Employee-Handbook2 - Diversified Support Services

Diversified Support Services (hereinafter referred to as “DSS”) is a women-owned business
specializing in providing a wide range of services, including, but not limited to, clerical/administrative,
professional/technical, management support, craft labor and light industrial. These are temporary
positions, varying in length of time from days to months; we also supply temp-to-perm personnel to our
customers if requested. DSS’s background is primarily supplying services to the utility industry (on a
nationwide basis); however, we also supply personnel to private industry, and state, local and federal
All of our non-staff positions are temporary, varying in length according to contract duration.
Upon termination, you may be considered for any other positions available at that time or in the future.
Our computer will provide listings of qualified personnel for specific jobs and locations. It is very
importation that you notify us of any address or phone number changes immediately.
DSS considers our employees our main asset and we match each individual with a position which
best suits their qualifications and personal needs. When one assignment ends, we immediately attempt
to place them elsewhere. Each employee is evaluated on work performance, attendance and attitude;
these evaluations will be taken into consideration prior to re-hire.
The following pages will set forth our procedures, rules and safety information. We encourage all
employees to stay in touch with us – maintain an open line of communications in order to keep us abreast
of any problems, comments or suggestions you may have. These policies and other information
contained in this booklet are subject to change at any time due to business needs. While the company
will normally attempt to provide employees with advance notice of any change, the company reserves the
right to alter these policies at any time without advance notice.
DSS is an equal opportunity employer and we will not tolerate discrimination against any
employee whatsoever as prohibited by law.
Feel free to contact us at any time at either of the following locations:
Scottsdale, AZ Office
3014 N. Hayden Rd., Suite 121
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Phone: 480-970-0732
Fax: 480-970-0744
Norfolk, VA Office
2720 Ellsmere Ave, Suite 110
Norfolk, VA 23513
Phone: 757-222-1640
Fax: 757-222-1641
At DSS, each employee is considered to be a valuable asset, to be respected as an individual and as a
“team member” and to be treated with dignity. DSS is committed to provide a safe and secure workplace,
free from discrimination and harassment. Each employee is encouraged to set goals and work toward
achieving them.
We have an “open door” policy that allows employees access to all levels of management. We strive to
provide multiple channels for employee and customer feedback, through which everyone can feel free to
ask questions, voice concerns and seek resolution to any ethical issue.
DSS strongly prohibits any form of discrimination, harassment or retaliation; we make the fair and
equitable treatment of all our employees a primary concern. We take immediate action to address our
employees’ or customers’ concerns or complaints in this regard.
Trust is the overall principle at DSS. We recognize that trust is the basis for all business relationships,
both with our employees and our customers and those relationships are dependent on a reputation and
“track record” of integrity. Our reputation is our strongest asset and must be nurtured and grown.
DSS maintains the highest standards of both professional and personal conduct, complies with all
regulations and laws pertinent to its business and maintains a high standard of conduct in all aspects of
its business, as well as with its customers, employees and the general public.
DSS maintains the confidentiality of privileged information given to us by our customers or employees.
We recognize the importance of our services and our employees and commit to providing the highest
possible level of quality and service to every customer.
You, as our contractor, are an employee of DSS, and as such expected to be a “team player”. It is
imperative that we supply our customer with qualified, reliable employees to fill all positions. Therefore,
you must make every effort to be prompt, dependable and reliable on every assignment.
Everyone is advised of the hours of each assignment during the initial interview. These hours must be
strictly followed unless specifically altered, changed and/or approved by the supervisor. If, for any
reason, you are going to be late or need to leave early, you must, if at all possible, advise the supervisor
and DSS in advance. In the event of unforeseen or unavoidable problems, such as sickness, car trouble,
traffic problems, etc., you, a member of your family, or someone designated by you, must advise DSS
and the supervisor as soon as possible.
If it is necessary for you to be absent for a day or longer, you must advise both DSS and your supervisor
in advance and you must advise as to your return date. In the case of illness, if you are absent longer
than three days, you may be asked to produce a medical note from your physician. If you are given a
conditional medical release, the doctor must state what the conditions of the partial release are, and
specify any job limitations.
An absence of two consecutive days or longer without contacting your supervisor or DSS will result in
termination. Additionally, excessive tardiness can also result in termination.
