Mesopotamia Ancient Civilization PowerPoint Requirements Sumerians Civilizations to choose from: Hittites Assyrians Babylonians In this project you will work in small groups (3-4 students) to investigate one of the ancient civilizations listed above completing research questions about that civilization, then prepare a 15 minute PowerPoint presentation explaining key elements of that civilization. These elements include such as religion, government, geography, economy, and others described in the research notes document found in your Google documents. After researching, before actually creating the PowerPoint presentation, students must complete PowerPoint Slide Planning Sheets These will describe: What text will be on each slide. What image will be projected. What the students will say when presenting that slide. These planning sheets are required for the following information: Geography Government Belief Rise and Fall Two other slides of your own choosing. Materials Students will use various textbooks and trade books about the ancient civilizations along with the provided websites. (Wikipedia is not a reliable source and Google searching is not an effective method of research) Helpful websites: (Search for your information about your group) you have to look on the bottom list until you see your civilization. Helpful for Geography part of research. As always you can use Library Resources.