
Ming And Ottoman Empires Essay, Research Paper
Timothy S. Palko
World History II
Dr. Skaff
MWF 2:00-2:50
World power can be seen today in two very different but extremely vast empires. They are the
Ming Empire and the Ottoman Empire. To contrast these empires in order to predict their
futures, it is necessary that I observe and analyze key factors such as leadership, military
strengths and weaknesses, and morals among the people. The two empires have different types of
leadership, and from this it is possible to find the core of any disadvantage. From the leadership,
it is possible to continue into the military and values that these empires embody. The Ming
Empire is led by brilliant philosophical scholars, ?The man who is promoted to the higher
degrees in this field prides himself on the fact that he has in truth attained to the pinnacle of
Chinese happiness? (Andrea/Overfield 116). The Ottoman Empire has dedicated and
knowledgeable leaders as well, but they are of a more warlike and brutish character. ?These
leaders rise in service by merit alone? (Andrea/Overfield p.88). Indulging in the writings of
Matteo Ricci, who observed first hand the workings of the Ming government, and the writings of
Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, who observed the government under Suleiman I of the Ottoman
Empire, the prediction of success will be able to be made knowledgably.
The Ottoman Empire began around 1300 as a ?tiny state built on the strength of an army of
Turkish nomad warriors and a few Christian converts to Islam in northwestern Anatolia? (Bulliet
601). It quickly proved to be a military strength and threat to the surrounding civilizations. The
Turks expanded their empire through brilliant military tactics, including using Janissaries on
foot, who used the new weapon called a gun in battle, and the same horseback archery that made
them so successful in their previous military accomplishments. The selection of Turkish leaders
has greatly influenced the success of the Ottoman Empire. ?A Turks grandeur is not defined by
his birth, however; the respect to be paid to a man is measured by the position he holds in the
public service? (Andrea/Overfield 88). The men who attain office are not the products of
hereditary luck, but ?partly the gift of God, and partly the result of good training, great industry,
and unwearied zeal? (Andrea/Overfield p.88). De Busbecq was greatly impressed by the way
that these Turks found their leadership; he made it a point to describe their feelings towards it in
De Busbecq also wrote extensively about the military strengths of the Ottoman. The soldiers of
the Ottoman army are well trained and experienced in the arts of warfare and survival. The
distances they must travel are so great, that the soldiers often have to carry a pack horse ?on
which they carry many of the necessaries of life? (Andrea/Overfield 89). The weapon that was
affluent and extremely effective among the soldiers is the Turkish bow. ?From the eighth, or
even the seventh year of age they begin to shoot at a mark, and practice archery ten or twelve
years. This constant exercise strengthens the muscles of their arms, and gives them such skill that
they can hit the smallest marks with their arrows? (Andrea/Overfield p.89). The great riches and
skilled military forces have served this Empire well to this day. The Turks also showed very little
ignorance towards new advancements in technology originated in other parts of the world.
?There is no nation that has shown greater readiness than the Turks to avail themselves of the
useful inventions of foreigners, as is proved by their employment of cannons and mortars, and
many other things invented by Christians? (Andrea/Overfield p.89). These open-minded and
innovative new ways of becoming a powerful country greatly impressed De Busbecq. It is true
that no empire is without flaw, and the Ottoman is no exception.
The role of Sultan in the Ottoman Empire was a hereditary role, the exception to their other laws
about leadership. ?The sons of a Turkish Sultans are in the most wretched position in the world,
for, as soon as one of them succeeds his father, the rest are doomed to certain death?
