology/tools and specialization increased productivity in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 SS-07-4.1.2—Students will describe how different factors (e.g., rivers, mountains, plains) affected where human activities were located in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. SS-07-4.2.2—Students will describe and give examples of how places and regions in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D changed over time as technologies, resources and knowledge became available. DOK 2 How are cultural elements and social institutions reflected in Ancient Greek civilization? Democracy Helot Satrapies Zoroastrianism What is the influence of government & economics on the rise & fall of Ancient Greece? Direct Democracy Representative Democracy Philosopher Key figures I can evaluate the influence of government & economics on the rise & fall of Ancient Greece. I can compare & contrast Sparta and Athens (lifestyle, government, education, culture, military, etc.). I can connect Greek society & influence to today’s society. I can connect Ancient Greek mythology to their lives and religious beliefs. I can cite evidence of Ancient Greek architecture still used today, Myth Oracle I can compare & contrast Ancient Greek philosophies and literature to today’s philosophies and writings. Alexander the Great Hero/Villain article Greek philosophers compare/contrast Sparta/Athens Venn Diagram Sparta/Athens Debate Power Points Athens Walk Scrapbook Fable Writing Epic Fable I can summarize the achievements and failures of Greek leadership. Vocabulary Activity Drama Reading Articles Tragedy Greek brochure Comedy Types of Government activity Philosophy Oct.-Nov. 4 weeks (continue) Ancient Greece (continued) SS-07-4.2.1—Students will describe how regions in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. were made distinctive by human characteristics (e.g., dams, irrigation, roads) and physical characteristics (e.g., mountains, bodies of water, valleys) that created advantages and disadvantages for human activities (e.g., exploration, migration, trade, settlement). DOK 2 S-07-4.3.1--Students will describe patterns of human settlement in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. and explain how these patterns were influenced by human needs. DOK 2 SS-07-4.3.2—Students will explain why and give examples of how human populations changed and/or migrated because of factors such as war, disease, economic opportunity and technology in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 SS-07-4.4.1—Students will explain how technology in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. assisted human modification (e.g., irrigation, clearing land, building roads) of the physical environment. DOK 2 SS-07-4.4.2—Students will describe ways in which the physical environment (e.g., natural resources, physical geography, natural disasters) both promoted and limited human activities (e.g., exploration, migration, trade, settlement, development) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 SS-07-4.4.3—Students will explain how the natural resources of a place or region impact its political, social and economic development in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. SS-07-5.1.2—Students will explain how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause-and-effect relationships and give examples of those relationships. DOK 3 SS-07-5.1.1—Students will use a variety of tools (e.g. primary and secondary sources) to describe and explain historical events and conditions and to analyze the perspectives of different individuals and groups (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, age, economic status, religion, political group) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 SS-07-5.3.2—Students will describe the rise of classical civilizations and empires (Greece and Rome) and explain how these civilizations had lasting impacts on the world in government, philosophy, architecture, art, drama and literature. DOK 3 Nov.-Dec. 4 weeks Ancient Rome (E) SS-07-5.3.2—Students will describe the rise of classical civilizations and empires (Greece and Rome) and explain how these civilizations had lasting impacts on the world in government, philosophy, architecture, art, drama and literature. DOK 3 SS-07-1.1.1—Students will compare purposes and sources of power in the most common forms of government (monarchy, democracy, republic, dictatorship) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Why is it important to study the history of Ancient Rome? Key Figures Republic Legion What role did geography play in the development of the Ancient Roman civilization? SS-07-1.1.2—Students will describe and give examples to support how some early civilizations (Greece, Rome) practiced democratic principles (e.g., justice, equality, responsibility, freedom). DOK 3 How are cultural elements & social institutions reflected in Ancient Roman civilization? 07-2.1.1— Students will explain how elements of culture (e.g., language, the arts, customs, beliefs, literature) defined specific groups in the early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. and resulted in unique perspectives. DOK 2 What is the influence of government & economics on the rise & fall of Ancient Rome? I can justify reasons that the Ancient Romans are important to history. I can determine the role of geography in the development of Ancient Roman civilization. Patricians Plebeians I can explain how cultural elements and social institutions are reflected in Ancient Roman civilization. Consul Veto I can evaluate the influence of government and economics on the rise & fall of Ancient Rome. Praetor Dictator I can compare & contrast the Plebeians and Patricians of Ancient Rome. Latifundia SS-07-2.2.1—Students will compare how cultures (early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D.) developed social institutions (family, religion, education, government, economy) to respond to human needs, structure society and influence behavior. Triumvirate Pax Romana Aqueduct Currency Vault Satire I can connect Ancient Roman laws to laws of today. I will show how to use Roman numerals and how they are used today. I will describe Ancient Roman architecture, government, art, drama, philosophy & literature & how it is still used today. Nov.