In cases of serious personal illness or other situations in which advance notice is not possible, notify your
supervisor as soon as you are able. A member of your immediate family may, if necessary, fulfill that
We strongly depend on our employees and, as a member of our team, ask that you represent DSS in a
positive, professional manner.
DSS processes payroll on a weekly basis – with a Sunday week ending date. We ask that you fax your
timesheet to the number designated thereon no later than Monday at Noon; if at all possible, we would
prefer receiving it late Friday afternoon prior to leaving the job.
In an effort to communicate to all DSS employees our current policies, procedures, announcements, etc.,
DSS will notify you by enclosing information with your paycheck.
Payday is every Friday. DSS offers automatic deposit and encourages all employees to use this option; if
they do not choose auto deposit, the second option is to receive your paychecks on a CHASE BANK pay
card and can be used just like any bank Visa card. Checks will be posted to the website
eservices.paychex.com each week. To login to this site, please do the following; your company ID
(0430 (first box) X559 (2nd Box). Your user name is the first initial of your first name and your entire last
name (Example Joseph Bean would use jbean). Your password is the first initial of your first name
capitalized and your first initial of your last name capitalized combined with the last four digits of your
social security number. (Example Joseph Bean with a social of 044-55-6677, the password would be
JB6677). After logging in for the first time, be sure to change your password to something you choose.
Late timesheets may result in receiving your check later than Friday or, possibly, the following week. If an
employee is terminated, the last paycheck will be distributed according to the instructions that were in
effect when the previous pay check was distributed.
Upon termination, if a security badge has been issued to you, the badge must be returned to DSS (or the
supervisor, if appropriate) before the final check can be issued.
It is imperative that you notify us immediately of any address change or any requested change in
deductions or exemptions on your state or federal tax forms. We are not responsible for checks sent to
incorrect addresses if we have not been previously advised. W-2s will be mailed to your home address
prior to February 1.
Your signature in this Handbook constitutes permission for DSS to make necessary payroll deductions to
recapture the costs of any equipment or articles belonging to DSS or our customers which are not
returned upon termination, or any damages caused by you to DSS or our customers, or any other nonreimbursable expenses incurred by you.
Please direct any questions or changes to Gail Kellington in the Norfolk, Virginia office or Cathy Chiang at
the Scottsdale, Arizona office.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires private sector employers of 50 or more employees to
provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to “eligible” employees for certain family and
medical reasons. The following policy and procedures will address this issue.
ELIGIBILITY: You are eligible if you have been employed by DSS for at least 12 months and during
that period, have worked a minimum of 1250 hours, and if there are at least 50 employees within 75 miles
of the work site.
To care for your child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care with
To care for your spouse, son, daughter, or parent, who has a serious health
For a serious health condition that makes you unable to perform the functions of
your position. “Serious health condition” is defined as an illness, injury,
impairment, physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital,
hospice or residential medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a health
care provider. (Department of Labor guidelines will be used.)
ADVANCE NOTICE AND MEDICAL CERTIFICATION: You are expected to provide at least 30 days
advance notice, preferably in writing, when the Leave is “foreseeable”. Before you begin your FMLA
leave, you must give your DSS supervisor an address and telephone number where you can be
contacted during the leave period.
You may be required to provide medical certification to support a request for leave due to a serious health
condition and may also be required to provide a second or third opinion (at the Company’s expense) and
a fitness for duty report to return to work. If medical certification is not provided within 15 days of the
notice, FMLA leave may be delayed or denied. Additionally, you are required to make a reasonable effort
to schedule any medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the operations of the Company, subject to
the approval of your health care provider. You must also inform DSS monthly as to your status and
expected return date.
DURATION OF LEAVE: You are entitled to 12 workweeks of leave during any 12-month period. This 12month period begins when you start your first leave and is not necessarily a calendar year. In the case of
leave for birth or adoption, the 12-month period begins to run at the date of birth or adoption.
You may take leave intermittently or on a reduced schedule if it is medically necessary for you or your
family member. Leave can also be taken in minimum increments of l hour. You may be asked, at the
Company’s discretion, to fill a different position in order to aid in scheduling and work load. However, this
position will provide similar pay and benefits as the position you would normally fill.
COMPENSATION: The Act does not require an employer to pay the employee during periods of leave.
You will be required to substitute earned paid vacation for unpaid time during the 12-week leave period.
CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS DURING LEAVE: If you have group coverage at the time of your leave,
DSS will maintain your insurance coverage under our existing group plan. However, you will still be
responsible for your portion of the monthly premiums. These premiums must be paid by the 30th of the
month preceding the month of coverage. You will have a 30-day grace period before your coverage will
be terminated due to lapse of premium payments.
If you return to work and your insurance has been terminated due to lapse of premium payments, your
insurance will be reinstated on your actual return date. All waiting periods and pre-existing condition
clauses will be waived.
If you do not return to work after the leave period, DSS reserves the right to recover the premiums paid by
the Company for your insurance.
All other benefits accrued prior to your Leave period will remain in place. You will not accrue hours
toward holiday, vacation or insurance eligibility while you are on Leave. Your current hours will remain
frozen until you return to work. You will not be paid holiday pay during your unpaid Leave period.
JOB PROTECTION: Upon your return from Leave, you are entitled to be restored to the position held
when the Leave commenced, or to a similar position with equivalent benefits, compensation, and other
terms and conditions of employment.
You have no greater right to reinstatement or benefits than if you had been continuously employed during
the Leave period. Example: If your position is eliminated during your Leave period, DSS is not required
to restore your employment and benefits.
If your position is eliminated while you are on Leave, your DSS supervisor will attempt to notify you by
telephone. You will also be notified in writing of the date of termination of the position and existing
benefits. You will be informed as to how to continue insurance coverage under COBRA.
DSS has established a policy with regard to access and disclosure of electronic mail messages created,
sent or received by company employees using the company’s (or it’s customer’s) electronic mail system.
The company intends to honor the policies set forth below, but must reserve the right to change them at
any time as may be required under the circumstances.
In offices where the company maintains an electronic mail system, this system is
provided by the company to assist in the conduct of business within company.
Therefore, e-mail and Internet use should be limited to business-related
functions. It may not be used for personal business. Any employee who violates
this policy or uses the electronic mail system or internet for improper purposes
shall be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.
The electronic mail system hardware is company property. Additionally, all
messages composed, sent, or received on the electronic mail system are and
remain the property of the company. They are not the private property of any
The electronic mail system may not be used to solicit or proselytize for
commercial ventures, religious or political causes, outside organizations, or other
non-job-related solicitations.
The electronic mail system is not to be used to create any offensive or disruptive
messages. Among those which are considered offensive are any messages
which contain sexual implications, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, or any
other comment that offensively addresses someone’s age, sexual orientation,
religious or political beliefs, national origin or disability. Humor is subjective.
What is funny to you may be insulting and offensive to others.
The electronic mail system shall not be used to send (upload) or receive
(download) copyrighted materials, trade secrets, proprietary financial information
or similar materials without prior authorization.
The company reserves and intends to exercise the right to review, audit,
intercept, access and disclose all messages created, received or sent over the
electronic mail system for any purpose. The contents of electronic mail may be
disclosed within the company without the permission of the employee.
The confidentiality of any message should not be assumed. Even when a
message is erased, it is still possible to retrieve and read that message. Further,
the use of passwords for security does not guarantee confidentiality.
Notwithstanding the company’s right to retrieve and read any electronic mail
messages, such messages should be treated as confidential by other employees
and accessed only by the intended recipient. Employees are not authorized to
retrieve or read any e-mail messages that are not sent to them. Any exception to
this policy must receive prior approval by the Human Resources Department or
President of Diversified Support Services.
DSS benefits are based on contractual agreements with our customers and vary from job to job. Prior to
accepting your position, you will be given job specific information on benefits, which will become a part of
this handbook. If you have any questions, please ask our staff members and they will supply you with
the necessary information.
The management of DSS believes that the effects of drug and alcohol can and, in fact, do impair one’s
ability to function within the workplace, which in turn could pose significant threats to our business.
Therefore, to further our goals for a drug and alcohol–free work environment, DSS has implemented the
following policy designed to prevent hiring or retaining those persons whose lifestyles includes drug use
and/or alcohol use that could endanger co-workers or the public or bring discredit to the company.
The sale, purchase, transfer, use of or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol by
employees on the work premises or while on company business is prohibited.
No employee will report for work or will work while under the influence of any
impairing substances, whether it is an illegal drug, prescription or an over-thecounter drug or alcohol. Assessment of the employee’s use will be based on his
or her ability to perform the regular assigned duties safely and efficiently.