Andrea/Overfield p.90). The successor will certainly kill all the other sons in order to secure his
rule. Towards the end of Suleiman I?s reign as Sultan among the Turks, jealousy and betrayal
brought great criticism against the Sultan. He had a son by a Crimean concubine; the son?s name
was Mustafa. He had other children as well, but their mother was a Russian woman by the name
of Roxelana. Mustafa had proved himself a great soldier and a favorite of the Ottoman people to
take over the throne. Through lies, selfishness, and trickery, Roxelana had her way and Mustafa
was murdered by a group of mutes by the orders of his own father. This would ensure the thrown
for one of her own children. Mustafa?s son was popular also, although he was a young boy. As
the people hoped for the son of Mustafa to eventually take the thrown and avenge his father?s
death, Suleiman ?commissioned Ibrahim Pasha to go to the Ghemlik with all speed, and put the
innocent child to death? (Andrea/Overfield 91). Other problems with the Ottoman that may
affect their future success, besides a light moral contingency, is that they may not be able to keep
up with all of the technology that other countries are adopting. ?The Turks are much afraid of
carbines and pistols? (Andrea/Overfield 89). These weapons are often used advantageously by
other countries on horseback during war. These guns were difficult to repair once damaged, and
because they are fairly new not many Turks have put forth the effort to figure out how to repair
them. ?Prejudice was increased by the dirt which its use entailed, the Turks being a very cleanly
people; for the dragoons had their hands and clothes begrimed with gunpowder, and more over
presented such a sorry appearance, with their ugly boxes and pouches hanging about them, that
their comrades laughed at them and called them apothecaries? (Andrea/Overfield 89). It is
perceived that these weapons called guns are going to be a very widely used, and if only a small
percentage of soldiers like the Janissaries will be using them, a weakness may be found in the
Turkish military.
The Ming Empire also entrust only the brightest to lead and counsel. Philosophy is the major
road to success in the Ming Empire; therefore other aspects of knowledge may disinterest them.
?In China it is obvious that no one will labor to obtain proficiency in mathematics or in medicine
who has any hope of becoming prominent in the field of philosophy? (Andrea/Overfield 116).
Heredity is not what makes a leader in China. All leaders, be it a philosopher, or a mayor of a
city, gain respect by being educated and knowledgeable, ?even if they may have arisen from the
lowest state in life before attaining their literary degrees and admittance to the magistracy?
(Andrea/Overfield 119). The Chinese base almost all thought from a man named Confucius, a
philosophical scholar whose ideas are studied and followed still today, though he lived hundreds
of years ago. Confucius is ?great and learned man?spurred on his people to the pursuit of virtue
not less by his own example than by his writings? (Andrea/Overfield 116). No Chinese ever
argues against what he taught. Confucius ?is held in such high esteem by the learned Chinese
that they do not dare to call into question any pronouncement of his and are ready to give full
recognition to an oath sworn in his name?? (Andrea/Overfield 116). Matteo Ricci has studied the
system of studies and testing that the Chinese practice in close detail. It is evident in his writings
that he felt the Ming people had such a strict and rigorous testing to become a philosopher, only
the best are allowed to counsel. The Philosophers, more formally known as the Order of the
Learned, administers over the entire Kingdom (Andrea/Overfield 118).
The trust given to these select men is great; they are wholly in charge of the empire. From the
government to the military, they receive great respect. ?Policies of war are formulated and
military questions are decided by the Philosophers only, and their advice and counsel has more
weight with the emperor than that of the military leaders?. (Andrea/Overfield 118). The men of
the Order of the Learned have such a great responsibility, and their guidance has proven strong
to this point, but weaknesses are very apparent throughout the government of the Ming
The flaws of the Ming are more apparent than that of the Ottoman. Not all of the men were given
opportunity to become philosophers; only the rich could afford the tutoring that one needs to
study the books of Confucius. The way that the philosophical men looked down upon war may
make them more peaceful, but it might give them a disadvantage when war is upon them. ?Those
who aspire to be cultured frown upon war and would prefer the lowest rank in the philosophical
order to the highest in the military? (Andrea/Bulliet 118). Not as much time or effort may be put
into strategic planning or organization. Though the Order of the Learned may be the best and
brightest, they are still human, and can be influenced by new ideas that would draw away from
their true purpose. It is difficult to see an entire counsel to continue to be so strictly bound to the
writings of one man and that they would not form their own thoughts and opinions.
The Ming Empire is a more peaceful and organized society than the Ottoman, but after studying
the two empires, it is a prediction that they will fall before the Turks. However less moral and
warlike, the Ottoman Empire?s openness to new ideas and inventions could be the difference in
their future, come the next century. More advanced in mathematics and sciences, as well as their
advancements in war overshadow their weaknesses, such as the refusal to turn to guns, and the
lawless way their leaders are able to operate. The Ming have not shown to be as savvy in war,
and their polite but closed-minded empire is one that gives a critic ease in thinking that this type
of empire will eventually demise.