-Dec. 4 weeks (continued) Ancient Rome (continued) SS-07-2.3.1—Students will explain how conflict and competition (e.g., political, economic, religious, ethnic) occurred among individuals and groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Ode SS-07-2.3.2—Students will explain how compromise and cooperation were possible choices to resolve conflict among individuals and groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Gladiator SS-07-3.4.2—Students will describe how new knowledge, technology/tools and specialization increased productivity in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Plague Anatomy Forum Paterfamilias Rhetoric Inflation Barter SS-07-4.1.2—Students will describe how different factors (e.g., rivers, mountains, plains) affected where human activities were located in early civilizations prior to 1500A..D. SS-07-4.2.1—Students will describe how regions in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. were made distinctive by human characteristics (e.g., dams, irrigation, roads) and physical characteristics (e.g., mountains, bodies of water, valleys) that created advantages and disadvantages for human activities (e.g., exploration, migration, trade, settlement). DOK 2 SS-07-4.2.2—Students will describe and give examples of how places and regions in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D changed over time as technologies, resources and knowledge became available. DOK 2 S-07-4.3.1--Students will describe patterns of human settlement in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. and explain how these patterns were influenced by human needs. DOK 2 Reform I can analyze the affect Julius Caesar & other leaders had on the Roman Empire. I can describe how the Roman Empire had a lasting impact on society both then & now. Nov.-Dec. 4 weeks (continued) Ancient Rome (continued) SS-07-4.3.2—Students will explain why and give examples of how human populations changed and/or migrated because of factors such as war, disease, economic opportunity and technology in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 SS-07-4.4.1—Students will explain how technology in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. assisted human modification (e.g., irrigation, clearing land, building roads) of the physical environment. DOK 2 SS-07-4.4.2—Students will describe ways in which the physical environment (e.g., natural resources, physical geography, natural disasters) both promoted and limited human activities (e.g., exploration, migration, trade, settlement, development) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 SS-07-4.4.3—Students will explain how the natural resources of a place or region impact its political, social and economic development in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. SS-07-5.1.1—Students will use a variety of tools (e.g. primary and secondary sources) to describe and explain historical events and conditions and to analyze the perspectives of different individuals and groups (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, age, economic status, religion, political group) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 SS-07-5.1.2—Students will explain how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause-and-effect relationships and give examples of those relationships. DOK 3 SS-07-5.3.2—Students will describe the rise of classical civilizations and empires (Greece and Rome) and explain how these civilizations had lasting impacts on the world in government, philosophy, architecture, art, drama and literature. DOK 3 Jan.-Feb. 1 week Ancient Egypt, Early Indian Civilization Early China Review (C) SS-07-5.3.3—Students will describe the rise of non-Western cultures (e.g., Egyptian, Chinese, Indian, Persian) and explain ways in which these cultures influenced government, philosophy, art, drama and literature in the present day. DOK 3 How did the civilizations in Ancient Egypt, Ancient India & Ancient China impact the world? Key figures (Egypt) Nile River Hieroglyphics Irrigation Pyramid I can demonstrate how the civilizations of Ancient Egypt, Ancient India & Ancient China impact the world. Exam/OR I can justify reasons why it is important to study the history of the Middle Ages. Exam/OR I can determine how geography played a role in the development of the Middle Ages. Exit slips I can explain how cultural elements & social institutions are important to society in the Middle Ages. Video Quizzes Key Figures (China) Dynasty Aristocrat Daoism Legalism Acupuncture Feb.-Mar. 5 weeks Middle Ages (E) SS-07-1.1.1—Students will compare purposes and sources of power in the most common forms of government (monarchy, democracy, republic, dictatorship) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 07-2.1.1— Students will explain how elements of culture (e.g., language, the arts, customs, beliefs, literature) defined specific groups in the early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. and resulted in unique perspectives. DOK 2 SS-07-2.2.1—Students will compare how cultures (early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D.) developed social institutions (family, religion, education, government, economy) to respond to human needs, structure society and influence behavior. SS-07-2.3.1—Students will explain how conflict and competition (e.g., political, economic, religious, ethnic) occurred among individuals and groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Why is it important to study the history of the Middle Ages? Key Figures (India) Hinduism Buddhism Subcontinent Dharma Karma Nirvana Key Figures Fjord Missionary How are cultural elements & social institutions reflected in the Middle Ages/ Excommunicate Concordat Feudalism What is the influence of government & economics on the Middle Ages? Basil Filth Lord Quizzes Article readings Black Death activity I can evaluate how the influence of government & economics impacted the Middle Ages. 100 Year war activity I can analyze the effect the church had on life in the Middle Ages. Magna Carta activity I can connect the Crusades & the fall of the Feudal System. Feudal System activity I can design a social class pyramid of the Middle Ages Power Points Monarch Knight Serf SS-07-2.3.2—Students will explain how Noble compromise and cooperation were possible choices to resolve conflict among individuals and groups in early civilizations prior to 1500 Manor A.D. DOK 2 Guild Gallery Walk I can analyze how the Feudal System stifled economic & social growth during the Middle Ages. Map Activities Feb.