June 2013 - Crossroads Charter Academy

JUNE 25, 2013
BUDGET HEARING Prior to Board Meeting
Jim Woolen called for the Budget Hearing to begin at 6:45p.m. Trudi Green presented the
proposed Annual Budget for 2013-14. She explained that Fund 11 is the main operating fund
area of the budget. Food Service is a separate fund and if it goes below budget, Fund 11 would
bail it out. The expense sheet which, includes all projected expenses for the coming school
year, will be up for adoption later in the board meeting. We have increased expenses due to
building addition and will be using our Bond money for our new building and some other
expenses. We are going to take some money from our Fund Balance; which can be used for
problem areas in a year when expenses are greater than revenues. We plan to use around
$300,000 of fund balance in a worse case scenario. We are doing our best guess with the
proposed budget, with several unknowns: student enrollment and effects of the national health
care plan, etc. Most things have come in under budget for what we requested the Bond for, and
so we will be doing some other projects as well. There were no questions from the audience.
Jim Woolen closed the Budget Hearing.
June 25, 2013
HS Gym
Call to Order: 7:00p.m. (Positions listed below reflect new election of officers)
Jim Woolen, President
Laura Vallette, Vice President
Sayed Hashimi, Treasurer
Krissy Workman, Secretary
Kathy Lake, Representative At Large
Kemi Fadayomi, Board Member
Jimmie Rodgers, Board Member
Also Present: Lynn Gullekson, Superintendent
Trudi Green, Director of Finance
Charissa Talsma, Curriculum Director
K-6 Principal, Kendall Schroeder
John Sanford, HRCC, Axios
Bob Fortin, GVSU
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Laura Vallette, seconded by Sayed Hashimi, to approve the agenda.
Motion carried.
CCA Education Spotlight:
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Public Comments: Jim Woolen asked that comments be kept to 3 minutes, and for the
public to follow the guidelines handed out for public comment time. He requested that
if someone comments, that only those with new or additional comments speak up.
(Comments below are not word for word, but close to the intent of the speaker).
Michelle Gabalis (Parent)
Thank you to GVSU for helping fund scholarships for Fine Arts Camp. It was a wonderful
success. She then read her personal letter of thanks and appreciation to Kendall
Kerry Meeuwes (Parent)
Presented her personal letter to the board to read later, as her comments were similar to
those previously shared. She was concerned that we not lose Mr. Schroeder.
Ed Milam (Parent)
Stated that before we attack, let’s hear what’s going on. Let’s listen to what his new
position is all about. Maybe the job he’s taking is a good thing, a good idea. Let’s hear
it all out before we jump to conclusions.
Dominic Pace (Parent)
Will there be any discussion tonight on what the new direction of the elementary school
is? Seems that things have tried to be kept quiet. As a concerned parent I would like to
know what the new direction of CCA Elementary is.
Michelle Gabalis
P.A.C. is being revamped, to have more online access for parents and teachers. We do
have a parent handbook that states what is expected; which will be revised and put
online for better parent, teacher access. We have revised our Bylaws. They had their
celebration on June 4 and she was disappointed that no one from CCA came. It is a
nice way to thank the staff for all they do all year. They are meeting this summer to
revise the handbook.
Leslie Parish
They met and had their election of officers; which all stayed the same for the 2013-14
school year. President—Leslie Parish; Vice President—Deb Lipnicki; Secretary—
Michelle Lewis; and Treasure—Jennifer Worth. Thank you to GVSU for the scholarships
to Fine Arts Camp. It includes Drama, Band, Dance, Choir, Voice Technique. We had
20 scholarships and P.T.O. paid for 10 more, so 30 students participated. CCA was one
of the bigger presences there. We are getting ready for Back To School Night with hot
dogs, etc.
Director of Finance
Trudi Green
In the past the State has a formula that we have to use to set our lunch prices. We are
happy to say that the Federal Government is not making any increases for Fall. CCA’s
lunch prices will remain the same, along with the free breakfast program. The auditor
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will be here in July. The monthly Treasurer’s report was also given.
K-6 Principal
Kendall Schroeder
Thank you for allowing me to serve over the last five years as Principal. Dean of
Students is an exciting role K-12. If I’m here in this role, I will make it the best
it can be. I’ve been here since the beginning and we’ve seen a lot of changes, and
I know God has His hand on it. I’m praying for whoever has this role, whether me
or someone else. It will be top notch. I don’t want to work for someone else.
The families are very supportive. Thank you.
MS/HS Principal
Lynn Gullekson
The construction project is moving along quite nicely. The peat moss problem
has already been removed. The floor is being poured this week. We are currently a
week ahead of schedule.
