Cold War: Forty-five year period of time (1945

Cold War: Forty-five year period of time (1945-1990)
Rise to Globalism
1945 – 1950:
1945 – Yalta Conference – Question of Polish boundaries and Potsdam
1945 – Hiroshima/Nagaski Point Four
1945 - French puppet government in Vietnam (under Bao Dai)
1945 - Creation of the UN
1946 - Potsdam Conference
1946 - Iron Curtain speech
1946 – General Clay declared no more reparations in Western Europe (May 3rd).
1946 – Soviet withdraw from Iran (May 6th)
1947 – Truman Doctrine (March 12th)
1947- National Security Act (July)
1948 - Berlin Airlift
1948 – Marshall Plan (March 11th)
1948 - Creation of Israel
1948 - Asia - Battle over China between Mao and Chiang Kai Shek
1948 – Communists takeover of Czechoslovakia
1948 – Berlin Airlift
1949 – Creation of NATO (April 4th)
1949 - Russia tests atomic bomb (September)
- Warsaw Pact (1945)
- Kennan’s “X article” in Foreign Affairs
- NSC 68
- Tito Stalin split (1948)
1950 – 1960:
1950 - Korean War (no declaration of war by Congress)
1953 - Death of Stalin
1954 - Indochina (France and Vietnam),
1954 – Hydrogen Bomb
1954 - Guatemala Coup
1955 - German Rearmament
1956 – Suez Canal
1956 – Khruschev condemns Stalin
1957 - Sputnik
1956 - Hungarian Revolution
1959 – Cuban Revolution
1959 – OPEC formed
China, Formosa—Taiwan (1954-1957)
Geneva Summit
Nuclear Proliferation
Rosenberg Trial
Return of Shah of Iran
Tito in Yugoslavia
CIA operations
 Dulles brothers (head of State and CIA)
 Dulles: Mutual Self-Destruction/Massive Retalliation concept
Japanese independence
1960 – 1970:
1960 – Nixon/Kennedy Debates
1960 - Kennedy Elected
1961 – Cuban Bay of Pigs
1961 - Berlin Wall Erected
1962 – Soviet ICBMs in Cuba/Cuban Missile Crisis
 Changed relationship between Kennedy and Khrushchev
1963 – Kennedy Assassination/Advisors to Vietnam
1964 - Social Reforms in USA
1965 – Troops to Vietnam
1966 - Gulf of Tonkin/Indoniesian Coup/Dominican Republic
1967 – Vietnam War escalated/Arab-Israeli six day war/Pueblo Incident
 Kennedy “gradual escalation” policy
1968 - Tet Offensive 1968 – Czech Revolt
1968 - Nixon elected
1969 – Vietnam troop strength peaks
Moon landing
Sixties Period of Decolonization
Sino-Soviet Split
Pueblo incident
Antiwar movement
Nixon’s Detente policy towards USSR
Split ideologically between China and Russia
Arms limitation talks (SALT)
Nuclear arms race
1970 – 1980:
1970 - Nasser Dies (Sadat)
1971 - Nixon “Open Door” policy to China (secretly by Kissinger) and detente, Salt
1972 - Berlin Accords,
1972 - Helsinki Accords,
1972 - 1st U.S. Trade Deficit,
1972 _ Okinawa, Egypt expels Soviets.
1972 – ABM treaty
1972 – Rise in int’l terrorism: Munich
1973 – Yom Kippur War, Oil Embarg and OPEC, War Powers Act
1973 – Kruschev out and Brezhnev
1974 – Watergate
1975 - Fall of Saigon,
1975 - Cambodia,
1975 - Angola Civil War: Cuban troops
1976 – Carter elected / humanitarianism
1978 - Panama Canal
1979 – Afghanistan War, Soviets invade (December)
1979 - Vietnam invades Cambodia,
1979 - Shah of Iran (Hostage Crisis)
1979 - Army adopts all voluntary force,
1979 - Sandinista Nicaragua,
1979 - Congress begins to get more involved in foreign policy
Soviet Brigade during Carter administration in Cuba (we could never find it)
1979 - 2nd oil crisis (1979)
Egypt-Israel Camp David Accords
Linkage (Kissinger)
1980 – 1990:
1980 – Iran/Iraq War - Ronald Reagan elected
1981 – Hostages released
1981 – El Salvador Civil War
1981 – Sadat assassinated
1981 – US performed a non-UN observation Operation Golden Pheasant
1982 - Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Argentina/Falklands,
1983 – Marine Barracks Bombings in Beirut
1983 - US invades Grenada
1984 – Nicaragua
1985 – Gorbachev (Perestroika and Glasnost)
1986 – Iran Contra
1980s – Escalation Arms Race
1986 – Chernobyl, Philippines and Marcos
1988 – Bush elected
1989 – Panama Invasion (Noriega)
1989 – Eastern Europe
1989 – Soviets leave Afghanistan
1989 – Fall of Berlin Wall
Strategic Defense Initiative
Conflict in Central America
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks—START
INF Treaty
1990 – 2003:
1990 – Gulf War
1991 - Fall of Soviet Union - End of Cold War
1992 - Clinton elected
Yugoslavia Civil War (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia)
Kosovo (extension of ethnic cleansing from civil war)
1992 - Somalia (Humanitarian Assistance)
1993 - Haiti (Peacekeeping)
1993 - WTC Bombing
1994 - N. Korean Nuclear Weapons Program
1994 - NAFTA
1994 - Clinton Admin agrees to provide oil and nuclear reactors to North Korea
1994 - Kyoto Accord
1994 - Rwanda
1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing
1996 – Kohbar Towers (June)
1997 - Clinton Impeached
1997 - Hong Kong return to China
1998 - East African Embassy Bombings (Tanzania and Kenya)
1998 - India/Pakistan Nuke Tests
2001 - USS Cole Bombing
2000 - Euro
2000 - Yeltsin/Putin
2000 - Bush election
2000 - Panama Returned
2001 - China Plane Collision
2001 - 9/11
2002 - NATO expansion
2002 - Creation of Homeland Security Department
2002 – UN SC Resolution 1441 on Iraq