“Impaired” means under the influence of a substance such that the employee’s
motor senses (i.e., sight, hearing, balance, reaction, reflex) or judgment either
are, or may be, reasonably presumed to be affected, based upon observation of
his or her appearance and performance.
Each employee whose assignment is scheduled to last longer than 30 days may
be required to have a drug test. Any employee who fails such drug screen shall
be immediately terminated and escorted from the premises. Additionally, some
customers require that all contractors participate in a random or for-cause drug
screening program; in such event, each contractor must agree to participate in
said screening.
Employees shall not operate company-owned or leased vehicles or personal
vehicles while on company property or on company business while under the
influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or while adversely affected by legal
prescription medications taken in accordance with physicians’ order.
As a condition of employment with DSS, each employee shall agree to abide by the above-stated policy.
Each employee shall also agree to notify DSS immediately of any criminal conviction while in our
1) The employee agrees:
a) To abide by the work and safety rules and regulations established by DSS and customer.
b) To advise both DSS and customer when unavailable to work.
c) To allow such drug screenings and background investigations as are necessary to verify
character or background.
2) The employee understands:
a) That customer has the RIGHT OF RESFUSAL and may declare any potential employee as
unacceptable for the work assignment, with or without cause.
b) That vehicles and hand carried packages may be subject to search at entry and exit by
customer’s security force.
c) That customer may require a body search.
d) That employee must meet Customer’s requirements for issuance of a pass by the Customer’s
security force.
e) That employee may be requested to take tests to ascertain qualifications and abilities, by DSS,
Customer or both.
f) That layoffs may be affected by seniority and other factors including quality of work performed.
g) That immediate discharge will result if there are serious violations of work rules or safety
h) That falsification of application (and any accompanying paperwork required by DSS, Customer or
both) is cause for immediate discharge.
1) Employees are expected to report to work on time and work the scheduled period for each
assignment. If sick or unable to report on time, employee must advise both DSS and Customer
immediately. Customer must approve any changes. Employee is also expected to dress according
to customer requirements. Acceptable personal appearance and dress is mandatory.
Tattoos: When meeting with customers, please take appropriate actions to cover totally any visible
tattoos. The specific content and location of any tattoo may also be unacceptable. Methods for
concealing tattoos, such as, but not limited to, make-up or bandages are unacceptable. Methods for
concealing tattoos may include long sleeve shirts or blouses, pants, turtleneck sweaters, or high
Jewelry: When meeting with customers, two (2) earrings on each ear are acceptable. Pierced
jewelry in any other visible location on the body other than the ear (including but not limited to, the
nose or tongue) is not acceptable.
Exceptions: Any medical or religious exceptions to the dress code must be presented to Human
Resources for review and determination.
The first violation will result in employee being sent home. Second violation will result in employee
being sent home to change. Time away from the office will be charged to the employee’s vacation
time, and a verbal warning will be issued to the employee. Third violation will result in employee
being sent home to change. Time away from the office will be unpaid, and a written warning will be
placed in employee’s personnel file. Any offense past the third violation will result in additional
disciplinary action.
A casual look should not be confused with a sloppy or unprofessional appearance, or one which is
better suited for workout or weekend wear. Like it or not, people get their first impression by the way
we look, and will associate sloppy, unprofessional dress with sloppy, unprofessional work. How we
look reflects pride in ourselves, our jobs, our customers, and our company – so let’s look good!
2) Employees shall, upon arrival at their assigned work site, report to DSS Site Coordinator for badging
and introduction to Customer/Supervisor. Employee will follow directions of and cooperate with
Customer personnel at all time. Additionally, employee shall respect other employees and their
property and observe safety and health rules and regulations.
3) Any refusal to follow directions, rules or regulations of Customer personnel will be construed to be the
same as a resignation from Company and may result in immediate expulsion from the site and
termination of employment with the Company.
4) Engaging in any illegal or other activities tending to jeopardize DSS’s relationship with the Customer
may be cause for immediate termination.
5) Any damages caused by employee to Customer’s (or DSS’s) property or facilities provided to
employee in connection with a work assignment will be the responsibility of the employee.
6) Employees of DSS shall obey federal, state and local laws and codes. Violation of any laws shall be
grounds for immediate termination. Responsibility for all fines, bonds, bail or other penalties shall be
up to the terminated employee.
7) Employees will not report to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Neither shall they smoke in
restricted areas.