-Mar. 5 weeks (continued) Middle Ages (continued) SS-07-3.1.1—Students will explain and give examples of how scarcity required individuals, groups and governments in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. to make decisions about how productive resources (natural resources, human resources, capital goods) were used. DOK 2 Plague SS-07-3.4.1—Students will explain ways in which the basic economic questions about the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services were addressed in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Chivalry SS-07-3.4.2—Students will describe how new knowledge, technology/tools and specialization increased productivity in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 2 Sacrament Moat Hierarchy Armor Monk Clergy Pilgrimage Relic SS-07-4.3.2—Students will explain why and give examples of how human populations changed and/or migrated because of factors such as war, disease, economic opportunity and technology in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 SS-07-5.1.1—Students will use a variety of tools (e.g. primary and secondary sources) to describe and explain historical events and conditions and to analyze the perspectives of different individuals and groups (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, age, economic status, religion, political group) in early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D. DOK 3 Convent Nun University Theology Religious Order Friar Apprentice Journeyman SS-07-5.1.2—Students will explain how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause-and-effect relationships and give examples of those relationships. DOK 3 Minstrel Crossbow Longbow SS-07-5.3.4—Students will describe developments during the Middle Ages (feudalism, nation states, monarchies, religious institutions, limited government, trade, trade associations, capitalism) and give examples of how these developments influenced modern societies. DOK 3 Heretic Magna Carta Hundred Years War Roman Catholic Church I can describe developments during the Middle Ages & explain how they influenced modern societies. I can determine how trade led to growth & development of cities & towns. I can explain how major events lead to the downfall of the Middle Ages. Vocabulary Activity Good/Bad Activity Skits Crispin Reading Activities Mar.-Apr. 2 ½ weeks Renaissance (C) SS-07-5.1.2—Students will explain how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause-and-effect relationships and give examples of those relationships. DOK 3 SS-07-5.3.4—Students will describe developments during the Middle Ages (feudalism, nation states, monarchies, religious institutions, limited government, trade, trade associations, capitalism) and give examples of how these developments influenced modern societies. DOK 3 Why is it important to study the history of the Renaissance? Renaissance Key Figures Humanism What role did geography lay in the development of the Renaissance? I can summarize why it is important to study the Renaissance. Quizzes I can critique what role geography played in the development of the Renaissance. Perspective City-state I can determine how cultural elements and social institutions reflected the Renaissance. How are cultural elements & social institutions reflected in the Renaissance? Humanities Architecture and Engineering Painting Sculpture Science Mathematics Commerce and Trade I can analyze the influence of government and economics on the Renaissance. I will describe developments during the Renaissance & their impact on modern society. I can explain how the leaders of the Renaissance affected our society today. I can compare & contrast the literature and art of the Renaissance with the art/literature of the Middle Ages I can cite evidence of the development of the Renaissance in Italy. Reformation (C) SS-07-5.1.2—Students will explain how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause-and-effect relationships and give examples of those relationships. DOK 3 Exit Slips Gutenberg Reading Activity Power Points Republic What is the influence of government & economics of the Renaissance? April 3 weeks Exam/OR How does the Age of Reformation lead to the Exploration of the New World? Key Figures Protestants Catholic Church Counter reformation I can investigate reasons that the Age of Reformation lead to the Exploration of the New World. Vocabulary Activity CompareContrast Art Work Middle Ages to Renaissance Inventions activity Michelangelo Activity Florence HA activity Faces of Renaissance Exam/OR Power Points I will describe how leaders of the Reformation influenced religion & the lasting impact on religious beliefs and worship. HA Indulgences Activity I can compare & contrast Catholicism and Protestant faith. HA Face Activity Vocabulary Lutheranism Calvinism Anglicanism Videos and Quiz Reading Passages Apr.-May 1-2 weeks Exploration (E) SS-07-5.3.5—Students will explain how the Age of Exploration (early civilizations prior to 1500 A.D.) produced extensive contact among isolated cultures and explain the impact of this contact. How did exploration & trade lead to a worldwide exchange of products, people & ideas? Key Figures Mercantilism Export Import Colony Commerce Invent I can explain how exploration and trade lead to a world-wide exchange of products, people & ideas. Exam/OR I can analyze the impact that exploration had on the cultures throughout the New World. Reading Passage Map Activity HA Placards Power Points