I’d like to address the new Dean of Students position. Mr. Kendall Schroeder has
a tremendous amount of respect from all of us. However, the parent and staff surveys
have been asking as a recurring theme, for an assistant role to the principal. We have
been asking “what do we need to do for our students?” We feel that this new
position is worthy of trying for this next year. Mr. Schroeder does an excellent
job with student discipline and character education. He has done an excellent
job in the elementary role. He has been here from the beginning. CCA has changed
since 1998. Our students and parents have changed. The needs of our students
have changed tremendously. It’s time to address our new needs. No further details
or specifics will be given. We appreciate parent comments and concerns given
tonight. We are trying this for one year. We are looking at initiating a “latch key”
program for after school next year. There will be a fee. This is also answering
parent survey requests. We will be instituting a new and different “pick-up” protocol for
Fall. (A few details were shared). We are wide open to suggestions. We hope this
will help with traffic flow. Drop off is not a big issue, but student pick-up is very
frustrating for a lot of people. We are going to be trying some new things based
on concerns that have been brought to our attention.
Bob Fortin
Just one reminder about the $40 Grant; right now you are at $30. We are waiting for the
MAP test results.
Individual Action Items:
Old Business: None
New Business:
Oaths of Office: Fadayomi, Lake, Woolen
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Secretary, Krissy Workman administered the oath of office.
Kemi Fadayomi, Kathy Lake, and Jim Woolen recited the Oath of
Office for new three (3) year terms: 2014-2016
Nominate Temporary Chairperson:
Motion was made by Sayed Hashimi, seconded by Krissy Workman,
to nominate Superintendent, Lynn Gullekson as the temporary
Board Chairperson for the purpose of Election of Officers. Motion
Election of Board Officers for 2013-14
Lynn Gullekson opened the floor for nominations and election of officers.
Nominations for President:
Motion was made by Sayed Hashimi, seconded by Kemi Fadayomi, to
nominate and appoint Jim Woolen as Board President. No further
nominations. Motion carried with Jim Woolen appointed as President.
Nominations for Vice President:
Motion was made by Jim Woolen, seconded by Sayed Hashimi, to
nominate and appoint Laura Vallette as Board Vice President. No further
nominations. Motion carried with Laura Vallette appointed as Vice
Nominations for Treasurer:
Motion was made by Jim Woolen, seconded by Laura Vallette, to
nominate and appoint Sayed Hashimi as Board Treasurer. No further
nominations. Motion carried with Sayed Hashimi appointed as Treasurer.
Nominations for Secretary:
Motion was made by Jim Woolen, seconded by Sayed Hashimi, to
nominate and appoint Krissy Workman as Board Secretary. No further
nominations. Motion carried with Krissy Workman appointed as
Motion was made by Sayed Hashimi, seconded by Laura Vallette, to
return chairmanship of the meeting to the Board President, Jim Woolen.
Motion carried.
Board Committees for 2013-2014
Committee assignments were changed as follows: Sayed Hashimi will
move to the Finance Committee as Treasurer. Laura Vallette will move
to the Building & Grounds Committee as Vice President.
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Approve Board Meeting Schedule for 2013-2014
Motion was made by Kemi Fadayomi, seconded by Sayed Hashimi,
to approve the proposed Board Meeting Schedule for 2013-2014.
Motion carried.
Accept Parent Survey Results for 2012-2013
Motion was made by Laura Vallette, seconded by Kathy Lake, to
accept the Parent Survey Results for 2012-2013 as presented.
Motion carried.
Approve School Improvement Plans: District
Motion was made by Sayed Hashimi, seconded by Kemi Fadayomi,
to approve the District School Improvement Plan for 2013-2014.
Motion carried.
Student Disciplinary Hearing
Lynn Gullekson described the incident to the board members. He
read a personal letter from the student to the board. Student is
herein referred to as #2013B. The student was kept out of the
general school population within the confines of In School Suspension—
After explanation Lynn asked if the board wanted to have a closed
session, to further discuss the issue at the August meeting?
Kemi Fadayomi asked, “when did this occur?” Lynn said it was on June 4.
Was the student able to finish their exams? Lynn said they were kept
separate from the student body and allowed to finish exams. They were
in ISS--In School Suspension and allowed to take their exams. Kemi
asked for administration to maintain the same consistency. We have had
this before. Lynn explained that the situations are not the same.
Jim Woolen asked what does the law say. Lynn read the pertinent portion
of the school code.
Sayed said that he concurred with Kemi about keeping things consistent.
Lynn said that this student was allowed to finish in ISS, and not even here
for the entire day.
Sayed said that we have policies that have to be followed, and it would be
appropriate for the student to appear before the board.
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Kemi said that the difference for her is not the situation but the
process; not changing the process.
Motion was made by Kemi Fadayomi, seconded by Sayed Hashimi,
to table this to the August 8 agenda and ask that the student come
in for a Board Hearing. Motion carried.
Laura Vallette asked if this would affect the student’s ability to
do school events or athletic practices over the summer? She didn’t
want to ruin their summer in athletics by tabling the issue.
Building & Grounds Committee Report
Sayed Hashimi said they met for over an hour to prioritize some of
the building projects as well as to discuss the ongoing construction
project. We will see how we progress and then make final decisions
based on the amount of money available. The list is long of those
things that are proposed for attention. Some things don’t require
as much money, but time to complete them. We didn’t make any
commitments, just what needs to be done.