8) Employees will not carry or use alcohol or drugs in any vehicle provided by Customer, in any hotels,
work or plant sites or training centers. Prescribed drugs are permissible if used in accordance with a
medical prescription and does not interfere with employee’s ability to perform his/her work.
9) The use or possession of illegal drugs or controlled substances (including marijuana) is prohibited.
Upon discovery, the employee will be terminated and the proper law enforcement authorities will be
immediately informed.
10) Employee will not conceal, carry or use firearms or weapons of any kind during assignments.
Discovery of such will result in immediate termination. Other prohibited conduct includes distribution
of literature, insubordination, theft or falsification of records.
11) DSS does not condone and will not permit any employee to be subjected to harassment from coworkers, supervisors or any other individuals in the workplace. Harassment is considered to be
deliberate or repeated unsolicited verbal comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual, racial
or otherwise abusive nature which are unwelcome. All cases of alleged harassment will be
immediately investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken.
In the event that you have any job-related problems or concerns, contact your DSS supervisor and
thoroughly discuss the matter with them. Please have all of your facts, dates, times, etc. in order so that
the supervisor can get a clear understanding of the problem. If you would prefer, this can be
accomplished in letter form; however, direct contact is preferred in order to effectively resolve the
concerns or problems.
DSS recognizes that, on occasion, you may experience job-related problems. Therefore, in order to
assist you in presenting your concerns to our management personnel, the following three-step grievance
procedure should be followed:
You are encouraged to discuss your concerns with your immediate supervisor on an
informal basis. We ask that you make every effort to express your concerns in a cordial,
informal atmosphere, free of ill will. Nothing less will be accepted by DSS management.
Should a satisfactory solution not be obtained, you may proceed with Step II.
Step II starts by contacting DSS’ Human Resources Department; this begins the formal
grievance process. At this point, you will be asked to complete an “Employee Complaint
Form” which will put your concerns in writing. Our Human Resources Department will
assist you in completing this form and will begin the initial inquiries into your complaint.
It will be the Human Resources Department’s responsibility to establish liaison with the
Customer representatives in regard to your concerns.
After Human Resources have looked into the situation, you will be notified of the findings.
Possible solutions will be discussed with you, usually within a work week of your initial
Should a satisfactory solution not be obtained here, you may proceed with…
In this step, all findings will then be forwarded to either the President or Vice President of
DSS. She will review the facts as presented and may initiate further investigation, if
deemed necessary. After all of the facts have been obtained, she will render a decision.
This decision should be rendered within ten (10) working days of receiving your complaint from
Step II, and completes the three-step process in regard to your complaint.
DSS encourages you to become familiar with this grievance procedure and assures you that
your standing with DSS will not be adversely affected by the prompt, responsible use of our
grievance process. It is understood that any employee who elects to use the complaint
procedure will be treated fairly and courteously.
Our investigation into complaints of misconduct will be handled with the utmost confidentiality. Your
concerns will be revealed only as needed to conduct the investigation. We ask that you also treat your
concerns confidentially and not discuss your complaint with anyone else within either our company or that
of our customer while our investigation is in progress.
Harassment, including sexual harassment, is contrary to basic standards of conduct between
individuals and is prohibited by the Equal Opportunity Commission and state regulations. It will,
therefore, constitute a violation of company policy for any employee to engage in any of the acts or
behavior discussed below and such misconduct will subject any employee to corrective action up to and
including immediate discharge.
Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual, that is based upon a
person’s protected status, such as sex, color, race, ancestry, religion, national origin, age, disability,
veteran status, citizenship status or other protected group status. Harassment includes conduct that
denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her protected status or
that of his or her relations, friends, or associates.
Sexual harassment deserves special mention. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,
and other physical, verbal or visual conduct based on sex may constitute sexual harassment. This
conduct is unlawful when (1) submission to the conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of
employment, (2) submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for employment decision,
or (3) the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. Sexual harassment
may include such actions as: sex-oriented verbal “kidding”, “teasing” or jokes; foul or obscene language
or gestures; display of foul or obscene printed or visual material; physical contact such as patting,
pinching, or brushing against another’s body; and demands for sexual favors. Such conduct, generally,
can amount to sexual harassment only if it is both unwelcome and either severe or pervasive. DSS
discourages any such conduct in the workplace, regardless of the circumstances.
Everyone at DSS, including supervisors, is expected to avoid any behavior or conduct that could be
interpreted as unlawful harassment. Employees should understand the importance of informing an
individual whenever that individual’s behavior is unwelcome, offensive, in poor taste or inappropriate.
If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed discrimination or harassment, you are to notify the
Human Resources Department or your DSS supervisor who will take steps to ensure that your report is
properly investigated. There will be no retaliation against anyone for reporting discrimination or
harassment, or for cooperating with an investigation of a complaint of discrimination or harassment. Each
complaint will be investigated promptly and both the complaint and the results will be kept as confidential
as practicable.
Employee agrees that he/she will maintain all Confidential Information in the strictest confidence.
Employee agrees not to (a) use the Confidential Information for his or her own benefit, (b) sell, trade,
copy, reproduce, distribute or publish the Confidential Information, or (c) disclose or reveal the
Confidential Information to third parties in any manner whatsoever, without prior written consent from
Confidential Information means any information that is owned or controlled by DSS or any company
where employee may be placed. Such information may be in unwritten form, such as knowledge, ideas
or information communicated by word of mouth, or may be in written or other tangible form, such as
documents, written memos, drawings, training materials, specifications, photographs, graphs or charts,
computer information or software, or information communicated by other electronic means. Confidential
Information shall not include information that is already public knowledge.
Safety is our first and foremost consideration of every employee of DSS. We consider our employees to
be our single most valuable asset. Our goal is to protect our employees from loss through accident or
injury. We believe that such protection must include appropriate measures for the safety and health of all
employees while on the job.
Safety is basically accident prevention and is accomplished through the elimination of hazards and
working with constant awareness. Unsafe working habits may result in personal injury to you or someone
else as well as property damage that may be costly to both the Company and the employee; most
accidents result from unsafe conditions. You are encouraged to promptly report to DSS supervision any
condition or equipment that you feel to be unsafe or hazardous. Everyone can identify unsafe acts and
unsafe conditions; constructive suggestions are welcome from every employee. You are urged to
promptly report any injury or incident to your DSS and/or customer supervisor. It is the responsibility of
every employee to act in a manner that provides safety for him/her, fellow employees, company/customer
property, and the general public.
Any employee operating motor vehicles shall do so in a responsible manner, including using seat belts,
obeying posted speed limits and other federal, state or local regulations, avoiding the use of cell phone
while operating the vehicle, and reporting unsafe equipment to the supervisor.
The illegal use, possession, distribution or sale of drugs is strictly prohibited. Use of intoxicating
beverages by any employee while on the job or reporting for work under the influence of an intoxicating
beverage is, likewise, prohibited.
Any employee who is taking medications prescribed by a licensed physician who may adversely affect his
or her ability to perform work safely must inform their supervisor prior to starting work.
If you are injured on the job in the normal course of your employment, you are directed to seek medical
attention at once and to report the injury to your supervisor immediately. Either the supervisor or you
should also immediately notify us at either of our offices (in Arizona or Virginia).
If, on the day of your work-related injury, you are, in the opinion of your supervisor, unable to work the
remainder of the day, you will be compensated. Employees are provided worker’s compensation
insurance protection. Appropriate accident report forms must be completed immediately. Forms and
physician referral service may be obtained from either our Scottsdale or Norfolk office.
The purpose of this employee handbook is to provide you with knowledge of DSS’s expectations and
procedures. Nothing contained in this handbook or any verbal statement should be construed as creating
any type of employment contract, either express or implied. The policies and other information contained
in this handbook are subject to modification or change any time due to business needs.
You are employed with DSS at-will and nothing contained in this handbook is intended to provide or
guarantee you with employment for any specific period or location. This at-will employment relationship
can only be modified by a written contract signed by you and the DSS President or other officer. As an
at-will employee, your employment may be terminated by DSS at any time, for any reason, with or without
cause, and with or without notice. You also have the right to terminate your employment at any time. No
employee of DSS has the authority to change your status as an at-will employee or to contradict any
policy set forth in this handbook.
If provided an employment assignment with DSS, there is no guarantee or contractual obligation that you
will be employed for future or additional employment assignments. Your employment with DSS is related
to a particular job assignment for a particular customer and may be terminated at any time during this
I have carefully read the rules, regulations and other information contained in this handbook and I fully
understand them. I agree as a condition of my employment with DSS to comply with these policies. I
further understand that an infraction of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including termination.
Printed Name
Social Security Number