Education Committee Report & Recommendations
Kemi Fadayomi said they met and have recommendations. Charissa
Talsma stated that the proposed new textbook is for Elementary
Math curriculum, “Bridges.” The book also came through a
committee of teachers. It would be purchased for grades K-2 in
2014 and grades 3-4 in 2015. The teachers are very excited. It does a
much better job of applying Math in real world concepts. We’re looking
forward to it, and have training scheduled in August so that we can
start day one in September. The cost of the curriculum is $5,000
per grade level so $15,000 this year and $10,000 the next. We’ve
been paying around $6-7,000 a year for Saxon.
Approve Purchase of Bridges Math curriculum
Motion was made by Kemi Fadayomi, seconded by Laura Vallette,
to approve the purchase of Bridges for grades K-2 for Fall 2013,
and grades 3-4 for Fall 2014. Motion carried.
Sayed stated that from his view, that’s where the money meets the
road. Every dollar that can be spent on education is very
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Finance Committee Report
Approve Budget Revisions/Amendment for 2012-2013
Motion was made by Laura Vallette, seconded by Sayed Hashimi,
to approve the Budget Revisions for 2012-2013. Motion carried.
Approve budget for 2013-2014
Motion was made by Laura Vallette, seconded by Krissy Workman,
to approve the Budget for 2013-2014. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda Items:
Approve Minutes: 5/2/2013
Approve MHSAA Resolution for 2013-2014
Approve MOP Co-Op for bus Mechanic for 2013-2014
Approve Existing Technology Plan 2012-2015 (Yearly Approval)
Consensus Resolution of Annual Organizational Items for 2013-2014
Depositories for Various Funds and Authorized Signatures:
CCA General Fund at Chemical Bank:
Board President
Board Treasurer
Director of Finance
CCA Savings Account at Chemical Bank:
Director of Finance
CCA Petty Cash Account at Chemical Bank:
Director of Finance
Office Manager
CCA Auxiliary Account at Isabella Bank:
Director of Finance
Office Manager
Office Manager designated responsible for:
Taking minutes at Board Meetings
Posting notices & locations of Board Meetings
Sending approved minutes to authorizer
Pre-approved minutes posted within 8 days of Board Mtg.
Designate Legal Counsel:
Clark Hill Attorneys At Law
Designate Auditors: Croskey, Lanni & Company, PC for
3 Years—2012, 2013, & 2014
Approve & Sign Auditor Letter of Engagement
Designate Board President as Board Media Spokesperson
Designate Superintendent as:
FOIA Coordinator
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Civil Rights Representative
Homeless Liaison
Chief Administrator Officer
Parent/Educator Representative
Public Information Officer
Homeland Security Officer
Contact for: Sexual Harassment
Title VI, IX, Sec. 504
Compliance Officer with GVSU
Principle Media Representative
Media Sources & Publicity for 2013-2014:
Pioneer Newspaper
WYBRI 102.3 & 9&10 News
Radio: WYBR 102.3, WBRN 100.9
WTCM 103.5
9&10 News/WZZM 13/WOOD TV 8
Organizational Chart for 2013-2014
Motion was made by Laura Vallette, seconded by Sayed Hashimi, to
approve the Consent Agenda Items as listed above. Motion carried.
Laura asked if there was anything to be noted on the organizational chart.
Lynn explained that the only change is the addition of the Dean of Students
Discussion/Information/First Reading Items:
Board Round Table Discussion:
Kathy Lake:
Excited to begin a new first term, being officially sworn in for a three year
term. Excited to dedicate to this position.
Laura Vallette: Thank you to Kendall for all you have done. The return of Captain Character
would be great. You will be amazing working with the kids and IEP’s. Thank you to the
Board for my new position as Vice President. It will be very exciting.
Kemi Fadayomi: I brought my kids here when my son who is now a sophomore was in 4th
grade. We were in the principal’s office, Mrs. Lenz-Wallington and she had a huge collection
of turtles. He didn’t want to leave her office. Then she left in the Fall. We were not sure
if we would stay. But I talked to Kendall and he said it will be okay, and you are still here and
I look forward to working further with you in this new position.
Krissy Workman: Thank you to Kendall Schroeder. You are great. We all love you and are
excited about having you in the new position. You have so much more to offer the students.
Sayed Hashimi: Thank you. Most of us have had you as our principal. Thank you parents
for your comments.
Jim Woolen: Kudos to Kendall for your new role. You are the right person for that role.
You have the right character and gifts for that role. Thank you parents for coming. We would
like you to come not just when there is something happening. We value your opinions. This
is our Superintendent, and you can talk to him anytime. We look forward to hearing from you
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and having you involved.
Next Regular Meeting:
August 8, 2013
Jim Woolen adjourned the meeting at around 8:05p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By: _____________________________________ Dated:______________________
Board Secretary, Krissy Workman